01/24/90Y.. - s~i~
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F~SDAY, JAD1[JARY 24 , 1990, 7:30 PM, 7~LM CITY HALL
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Sanders at 7:30 PM. All present
joined in the flag salute. CounciLnembers present: Kathy Wolf, Amos
Lawton, Arnold Drogseth and Rick Kolilis. Staff: Glenn Dunnam, Gene
Borges, Patty Finnegan, Judy Butler, Daisy Lawton, Don Barnard and Shelly
Badger. Visitors: Bill West, Lisa Hills, Faith Hagenhofer, Jim Butler,
Ute Allen, Thurston County Planning Commission 'member and Leslie
The following items were added to the agenda;
New Business (d) - Housing Rehabilitation
(e) - Sidewalks - Rick Kolilis
(f) - Trailer - Rick Kolilis
(g) - Ordinance No. 368 - Parking
(h) - Resolution No. 203
(i) - Traffic Problem - Rick Kolilis
Correspondence (b) - Camp Fire request
(c) DAR Proclamation
(d) Dec. 20 Joint Planning Public
Hearing minutes
Amos Lawton moved to approve the agenda as amended, second by Kathy Wolf.
Motion carried.
Vouchers numbered 7617 - 7618 totaling $3,802.50 were approved on a motion
by Arnold Drogseth, second by Rick Kolilis. Motion carried. .
Payroll for the month of January 1990 was approved on a motion by Arnold
Drogseth, second by Kathy Wolf. Motion carried.
Library Report - December 1989: Faith Hagenhofer, Community Librarian
gave the monthly report. Highlights: the Yelm library continues to
instruct patrons on how to use the Patron Access Catalog. Page hours have
increased helping workloads. Starting in January, a collection
development staff will be assessing Yelm's collections.
Police Report - Chief Dunnam: Chief Dunnam has submitted the draft of
part #1 of the revised police policy manual to Mayor Sanders, Counci]man
Lawton and Gene Borges for their review and comment..~Effective-,January 1,
1990, State of Washington law requires that all vehicles possess proof of
automobile insurance.
Yelm Municipal Court report - Patty Finnegan: Awaiting the report from
the collection agency on the amount of past due fines collected. After
the 30 day payment period, the accounts go to the collection agency and
all fines must be paid directly to Allied Collection.
Street Report - Rick Kolilis: Street staff has been .pulling shoulders on
Rhoton Road. Intersection of 507/510 is currently on a timer, the censor
unit should be installed within 10 days.
Water Report: The fence has been installed around the water tower. Gene
Borges stated that the contract for construction of the
pumphouse/chlorination unit has been signed, Due to the shallow depth of
well #3 (40 feet), Department of Social & Health Services is requiring the
installation of a chlorine contact tank. Also required will be the
standard volatile organic chemicals test and radionuclides analysis.
Wastewater Facilities Plan: Gene Borges stated that the final draft of
the plan will be delivered by week's -end. Staff is working on several
grant applications to meet various deadlines ranging from February 10
through March 15, 1990. Skillings & Chamberlain, Inc. will be preparing
the SEPA documents; John Wilson, consultant, is assisting with the FmHA
pre-grant and grant applications.
Park and Recreation Report - Mayor Sanders: Been working with Jerry House
on plans for construction of a skateboard, tennis,. volleyball and
basketball recreation area on the property adjacent to the water tower.
Also considered is an area set aside for parking. Staff has been in
contact with its insurance agent to find out the costs, any stipulations,
etc. to obtain insurance for a facility of this kind. Councilwoman Wolf
suggested that when the City of Yelm receives the insurance information,
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they present it to the Yelm School Board, so as they may also look into
providing a similar type offacility for the community (as the space will
be limited at the water tower).
Lisa Hills, Yelm Parks Advisory Committee, member, stated that a joint
meeting between the Ye]m Committee and~Thurston County Park Committee will
be held March 6, 1990 at Yelm City Hall. She stated that the Yelm Parks
Advisory Committee is supportive of short and long-range planning for Ye]m
and would like to be involved in any committees that are formed to discuss
this topic.
Financial Report: Daisy Lawton, Treasurer, presented the Council with a
financial report as of December 31, 1990 showing all of Yelm's assets
including checking and savings account balances and certificates of
deposit. Mayor Sanders explained that he has asked staff to begin
procedures to change Ye]m's checking and savings account from Puget Sound
Bank to Prairie Security Bank. Certificates of Deposit will remain with
Puget Sound Bank. He stated that Puget Sound Bank has been and continues
to be a valuable asset to the City of Ye7m and Yelm Community, but feels
that Yelm's assets need to be divided between Yelm's two local banks.
Councilman Lawton stated that at this time, he is opposed to the transfer
of checking and savings to Prairie Security Bank and that Council should
have input regarding financial transfers. Councilwoman Wolf asked that in
the future, any Yelm money transfers, be discussed with Council prior to
any decisions and/or changes.
Yelm Planning Commmittee meeting of January 16, 1990: Kathy Wolf gave the
report stating that Martha Parsons will be leaving the Planning Committee
due to her appointment to the Yelm City Council. Kathy Wolf will be
replaced on the Committee by Rick Kolilis. Tim Schlosser was appointed to
serve as the new Chair of the Yelm Planning Committee.
The. Attwood Boundary Line Adjustment was approved by polling
Councilrnernbers Parsons, Wolf and Kolilis.
- The Public Hearing was held on the Yelm/Thurston County Joint Plan due to
Yelm's change from a town to a code city and to allow additional public
comments. The Yelm Planning Committee expressed a concern with the
quality of development that~has been approved in the past in the Thurston
County unmapped use area. Todd Stamm .explained that in an unmapped use
area, the County only looks. at the proposed development, not at road
accesses, services/utilities available, etc. The Planning Committee
expressed the need for changes in policy so that~all elements of proposed
development are reviewed prior to approval.
Ordinance No. 367: Rick Kolilis moved to approve Ordinance No. 367
relating to public safety, limiting the permissible duration of outside
storage of unlicensed and/or inoperative motor vehicles, and prohibiting
the continuation; declaring violations to be a civil infraction; providing
penalties for violations; providing for abatement by city officials or
agents, and for imposition of costs upon property owners of record; and
declaring an effective date of February 2, 1990. Motion was seconded by
Kathy Wolf. Motion carried.
Don Barnard reported that the water department is looking for a surplus
Cushman Meter-Reading Truck (as budgeted in 1990) to irriprove the
efficiency of monthly meter reading.
Community Development Block Grant: Mayor Sanders and staff met with Bob
Ricks, Housing Authority of Thurston County, to discuss proposed changes
to Yelm's housing rehabilitation program. Recommended is to change the
guidelines as followed:
1. Allow grants to senior citizens that meet
2. Offer 100o~loans with monthly payback to property owners
for use on rentals (versus the current 500 loan).
Current Oo interest, deferred loans to those applicants (other than
above), would still continue until grant closeout. Also discussed was
possible door-to-door personal contact with potential applicants to
explain the program in detail. The Senior Center will be contacted to see
if they would ,like to participate. Rick Kolilis moved to direct staff and
Housing Authority representatives to prepare they nc:ce55ary ~u~x~iwurk Lu
make the guideline changes for the February 14, 1990 Council Meeting,
second by Kathy Wolf. Motion carried.
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Gene Borges and Randy Suko, Housing Authority, met with the Senior
Citizen's Board to discuss various alternatives for financial assistance
for rehabilitation of the Yelm Senior Center.
Sidewalks/Curbs: Rick Kolilis moved to recommend to the Yelm Planning
Commitee to research the possibility of sidewalk/curb requirements for new
residential, multi-family, commercial and industrial development and
present back to Council (as a zoning ordinance amendment), second by Kathy
Wolf. Motion carried.
Trailer removal: Rick Kolilis expressed concern on the vacant trailer
parked' at the property at 1506 Yelm Ave. W. Staff stated that they are
presently working with the new property owners on the removal of the
Ordinance No. 368: Kathy Wolf moved to approve Ordinance Nb. 368 relating
to public safety and welfare, regulating vehicular parking in the City of
Yelm; providing for civil infractions for violations and declaring an
effective date of February 2, 1990, second by Amos Lawton. Motion
Resolution No. 203 designating a depository for certain funds of the City
and those officers or employees of the City empowered to withdraw or
access such funds was approved on a motion by Rick Kolilis, second by
Arnold Drogseth. Motion carried.
Rick Kolilis inquired on who to contact to make a complaint on the traffic
problem at the intersection of 93rd and Yelm Avenue.
Kathy Wolf moved approval for the Olympus Council of Camp Fire Girls to
sell candy door-to-door within the Yelm City limits from February 2 - 28,
1990, with the stipulation that the girls are accompanied by an adult when
selling door-to-door, second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried.
Mayor Sanders informed the Council that he is proclaiming February 1990,
to be American History Month in the City of Yelm in support of the
National Society Daughters of the American Revolution proclamation of the
Council received copies of the December 20, 1989 Yelm/Thurston County
Joint Plan Public Hearing minutes.
Mayor Sanders announced that the 1990 City Legislative Action Conference
will be held February 7 - 8, 1990 in Olympia.
At 9:20 PM, Arnold Drogseth moved to adjourn, second by Kathy Wolf.
Meeting adjourned.
Shelly A. Bad errs
Mayor Robert Sanders