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The meeting was called to order by Mayor Sanders at 7:30 PM. All present
joined in the flag salute. Councilmembers present: Kathy Wolf, Amos
Lawton, Arnold Drogseth, Martha Parsons & Rick Kolilis. Staff: Daisy
Lawton, Glenn Dunnam, Shelly Badger & Gene Borges. Visitors: Carlos Felan,
Bob Loper, Cathy Anderscr~, Jane White, John A. Mozza, Mynders Glover, Koreen
Pearl, Christine `Hartman, C. Daudsi, Teri Simpson, S. Steetman, John Klapp,
Paul Beverly fy Don Miil_er.
CORRESPONDENCE 9(d) was added to the agenda - citizen complaint. Amos
Lawton moved to approve the agenda with the addition, second by Rick
Kolilis. Motion carried.
The minutes of the May 8, 1991 Regular Council Meeting were approved on a
motion by Martha Parsons, second by Arnold Drogseth. Motion carried.
May payroll was approved on a motion by Kathy Wolf, second by Amos Lawton.
Motion carried.
Mayor Sanders appointed Chief Dunnam to serve as a member of the Thurston
County Emergency Management Operations Program Task Force to explore the
procedures, resources needs and any other issues related to creating a
mechanism to approach emergency management from a county-wide perspective.
Gene Borges will serve as the alternate.
Mayor Sanders asked for input on possible representatives to serve on the
Thurston County HIV/AIDS Advisory Committee. Council suggested that a
request be published in the Nisqually Valley News to obtain interested
Ordinance No. 401 providing incentives to preserve, protect and enhance the
City's rural atmosphere and aesthetics was approved on a motion by Rick
Kolilis, second by Martha Parsons. Motion carried.
A letter was presented to the City Council from the Washington State
Department of Transportation regarding the Yelm Highway 510 to Yelm
northwest city limits road improvement project. The letter responded to a
complaint received by DOT regarding removal of the trees. In the response,
DOT explained that removal of the trees was necessary for the safety of the
traveling public and that barriers placed in front of the trees were not a
viable option due to the trees close proximity to the roadway.
Based on the recommendation of the Yelm Recycling Committee, Kathy Wolf
moved to direct staff to implement the public notification process to begin
a mandatory curbside residential recycling program July 1, 1991.
Information sheets will be sent to all city customers regarding the June 12,
1991 Public Hearing on the proposed $2.35 rate increase for the service.
Motion was seconded by Martha Parsons. Motion carried. A mini-can service
will be available to those 1-can customers that are able to drop a level of
service due to recycling. Customers will receive 3 recycling bins, supplied
by LeMay Garbage Service, 1 for aluminum and tin, 1'for glass' and bottles
and 1 for newspaper. Mixed-waste paper (catalogs, junk mail, magazines,
etc.) will be collected in paper bags. Pick-up of the recycled items will
be every other week on the same day as garbage pick-up.
Council received copies of the returned surveys from near-by property owners
regarding the Yelm Farmer's Flea Market. Present were John Klapp, owner of
property, and several vendors from the Flea Market. Mr. Klapp presented a
letter to the Yelm City Council and staff requesting, for the second time,
that the Council allow the Market to relocate to the Ye]m City Park (if it
is found that the community would like a market in the park). Secondly, it
was requested that the Council allow an extension of the conditional use
permit (which expires June 1, 1991) to operate the market on Mr. Klapp's
property at Railroad and Jefferson N.W. until such time as an immediate
comprehensive review and decision be made on the location of the Farmer's
Flea Market .•
Councilmembers expressed an ongoing concern regarding the use of the park by
one organization on a continuing basis and suggested that Mr. Klapp bring
his request to operate the Par7ner's l~'lea Market in Yel_m City Park be Core the
Yu1~n 1'~Ll.s AcivlSVry ~unnu-LL"cam Lur~ Lh~~_u~ _iiiEniL ~.inc-1 i•~x,~_nniK~ii~l,il.i~,ii.
MOTION: After much discussion, Kathy Wolf moved to table any action.. om' ~he{ ~ ~
conditional use permit issued for the lots north of 202 Jefferson Ave: NW in ,
order to give the Farmer's Flea Market organizers the opportunity to present
their request for continued operation of the market in Yelm City Park to the
Yelm Parks Advisory Committee. Also, that the organizers schedule an
appearance before the Yelm Planning Commission on June 18, 1991 to discuss
property improvements for continuance of operation at the present location,
if the park is not a viable option. Motion was seconded by Martha Parsons.
Amos Lawton opposed. Motion carried. Current terms of the conditional use
permit (issued June 1, 1990) for operation must be followed in the interim.
At the Yelm Planning Commission meeting of May 21, 1991, the Commission was
updated on the Yelm/Thurston County Joint Plan issue and notified of Yelm's
presentation, regarding the joint plan and urban growth boundary, at the May
29, 1991 meeting of the Thurston County Planning Commission.
Chief Dunnam was not able to give the Police Report as he has been out of
town attending the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs
Ye]m's Municipal Court report was presented for April 1991. 134 tickets
were processed during the month compared to 65 in April of 1990. Of the 134
tickets, 38 were criminal citations and 96 infractions. A request was
received by the Court Administrator asking for Council consideration and
approval of one additional work day for the Court Clerk (bring to a 4-day
work week) and to continue utilizing a temporary data entry operator to
enter the time-payment infortmation on the CORTS computer system and send out
monthly billings. The request was made due to the extreme increase in
caseload and the need to bring the filing system up-to-date. Kathy Wolf
moved to table any action on the request until staff can supply the Council
with additional information regarding the length of time needed for the
extra staffing and increased cost to the 1991 Budget, second by Rick
Kolilis. Motion carried.
Street Report: The Department of Transportation representative will be
meeting soon with Yelm staff to discuss the transportation study. The 6-
Year Comprehensive Street Plan will be submitted by July 1, 1991 along with
grant applications for needed street improvements and new street
Parks Advisory Committee Meeting of May 14, 1991: The following Yelm City
Park use requests were approved on a motion by Rick Kolilis, second by Kathy
Wolf (on recommendation of the Committee). Motion carried:
1. June 15, 3 - 6 PM, Girl Scouts, Court of Awards & Picnic
2. August 12-16 and 19-23, 9 AM - 4 PM, Thurston County Parks &
Recreation, Summer Playground Program
3. June 5 & 7, 9 AM - Noon, Yelm Care-A-Lot Preschool, End of Year
4. May 28, 6 - 9 PM, Yelm Little League, Baseball game
Rick Kolilis moved approval of Springfest 1992 to be held May 1, 2 & 3 of
1992 by the Yelm Eagles, to include the "Bite of Thurston County", second by
Kathy Wolf. Motion carried. Council asked that the Eagles' request to
close Second Street be coordinated with the Yelm Police Department and
Public Works.
Gene Borges informed the Council that beginning July 1, 1991, Yelm will
begin enforcement of the 1991 Washington State Energy Code. As a
participant in the program, Yelm received a $4,000 grant to purchase a
computer that will perform the necessary energy calculations, along with
$2,400 for staff training.
Staff updated the Council on recent discussions between Yelm and Thurston
County Planning Staff regarding the Yelm/Thurston County Joint Plan and
location of the urban growth boundary. At the May 1, 1991 meeting of the
Thurston County Planning Commission, County Planning staff briefed the
Commission on the work on the joint plan, neglecting to inform the
Commission of the Joint Committee's recommendations of April 18, 1991. The
Thurston County Planning Commission asked that Yelm and Thurston County
staff try to resolve their boundary differences prior to Yelm's presentation
to the Commission on May 29, 1991. Since that time, Yelm and County stnf_f
have been negotiating a letter of agreement regarding resolution of thc~
joint plan and urban growth boundary issues to present to the P1~iuniny
C~omnission and elected officials.
The Yelm City Council expressed discontent that the Joint Planning
Committee's reconrnendations did not. go directly to the elected officials and
asked why staff was working on a letter of agreement that differs from the
joint committee's recommendation. After much discussion regarding the
proposed letter of agreement, Council agreed that staff could continue the
negotiations with Thurrston County Planning staff and submit the final draft
to them prior to the Mayor's signature.
Staff informed the Council that Yelm ranked 9th on the draft funding list
for the Centennial Clean Water Grant and will be funded for design of the
sewer system. The money was necessary to begin design of the project.
The following correspondence was received:
1. Notice of Thurston County Board of Commissioners Town Meeting - May
23, 1991
2. Transportation Policy Board Meeting information
3. AWC Nominations & Resolution Committee update
Council received copy of a complaint received by a citizen regarding
policies and staffing within city departments. The Administration and
Council liaisons will be researching the various allegations.
With no further. business, Council adjourned at 10:02 PM on a motion by
Martha Parsons, second by Arnold Drogseth. Motion carried.
~~~® d9.
Shelly A. Badger
City C k
Robert A. Sanders