The meeting was called to order by Mayor Robert Sanders at 7:30 PM. All
present joined in the .flag salute. '
Councilrr~nbers present: Arnold Drogseth, Kathy Wolf, Amos Lawton, Martha
Parsons and Rick Kolilis. Staff: Shelly Badger and Glenn Dunnam. Also,
Sandy Mackie, Owens Davies Mackie. Visitors: Ron and Bonnie Sim~non and Don
Kathy Wolf moved to approve the agenda as printed,~second by Amos Lawton.
Motion carried.
Amos Lawton moved to approve the minutes of the July 24, 1991 Regular City
Council Meeting, second by Martha Parsons. Motion carried.
Rick Kolilis expressed a concern regarding payment for mileage to an
individual performing interpretive services for the Yelm Municipal Court.
Staff was asked to check with the Court Administrator regarding payment of
mileage. '
Martha Parsons moved to approve vouchers numbered 9104-9178 totaling
$32,423.99, second by Kathy Wolf. Motion carried.
Current: $11,679.54
Police: $ 3,329.83
Street: $ 1,784.49
Water: $ 2,639.85
Garbage: $ 9,567.28
74 GO Bond Redemption: $ 3,423.00
TOTAL: $32,423.99
At 7:40 PM, the Public Hearing on the Asher annexation petition was opened by
Mayor Sander. Councilman Kolilis inquired about the current existing street
right-of-way and the possibility of the City asking for right-of-way so as
West Road meets the width requirements of current city streets prior to
annexation. Attorney Mackie stated that the City can make conditions of
annexation. Property resident Ron Simmons asked if the City could begin with
- this new requirement on this annexation. Attorney Mackie responded that a
city can require conditions of annexation at any time prior to final approval
of the annexation.
Public Hearing closed at 7:53 PM.
Shelly Badger informed those present of the City's intent to submit an
application to the Farmer's Home Administration for a Community Facility Loan
to construct a 1,980 square foot addition to Yelm City Hall. The
improvements will allow the Ye1m~Timberland Library to move temporarily to
the new addition for an estimated period of 5 years. Current ,space vacated
by the library will be used to house the offices of the Yelm Municipal Court
and Yelm Public Works and Planning Departments. There were no questions from
the public.
Ordinance No. 409-amending the 1991 City of Yelm salary schedule was approved
on a motion by Amos Lawton, second by Arnold Drogseth. Motion carried. The
amendment will allow for the position currently held by Terry Vandiver to be
expanded to a 5-day per week position for the remainder of 1991 and add a 40-
hour. per month meter reader position to the City of Yelm 1991 salary
schedule. These changes are necessary due to the August 31, 1991 resignation
of Don Barnard.
Council directed staff to prepare a resolution in support of Referendum 42,
providing for statewide Enhanced 9-1-1 service for their adoption at the
August 28, 1991 Regular Council Meeting.
Chief Dunnam submitted a written request to surplus the 1985 Ford LTD II and
the 1986 Ford T-Bird currently used by the Yelm Police Department and' that
the monies received from the vehicles be made available for purchase of a
used 1988 or 1989 Ford Tauraus. Arnold Drogseth moved to surplus the two
above listed cars and to make the monies available to the Yelm Police
Department to purchase a 1988 or 1989 Ford Tauraus. Second by Martha
~~ Par ons
rr-~~ Mot ion carried . . ~° ,,.-
r ..~-~ ~,.i~ _
"Martha Parsons moved approval to go out to bid for a 1992 Ford Tauraus to be
used by the.Yelm Police Department, second by Rick Kolilis. Motion carried.
Rick Kolilis moved approval to go out to bid for a new street sweeper, second
by Amos Lawton. Motion carried.
Award of the two above bids are subject to 1992 Budget adoption and
availability of funds.
Ordinances No. 410 adopting the 1991 UniformreBuilding Code &.Standards,
Ordinance No. 411 adopting the 1991 Uniform Fire Code & Standards, Ordinance
No. 412 adopting the 1991 Uniform Mechanical Code and On~inance No. 413
adopting the 1991 Uniform Plumbing Code including the new fee schedules were
approved on a motion by Martha Parsons, second by Kathy Wolf. Motion
carried. -
Councilman Lawton expressed concern on the storage of potentially flarm~able
materials at a business on Yelm Avenue. Council asked Gene Borges as
Building Official to look into the situation.
Sandy Mackie was present to update the Council on progress on YeLn's proposed
annexation policies. A draft will be delivered to Counci]members prior to
the August 28, 1991 Council Meeting for, their review. The policies will
ensure that the party requesting annexation addresses crucial issues, i.e.
will the annexation meet city standards relating to water, sewer and streets;
what is the financing plan for the annexation and/or proposed development;
will the annexation meet the provisions of HB 2929; will it promote adequate
housing, commercial and public needs; etc. The policies, once adopted, will
- put the city in control of annexations, as mandated by state law, and identiy
the responsibilities of the annexing properties.
Secondly, he informed the Council that he and staff have met with Dennis Su,
representing Thurston Highlands & Associates, regarding the steps for
proceeding after the July 22, 1991 decision of the Thurston County
Commissioners. A new "letter of intent" will be submitted by Thurston
Highlands (tentatively planned for August 28, 1991) and they will then go
directly to the "scoping" for an Environmental Impact Statement. The EIS
will be prepared by Thurston Highlands and be developed over the next several
Concurrent with the above activity, Yelm will adopt pre-annexation zoning,
review sewer and water plans, develop a transportation plan, identify
improvements, etc. for the entire city and its urban growth boundary in line
with HB 2929 and as agreed to with Thurston County.
Ordinance No. 407 relating to the establishment and operation of child day
care facilities was approved on a motion by Martha Parsons, second by Kathy
Wolf. Motion carried.
Arnold Drogseth moved to table action on On~inance No. 408, the Asher
annexation petition, until August 28, 1991, to allow staff time to research
the street right-of-way information. Second by Kathy Wolf. Motion carried.
Council expressed full support of the chosen Intercity Transit development
plan preferred alternative which includes expansion of public transportation
to south Thurston County in late 1993 or early 1994. Council asked that a
letter be forwarded on to Intercity Transit stating Yelm's support.
Staff informed the Council that they were only able to find a vehicle for the
Public Works Department meeting the approved limit of $4500.00 at one used
car dealership. Staff is working to finalize the purchase. Four dealerships
were contacted.
Shelly Badger informed the Council that the Yelm Planning Commission held a
Special Meeting on August 13, 1991 to discuss the possiblity of the location
of the new UCBO Community Services Center/HEADSTART Facility in the Yelm
Industrial Area. The Planning Commission will give a formral recarmendation
at their August 20, 1991 regular meeting.
Shelly Badger informed the Council of the formation of the Yelm Chamber of
Commerce "Pretty City Committee". The committee has been formed to look into
city beautification. Shelly Badger will serve on the Committee as r~
staff. ~~~~' ~ ,iF ~
#~,., ~ ~
Staff reported that there will be a follow-up meeting to discuss the Y ~lm
Prairie History Center report prepared by Jones & Jones that recommends
methods for establishment of a museum. The meeting has been scheduled for
September 19, 1991.
The following correspondence was submitted to the City Council:
*Letter from Parametrix, Inc. regarding Growth Managerr~nt
*AWC letter requesting an extension of September 1, 1991 deadline for
resource lands and critical areas. Attorney Mackie suggested that Yelm
write a letter to Thurston Regional Planning Council and ask for a
progress report regarding resource lands and critical areas work.
*Thurston County Annual Farm Tour - April 15, 1991
*Yelm Planning Commission minutes of July 23, 1991
*Thurston County on Cultural Diversity and Human Rights minutes
*Letter from Marvin Saillar~ - Georgist Association
*Public Hearing of the Yelm Planning Commission scheduled for Tuesday,
August 20, 1991 to consider an amendment to Yelm's 1985 Comprehensive
Plan adopting the Yelm/Thurston County Joint Plan as an extraterritorial
comprehensive plan and zoning map. Purpose of such a plan is to
identify such planning and zoning that will take effect upon annexation
to the City of Yelm. A Public Hearing of the Ye]m City Council on the
same issue has been scheduled for August 28, 1991 at 7:30 PM.
*July 22, 1991 Thurston County Commissioner's meeting minutes regarding
decision on Yelm's urban growth boundary
*August 7, 1991 letter to Thurston County Commissioners regarding Yelm's
urban growth boundary
*Letter from Rosalie Rose regar~3ing public transit
*Timberland Library Board minutes
With no further business before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 9:17
FM. Meeting adjourned.
Shelly A. Ba ger
City Clerk
o~' Sa rs