05/08/91MINUTES '' 1~ CITY OF l~IM REG[7I.AR COUNCIL MEETING WEDI~5DAY, MAY 8, 1991, 7:30 PM, YELM CITY HALL The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM by Mayor Sanders. All present joined in the flag salute. Councilmembers present: Kathy Wolf, Amos Lawton, Arnold Drogseth, Martha Parsons and Rick Kolilis. Staff: Shelly Badger, Gene Borges & Sandy Mackie (Owens Davies Mackie). Visitors: Rich Coulter, Capri Beckman, Roy Gibson (Assistant Scout Master, Troop 268), Michael Gibson, Christi Anderson, Erin Anderson and Don Miller. Mayor Sanders introduced Erin Anderson and Michael Gibson, from Yelm Boy Scout Troop 268, who are working on their Citizenship/Community Merit Badges. The following was added to the agenda: New business (d): Park tree transplant, (e): Yelm Truancy Officer. Amos Lawton moved to approve the agenda as amended, second by Martha Parsons. Motion carried. The minutes of the April 24, 1991 Regular Council Meeting was approved on a motion by Kathy Wolf, second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried. The following vouchers numbered 8888 - 8946 were approved on a motion by Martha Parsons, second by Rick Kolilis. Motion carried. Current: $15,767.36 Police: $ 2,899.94 Street: $ 1,170.23 Water: $ 2,062.34 Arterial Street: $ 89.10 Comm. Dev. Block Grant: $ 85.56 Garbage: $ 8,775.72 ~~,: $30, 850.25 New business (a), utility penalty complaint, was tabled until the complainant could attend. Kathy Wolf moved to approve Ordinance No. 398, amending annexation Ordinance No. 390, second by Martha Parsons. Motion carried. Ordinance No. 399, an ordinance relating to procedures and fees for the annexation of property to the City of Yelm, was approved (on the Council's emergency calendar) on a motion by Martha Parsons, second by Kathy Wolf, subject to revision of Section 2(A) to read: The fee for a simple annexation, described in Section 1(B)(i), shall be $250, payable to the City of Yelm. Upon successful completion of the annexation, up to $100 of the fee shall he refunded to the applicant if not used by the City. Motion carried with Rick Kolilis abstaining. Ordinance will become effective immediately. Park tree transplant: Martha Parsons moved approval, subject to Yelm Parks Committee majority approval, to transplant the 20' tree on Mosman SE to a location in the Yelm City Park to be used as the living Christmas tree, transplant fee not to exceed $425.00 plus tax. Motion was seconded by Kathy Wolf. Arnold Drogseth opposed the motion. Motion carried. Gene Borges informed the Council, that beginning May 13, 1991, a Labor & Industry on-the-job trainee will start working for Yelm Public Works. He will be working in the parks. Ordinance No. 397 enacting a fair housing ordinance and enforcement thereof was approved on a motion by Kathy Wolf, second by Martha Parsons. Motion carried. A letter was presented to the Council from John Klapp, owner of the property on Railroad Ave. where the Farmer's Flea Market is operating under a conditional use permit. The letter requested that the Council consider extension of the current permit (expires June 1, 1991) and that they consider allowing the market to locate in Yelm City Park rather than at its present location. In response to the request for extension, Council requested that Mr. Klapp submit an application and plans for continuance of the market beyond June 1, 1991 to the Yelm Planning Commission, taking into consideration the Planning Commission's recommendation of March 19, 1991 which requests a plan for permanent structures for renewal oi~ thc~ conditional use permit. Council agreed that operation of the flea ma~k~et i'tnh €~` Yelm City Park, would not be appropriate, as it would preclude others'~from~ using the facilities. J G C~~ Rich Coulter & Capri Backman, Yelm Middle School, were present to brief the Council on a joint proposal to provide a truancy officer that would be jointly funded by the School District and City of Yelm. Mr. Coulter explained that truancy has increased within the Yelm School District to the point where they feel an officer is needed. The truant students would be suspended and perform some type of community service work for Yelm. Councilwoman Wolf asked that the School District submit a more detailed request in writing explaining the liability issues, possible work programs and costs. Council directed staff (Ye]m Police Department) to continue meetings with the School District to obtain more information. Thurston County Planning Commission meeting of May 1, 1991: Gene Borges and Sandy Mackie attended the meeting, along with other interested Yelm citizens. Discussed were the Yelm/Thurston County Joint Planning Commission recom.nendations in regards to the interim and urban growth boundaries. On May 29, 1991, Yelm staff & Sandy Mackie will give a formal presentation to the Thurston County Planning Commission in regards to the location of Yelm's proposed growth boundary. Thurston County and Yelm staff will meet on May 9, 1991 to further discuss the issues at hand. Kathy Wolf reported that she and Councilwoman Parsons, along with Gene Borges, Shelly Badger, Sandy Mackie and Steve Gilbert (Parametrix, Inc.) attended a meeting on May 2, 1991 with the Council Sub-Committee and staff of the City of Centralia regarding Yelm's proposed disposal of sewer effluent to the Centralia Power & Light Canal. Yelm will draft a proposed interlocal agreement for Centralia staff and legal counsel to review prior to a second elected officials meeting. Yelm Historic Preservation Commission meeting of May 1, 1991: Shelly Badger informed the Council that the historic survey is on schedule and that Lee Stilson, Historic Surveyor, has identified two archaeological sites in the city limits. Daisy Lawton, Treasurer, provided the Council with copies of revenue and expenditure reports through April 30, 1991. At 9:02 PM, Council went into an Executive Session to discuss pending legal matters. They reconvened at 9:18 PM. With no further business, Council adjourned at 9:19 PM on a motion by Martha Parsons, second by Kathy Wolf. ATTEST: Shelly A. Badger ((~fff~' City Clerk Robert A. Sanders Mayor