05/23/90M]Nq`PES ~'~
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Sanders at 7:30 PM. All present
joined in the flag salute. Council in attendance: Kathy Wolf, Amos
Lawton, Arnold Drogseth, Martha Parsons and Rick Kolilis. Staff: Shelly
Badger, Gene Borges, Daisy Lawton, Lynn Haigh, Don Barnard, Tim Peterson
and Glenn Dunnam. Visitors in attendance are listed on the attached sign-
in list.
Kathy Wolf moved to approve the agenda, second by Martha Parsons. Motion
Martha Parsons moved to approve payroll for the month of May, 1990, second
by Amos Lawton. Motion carried.
The minutes of the May 9, 1990 Regular Council Meeting were approved on a
motion by Rick Kolilis, second by Kathy Wolf. Motion carried.
Mrs. Swift, Lacey City Councilwoman and Norm Falcone, Tumnvater City
CounciLnan, both representing the TOGETHER Program, presented the Yelm
Police Department with a $500.00 mini-grant to be used for Yelm's DARE
Program. Yelm is the first city to receive a mini-grant in Thurston
County from the `T'OGETHER Program.
Archie McLean, Harper, McLean & Company (Investment Securities), presented
the Council the preliminary official statement and ordinances #375 & 376
in regards to Yelm's water revenue bond issue for well #3 and purchase of
11.95 acres of land. The final passage of the ordinances will be on June
13, 1990 when the interest rate will be established for the $178,000 bond
Proposed development: Mayor Sanders stated that the "appearance of
fairness act", in regards to land use proposals, prohibits the City
Council from asking questions and/or hearing questions being asked, unless
it is during a Public Hearing. There can be no questions asked or
comments made by the Council or those in attendance. He went on to say
that there would be no decisions made at this time and a public
question/answer period would be held at a future advertised Public Hearing
when more details have been studied and are available.
Dana Mower and Gary Lee, Barghausen Consulting Engineers and Dennis Su,
KCM band Use and Development Consultant were present to introduce
themselves to the Yelm City Council and present them with an information
packet on the proposed development. Mr. Mower explained that plans are
for a planned residential community with a small area set aside for
support commercial. He explained that they had met with Thurston County
regarding the development and that they intend to submit a formal proposal
to the Ye1m City Council at a later date.
Ordinance No. 374 amending the 1989 Town of Yelm Budget was approved on a
motion by Amos Lawton, second by Kathy Wolf. Motion carried.
Council directed staff to prepare an ordinance amendment that would
mandate two regular council meetings per month throughout the entire year.
Present ordinance states that during the months of June, July and August,
only one meeting be held on the first Wednesday of each month.
Rick Kolilis moved to approve the 1990-1995 solid waste contract between
the City of Yelm and LeMay Enterprises, second by Martha Parsons. Motion
The Thurston County Commissioners and Ye]m City Council will hold a Public
Hearing on the Yelm/Thurston County Joint Plan on Wednesday, June 20,
1990, 7:00 PM at the Yelm High School Little Theater. Thurston County and
Yelm staff will be available during the afternoon to answer questions and
meet with the public.
Yelm Planning Committee Meeting of May 15, 1990: Martha Parsons moved to
accept the Planning Committee's recommendation granting approval to Glenn
Nutter to begin annexation proceedings for his property on Clark Rd.,
subject to the property to the north of Nutter's and east of Clark Road
being petitioned to annex at the same tirr~, so as to not create an island
~`~' ',of7 ~ intenance, second by Kathy Wolf. Motion carried.
Kathy Wolf moved to accept the Planning Committee's recommendation and
directed staff to prepare a draft "binding site plan ordinance" for the
Council's approval, second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried. Tom Skillings
stated that a binding site plan allows cities to approve site plans for
commercial development that do not fall under the regular residential
platting ordinance. It allows flexibility in the general layout for the
project and allows boundaries to be adjusted administratively as tenants
develop the property.
Recycling Committee meeting of May 16, 1990: Council was presented with ,,~
minutes of the meeting. Daisy Lawton stated that there were several
groups represented at the meeting. Staff will work on gathering pros
and cons on the various recycling options so as the committee may work up
a survey to send to Yelm's garbage customers. The committee will meet
monthly until a recommendation is reached regarding a recycling program
for the City of Yelm.
Street and Water Reports: Tom Skillings, Skillings & Chamberlain, Inc.
delivered the comprehensive street and water plans along with the Capital
Improvement Plan to the city. The plans will be reviewed and then
presented to City Council for final approval. Tim Peterson announced that
the oiler for the street department has arrived.
Yelm Wastewater Facilities Plan: Grant preparation for EPA and FHA monies
is still underway. Department of Ecology is waiting for the necessary
information from Parametrix, in regards to compliance with water quality
standards, before preparing the environmental assessment.
Librarian Report - April 1990: Friends of the Library Book Sale was
successful bringing in $450. Faith Hagenhofer, Librarian, will be
presenting the Summer Reading Program to the schools the last week in May
and first week in June.
Police Report: Chief Dammam reported that Yelm has received the necessary
paperwork to begin the application for state accreditation. Yelm and
Rainier will be applying jointly. Chief Dunnam announced that he had
received a nomination to the FBI Academy.
Yelm Parks Advisory Committee meeting of May 22, 1990: Kathy Wolf moved
to authorize the formation of a task force to develop the Department of
Community Development Block Grant application for a Ye]m Community Center.
Three members representing the UCBO, three members representing Yelm Parks
and Recreation Department and three community members at large, appointed
by Mayor Sanders, will comprise the task force. Motion was seconded by
Amos Lawton. Motion carried. The Parks Advisory Committee is in full
support of developing an application that will meet the community-wide
needs for a community center.
Rick Kolilis moved to approve the following park use request, second by
Kathy Wolf. Motion carried.
June 6, 1990 - 5:30 - 8:30 PM: Yelm Prairie Christian Center for a
barbecue, softball game and missionette program.
June 16, 1990 - 2:00 - 5:00 PM: Bethel Rec (Roy) Baseball for a end
of season picnic.
June 2, 1990 - 12:00 - 5:00 PM: Ye1m School District picnic (subject ...~
to meeting sanitation requirements for the large group).
At 8:42 PM, the Council entered into Executive Session. At 8:57 PM,
Council reconvened. Discussed during the Executive Session was a pending
tort claim.
Kathy Wolf moved to support the city attorney's recommendation in regards
to the pending tort claim, second by Martha Parsons. Motion carried.
Mayor Sanders announced that the Amtrak Centennial Station ground-breaking
ceremony will be held Thursday, May 31, 1990 at noon. Representing Yelm
at the ceremony will be Mayor Sanders, Chief Dammam, Councilman Drogseth
and Councilman Kolilis.
Mayor Sanders and City Council received a letter inviting them to
participate in the Yelm Community Bike Rodeo. Mayor Sanders and
Councilman Lawton agreed to attend the rodeo to present the prizes to the
high scorers and draw the names of the bicycle helmet winners. Kathy Wolf
moved to proclaim Saturday, June 2, 1990 Yelm Bicycle Safety Day, second
by Amos Lawton. Motion carried.
Kathy Wolf will attend the dedication of the City of Long Beach's
Boarclwalk on Saturday, June 2, 1990.
Meeting adjourned at 9:02 PM on a motion by Arnold Drogseth, second by
Kathy Wolf. Meeting adjourned.
Shelly A. dger
City Clerk
Rob r~~^"'B