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WIDNESI?AY, ~P~9B~ 1.2, 1990, 7:30 PM, YEIM CITY HALL
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM by Mayor•Robert A. Sanders. All
present joined in the flag salute. Councilmembers present: Kathy Wolf,
Amos Lawton, Martha Parsons and.Rick Kolilis. Arnold Drogseth was out of
country. Visitors: Michael Crose & Lon Dickerson (both of Timberland
Regional Library), Faith Hagenhofer (Yelm Timberland Librarian), Lila
Willuweit, Pat & Jake Purvis, Mitch Wilder, Paul Steadman & Carole
Steadman, Lisa S. Hills, William N. Elledge and Kate Cook. Staff: Daisy
Lawton, Gene Borges, Shelly Badger, Glenn Dunnam and Ray Bourgeous.
The agenda was approved on a motion by Martha Parsons, second by Rick
Kolilis with the following addition, motion carried:
a. Bids received on Yelm Police car
The minutes of August 22, 1990 were approved on a motion by Kathy Wolf,
second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried.
The following vouchers numbered 8239 - 8315 were approved on a motion by
Rick Kolilis, second by Martha Parsons, motion carried:
Current: $12,537.78
Police: $ 4,380.60
Water: $11,321.99
Street: $ 1,144.32
Garbage: $ 7,969.16
CDBG: $24,177.27
Water Construction Fund: $14,107.60
74 GO Bonds: $ 105.00
TOTAL: $75,743.72
Council received a copy of the "notice of intent to commence annexation
proceedings" from `the "Dragt Property Owners" dated August 28, 1990.
Kathy Wolf moved to table further discussion on the letter of intent until
the Yelm Planning Committee has reviewed the request (at their September
1$, 1990 meeting) and makes a recommenation to the Council. Planning
Committee will be assessing the two annexation requests (Thurston Highland
& Associates and Dragt property Owners) as to whether they should be
presented as a single annexation or separately. Motion was seconded by
Amos Lawton. Motion carried.
Intent to -join the Timberland Regional Library District ,(annexation):
Kate Cook, Chair, Timberland Regional Library District, presented the
Council with a letter recommending that annexation to the Timberland
Regional Library .District be placed on the November 6, 1990 ballot. Lon
Dickerson & Mike Crose of Timberland Regional Library presented the
Council with a certified copy of Resolution No. 90-03 adopted September 6,
1990 by the Timberland Library Board of Trustees approving the annexation
of the City of YeLn to Timberland and setting forth the conditions for
approval (outlined in an attached agreement).
Lon Dickerson explained Timberland's current policy on provision of
facilities, utilities, maintenance, etc. where cities provide the above
items after annexation (Yelm currently provides these items under
Gene Borges & Shelly Badger explained the difference in the tax structure
upon annexation. Currently Yelm contracts with Timberland Regional
Library District to provide library services in the City of Yelm and pays
Timberland a contract fee equal to .50C per $1000.00 of assessed value out
of Yelm's general property tax revenue. Upon annexation, Yelm would be
allowed to raise its tax ceiling lid to a maximum of $3.60 per/1000
(current tax rate is $3.0349 p/1000) and .50 p/1000 would go directly to
Timberland from Yelm taxpayers. If the annexation is passed by Yelm
voters on November 6, 1990, .50G p/1000 additional would be assessed on
property taxes for library services. If the addition assessment is passed
by voters, Yelm would continue to provide and maintain suitable quarters
for the libary, satisfactory heat, light, water, janitor service, grounds
maintenance and modifications necessitated by technological changes, in
library services .
'~`~ R+~c~ Kolilis moved to adopt Ordinance No. 386, stating Ye]m's intent to
- °~~~oin the Timberland Regional Library District of Grays Harbor, Lewis,
Mason, Pacific and Thurston Counties, second by Kathy Wolf. Motion
Rick Kolilis moved to sign and enter into an agreement with Timberland
Regional Library District which states that it shall only become effective
after the voters of Yelm have approved the annexation proposal (on the
November 6, 1990 general election ballot), taxes have been levied and
taxes become payable to Timberland Regional Library, on or about January
1, 1992. Motion seconded by Martha Parsons. Motion carried.
Burn permit ordinance: Rick Kolilis stated that he would like to see the
current burn permit ordinance reworked so it is more easily administered.
Staff recommended a meeting with Fire Chief Bill Steele, Fire Marshal Toni
French, a Fire Commissioner, Councilman Kolilis and staff.
Rick Kolilis stated that many cities have ordinances against the use of
compression brakes inside the city limits and asked, if Council felt it was
necessary in Ye1m. As no complaints have been received by City Hall or
the Police Department, Council decided to not take action on the issue.
Chief Dunnam introduced Yelm's newest Police Officer, Ray Bourgeous and
his family. A lateral entry hire from Yelm's Civil Service list, Officer
Bourgeous has worked for Fort Lewis and the City of Roy.
Resolution No. 212, withdrawing the reward previously offered to members
of the public for specific arson fires in Yelm, was approved on a motion
by Martha Parsons, second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried.
Staff provided Council with material from the September 7~ & 8, 1990 AWC
Planning & Zoning Institute in regards to House Bill 2929 (commonly
referred to as the Growth Bill) and the proposed Initiative 547.
Explained were some of the HB2929 planning requirements that Yelm will
have to comply with in the next three years. Correspondence was received
from the Association of Washington Cities stating that the AWC, the
Washington Association of Counties and the Washington Association of
Elected -County Officials, are strongly opposed to Initiative 547. They
believe the initiative will have an extremely detrimental effect on the
planning efforts of all of Washington's cities and will further delay
implementation of existing growth management policies. Council will
receive additional information on the initiative prior to the November 6,
1990 where it will be a statewide ballot issue.
Thurston County Commissioner, Tr',easurer Michael Murphy and Sheriff Gary
Edwards were on hand to discuss Proposition 2, the countywide 1j10 of to
sales tax increase proposal which will be on the September 18, 1990
ballot.- If passed, the additional revenue would be shared by Thurston
County and all cities within to support the law and'justice system. The
sales tax increase is scheduled to sunset in 1993 which gives the State
Legislature the interim to provide an alternative funding method for the
law and justice system crisis. County officials urged a good voter
turnout to help pass Proposition 2 which would generate approximately
$1,395,927 annually in countywide revenue.
Yelm/Thurston County Joint Plan: Yelm staff received a revised copy of
the Joint Plan from County Planning and it is currently being reviewed for
changes. The Urban Growth Boundary has not been changed and will need to
be discussed further by city and county officials prior to passage of the
plan. The establishment of an urban growth boundary around Yelm was
discussed in regards to requirements of House Bill 2929 which mandates
that cities and counties establish growth boundaries.
Yelm Historic Commission meeting of September 5, 1990: Commission met at
Leonard Docherty's residence to review the final 1990 Yelm inventory forms
which have been turned into the State Office of Historic Preservation. A
tentative training session, sponsored by the State Office of Historic
Preservation will be held on September 27, 1990 to discuss preparation-of
local nomination forms.
Park Advisory Corrmittee Meeting of September 11, 1990: Liaison Martha
Parsons reported the following:
*Park meeting time and place has been changed to 7:00 PM-9:00 PM at the
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Yelm School District Administation Office, second and fourth Tuesdays of
each month.
*Park Committee recommends a $25.00 cleaning deposit to organizations that
use the kitchen at Yelm City Park. After Council discussion on the issue
it was decided that staff will arrange for Glenn Nutter of the Lion's Club
to meet with the Park Committee on use of the kitchen.
*Lorinda Lincoln's park use request for September 16, 1990 was approved
after a favorable recommendation from the YPAC on a motion by Martha
Parsons, second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried.
*Lisa Hills reported on the The Real Estate Environmental Endowment (TREE)
November 6, 1990 ballot issue. If passed a 3/4 of 1% real estate excise
tax would be assessed on real estate transactions. The additional funding
generated would be used countywide to create an open space program.
Michael Welter, Director of Thurston County Parks and Recreation, will
speak on the proposed tax at the September 26, 1990 City Council meeting.
Daisy Lawton, Treasurer, provided info.rn~ation (as requested) on the costs
related to changing city bank accounts.
In regards to YeLm's proposed annexation to the Timberland Regional
Library District, Kathy Wolf directed staff to prepare a letter requesting
additional hours and staff time to support the hours, subject to the
annexation, second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried. Suggested days of
operation were Tuesday - Saturday, 8 hours per day, to better serve the
Chief Dammam submitted three bids to Yelm City Council on a 1991 police
car. Rick Kolilis moved to accept the low bid from Boone Ford of $561.14
per month, including tax, for one 1991 Crown Victoria, for 36 months,
subject to confirmation of payment schedule, second by Kathy Wolf. Motion
At 9:50 PM, Martha Parsons moved to adjourn the meeting, second by Kathy
Wolf. Meeting adjourned.
Shelly A. adger
City Clerk
Robert A. Sanders