08/08/90~, ~, ~-.
The meeting was called •to order at
All present joined in the flag
present: Kathy Wolf, Amos Lawton,
Drogseth. Staff: Glenn Dunnam,
Badger. Visitors: Don Miller, Mr
and Perry Shea (both.of Skillings &
7:30 PM by Mayor Sanders.
•~salute. Councilmembers
Martha Parsons and Arnold
Daisy Lawton and Shelly
s. Purvis, Shelly Peterson
Chamberlain, Inc.).
The following was added to the agenda:
New Business('d): Yelm PD report
Amos Lawton moved to approve the~agenda,•second by Kathy Wolf.
Motion carried.
The minutes of the July 25, 1990 Regular Council Meeting were
approved on a motion by Martha Parsons, second by Amos Lawton.
Motion carried. •
The following vouchers
approved on a motion by
Parsons. Motion carried.
Garbage: •
74 GO Bond:
90 Water Cons.
numbered 8174 through 8237 were
Arnold Drogseth, second by Martha
$ 5,743.87
$ 5,030.87
$ 1,425.03
$ 7,757.17
$ 3,423.00
Fund: $20,456.07
TOTAL $62;170:58
At 7:38 PM, the Regular Meeting was closed and the Public
Hearing on Yelm's 1990 Comprehensive Street Plan was opened. .
Shelly Peterson and Perry Shea were present from Skillings &
Chamberlain, Inc. .to explain the recent updates to the
original draft plan. The cost estimates have been updated to
be consistent with those in. Yelm's Six Year Transportation
Program. With no further comments from the public, the
Hearing was closed at 7:42 PM and the Regular Meeting was
reopened. •
Martha Parsons moved to adopt Yelm's Comprehensive Street Plan
as presented, second by Arnold Drogseth. Kathy Wolf
abstained. Motion carried.
At the August 22, 1990 meeting of the Council, the Capital
Improvement Plan will be discussed and tentatively adopted.
This will complete Yelm's public works planning process that
will comply with state regulations for future grants and loans
for public works improvements.
Park Use Requests: The following park use requests were
approved on a motion by Martha Parsons, second by Amos Lawton.
Motion carried.
1. Nisqually Tribe - August 24, 1990, 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM,
2. Sharon,Guidry - September 1, 1990, 1:30 .- 5:00 PM, Wedding
Ordinance No. 382 amending the City of Yelm 1990 Budget
Ordinance No. 365 Salary•Schedule was approved on a motion by
Kathy Wolf, second by Arnold Drogseth. Motion carried.
A video was shown to the Council from staff's (Gene Borges and
Shelly Badger) recent visit to Montesano where the STEP
collection sewage system was viewed before, during and after
Yelm/Thurston County Joint Plan: Shelly Badger informed the
Council that a letter will be written to the Thurston County
Commissioners formally requesting a joint workshop to discuss
the Yelm/Thurston County Joint Plan in regards to boundaries
of the urban growth area and written policies for amendments
to the plan.
Mrs. Purvis was present to ask questions regarding the
proposed Thurston Highland & Associates annexation request.
Chief Dunnam provided the Council with an update on the local
criminal justice funding as follows.
1. One-time grant from-the State General Fund: This is a 7..5
million dollar grant to be distributed by formula to cities
and counties, to end July 31, 1991..
2. Motor vehicle excise tax allocation (MVET): This is a 25
million dollar allocation of "ongoing" revenues from the MVET
distributed to cities/counties by formula, to end December 31,
3. One-tenth of one percent sales tax: This authorizes
counties to place on the ballet a proposal to increase the
sales tax county-wide by one-tenth of one percent. This
proposal will be on the September 19, 1990 ballet as
Proposition #2.
Councilwoman Wolf commended Chief Dunnam for being designated
as a "Winner" in the Olympian "Winners & Losers" column.
At 8:15 PM, the meeting adjourned on a motion by Arnold
Drogseth, second by~Amos Lawton. Motion carried.
Shelly Badgf1e~r ,~ /~
Robert A. Sanders