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WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1991, 7:30 PM
The meeting was called to order by Clerk Shelly Badger in the absence of
Mayor Sanders. All present joined in the flag salute. Martha Parsons moved
to appoint Councilwoman Wolf as Mayor Pro-Tem for the evening; second by
Amos Lawton. Motion carried. '
Council present: Kathy Wolf, Martha Parsons, Amos Lawton and Arnold
Drogseth. Rick Kol.ilis was absent. Staff: Agnes Colombo, Gene Borges,
Shelly Badc~_r, Glenn Dunnam and Attorney Sandy Mackie, Owens Davies Mackie.
Visitors: Dennis Su, Fred Rapp, Feliz Satir ('Phe Olympian), Don Miller,
Tony Colombo and Randy Riness.
Amos Lawton moved to approve the agenda as corrected (re-numbered), second
by Martha Parsons. Motion carried.
Martha Parsons moved to approve the minutes of the June 26, 1991 Regular
Council Meeting, second by Arnold Drogseth. Motion carried.
The following vouchers numbered 9035 - 9099 totaling $29,122.47 were
approved on a motion by Amos Lawton, second by Martha Parsons. Motion
Current: $ 8,777.32
Police: $ 5,678.33
Street: $ 1,285.41
Water: $ 3,110.03
Garbage: $10,221.93
Water Redemption Fund: $ 49.45
TOTAL: $29,122.47
Mayor Pro-Tem explained the Council's policy regarding the "public comment
period", stating that citizens had five (5) minutes to address the Council
and if needed additional time, they must submit in writing to the Clerk,
information they would like to present to the Council at a later meeting
Mr. Bruce Weiskotten, an Environmental Designer, was present to discuss
contructed wetlands for sewage treatment. He offered his knowledge of the
system to the City and stated that is was his opinion that the wetlands
could reduce the cost of treatment by 1/3 to 1/8 and treat the effluent to a
higher quality.
Attorney Mackie explained that Yelm is very close to being designated an
"environmentally sensitive aquifer area", which makes approval for wetlands
very difficult. Mayor Pro-Tem Wolf stated that Yelm hired a professional
engineering firm to look into all possible fundable alternatives f_or sewage
collection and treatment which were analyzed in Yelm's Wastewater Facilities
Plan. The chosen system meets and/or exceeds the economic and ecological
standards. Gene Borges info~d Mr. Weiskotten that constructed wetlands
were considered in the Facilities Plan, but were not the superior
Fred Rapp, Fournier Insurance, Inc., was present to explain the Cities
Insurance Association of Washington insurance pool. The pool began in 1988
and currently has 107 small cities enrolled. He presented the Council with
a quotation for insurance coverage for the City of 1'elrn. Mr. Rapp must have
an answer from the City regarding the pool by August 1, 1991'~for the Labor &
Industries Retrospective Rating Plan and by September 1, 1991 to take
advantage of the quotation provided. Councilmember Lawton agreed to meet
with staff to further research the pool and make comparisons with existing
city insurance coverage.
Randy Riness, Planning Director for Intercity Transit, was present to
discuss Intercity Transit's 1992-1997 Transit Development Plan. He
explained that Intercity Transit has made several "policy directions" in
regards to future land use and transportation planning such as:
*To take a greater role in planning for 'Phurston County ii ~ lay ~d usc:; jai ~cl
t L ans po.r_ tea t. ion .
~~'-~' ~~?,~~ *To discuss alternatives to connect transit with a broader region
~~`"""~"'~ "'~'°" 6 ( Pierce and King County) .
*To look at commuters and reduce the numbers that are commuting alone;
help to improve the quality of life in Thurston County communities.
*Research the needs of disabled, current IT services for the disabled
are at capacity.
*Need to expand transit to more areas of Thurston County such as the
South County area.
*People using the transit system need to pay their fair share.
He presented Councilmembers and the public with IT's four (4) service
alternatives for the 1992-1997 Plan.
*Alternative #1 would continue status quo with expansion of the Dial-A-
Lift program.
*Alternative #2 would increase the Dial-A-Lift service, vanpool service
and transit service would be added to Cooper Point, Black Lake, south
Thurston County towns and vicinity and the area east of Lacey. This
alternative. requires a vote of the citizens to expand the Public
Transportation Benefit Area which increases sales tax to those areas.
Staff would also increase to expand transit planning and coordination
with land use planning, and to work with employers to encourage use of
transportation alternatives.
*Alternative #3 increases general public service, Dial-A-Lift program,
commuter service (park and ride lots) and increased planning staff.
*Alternative #4 increases and adds all of the above services
(transportation demand management, commuter service expansion and
expanded transit area). This also requires expansion of the taxing
district to all of Thurston County.
In the coming weeks, the goals will be finalized by Intercity Transit and a
financing plan will be developed. A Public Hearing on the 1992-1997 Plan
will be the first week in August. Mr. Riness explained that if one of the
alternatives were chosen which includes transit to south Thurston County and
the voters approved the expansion of the taxing district, the earliest the
program would be implemented would be mid to late 1993.
Attorney Sandy Mackie asked if there is a possibility of an interlocal
agreement with Intercity Transit to provide service? Mr. Riness stated that
an agreement could be negotiated if voters did not approve a transit
The following park use requests were considered and approved:
*New Life Christian Center, August 7, 1991, 7'-9 PM, games and songs.
Motion of approval by Martha Parsons, second by Amos Lawton, with the
condition that one sari-can be provided due to the large group size.
Motion carried.
*Yelm Prairie Days Queen Coronation and Dance sponsored by the Lion's
Club and Beer Garden sponsored by the Eagles, Saturday, July 20, 1991,
5:30 PM-Midnight. Motion of approval by Arnold Drogseth, second by
Martha Parsons subject to all requirements for beer gardens as
previously established. Motion carried with Amos Lawton voting no.
*Kerri Kroll, Thursday, July 11, 1991, 6:00 PM, private picnic. Motion
by Martha Parsons, second by Arr-os Lawton to approve. Motion carried.
*St. Timothy Episcopal Church, Sundays in July and August, 8:30 AM,
Sunday worship services. Motion of approval by Martha Parsons, subject
to staff informing the church of scheduling conflicts (events already
approved), second by Arnold Drogseth. Motion carried.
Amos Lawton moved to participate in the 1991 Thurston County Voter's
Pamphlet for an estimated cost of $39.85, second by Arnold Drogseth. Motion
Staff presented Council with a copy of a letter dated June 28, 1991 from
John Klapp to re-apply for a conditional use permit to operate a Farmers'
Flea Market at Jefferson and Railroad Avenues NW. Few conditions were
identified by the property owner that would be followed; Mr. Klapp
expressed to staff that he would like the operation`~to remain flexible.
Attorney Sandy Mackie explained that the City needs to utilize the SEPA
process to identify and set the conditions of the "Market". Once the SEPA
Check.l.i.st and sa_tc~ plan have been suhmi.ttod, the proposal wi.l_1. go before Lhe
Yelm Planning Cormnission. During this process, tho appLUVUCI tacL.~v i ~ _i u:, ,uul
conditions of use will be stated, including but not limited to: ryN ?o"f'~~;'"~""":j~
street parking, nature and ~ extent ~~ of entertainment including the ;ti~{ev~e~1 ~ o
noise, clean-up requirements, hours/days of operation, sanitation""'
provisions, length of permit, ingress/egress to property, etc.
Martha Parsons moved to utilize the SEPA process to identify the conditions
of the conditional use permit to operate a Farmers' Flea Market at Jefferson
and Railroad~Avenues NW, second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried. Staff will
meet with Mr. Klapp to explain the required process.
Amos Lawton moved to approve On~iinance No. 405 relating to replacement of
existing mobile homes within the City of Yelm, second by Martha Parsons.
Motion carried.
Yelm/Thurston County Joint Plan: Staff announced that the Thurston County
Commissioners will be discussing the Yelm/Thurston County Joint Planning
Committee's recommendations of April 18, 1991 on Monday, July 22, 1991, at
9:00 AM at their regular meeting.
Sandy Mackie suggested to the Council that Yelrrt begin work on the policies
and ordinances required for growth management and city expansion as soon as
possible using State provided model ordinances to guide in the development
of text. He stated that ordinances can be adopted on development within
Yelm's urban growth boundary; and policies can be adopted giving direction
for activities within Yelm's established Sphere of Influence (extra-
territorial planning). The ordinances will explain and give guidance to
Yelm on how the urban areas of Yelm will be managed.
Staff stated that Yelm needs to continue with the work in progress to meet
HB2929. Martha Parsons moved to allow staff and Mr. Mackie to proceed with
the necessary ordinances relating to HB2929 and annexation policies to bring
before the Planning Commission and City Council for review within the next 8
weeks. Second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried.
Mayor Pro-Tem Wolf asked that the minutes reflect the error in the July 3,
1991 article in the Olympian discussing the Joint Plan and Yelm urban growth
boundary. The article stated that Yelm and the Thurston Regional Planning
Council have been at an impasse over growth around Yelm. The Yelm Council
wants Regional Planning Council members to understand that there has never
been a disagreement between the two, the discussion and disagreements have
been at a staff level.' The Thurston ,Regional Planning Council and Thurston
County Commissioners have yet ~to formally act on the recommendations of the
~Yelm/Thurston County Joint Committee (April 18) regarding an urban growth
boundary around Yelm.
Amos Lawton moved approval for the Yelm Municipal Court to continue to work
the Court Clerk 4 days per week (compared to the 3 days per week budgeted)
and to emply a person for data entry on a once a week basis until December
31, 1991. Also to authorize staff to set up a work program for the Court to
best utilize staff and the computer. The motion was seconded by Arnold
Drogseth. Motion carried. The additional money needed for the staffing is
approximately $3100.00 which has been taken from other line items within the
Court budget (approved by the Court Administrator).
Council asked that copies of the DOT newsletter regarding the SR 510 Road
Improvement Project and the letter from Senator Kreidler and Representatives
Belcher and Fraser be sent to the three elected officials asking for
clarification; as the letters are contradictory regarding the removal of
trees and alignment revision at the entry to Yelm (93rd Ave.).
Gene Borges asked that Council give staff the opportunity to identify and
pursue implementation strategies for the Department of Transporation traffic
study. Council had no objections.
Council received a copy of the letter from Department of Community
Development congratulating Yelm as a recipient of a $500,000 Coinriunity
Development Block Grant for construction of a UCBO Community Center and
With no further business before the Council, Arnold Drogseth moved
adjournrrent at 9:55 PM, second by Martha Parsons.
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