03/13/91°~ ~x ~~ . ~ t~ MINU7.ES CITY OF YELM REG[JLAR COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 1991, 7:30 PM, YELM CITY HALL The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Robert A. Sanders at 7:30 PM. All present joined in the flag salute. Counci]members present: Kathy Wolf, Amos Lawton, Arnold Drogseth, Martha Parsons and Rick Kolilis. Staff: Shelly Badger, Gene Borges and Sandy Mackie (Owens Davies Mackie). Visitors: Paul Quails, Lucille M. Meeks, Elizabeth Veness, Susan D. Johnson, Cailen Cecil, Velma Roach, Mabel Wells, Rosemary Demich, Amy Lecker, Shirley Bass, Christine Hartman, Ward Sagen, James Talley, Robbin Dunn, Cindy Cecil, Janis Isom, Patty Bigelow, Esther Webb, Rae Carpenter, Ruby Donaldson, Tom Gorman and Don Miller, The following was added to the evening's agenda: *New business (b): Sewer system * (c): Paul Quails, Yelm Prairie Historical Society The agenda was approved on a motion by kathy Wolf, second by Rick Kolilis. Motion carried. The minutes of February 27, 1991 were approved on a motion by Martha Parsons, second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried. The following vouchers numbered 8736 - 8809 were approved on a motion by Martha Parsons, second by Kathy Wolf. Motion carried. Current: $15,670.25 Police: $14,792.73 Street: $ 1,968.69 Arterial St: $18,393.88 Water: $ 2,249.02 Garbage: $10,278.06 90 Water Construct: $18,595.55 TOTAL: $81,948.18 The regular meeting was closed at 7:35 PM to open the Public Hearing on the Community Development Block Grant application and community needs assessment. Gene Borges, Yelm City Administrator, explained the Community Development Block Grant program and how the funds are available to cities and counties to assist low to moderate income residents. The City of Yelm, in December of 1989, voted unanimously to be the lead agency for the UCBO's application to DCD for a block grant to construct a new community services facility to house programs of the UCBO and now the Headstart/ECAP program. Cindy Cecil, Executive Director, United Citizen's Betterment Organization (UCBO), gave the history of the UCBO and the role they have played in the Yelm community.. She stressed the need for a larger facility so that the needs of the community could be miore effectively met. Mrs. Cecil explained the current major programs of the UCBO and how they could be imiproved with a larger facility: *Food bank *Food distributor for all food banks/meal programs within Thurston County *USDA commodities for Yelm zip code *Clothing bank *Thrift shop to raise mioney for community services center *Serve the Nisqually Care Center with clothing *Sunshine Day Camp & Saturday Recreation Break program *Salvation Armiy assistance *A broad array of seminars to help meet the needs of Senior Citizens and low to moderate income families The following programs could be added if a larger facility was acquired: *A shelter for South Thurston County *Begin vocational programs for adult disabled and help integrate them into community & vaork force *Rural mental health professional for Yelm *Build the utility & rental assistance program Robin Dunn, Headstart/ECAP Program, explained the history of the program that originally started in Yelm and was moved to Rainier when the facility wau cunduiui~:c.l. '1'li~ Ilaitu.c,r LuciliLy li~5 uu c;r~ru_I lnK,1i1 ctaj~~x~ i_ly ul X115 ~,'` children ( 35 are from the Yelm School District) . Ms . Dunn explained tYiagt ~ ; the State of Washington's goal is enroll all eligible Headstart/E=CAP ~ children by 1992. Currently approximately 40% of eligible children are enrolled in Thurston County. Headstart/ECAP (Early Childhood Assistance Program) offers educational opportunities to low to moderate income families for their 4-5 year old children. They also offer medical examinations, nutritional needs assessment, parental volunteer programs and counseling. They share information with families about the social service programs available. She stated that the UCBO programs and Headstart/ECAP program would be very compatible situated in the new facility together. All citizens in attendance participated in the community needs assessment portion of the Public Hearing. Cindy asked citizens to share their feelings on community needs in the following areas: education, health, recreation, economic development, housing and public facilities and services. They were each given 7 green dots to place on those areas they felt were needed the most in the Yelm community. The results will be discussed in greater detail at the March 27, 1991 Public Hearing. Also discussed will be the Block Grant application for a new community services center to house programs of the UCBO and Headstart/ECAP. Public Hearing closed at 8:45 PM and the regular meeting reopened. Resolution No. 221 authorizing the Public Works Director and City Administrator to establish policy and set standards in accordance with Yelm's Comprehensive Water & Street Plans for public works projects within the City of Yelm was approved on a motion by Kathy Wolf, second by Martha Parsons. Motion carried. Sandy Mackie, City Attorney, advised the City Council of Yelm's options to pursue all avenues of discussion with the City of Centralia to dispose effluent from Yelm's sewer system to the Centralia Power & Light Canal. The following motion giving the Council's direction to Yelm's legal counsel and staff was made by Kathy Wolf, second by Martha Parsons, motion carried: *The City of Yelm feels that there is a public need to identify a locale in the most environmentally sound area for effluent disposal from its proposed sewer system. *The Centralia Power & Light Canal is the most environmentally sound option and preferred by most agencies including the Nisqually Indian Tribe and Department of Ecology. *Give staff and legal counsel authorization to identify and investigate means to acquire such right-of-way for disposal of effluent to the Centralia Power & Light Canal by negotiation or condemnation either directly or in conjunction with other state or federal agencies. Paul Quails, member of the Yelm Prairie Historical Society, was present to incite Council and staff members to attend. the showing on Tuesday, March 19, 1991; 7:00 PM of the art sculptures by Daniel Murphy that will be sold by the Yelm Prairie, Historical Society for the museum fund. He asked the City Council if the sculptures could be displayed in the Council Chambers. The City Council agreed to display the sculptures as a gift "on loan" from the Historical Society for a temporary period of time. Arnold Drogseth moved final acceptance of the First Street Project and to release the retainage in the amount of $18,393.88 to Wood & Son, second by Kathy Wolf. Motion carried. One year warranty on the project begins upon final acceptance. The City has the obligation to look at all situations that need to be changed or improved on the First Street Project that are not included in the street warranty. As matters are brought to the City's attention, they will be resolved. The City Council was presented the "scope of work" for the Yelm Historical Master Plan. They had no objection to the scope and proceeding with the grant paperwork from the Nisqually River Council; the grant, along with local contributions will be used to hire a consultant to write the master plan in accordance with the "scope of work". Yelm Historic Preservation Commission meeting of March 6, 1991: Shelly Badger reported that the Commission is still working with the Senior Center and Masonic Temple to get approval for placement on the Yelm Register of Historic Places. The contract with Lee Stilson, Survey Consultant, is near completion to conduct the 1991 survey of historic properties. ~~ ~ ~ Parks Advisory Committee Meeting of March 12, 1991: Martha Parsons moved approval of use of the Yelm City Park, March 31, 1991, 6:00 AM, for the Easter Sunrise Worship Service. Motion seconded by Kathy Wolf. Motion carried. Kathy Wolf moved approval to purchase the 10" X 20" bronze plaque for the Centennial Art plaque to be erected in Yelm City Park and the urn-vault to house the time capsule, total price $379.81. Second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried. Kathy Wolf moved to reduce the Park Department, "Buildings & Structures, City Park", line item (001 576 00 62) by $200.00 and establish a travel/training line item in the amount of $200.00. The new line item may be used by Park Committee members to attend the Washington State Parks & Recreation Symposium in Spokane. The Council felt that training for the Parks Committee should begin with state conferences and then expand to larger national conferences as the need becomes apparant. They requested copies of agendas for the workshops for future requests. Rick Kolilis reported on the March 8, 1991 Thurston Regional Council meeting where the Council conducted an evaluation of the Executive Director, Harold Robertson. The Council approved the allocation to Thurston County and all cities within of remaining funds from the DCD grant for growth management activities (to comply with HB2929). Kathy Wolf ~:eminded all of the "Yelm Community Kickoff for Drug Free Youth" on Tuesday, March 19, 1991 at 7:00 PM, Yelm High School Cafeteria. She encouraged good attendance at the seminar. Council received the following correspondence: *Legislative Bulletin #7 & #8 *Legislative Digest #3 *Timberland Regional Library Annual Report With no further business, Council adjourned at 9:40 PM on a motion by _... Arnold Drogseth, second by Kathy Wolf. ATTEST: Shelly A. Badger City Cle Robert A. Sanders Mayor