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WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, 1990, 7:30 PM, Yelm City Hall
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Sanders at 7:30 PM. All
present joined in the flag salute. Council present: Kathy Wolf,
Amos Lawton, Arnold Drogseth, Martha Parsons and Rick Kolilis.
Staff: Shelly Badger, Glenn Dunnam, Gene Borges and Daisy Lawton.
Visitors: Tom Skillings and Shelly Peterson (Skillings &
Chamberlain, Inc.), and Don Miller.
Rick Kolilis moved to approve the agenda, second by Amos Lawton.
Motion carried.
The minutes of March 28, 1990 were approved on a motion by Martha
Parsons, second by Kathy Wolf. Motion carried.
Vouchers numbered 7877 - 7940 were approved on a motion by Kathy
Wolf, second by Rick Kolilis. Motion carried.
Current: $24,103.96
Police: $11,687.98
Water: $ 8,210.06
Street: ~$ 3,238.31
Garbage: $ 7,729.21
Tom Skillings and Shelly Peterson from Skillings & Chamberlain,
Inc. were on hand to update the Council on Yelm's Capital
Improvement Plan, Comprehensive Street Plan and Comprehensive
Water Plan that the firm has been preparing for Yelm ( aided by a
Public Works Trust Fund Oo interest loan).
Mr. Skillings presented the draft Comprehensive Water Plan, which
will be adopted by Washington State Department of Health, which
will aid in future planning for improvements to the water system.
The plan outlines what needs to be done to improve fire flow,
highlights recommended watermain extensions, shows the addition
of a water storage tank in the industrial area and provides an
operation manual.
Shelly Peterson presented the draft Comprehensive Street Plan
which outlines the following:
1. City streets that should be resurfaced
2. Streets that need major improvements such as widening,
sidewalks and street lights
3. Recommends realignment of many intersections
4. Needed shoulder improvements
5. Alternate route, for local traffic, through Yelm to ease
The Comprehensive Water and Street Plans, along with a
bridge/culvert plan will be incorporated into the Capital
Improvement Plan, a shorter document giving costs and priorities
for needed projects. The CIP serves as a budgeting tool and is
required by 1991 to receive state funding for projects.
Mr. Skillings asked that the Council review the draft plans and
tentative date for final plan presentation will be April 25, 1990
or May 9.
Rick Kolilis moved to authorize Mayor Sanders to sign and enter
into an agreement with Harper, McLean & Co. (investment
securities) appointing them as Underwriters to finance projects
with General Obligation or Revenue Bonds. Also to sign the
agreement letter with Foster Pepper & Shefelman to serve as bond
counsel. Motion was seconded by Arnold Drogseth. Motion carried.
The two companies will assist the city in a water revenue bond
issue to finance the well #3 project and the purchase of real
Ordinances No. 369, 370, 371 and 372 were presented to the Cc.~~n~il
for the "first reading". The ordinances, when passed, will adopt
the 1988 Uniform Fire, Building, Mechanical and Plumbing Codes.
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City Public Works Yard - Boundary Lines: After much research, it
has been found that the part of the septic system drainfield for
the property to the south (owned by Slopak) encoaches upon Yelm
city property. Rick Kolilis moved to permit the Slopak Building
#2 drainfield, as it now exists, to encroach upon the City
property to the north, subject to the following: if it becomes
necessary for any reason, the City of Yelm may revoke the permit
and occupancy of building #2 shall cease within 30 days of notice
of permit discontinuance. The permit will remain void until an
alternative solution is found. Motion was seconded by Arnold
Drogseth. Motion carried.
Staff informed the Council that since mailing information to
garbage customers, including a current rate schedule, 4 complaints
have been received stating that the complainants have been
overcharged. Since the City of Yelm fulfilled its legal
requirements in notifying the garbage customers of rate changes,
the Council directed staff to follow existing ordinances and not
to allow refunds.
Ordinance No. 353 regarding Yelm's enrollment in the National
Flood Insurance Program was presented to~the Council for the first
Parks Advisory Committee: After discussion at the April 9, 1990
City Council workshop, Kathy Wolf moved to allow the Yelm Parks
Advisory Committee to participate in the Thurston countywide
coalition to research the feasibility of a countywide bond issue
for parks, second by Rick Kolilis. Motion carried.
Kathy Wolf moved to approve the Yelm Prairie Eagles requests to
hold Springfest, May 4, 5 and 6, 1990 and Oktoberfest, October 5,
6, 7 and 8 in Yelm City Park with the stipulation that the Eagles
provide security (police protection) due to the sale of alcohol;
and that the sale of alcohol and playing of music on Sunday not
begin until 1:00 PM, second by Rick Kolilis. Motion carried.
The Yelm Prairie Kiwanis request to use the park on June 30 and
July 1 for the Seattle-to-Portland Bike Run, was approved on a
motion by Rick Kolilis, second by Kathy Wolf. Motion carried.
Rick Kolilis moved to table the request by the UCBO to operate a
summer recreation and free lunch program, Monday through Friday,
mid June through August, to allow staff to find out if Thurston
County Health Department will allow daily use of septic tank and
drainfield in City Park, second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried.
Yelm Historic Preservation Meeting of April 10, 1990: Shelly
Badger reported that the meeting was spent working with Janet
Porter on the 1990 Historic Building Inventory.
At 9:35 PM, the Council went into Executive Session. At 9:50 PM
the Council reconvened.
Discussed during the Executive Session were personnel issues and
the extension of temporary employment in the court.
Kathy Wolf moved to extend the temporary employment of additional
personnel in Yelm's Municipal Court until April 30, 1990, second
by Martha Parsons. Motion carried.
A reminder to the Council of Yelm's Spring Cleanup Day on
Saturday, April 28, 1990.
Martha Parsons moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:55 PM, second by
Arnold Drogseth. Meeting adjourned.
Shelly A. Bader
City Clerk
Robert A. Sanders