11/28/90MIN[TPES ` ~ ~ "
A worksession of the City Council and staff was held at 5:00 PM prior to
the regular meeting to work on the 1991 Preliminary Budget.
The regular meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM by Mayor Sanders. All
present joined in the flag salute. Council present: Arnold Drogseth,
Rick Kolilis, Kathy Wolf, Martha Parsons and Amos Lawton. Staff: Daisy
Lawton, Glenn Dunnam, Gene Borges and Shelly Badger. Visitors: Wayne &
Norma Vancil, Dennis T. Su, Frank & Jackie Miller and Faith Hagenhofer.
Mayor Sanders added item (d) to New Business - Traffic. On a motion by
Martha Parsons, second by Arnold Drogseth, the agenda as arr~nded was
approved. Motion carried.
November payroll was approved on a motion by Rick Kolilis, second by
Kathy Wolf. Motion carried.
Voucher #8466 totaling $976.00 was approved on a motion by Kathy Wolf,
second by Martha Parsons. Motion carried.
The minutes of the November 14, 1990 regular council meeting were
approved on a motion by Martha Parsons, second by Arnold Drogseth.
Motion carried. '
Jackie Miller, member of the Ye]m Timberland Library Board was on hand to
present the Council with a signed letter from the Board formally
requesting that the city property adjacent to the water tower be reserved
for future library use. Martha Parsons moved that the property adjacent
to the Yelm water tower be designated for future library use for the
construction of a new library facility, second by Kathy Wolf. Motion
At 7:42 PM, Mayor Sanders called the Public Hearing to order on a
proposed zoning ordinance amendment to provide for zoning classification
of property upon annexation. Mrs. Vancil asked for clarification on the
current Yelm city boundaries. Staff provided a map to clarify. With no
further comments from the public, the Hearing 'was closed at 7:47 PM and
the regular meeting was reopened.
Kathy Wolf moved to adopt Ordinance No. 388 amending Ye1m's current
zoning ordinance to provide for zoning classification of property upon
annexation, effective December 12, 1990. Second by Rick Kolilis. Motion
Resolution No. 217 adopting the Moderate Risk Waste Plan for Thurston
County was approved on a motion by Rick Kolilis, second by Kathy Wolf.
Motion carried.
Staff provided Council with a quote from Florek Tree Service to remove 7
trees in the alley betwen 3rd & 4th Streets from Jefferson to Van Trump
Avenues. The trees and root systems have become so overgrown that the
alley-way is obstructed and is not a legal thoroughfare for emergency
vehicles, garbage trucks, large vehicles, etc. Arnold Drogseth moved to
accept the quote in the amount of $1041.00 plus tax to remove the trees
in pieces and remove stumps with stump grinder below ground level, second
by Amos Lawton. Motion carried. Council asked that a request be made of
the contractor that the wood be given to those in need.
Mayor Sanders reported on his recent correspondence with staff from the
Department of Transportation on the city's request to place a crosswalk
at Cullens and lower the speed limit through Yelm. DOT has agreed to
place a crosswalk on Yelm Avenue West east of Cullens St., as soon as
weather permits. Also, DOT's initial studies have approved of the speed
limit reduction from 30 M.P.H. to 25 M.P.H. west of Cullens St. to east
of 103rd Ave. and from south city limits (coming from Rainier). Also,
reduced from 40 M.P.H. to 35 M.P.H. at the Nisqually Plaza to the east
city limits. Staff will prepare a draft ordinance recommending the
change and submit to DOT for their final approval. Upon final approval
by DOT and the City Council, DOT will post new speed limit signs.
A citizen complaint regarding the property at the cornea' of Vancil Rd.
Yelm Ave. E that has several vehicles for sale. Staff informed
~~lainant that the property owner and tenant will be notified in
writing that the sale of vehicles cannot continue without proper
licensing from the State of Washington and City of Yelm.
Mayor Sanders reported on his recent discussion with Allied Collection
Agency regarding Yelm Municipal Court's accounts. To date, approximately
$230,000.00 in uncollected accounts have been turned over to collections
and approximately $16,500.00 has been collected. Many of the accounts
are quite dated, some are criminal warrants and others are merely unable
to be reached for collection. Staff from Allied reported that collection
increases with time and as new accounts are turned over in a timely
Mayor Sanders reported that a second workshop on the 1991 Preliminary
Budget will be held on Wednesday, December 5, 1990 at 5:00 PM in the
Council Chambers.
Rick Kolilis moved to cancel the December 26, 1990 regular meeting of the
City Council due to the Christmas holiday, second by Martha Parsons.
Motion carried.
Planning Corm~ission Meeting of November 20, 1990: Planning Commission
recommended terms of office for current Commission members. Rick Kolilis
moved to ~sccept the following terms and request that staff draw up a
resolution for final Council approval effective January 1, 1991, motion
was seconded by Martha Parsons, motion carried:
TWO YEAR TERMS: Tim Schlosser, Tom Gorman, Roberta Longmire
and George Knight
ONE YEAR TERMS: Jim Brown, Jim Keyes, Joe Huddleston, John
Kinnee and Tom Cundy
The joint meeting of the Thurston County Commissioners and Yelm City
Council to discuss the YeLn/Thurston County Joint Plan, most specifically
,' the location of the urban growth boundary, will be held on Thursday,
January 10, 1991, 7:00 PM, Yelm City Hall Council Chambers.
Library Report for October 1990: Faith Hagenhofer reported that Yelm
will easily reach 70,000 in circulation by year end. Jennifer Caldwell,
a Yelm High School student, was selected to attend the State Library
Conference in February 1991. The National Library conference will be
held in late 1991 or early 1992.
Police Report: Chief Dammam reported that an emergency operation center
was activated at the Yelm High School over Thanksgiving weekend in case
of flood of the Nisqually River. He stated that the proposed M.P.H.
decrease is much needed due to the amount of traffic through Yelm. 960
of citations issued in Yelm during the Thanksgiving weeked were from out
of city residents.
Yelm Municipal Court report for October 1990: 149 tickets were logged
for the month of October. This is a substantial increase from 1988 &
Steet & Water report: The water department has drained the 50,000 gallon
water tank to change the valves in preparation of the installation of the
telemetry system which will operate wells 1, 2, and 3 together. Grants
are a possibility from the State Transportation Improvement Board for
Rhoton, Edwards to Coates and Stevens Street extension. More will be
known in Dec~nber or January.
Staff announced that the Railroad Strategy Meeting will be held on
Thursday, November 29, 1990 at 7:00 PM, Yelm City Hall. Representatives
are expected from Thurston Regional Planning Council, Department of
Transportation and Burlington Northern.
Parks Advisory Committee Meeting of November 27, 1990: Martha Parsons
stated that the meeting was spent making final arrangements for the
December 1, 1990 Christmas in the Park celebration. The Yelm Parks
Advisory Committee will present a Youth Community Service Award" to Gabe
Ferguson for his outstanding participation in community events, most
particularly, Christmas in the Park.
Ye]m Sewer project update: Gene Borges updated the Council on ;trhe
meeting before the Centralia City Council attended by himself~~~Shel~ly
Badger and Steve Gilbert, Parametrix, Inc. During much written
correspondence between Centralia's City Manager and Administrator Gene
Borges, two items were not agreed upon and made it impossible for Yelm to
execute an interlocal agreement. Centralia requested an additional
requirement (over discharge to the Canal and an emergency line to the
Nisqually River) that Yelm retain the sewer effluent on site for an
indefinite period of time. Also requested by Centralia was that Yelm
sign an agreement that would force Yelm to pay for all "indirect" costs
associated with the Canal maintenance and liability. Centralia staff
could not provide Yelm with a definition of "indirect" for Yelm to
address specifically. Due to the above disagreements, the Centralia City
Council moved to deny discharge of effluent from Ye]m's sewer treatment
facility to the Centralia Power & Light Canal.
At 8:48 PM, Yelm Council went into Executive Session to discuss a pending
hearing of the Yelm Civil Service Commission. Council returned at 9:19
Correspondence was received from the Thurston Council on Cultural
Diversity and Human Rights.
With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:20 PM on a motion by
Martha Parsons, second by Arnold Drogseth.
r .4
Shelly A. Badger
City Clerk
Robert A. Sanders