09/26/90MIN[tiES CITY OF YEIM REG[JLAR COUNCIL INEETING WIDNESDAY, SEPIQ76ER 26, 1990, 7:30 PM, YELM CITY HALL The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Sanders at 7:30 PM. All present joined in the flag salute. Councilmembers present: Kathy Wolf, Amos Lawton, Martha Parsons and Rick Kolilis. Arnold Drogseth was out of country. Staff: Gene Borges, Shelly Badger, Glenn Dunnam and Daisy Lawton. Visitors: Bill Lynn, William Fisher, Winston Bontrager, Kelly Paxton and John Minato (all representing Venture Partners), Elene Newby, Robert Eggert, Ann Clifton (Thurston County Assessor), Dana Mower and Dennis T. Su (both representing Thurston Highland & Associates), Paul Steadman, Lisa Hills, Pat & Jake Purvis, Michael Welter (Director, Thurston County Parks & Recreation), Earlyse Swift and Gary Burk (both of TOGETHER) and Sandy Mackie (Owens, Davies & Mackie). Rick Kolilis moved to approve the evening's agenda, second by Martha Parsons. Motion carried. The minutes of September 12, 1990 were approved on a motion by Kathy Wolf, second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried. Martha Parsons moved to approve payroll for the month of September, 1990, second by Rick Kolilis. Motion carried. Earlyse Swift, TOGETHER staff and Gary Burk, Citizen Activist/Secretary, ,~ were present to discuss the Action Plan for Community Mobilization" drafted by 'I'OC~THER!, Thurston Communities for Drug Free Youth. They highlighted the nine goals of TOGE'ri-~R! which carry out the programs mission statement; "Thurston area citizens working together to develop proactive prevention efforts to ensure drug-free communities for youth". Ms. Swift inforn~ed the Council that Yelm has been successful in receiving an additional $400.00 grant from TOGETHER! to purchase DARE program supplies. They commended the work of the Ye]m DARE program and the Yelm Community School system in working towards the goals of the TOGETHER! program. Ann Clifton was on hand to present the Council with a request from the Thurston G~unty Assessor's & Sheriff's Offices to install an on-line computer terminal in Yelm City Hall to be used to access public informiation. Council directed staff to write to Thurston County stating approval of the project. Thurston Highlands & Associates vs. Venture Partners annexation petitions: Mayor Sanders introduced Sandy Mackie, Owens, Davies & Mackie, hired as legal counsel by the City of Yelm to consult Yelm on the annexation issue, who explained that until a 75~ annexation petition has been filed with the city, names of property owners can be added or deleted from one or more petitions. Stressed was the fact that cities have the authority and ability to set conditions on the annexation requests that best meet the interest of the city and its citizens. Mr. Mackie explained that it was solely up to the city whether or not to entertain a second notice of intent to commence annexation proceedings from Venture Partners for the property between Yelm's present city limits and the property owned by Thurston Highlands & Associates. A letter of intent was received from Thurston Highlands & Associates on June 13, 1990 and accepted by Ye1m City Council on July 11, 1990 that involves the samie properties as Venture Partners "proposed" petition would. Mayor Sanders introduced Dana Mower, Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. and Dennis Su, Kramer, Chin & Mayo, Inc. (both representing Thurston Highlands & Associates) to give a overview of work done to date by Thurston Highlands & Associates in regards to the annexation request. Dana Mower provided the Council with an aerial map and the following overview 1. Reviewed aerial photographs showing present site characteristics: a. Site already cleared. b. Access considerations due to unique location between Hwy. 507 and 510 to disperse traffic around Yelm. c. Relative proximity to the downtown area oC Yelm and Fort Lewis. 2. Existing zoning: ~' a. The site is an unmapped use in Thurston County with current, one ..~~ house per five acre density. b. The 5-acre lot design would most likely result in one access road to project. c. Each site would incorporate a septic system and separate well. d. 5-acre density would virtually guarantee urban sprawl by forcing low density growth to occur over a very large area with little con- tribution to infrastructure. 3. Presented topographic survey information: a. Site represents topographic relief variety. b. Site lends itself well to a championship 18-hole golf course (used as buffer to Fort Lewis). c. Some natural wetlands on site. 4. House Bill 2929 (Growth Management Act): a. Requires for planning of growth for the next 20 years (feels Yelm should require minimum 15o greater land area than necessary). b. Growth Management Act requires planning for future growth and placing this growth within cities with sufficient infrastructure to accommodate growth. c. Plan requires that little or no growth occur outside city bound- aries. 5. Thurston Highlands & Associates have filed the following documents with Yelm: a. Letter of intent to commence annexation proceedings filed on June 13, 1990, accepted by City Council on July 11, 1990. b. Environmental checklist submitted to city staff on 9-19-90. c. Thurston Highlands has contemplated annexing entire 1800-acre parcel from its conception in June with input from Yelm (includes area proposed for annexation by Venture Partners). 6. City Sewer System: a. Project would help defer cost of City sewage treatment plant and facilities b. STEP system would be required on project to minimize environ- mental impacts and sewage treatment requirements. c. Only project this size, 1200+ acres, is feasible to consider new additional sewer treatment plant. 7. City Water System: a. Project would incorporate extension of city lines in order to obtain service which would help disburse the city water system costs. b. Additional well sites could be placed on the property which would increase city water capacity. c. Preliminary findings that the site has deeper and better water system. 8. Project and annexation will have the following benefits to City: a. Long-term assistance to the school district b. Construction of championship golf course. c. Construction of a wide range of housing including middle and upper Pod housing types consisting mainly of single-family res- idential homes. d. A planned community would be allowed in accordance with City of YeLn criteria at reasonable urban densities which would allow for the payments of and fair contribution for infrastructure construction. e. A planned community would eliminate urban sprawl in this area (reference Puget Sound Vision 2020, Puget Sound Council of Govern- ments--Small Towns). 9. Benefits to City for preparing a single annexation petition: a. Would result in a strong position from the city to the Boundary Review Board. b. Significantly easier to process environmental review of entire 1800 acre site. c. In accordance with planning objectives of HB2929 (Growth Manage- ment Act). d. Would allow city to address annexation issues one time rather than multiple times. '`~~ B~i~ Lynn representing Venture Partners spoke in regards to the city ~' s~~~, tting two annexation requests rather than one, first submit the ,, ~~•:~. Venture Partners request (approximately 600 acres, referred to as the Dragt Property Owners), then submit the Thurston Highland & Associates parcel for annexation. He had the following comments in favor of separate annexation submittals; 1. Single annexation request combining the two areas is too large and Thurston County Boundary Review Board will deny it. 2. Yelm's Sphere of Influence line established in 1985 runs through a portion of Thurston Highlands and includes all of the Venture Partners proposed area. 3. Asked if economical to annex the two areas together. 4. Requested that the city allow the property owners to decide which annexation petition to. sign. 5. From discussions with Thurston County Planning staff, there is a feeling that the Venture Partners request has a good chance of approval for annexation and the Thurston Highlands request does not. Question from Patty Lally, President, Yelm Chamber of Commerce: What type of development is Venture Partners proposing? Concern with lack of information presented to-the Yelm Community on their project. Bill Fisher, Venture Partners responded with the following: 1. Plan for homes ranging from $90,000-200,000. Intend to assist with roads, school system, utilities, etc. to develop the property. 2. Due to recent growth management legislation, Venture Partners would like to secure land within a city urban growth boundary and annex as soon as possible. 3. He stressed concern that a large single annexation would cause delay and/or dismissal of the annexation by the Boundary Review Board, due to recent discussions with Thurston County Planning staff. Dana Mower, representing Thurston Highland & Associates commented that in recent discussions (9-21 & 9-2b) with Thurston County Planning staff they assured him that no official decisions have been made by the department and they have no basis at this time to make a determination on a single or multiple annexation request. He also commented that Thurston Highlands & Associates owns the property (1200 acres) and tYiat if the City decided on separate annexation requests to the Boundary Review Board, they would be second in line and have to wait. At 8:45 PM, Mayor Sanders called a recess. Council reconvened at 9:05 PM. Sandy Mackie, Owens, Davies & Mackie, informed the City Council of the guidelines used by the Boundary Review Board regarding annexations. The BRB uses the following as criteria in determining an annexation request: 1. Is the boundary a logical one for the city? 2. Is it consistent with comprehensive plans? 3. Is the community able to serve the area? Using these guidelines the Boundary Review Board can: 1. Approve the annexation with the original boundaries. 2. Deny the request in its entirety. 3. Modify and change the boundaries and approve a portion of the original annexation request. This would come back to Yelm for Yelm's consideration and approval. Comments by Yelm City Council: 1. Kathy Wolf - Thurston Highlands & Associates submitted their request first to the City and own the property proposed for development. A1s~, ~~ Yelm's sphere of influence was established in 1985 with a provision gat 'd it be reviewed and revised every five years, this process has been delayed due to Yelm's involvement in the Yelm/Thurston County Joint Plan. 2. Martha Parsons - If city requires a single annexation petition (Thurston Highland property and Venture Partners together), will Venture Partners a~ntinue their plans for development? Response by Bill Fisher: Plan to continue with development but prefer separate petitions due to their feeling that Thurston County would accept a smaller annexation request and deny a larger one. Gene Borges, Yelm City Administrator had the following conrnents: 1. Staff recommendation is to require a single annexation request or allow the two requests mandating that they be run through the process concurrently. 2. Stated the Yelm Planning Committee recommendation (September 18, 1990): "Motion by Knight, seconded Schlosser that committee recommend to Yelm City Council that Thurston Highlands, Venture Partners/ Dragt and Steadman join together as one annexation." Unanimous. Kathy Wolf moved to schedule a workshop to further discuss the issue, prior to making a decision, on Monday, October 1, 1990, 6:00 PM, second by Martha Parsons. Motion carried. Michael Welter, Director, Thurston County Parks & Recreation, was present to discuss Proposition #21, (The Real Estate Environmental Endowment, commonly referred to as TREE) which will be on the November 6, 1990 ballot. The TREE plan advances an open space, parks, trails and environmentally sensitive area acquisition program significantly beyond any existing preservation program. It has been designed to secure the preservation of those additional open spaces that are vitally important to a neighborhood as well as those lands cherished by the entire region. The Washington State Legislature authorized (1990) county governments to enact up to a to real estate excise tax for the acquisition of land and water that has environmental value for existing and future generations. Proposition #21, proposed by the Thurston County Board of Commissioners would assess a 3/4 of to real estate excise tax on the sale of residential and commercial property. The tax would sunset in 10 years. The funds would be distributed amongst the following programs: 1. The Saving the Rural Environment Program 2. The Greening of the Cities Program 3. The StewardsYiip Program 4. The Regional Acquisition Program 5. The Urban Growth Management Program 6. The Arri3inistration Program Yelm would have access to the funds through the Greening of the Cities Program, The Urban Growth Management Program (once an urban growth boundary has been approved around the City of Ye]m) and possibly the Regional Acquisition Program if Yelm meets the following criteria: 1. A comprehensive parks and open space plan has been adopted by the legislative authority of the jurisdiction. 2. A local citizens advisory committee exists to review projects and provide for citizen input (Yelm Parks Advisory Committee). 3. The TREE Plan is adopted by the legislative authority of the jurisdiction. The Yelm Parks Advisory Committee has voiced their support of Proposition #21, TREE. At 10:04 the Regular Meeting was closed for the Public Hearing on the annexation of the Cochrane Park property to the City of Yelm. No comments from the public. At 10:05 PM, the Regular Meeting was reopened. Kathy Wolf moved to approve Ordinance #3F35, annexincJ the Coc-hr~.rne P~~rrk property into Lhe C.i.ty of Ye]m, second by Martha Parsons. Motion carried. Rick Kolilis moved to authorize Mayor Sanders to sign the agreement with I~n~ercity Transit participating in the maintenance and operation of the AMTRAK Depo ($147.00), second by Kathy Wolf. Motion carried. A letter was received from Barbara Christensen requesting that a crosswalk be considered in the vicinity of the Northwest Deli Mart. Due to recent and past accidents, Yelm City Council directed staff to write a letter to District #3, Department of Transportation requesting they consider placing a crosswalk at an area between Longmire and Cullens and another at 103rd, also to consider a reduction in speed limit through Yelm. North Wind Woodworks: A letter dated September 19, 1990 was received from North Wind Woodworks requesting that the Yelm City Council grant them an extension to operate their non-complying woodworking business at 108 Yelm Ave. W. until December 15, 1990. Since the business use does not comply with uses permitted in Yelm's commercial zone, the Council agreed to not allow an extension and gave direction to Yelm's city attorney to take action to insure compliance. Resolution No. 213 authorizing the City of Yelm to charge a deposit to development project proponents for actual costs borne by Yelm was approved on a motion by Rick Kolilis, second by Kathy Wolf, subject to city attorney final review. Motion carried. Kathy Wolf moved to approve Ordinance No. 387, Yelm's Binding Site Plan Ordinance, second by Martha Parsons. Motion carried. (Based on the Yelm Planning Committee's September 18, 1990 recommendation for adoption). At 10:25 PM, Kathy Wolf moved to continue the meeting to Monday, October 1, 1990, 7:00 PM, Yelm City Hall, to discuss agenda item #6, Thurston Highlands & Associates vs. Venture Partners annexation petition requests, second by Martha Parsons. Motion carried. All other items on the agenda not discussed will be tabled to the Regular Meeting of October 10, 1990. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CODTPIlVL)ED MEETING OF SEP'III~ER 26, 1990 continued to MCJ~IDAY, OC'iC~ER 1, 1990, 7:00 PM, YEIM CITY HULL **NOTE: The workshop scheduled for 6:00 PM was cancelled. The meeting reconvened at 7:03 PM. Councilmembers present: Kathy Wolf, Amos Lawton, Arnold Drogseth, Martha Parsons and Rick Kolilis. Staff: Gene Borges and Shelly Badger. Visitors: Pat S Jake Purvis, Paul & Carole Steadman, Dennis T. Su, Lils Willuweit and Sandy Mackie, Owens, Davies & Mackie. After discussion on the Thurston Highlands vs. Venture Partners annexation petition requests, Kathy Wolf moved to entertain a single annexation petition, consistent with the Yelm Planning Corrcriittee's recommendation (September 18, 1990), second by Martha Parsons. Motion carried. Mr. Mackie informed the Council that an amended "letter of intent" could be submitted to the Council by Thurston Highlands & Associates to include any additional properties that wish to join in the annexation request. With no further action needed by the Yelm City Council at this time, Martha Parsons moved to adjourn the meeting, second by Kathy Wolf. Meeting adjourned at 7:12 PM. ATTEST: P ,~~, ~ Shelly A. Badger City Clerk ~tA-t.~ Robert A. Sanders Mayor " '~ "r a~`~,; ~ r~ ~:~~~k