06/12/91MINU`iES j~~~ CITY OF YELM REG[JI1U2 COUNCIL MEETING ~ ~` ~ ~"`~"~ ~~b~,, WEDNESDAY, JiJNE 12 , 1991, 7:30 PM, YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CE111MB~ERS The meeting was called to order by Mayor Robert Sanders. All present joined in the flag salute. Councilmembers present: Kathy Wolf, Amos Lawton, Arnold Drogseth and Martha Parsons. Rick Kolilis was out of town. Staff: Shelly Badger, Daisy Lawton, Glenn Dunnam and Agnes Colombo. Visitors: Donna Taylor, Rose Mae Bailey, Bill Trull, Marlin & Phyllis Stillings, Mary Roberts, Michelle Hines, Stephen Wright, Eugene Landus, Norm LeMay and George Walker. The agenda was approved as printed on a rmoti~~n by 1\rrx~~s Lawton, second by Arnold Drogseth. Motion carried. The minutes of May 22, 1991 were approved on a motion by Martha Parsons, second by Kathy Wolf. Motion carried. . The following vouchers were approved on a motion by Martha Parsons, second _ by Kathy Wolf. Motion carried. Current: $50,176.06 Police: $ 3,759.71 Street: $ 4,455.22 - Arterial Street: $ 1,969.77 Water: $ 4,498.79 ,~ Garbage: $ 8,761.28 Water Redemption Find: $19,151.00 Water Construction F1ind: $ 2,139.25 TOTAL: $94,911.08 At 7:32 PM the Public Hearing was opened to discuss the proposed garbage rate increase and recycling program. Shelly Badger gave the history of the Waste Not Washington Act which requires all cities and counties to adopt a Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan with a recycling element. Yelm will be participating in the Thurston County plan. She highlighted the work of the local "Recycling Committee" stating the various recycling options that were investigated. The recommendation of the Yelm Recycling Committee, working with LeMay Inc., is to implement a mandatory residential and multi-family residential curbside recycling program in the city limits of Yelm effective July 1, 1991. The rate increase to provide such a service is proposed at $2.35 per level of service (cans) and $10.00 per dumpster. Norm LeMay than conducted a demonstration showing how a regular 32-gallon can service can be reduced to a 20-gallon mini-can service with recycling of mixed color bottles/glass, tin and aluminum can, newspaper and mixed-waste paper. Bins will be provided to each single and multi-family residence for glass, tin/aluminum and newspaper. Mixed-waste paper may be put out in paper bags. Pickup will be every other week on the regular garbage day. Questions were asked by the public attending as follows: *Why the rate increase for recycling? Who gets the recycling proceeds? LeMay stated that the increase covers the additional cost incurred by LeMay for the bins, truck and staff. 500 of the net recycling profit will come back to Yelm from the sale of the recyclables. *Do residents that change from a 1-can service to a mini-can have to purchase a new garbage can? Yes, the cans are available in Yelm. *Can we still use the buy-back center? Definitely! *Do we have to put the recyclables out every other week? No, the bins may be put out only when necessary. *What about businesses, will there be a program for them? The Chamber of Commerce, LeMay and the Recycling Committee are looking into various options for commercial accounts. With no further questions/comments from the public, the Hearing was closed ~~ t 8 : ?. 5 PM . Council received ~i draft/LirSl- recid_i_nc~ c, l: O~zLi.n,:uu.~~ Nc~. ~1O? ~::;(_.il~l i:,liiin~ ;~ -. ~ ~r~r~ ~ ing program in '~u.,-~ ~o•~nce will be Meeting. the City of Yelm and establishing rates therefore. The put to a vote at the June 26, 1991 Regular Council Kathy Wolf moved to approve of and enter into intergovernmrental agreements with Thurston County for participation in the 1992 Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan and the Regional Recycling, Multi-Material Drop-Off Program. Motion was seconded by Amos Lawton. Motion carried. Resolution No. 223 filling 'vacancies on the Yelm Planning Commission was approved on a mrotion by Martha Parsons, second by Kathy Wolf. Motion carried. Rose Bailey was present to issue a complaint regarding dogs barking late at night which causes her to loose sleep. Chief Dunnam and Tim Peterson (animal control) will talk with the dog owner in an attempt to solve the problem. Due to the fact that the 2 trees at the corner of Edwards & McKenzie S.W. (in city right-of-way) are dead and a hazard with no chance of preservation, Arnold Drogseth moved to allow the removal of the trees, second. by Kathy Wolf. Motion carried. Council received a draft for the first reading of the 1992-1997 Six-year. Transportation Improvement Program. There will be a Public Hearing on the Transportation Program at the June 26, 1991 Regular Council Meeting. Shelly Badger informed the Council of the City's July 1, 1991 renewal of medical insurance for employees through Thurston County Medical. Rates for the period July 1, 1991 through July 1, 1992 have increased approxirrrately 25o for medical, vision, chiropractic and dental coverage. Kathy Wolf moved to renew the policy (under the Community Healthshare plan, which is most similar to current coverage) with Thurston County Medical for eligible employee group coverage for the period July 1, 1991 through July 1, 1992, with the understanding to employees that the percentage of coverage provided by the City mray have to be decreased in 1992. Motion was seconded by Martha Parsons. Motion carried. Martha Parsons moved to enroll Chief Dunnam on the group insurance medical, vision, chiropractic and dental plan beginning July 1, 1991, second by Kathy Wolf. Motion carried. Council directed the attorney to draft an ordinance establishing a substance abuse fund contribution for all persons convicted of possession of controlled substances and/or of alcohol related offenses for the June 26, 1991 Regular Council Meeting. Due to the increase in Thurston County's court system, Yelm has been directed to begin handling domestic violence cases. Amos Lawton moved to approve Ordinance No. 403 incorporating reference provisions of RCW 26.50 relating to domestic violence, second by Martha Parsons. Motion carried. Yelm Parks Advisory Committee meeting of June 11, 1991: John Klapp requested use of City Park for the Farnier's Flea Market. After much discussion, the Parks Advisory Committee recommended denial of the request due to the fact that regular use of the park would upset the ecological balance of the grounds. The Eagles are going to begin renovation of the park kitchen next week to be ready for Prairie Days. Yelm Historic Preservation Commission meeting of June 5, 1991: The Commission received approvals from the Masonic Temple and Senior Citizens boards to place both buildings on the Yelm Register of Historic Places. Nomination preparation will be conducted over the next couple of months. Library Report for the month of May 1991 was submitted by Faith Hagenhofer. A complaint was received by a citizen regarding the speed limit reduction on SR 510 & 507. A written response will be sent to the complainant explaining the process for the reduction. A let:tx~r. w,^r:. rcrr.,i.vc~c~ Pr~>m rr "I,i.fc't:iirr~ Cil~~ir~;n" ~>f Yi~lrn ~~~mrrr~nrfin~t Ptx; Police Department and Yelm Municipal Court. ~i -k` Copies of the agenda and minutes ; of the .Thurston Council on ,Cup ~i_~r`a~lX ~. Diversity and Human Rights were~d"istrbtiited`~ to Councilmeambers. ``«" .. Council received notification that. Robert Freilich, Nationally Respected; Growth Management Expert, will be speaking at the Thurston County Courthouse, Monday, June 17, 4:OO~PM. Council received a letter from citizen Jean Stam expressing concern regarding the cutting of trees on SR 510 and recommending alternatives. Staff informed the Council that a meeting had been scheduled by Representatives Fraser and Belcher for Friday, June 14, 1991 to discuss Departrr~nt of Transportation proposed project revisions with citizens concerned over tree-cutting. Councilmembers respectfully declined attendance at the meeting and asked Mayor Sanders to put together a letter to Fraser and Belcher explaining Yelm's position on the project. They asked that Mayor Sanders restate (from minutes of April 24, 1991) the Council's position of continued support of the Department of Transportation's planned SR 510 improvement project and stress that input from Yelm officials on proposed changes is not necessary due to the fact that the project is outside the corporate limits of Yelm. Also, that all aspects of design of the roadway, including the cutting or not cutting of trees, should be left to the expertise of DOT's traffic engineers to best design the project for improved safety. At 9:20 PM, Council went into Executive Session to discuss real estate. At 9:30 PM, Council reconvened. Amos Lawton directed staff to proceed with the earnest money agreement for purchase of property, second by Kathy Wolf. Motion carried. With no further business before the Council, Arnold Drogseth moved to adjourn at 9:35 PM, second by Martha Parsons. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: Shelly A. Bager Ye1m City Clerk Robert A. Sanders Mayor