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MINUTES ~~J 'i f t~.'~f CITY OF YELM REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING ~~~~~~ AUGUST 22, 1950, '7:30 P. M. , YELM CITY HALL The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM by Mayor Sandera. All present joined in the flag salute. Council membera preaent: Kathy Wolf, Amoa Lawton, Martha Paraona and Rick Kolilis. Absent: Arnold Drogseth. Staff Present: Gene Borgea, Glenn Dunnam, Daiay Lawton and Agnes Colombo. Viaitora: Dun Miller, Niaqually Valley News and Shelly Peterson of Slcillinga & Chamberlain. Agenda Changes: New Business, 8. c. Amos Lawton moved to Reports, a. (4). Narthwind Woodworks. Agenda Additions: New Business, 8. d. Park Cleanup added to agenda. Moved by Parsons, seconded Wolf that agenda be appraved. Carried. Minutes: Moved Dy Lawton, seconded Parsons that minutes of August 8, 1990 be approved as written. Carried. Moved by Parsons, seconded Wolf that August payroll be appraved. Carried. Council Meeting closed and Public Hearing on the Yelm Capital Improvement Plan, Resolution No. 209, opened at 7:34 P. M. Shelly Petersor, (Skillings 8, Chamberlain) distributed copies of revised Capital Improvement Plan, Resolution Na. 209, to council members. She suggested an ar,r,ual examination of the Plan ar,d revisions if/as needed. No public comment. Public Hearing closed ar,d City Council Meeting reopened 7:38 P. M. Maved by Parsons, seconded 1{olilis that Resolutian 209, Capital Improvement Plan, be approved. Carried. Council Meeting closed and Public Hearing ors Lewis rezone -request, Ordinance No. 383, opened at 7 :35 P. M. Barges explained that Planning Committee members had visited site and were in favor ~of re~or,e if berm, planted with trees/shrub;, is built on boundary of lot 4 and Select Waad. No public comment. Public Hearing closed and City Council Meeting reopened 7:41 P. M. Moved Wolf, seconded Parsons that Ordinance No. 383, Lewis Rezone request, be approved fallowing recommendations of Yelm Planning Committee. Carried. Moved by Parsans, seconded Lawtor, that Resolutian No. 210, authorizing mayor and city admir,istratar to sign documents -relating to wastewater facilities planning and construction grant, be approved. Carried. The fallowing park use -requests were approved on a rnation by Parsans, seconded Wolf. Carried. 1. Yelrn Prairie Christian Center Community Singspiration: Sunday, September 2, 1990, 4-8 P. M., anticipated attendance 75/100. Condition: Sani-can must be provided. YELM CITY CDUNCIL MEETICdG AUGUST 22, 1990 PAGE 1 r } ~*``'~'~~ :~', •~.~•;5- rump Wedding Reception: Friday, September 7, 1990, 12-•10 ,. .3#~~~. M. , anticipated attendance= 60. Condition: Sani-can must be provided. 3. Prairie Street Rod Association 4th Annual Prairie Show and Shine, Sunday, August 18, 1991, anticipated attendance 2,000+. Must meet same conditions as previously set. Send to Park Roard for approval at their next rneeting. Discussion followed about complaints received due t0 park kitchen not being cleaned after use. Also discussed was problem of vandals plugging toilets with paper. A staff rnernber• is required to come in over weekend to check and repair facilities. Reirnbursemer~t for this is at time and a half. Council members felt best results would be achieved from joint meeting with representatives of Park Board, Lion's Club ar,d a staff member to discuss the situatior, and try to arrive at a mutually agreeable solution. Moved by Pa-rsans, seconded Wulf that Ordinance No. 3£34 amending the city water ordinance be approved. Carried. Moved by Kolilis, seconded Wulf that Yelm's grant proposal to the Nisqually River Council to develop a Yelm Historic Program Master Plan be approved. Carried. Planning Committee Meeting of August 21, 1990: Borges reported on rneeting and committee recommendations or, the following: Northwind Woodworks: Motion Kolilis, seconded Wolf that business activities be limited to those described in 12/19/89 request to relocate business to 108 Yelrn Avenue West. Carried. Hulbert Short Plat: Motion Kolilis, seconded Lawton that•council approve Hulbert short plat as requested, but not guarantee lot 1 to be buildable. Carried. Camrnon Short Plat : Motion Kolilis, seconded Walf that Carnrnor, chart plat be approved as requested, including 40' wide easement on parcel two. Carried. 1{lapp request: Motion Lawton, seconded Kolilis that request from Jahn Klapp to set up series of tents to accarnrnadate seller/buyers at Flea Market, located behind building at Jefferson and Railroad be denied. Carried. Council members felt if Farmer's Flea Market is going to, become a year round business they need to meet the same requirements that all other businesses within the city have to meet. • Borges also reported to council that Planning cammittee discussed the current practice of having a council member on the committee. Since the rnayo-r is not permitted to vote on land use regulation s• and a council mernt~er present at a planning committee meeting would also not be allowed to vote the potential exists fo-r a tied council vote. It would therefore be in the best inte-rs_sts of all to not have a council member serve on the cornrnittee. Borges told the Council t1,at he had been contacted by Venture Partners/Dragt Farms about the passibility of requesting annexation to the city separate from the Thurston Highlands annexation appeal. Venture Partners is investigating best procedure to meet their needs. Northing definite at this time. Borges also explained that nor progres has beer, made to bring us closer to an acceptable Yelm/Thurston Co. Saint Plan. Until such time as ari adjustment of growth boundary line is allowed ar,d amendment procedures defined the document remains unacceptable. C~ ~I YI'LM CITY COUNCIL MEETING .• • AUGUcT 2?, 19~~0 PAGE d ~'~' ,#~ ~, L Thurston County Assessor Ann Clifton spolte with Borges, her office would like to supply city hall with a computer (program and data already installed) to make access to property recurd~ available locally. She hopes thib is a possibility and will continue to work towards this goal. Police Report: Chief Dunnam reported to the Council that he is in the process of obtaining information for the purchase a new police car for 1991. He has bids on two cars at this time. Council gave approval to proceed in gathering information to prepare for purchase. Dunnam reported he is preparing a grant application fo-r funding that would provide, at r~o cast to the city, an individual fur 5 hours per day, to work with domestic violence and child abuse victims. Also provided by the grant would be funds to design and print an informational brochure that would identify available sources of assistance to those victims. Dunnam announced campletior, of the oral board and physical fitness testing portions of lateral officer candidates. He also expressed t,is appreciation to Councilman Lawton, Debbie Edwards, Tony Colombo, and Sgt. Charles Clark, Thurston County St,eriff's Department, fur their participation on the baard. Follow up interviews have been scheduled. Yelrn Municipal Court Report: August 1990 repast showed: 10 In- Custody-A-rraigrimer,t s, 37 Arraignments, 44 Pre Trials, 18 Trials, 16 Mitigation Hearings, 4 Contested Hearings acid 3 Record Reviews. Precise dollar figures will not be available until end of month figures are reported. Yelm Libraries, Report for July 1990: Council rnernbe-rs were provided with a written report or, library activities for the month. Borges reported that he had received a fax from Lan Dickerson, Timberland Library, captaining information about annexing to the library system. Borges will keep the council informed on ar,y changes/progress. Water/Street Report: Work on well #3 continues, painting has started and it is ready to have electric panel installed and inspected. Work cantinues with installation of water main on N.P. Road going back to city property. SR 510/507 intersection still not completed to specifications. If not corrected and satisfactorily completed soon work will go to another contractor. Yelm Sewer Grant Repart: Copies of appraved Resolution 110, approval giver, earlier in meeting, will complete the grant application to EPA. They will be hand delivered tomorrow morning. Farm Home Administration grant to be turned ir, two weeks. Recycling Committee Report: in council packets. Ind ©ua•r•ter Financial Report: packets. Minutes of July 18 meeting included Written report included irl council Council requested report on costs to city of moving checking account from Puget Sound to Prairie Security Bank. YELM CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 12, 1990 PAGE 3 ~.,~ Correspondence included in council pacl{eta: Review of Thurston Co. Law and Justice System Literature. Colombo announced to those present that speakers will be on hand at the September 12, 1990 meeting to address Proposition 2, the one-tenth of one percent proposed sales tax increase. Received from Thura~ton County Commissioners: a letter requesting a nominee from the Yelm/Rainier/Tenino area to serve on the Solid Waste Advisory Committee. Tabled until more information received. .~ August and September 1990 Board of Freeholders schedule and minutes. Growth Implementation Brief from Association of Washir,gtor, Cities. Business for the evening being concluded the meeting adjourned at 9:30 P. M. or, a motion by Parsons, seconded by Lawton. ATTEST: ~" ,~, \/ ~~ ~o/ Apnea P. Colombo Deputy City Clerk Robert A. Sanders Mayor YELM CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 22, 199G PAGE 4