07/24/91~ ~,~ ~ ~ MIlV[f1~S ~, ~ CITY OF YELM KEG[JI1~R COUNCIL MEETING ~~-~•-`y..- _ `~» -~~'~` WIDNESDAY, JiJLY 24, 1991, 7:30 PM, AIM CITY HALL COUNCIL CE-tAN16ERS The regular meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM by Mayor Robert A. Sanders. ,All present joined in the flag salute. Councilmembers present: Kathy Wolf, Amos Lawton, Arnold Drogseth, Martha Parsons and Rick Kolilis. Staff: Shelly Badger, Gene Borges, Glenn Dunnam, Edward Smith and Don Barnard. Visitors: Fred Rapp, Kain Strieck, John Klapp, Leslie Teggesell, Chris Lowell (Director,,Housing Authority of Thurston County) and Bill Lynch (Chairman of the Board, Housing Authority of Thurston County). Amos Lawton moved to app~_ove the agenda with changes in order of presentations, second by Kathy Wolf. Motion carried. The minutes of the July 10, 1991 Regular Council Meeting were approved on a motion by Martha Parsons, second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried. July payroll was approved on a motion by Arnold Drogseth, second by Martha Parsons. Motion carried. The following vouchers numbered 9100 - 9102~were approved on a motion by Arnold Drogseth, second by Kathy Wolf. Motion carried. Community Development Block Grant: $3,403.88 TOTAL: At 7:35 PM, the Public Hearing jurisdictional application to the Community Development Block Grant Comprehensive Housing Plan. $3,403.88 was opened to discuss the multi- state of Washington Department of Planning-Only Funds to complete a Chris Lowell, Director, Housing Authority of Thurston County, explained that Thurston County and the Cities of Yelm, Tenino, Rainier and Bucoda are applying for a multi-jurisdictional CDBG Planning-Only Grant in the amount of $40,000.00 to prepare a Comprehensive Housing Plan for low-to-moderate income and special needs populations in Thurston County, Yelm, Tenino, Rainier and Bucoda. The plan will project housing needs, identify public actions which will occur to meet the needs for affordable housing in the jurisdictions, be coordinated with other housing providers and social service providers and be used to anticipate resources needed to implement the plan. Goals of the plan are to increase the availability of affordable housing units by providing jurisdictions detailed, comprehensive and timely inforn~ation on the present and projected housing needs of low and moderate income residents; to increase the availability of affordable housing units by providing the jurisdictions detailed,- comprehensive and timely information on the local housing market; to increase the availability of housing for low and moderate income persons and special needs populations by mitigating barriers to affordable housing; increase the availability of affordable housing by maximizing community resources available and invested in the development of housing to meet the needs of residents, particularly low and moderate income residents and special needs populations; create affordable housing in the jurisdictions by planning for actions which are under public control and which directly impact the availability and accessibility of housing for low and moderate income residents. Ms. Lowell explained the Citizen Participation/Housing and Community Development Plan stressing the community's input of March 27, 1991 which stated that housing, health and recreation needs are a priority for the Yelm area. Also, the Intergovernmental Agreement for Community Development Block Grant Administration and Work Plan Responsibilities, Resolution No. 224 and Yelm Complaint Response Policy were reviewed. With no questions from the public and no additional corm~ents on the priority needs identified in the Citizen Participation/Housing and Comirlunity Development Plan, the Public Hearing was closed at 7:56 PM. Resolution No. 224 authorizing submission of a Community Development Block Grant application to the State of Washington for funds to complete a housing plan in the amount of $40,000 was approved on a motion by Martha Parsons, second by Amios Lawton. Motion carried. Ci i !~ Kath Wolf moved to a rove the Cit of Yelm Citizen Partici at ion Housifn` and Community Development Plan as presented, second by Martha Parsonsi~ ~' Motion carried. Kathy Wolf moved signature authorization for Mayor Sanders to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement for Community Development Block Grant Administration and Work Plan Responsibilities with Thurston County, second by Martha Parsons. Motion carried. Martha Parsons moved approval of the City of Yelm "Complaint Response Policy", second by Kathy Wolf. Motion carried. Fred Rapp, Fournier Insurance, was present to further discuss the Cities Insurance Association of Washington Pool. He presented the Council with a letter further explaining his proposal. Counci].rrian Lawton suggested that Yelm provide copies of their present policy and information on the Cities Insurance Association of Washington (CIAW) pool and Association of Washington Cities pool to Owens Davies Mackie for their review and reconmendation prior to making a decision. Due to the need to commit to the CLAW pool prior to August 1, 1991, Amos Lawton moved to continue the Council Meeting to Wednesday, July 31, 1991, 5:00 PM, for a final decision on the matter. Second by Kathy Wolf. Motion carried. Ordnance No. 407 relating to the establishment and operation of child day care facilities; establishing land use regulations and a permit system was presented to the Council for their "first reading". Gene Borges reported on a recent meeting with Thurston County Fire District #2 Chief Bill Steele regarding the Washington State Air Pollution law that prohibits municipalities from issuing burn permits for "pollution causing" fires. Until a legal opinion and interpretation of the law can be obtained, Yelm will not issue any burn permits for city limit residents. Staff will report back to Council. The following park use requests were considered by the Council; *Rick Kolilis moved approval of the "Wright" family reunion, Sunday, July 31, 1991, from 11 AM - 8 PM, second by Kathy Wolf. Motion carried. Council stressed that staff inform Ms. Wright that clean up for Prairie Days will be on the same day. *Martha Parsons moved to table approval on the Yelm High School Alumni reunion scheduled for July 11, 1992 until further information can be obtained, second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried. Public Works Department vehicle request: Gene Borges informed the Council that the 1974 Ford Courier is in need of replacement. Amos Lawton moved approval for purchase of a replacement vehicle (as per the 1991 Budget) up to $4500 plus tax and handling fees, subject to staff acquiring quotations from two local used dealers and two new auto dealers prior to making the purchase. Motion was seconded by Martha Parsons. Motion carried. Farmer's Flea Market: Staff informed the Council that since June 26, 1991, staff met with John Klapp to set up a time schedule for submittal of the necessary documents for application for a new Conditional Use Permit to operate a Farmer's Flea Market at Jefferson and Railroad St. NW. Mr. Klapp submitted a letter as an application for Conditional Use which was presented to the City Council on July 10, 1991. Mr. Klapp informed staff that certain detail was not included in the application because he wanted the permit to remain flexible. It was on this date that Attorney Sandy Mackie informed staff and Council that the SEPA process must be followed for issuance of a Conditional Use Permit and/or a rezone which would describe to Council the nature of the activities Gene Borges stated that staff was unaware the SEPA process had to be followed for a Conditional Use Permit and that he was concerned with Yelm requiring additional paperwork from the applicant after the original submittal. He felt that due to this additional process (SEPA), application approval may not be until October at the earliest. Since July 10, staff met with Mr. Klapp to discuss a new time frame in light of the additional SEPA paperwork process as it is impossible to complete either process in the original timeframe discussed. At this point, Mr. Klapp felt that the timing on a rezone application might be the same as a Conditional Use Permit. Council stated that they have lx:en very willing Lc work with Mr. K1~i~~i~, hul ~~ 'that due to the multi-family zoning of the property, certain conditions must ~ `~ ~!~°~b'~ ~iet and adhered to prior to Conditional Use Permit approval. Attorney Mackie stated that a Conditional Use Permit application must describe the activities of the market via the SEPA checklist process and must address items such as size, number of booths, parking, hours of operation, levels of noise, sanitation, public facilities and a complete description of the activities of the market. Via the Conditional Use Permit, Yelm can set limitations to the activities if approved. The nature of a Conditional Use Permit is that if any of the conditions approved change throughout the life of the permit, approval must be granted by Council. Due to the zoning of the property as multi-family, a more complete application is required so as the City can be assured that the residential character of the neighborhood will not be impaired by the operation of a Farmer's Flea Market. Councilwoman Wolf stated that the Council cannot legally take any action and cannot allow continuance of the market at Jefferson and Railroad without approval granted by the Council of a complete Conditional Use Permit application which addresses all the issues stated above by Attorney Mackie. All councilrr~ernbers concurred. Mr. Klapp also has the option of a rezone application to a commercial zone and then seek approval for operation of the Farmer's Flea Market under the commercial zone requirements. Growth Management & Annexation issues update: Sandy Mackie stated that on July 22, 1991 the Board of Thurston County Commissioners approved the recommendations of the Ye1mJThurston County Joint Planning Committee adopting Yelm's Sphere of Influence and a proposed growth boundary that includes Thurston Highlands & Associates and allows Yelm to proceed with its annexation requests for the Thurston Highlands, Venture Partners and Forrester properties. At this point he recommended to the Council that Yelm proceed with the following: *Adopt annexation policies which mandate that areas seeking urban levels of development provide urban levels of service within the meaning of the Growth Management Act. *Adopt an interim development policy for the area outside the City, but within the sphere of influence area, to assure that piecemeal development does not co-opt meaningful opportunities for urban levels of development. *Adopt a PUD on~inance which will permit the City to review larger projects with an eye to maximizing the benefits of the urban service area and permit adequate review of the proposed master plan. *Adopt a fee reimbursement structure which permits Yelm to be reimbursed for costs of preparing for and reviewing development proposals. Rick Kolilis moved approval for staff to prepare a litter to the Board of Thurston County Commissioners to state Yelm's plans for implementation of the approval granted by the Commissioners, second by Kathy Wolf. Motion carried. Yelm Police Report: Chief Dunnam reported on Prairie Days including the dance and beer garden held in Yelm City Park. The issue of security at community events was raised. In the past, community events which sponsor beer gardens have paid for the required security; however, the security necessary for Yelm Prairie Days has always been provided by tYie City. Staff asked for Council's guidance since this year's Prairie Days Dance included a beer garden in the park (sponsore~3 by the Yelm Eagles). Chief Dunnam noted that the City requested that the coronation and dance be moved from the street to the park. Amos Lawton moved to require the sponsoring service club to pay the cost of security provided at the Prairie Days dance at Yelm City Park, second by Kathy Wolf. Amos Lawton voted yes, Wolf, Drogseth, Parsons and Kolilis voted no. Motion denied. Martha Parsons moved to provide the security for Yelm Prairie Days dance on July 20, 1991 at no cost to the sponsoring service clubs and directed the Parks 1ldvisory CcxYmitt~e Lo brincJ forth ~a mccrinx~nc3<~tion to thr C'eunr.i.l_ for