03/28/90 MIN[flES CITY OF ELM REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING WEDDESDAY, MAR(~I 28, 1990, 7:30 PM, AIM CITY Fi1~I.L The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Sanders at 7:30 PM. All present joined in the flag salute. Councilmernbers present: Arnold Drogseth, Martha Parsons, Amos Lawton and Rick Kolilis. Kathy Wolf was absent due to an emergency. Staff: Daisy Lawton, Chief Glenn Dunnam and Shelly Badger. Visitors: March Schwindt, Nisqually Valley News. The agenda was approved as amended on a motion by Rick Kolilis, second by Martha Parsons. Motion carried. The following minutes were approved on a motion by Martha Parsons, second by Amos Lawton: March 9, 1990 Workshop of the Council, March 14, 1990 Regular Council Meeting, March 19, 1990 Special Meeting. Motion carried. March payroll was approved on a motion by Rick Kolilis, second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried. Vouchers numbered 7875 - 7876 totaling $41,612.39 were approved on a motion by Rick Kolilis, second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried. Planning Committee Meetings of March 13, 1990 and March 27, 1990 (Special Meeting): Shelly Badger reported on the worksession meetings where the issues of density zoning and the "community growth area" were discussed in regards to the Yelm/Thurston County Joint Plan. The Planning Committee voted to recommend to the Thurston County Planning Commission that Thurston County urban zoning standards (SR - suburban residential zone) be applied as the only zoning density designation (within the single-family detached housing zone) in the Thurston County "community growth area" outside the City of Yelm. At the March 27, 1990 Special Meeting, the Committee voted to expand the original "community growth area" east to the Centralia Power & Light Canal and southeast to and including the Four Corners satellite "community growth area". On the Planning Committee's recommendation, Rick Kolilis moved to begin annexation proceedings for property situated in Vancil Road and Yelm Ave. E, second by Martha Parsons. Motion carried. Rick Kolilis moved to direct staff and the City Attorney to draft an amendment to the present mobile home park and subdivision ordinance allowing for replacement of existing mobile homes in the city limits, with the stipulation that a site plan be presented to and approved by the Yelm Building Department prior to replacement and that the same construction standards be applied as in the present ordinance. Second by Arnold Drogseth. Motion carried. The February Library report was received from Faith Hagenhofer, Librarian. The number of items mailed to patrons is increasing each month due to the usage of the hold placing function on the patron access catalogue. Police Report: Chief Dunnam provided the Council with statistics on caseload from 1984 - 1989 showing an increase from 630 cases in December 1984 to 2228 cases in December 1990. Chief Dunnam will provide the Council with a monthly activity report showing the numbers of each type of case, i.e., alarm activities, arrests, county citations, out of town assists, traffic accidents, traffic citations, warrant arrests, etc. Several bicycles were donated to the Yelm Kiwanis, in accordance with Washington State Criminal Code 63.32.050. Court Report: Mayor Sanders reported that Hanni Lilly was hired as the Court Administrator beginning March 26, 1990. Street Report: The paving on the north side of the intersection of SR 507/510, wheelchair ramps and the repair at Stevens Street has been completed on the 1st Street project. Water Report: The Custunan service cart to be used for the reading of water meters has been delivered. Yelm/Wastewater Facilities Plan/grant application update: Facilities plan is near completion. Staff will begin drafting of the EPA grant next week. ,~~ ~a~ Thurston Regional Planning Council report: Will be tabled to the April 25, 1990 meeting. Park use request: On recommendation from a quorum of the Yelm Parks Advisory Committee (by phone), Martha Parsons moved to approve of the Yelm/Rainier Little League request to use the park from April 1 through June 10 for practice, with the understanding that when in conflict with calmunity events, the park will not be available. Second by Rick Kolilis. Motion carried. At 8:02 PM, the Council went into Executive Session. At 9:02 PM, the Council reconvened. During the Executive Session, the following items were discussed. *Rate increase for Court personnel *Hiring a temiporary employee to assist during the Court staffing transition *Redistributing of Police Department funds beneficial to City Rick Kolilis moved to deny the requested hourly rate increase for Court personnel, second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried. Martha Parsons moved to hire a temporary employee (up to 10 days, 8 hrs. per day), to assist the Court during staff transition, second by Rick Kolilis. Motion carried. Arnold Drogseth moved to transfer $12,277.97 from the police salary line item (1990 Budget) to the machinery/equipment line item, contingent upon Yelm's senior officer leaving for a position at Thurston County, second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried. The draft Yelm/LeMay Enterprises contract was presented to the Council for their first reading. Ye]m's annual Spring Cleanup Day will be held Saturday, April 28, 1990 from 8:30 AM - 12:00 noon. Rick Kolilis moved to direct staff to draft a letter for the Mayor's signature urging Governor Gardner to sign House Bill 23-27 which repeals the "sunset date" for Special Valuation to continue to be available to property owners who rehabilitate historic properties, second by Martha Parsons. Motion carried. UDAG fund loan update: Rick Kolilis moved to authorize Mayor Sanders to sign the necessary paperwork to enter into a loan agreement with Select ` Wood Products, Inc., subject to final inspection of paperwork (loan agreement, promissory note, security agreement, UCC filing application) by City staff and Select Wood Products, Inc. Motion was seconded by Arnold ~'~ Drogseth. Amos Lawton abstained. Motion carried. (See Resolution No. ":,, 206). Correspondence was received from the Thurston/Mason County Community Mental Health Center and "Your City's Kids National Conference". All cities of Thurston County have joined with Governor Gardner proclaiming April 8-14, 1990 as "Earthquake Awareness Week." Arnold Drogseth moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 PM, second by Martha Parsons. Meeting adjourned. ATTE S Shelly A. Badger City Clerk ~~~ ~~~ Robert A. Sanders Mayor