07/25/90°~, w, ... MINUTES
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Sanders at 7:30 PM. All present
joined in the flag salute. CounciLnembers present: Kathy Wolf, Amos
Lawton, Arnold Drogseth, Martha Parsons and Rick Kolilis. Staff: Gene
Borges, Glenn Dunnam, Shelly Badger and Daisy Lawton. Visitors: Don
Miller and Shelly Peterson (Skillings &~Chamberlain, Inc.).
The agenda was approved on motion by Martha Parsons, second by Amos Lawton
with the addition of 9(a): Yelm/Thurston County Joint Plan. Motion
carried. -
Arnold Drogseth moved to approve payroll for July 1990, second by Rick
Kolilis. Motion carried.
The Public Hearing on the 1991-1996 Yelm Six-Year Transportation Program
was opened at 7:35 PM. The, plan prioritizes street improvements of
arterial and local Yelm streets and identifies funding sources. With no
comments from the public the hearing was closed at 7:41 PM.
Resolution #207 adopting the City of Yelm 1991-1996 Six-Year
Transportation Program was approved on a motion by Arnold Drogseth, second
by'Martha Parsons. Motion carried.
The minutes of the July 11, 1990 Regular Council Meeting were approved on
a motion by Rick Kolilis, second by Martha Parsons, with the following
arr~ndment: Motion carried.
Page #1, paragraph #7: Rick Kolilis moved to direct Mayor Sanders to
appoint a Councilrr~nber to chair and aid in the setup of a "railroad
committee", second by Kathy Wolf. Motion carried. Councilwoman Wolf was
appointed by Mayor Sanders to serve as chair of the committee. Motion
carried. '
~At 7:42 PM, the Public Hearing on the 1990 Comprehensive Water Plan was
opened. Shelly Peterson, Skillings & Chamberlain, Inc., was present to
explain the plan and answer questions. " She stated that the plan has not
been updated since 1974 and:will be approved by the State Department of
Health and Thurston County. The plan recommends water system
improvements, funding sources-and will assist in obtaining needed grants.
With no further comments from 'the public, the Public Hearing was closed at
7:47 PM. '
Rick Kolilis moved to adopt Resolution #208 adopting the 1990
Comprehensive Water Plan for the City of Yelm, second by Martha Parsons.
Motion carried.
Ordinance No. 381 amending the City of YeLn'1990 Budget by increasing the
appropriations from proceeds+ of the sale of 1990 Water Revenue Bonds (as
authorized in Ordinance No: 375 & 376) was approved on a motion by Rick
Kolilis, second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried.
The following "park -use requests" were approved on a miotion by Martha
Parsons, second by Kathy Wolf. Motion carried:
1. McCamnant family reunion: Saturday, August 11, 1990, 9:00 AM - 11:00
PM. Condition: Sani-can must be provided.
2. 1985 Yelm High School- Class Reunion picnic: Saturday, August 18,
1990, 2:00 - 4:00 PM.
Resolution #206, adopting the City of Yelm Safety Program, was approved on
a motion by Rick Kolilis,'second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried.
Kathy Wolf, Council Liaison to Yelm City Hall, made the following
recommendations from her recent meeting with City Hall Staff regarding
proposed changes to the water and garbage ordinances:
1. To add a garbage deposit for all new garbage customers, the deposit
would be comparable to the type of service selected, i.e. 1 can per month
charge is $7.15, deposit would be $10.00. The garbage deposit would be in
addition to the current $40.00 water deposit charged to all new customicrs.
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2. The water and garbage ordinances will be thoroughly researche~"dandaJny
cleanup amendments needed and proposed additions will be presented to the
Council in a proposed water/garbage ordinance amendment.
3. Staff called several other cities to see how delinquent and/or
uncollectable rental tenants bills are handled (in response to the
complaint by Lloyd Reichel at the July 11, 1990 Council Meeting). All
cities responded that the landlord/property owner is held responsible for
the bills and many cities do not allow the rental tenant to sign up for
utility service, all accounts are in the landlords name.
Yelm/Thurston County Joint Plan: Yelm staff reported that in their July
19, 1990 meeting with Thurston County staff, Thurston County staff
recommended that the total area in the annexation request from Thurston
Highlands and Associates be denied. In a workshop of the Thurston County
Board of Commissioners the following day, Commissioners seemed to accept
Thurston County staff's recommendation and directed staff to notify Yelm
so as "to not string Yelm along".
Motion: Rick Kolilis moved to table the approval of the Yelm/Thurston
County Joint Plan until the YeLn City Council and Thurstcr County
Commissioners meet in a workshop to discuss the following in regards to
the joint plan:
1. To review and agree upon urban growth boundary lines outside of Yelm
city limits.
2. To discuss and agree upon the specifics as to how and why an amendmient
could or should be made to the urban growth boundary lines.
The motion was seconded by Martha Parsons. Motion carried, with Kathy
Wolf abstaining.
Planning Committee Meeting of July 17, 1990: Rick Kolilis reported on the
meeting where there was not a quor~un present of the Planning Committee.
Several items were discussed but recommendations will come forth to the
Yelm City Council in August after a meeting is held of the Planning
Committee where a quortun is present. Rick Kolilis moved to schedule a
Public Hearing on the Lewis rezone request in August, second by Kathy
Wolf. Motion carried.
Police Report: Chief Dammam presented the Council with a report on the
July 21, 1990 Prairie Days Street Dance. After much discussion on the
location of the street dance, Council directed Chief Dunnam to initiate
discussions with the Lion's Club on the possibility of an alternate
location for the event due to the traffic problem associated with the
closing of Yelm Ave, for any length of time.
Also suggested was that before any community event, a pre-event meeting be
held involving Yelm Public Works, Yelm Police Department and the event
sponsors to better organize the event.
Yelm Municipal Court Report: June 1990 report showed that 87 tickets were
logged, 30 criminal vitiations and 57 infractions.
Yelm Librarian Report for June 1990: Council was presented with a written
report from Librarian, Faith Hagenhofer. Sunnier Reading Program is
underway with 260 children signed up.
Street & Water Report: Well #3 construction is well underway. Chip-
sealing of several city streets was completed by Thurston County Public
Works with the assistance of Yelm Public Works.
Yelm Wastewater Facilities Plan update: EPA & FHA grant applications are
progressing and will be submitted soon. YeLn will reapply for state
Centennial monies next year.
Recycling Committee Meeting of July 18, 1990: Daisy Lawton reported on
the meeting where committee members reviewed the recent survey results.
145 surveys were returned with approximately half of the respondents
choosing curb-side recycling (with a charge) and half choosing the use of
buy-back centers. The committee will begin a public education process
with articles in the Nisqually Valley News. Also a tentative "town
meting" t~s been scheduled for September 20, 1990 on the proposed
-r~ec`ycling program.
Minutes were received by the Council (frcrn Michael Grecco) from the
meeting at Deschutes Grange Hall regarding the possible clear-cutting of
Jonas Hill.
Council received notice of the Association of Washington Cities scheduled
Planning & Zoning Institute on September 7 & 8, 1990.
With no further business, Council adjourned at 9:15 PM on a motion by
Arnold Drogseth, second by Martha Parsons. Meeting adjourned.
Shelly A. Bdger
City Clerk
Robert A. Sanders