03/19/90k ~~ YELM CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MARCH 19, 1990 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, YELM CITY HALL 0 1 A special meeting of the Yelm City Council to discuss potential action that could result in financial injury or damage to the City was called to order at 5:00 p. m. by Mayor Bob Sanders. All present joined in the flag salute. Present: Mayor Sanders, Rick Kolilis, Martha Parsons, Amos Lawton, Arnold Drogseth, staff members Gene Borges and Agnes Colombo and guest Julie Ferris of the Nisqually Valley News. Kathy Wolf arrived during executive sesaion. Council meeting closed for Executive Session at 5:03 p. m. Council meeting reopened at 6:15 p. m. Executive session consisted of discussion, observations and recommendations of potential legal action. ~- Council expressed their unanimous support that Mayor Sanders handle any potential legal actions administratively. Motion by Wolf that the meeting adjourn, seconded Parsons. Carried. Meeting adjourned 6:20 p. m. ATTEST: /,~ / ~ ,/ Agnes P. Colombo Deputy Clerk Robert A. Sanders Mayor, City of Yelm