09/11/91J ~'7~ MINUTES CITY OF YLLM RI;GUI_AR COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESllAY, SEPTI:MBE'lt 11 , 1991 , 7 : 30 PM, YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL C1iAMNLRS The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Robert A. Sanders at 7:3U PM. All present joined in the flag salute. Councilmember:+` present: Kathy Wolf, Amos Lawton, Arnold Drogseth, Rick Kolilis anc Martha Parsons. Staff: Agnes Colombo, Glen Dunnam and llaisy Lawton. Visitors: David Seigerman. Added to the agenda: 6a Police Radios 6b `Tires Agenda changes: 8a From: Parks Adv. Committee Report '1'0: Annexation update Motion by Kolilis, soaonded Lawton that agenda be approved as amend eel. Motion carried. Motion Wolf, seconded Parsons tlYat minutes of August 'L8, 1991 Regular Council Meeting be approved as written. Motion Carried. Motion Parsons, seconded Drogseth that vouchers number 9180-9188 and 9200-9269 totaling $36,854.95 be approved. Motion carried. Chief Dunnam requested council approval to purchase 4 hand held radios from Midland Corporation costing $2,300 to replace existing radios. Radios would be purchased from $2,730 available in llrug lurid, i.e. proceeds Prom sale of drug impounded vehicles and confiscated cash. llunnam explained that Midland was offering a 5 year warranty urr both parts and labor and that Midland would provide substitute radio to Yelm Police to use while any of the Midland radios was being repaired. Parsons questioned Dunnam about the radios being adequate to meet city needs. llunnam explained that radios were programmed for 8 charincls and briefly described features. Wolf expressed confidence in llunnam's examination of needs and selection. Motion Wolf, seconded Parsons to approve expenditure of $2,300 for radios. Kolilis passed on a complaint that he had received concerning the t i res 1 of t on At twood property by f order owner Roy Bucks . Staf f was directed to look into passible hazard created by this situation and to take appropriate action. Councilmembers were provided with a draft copy of the Public Nuisance Ordinance far their review. The ordinance is being reviewed by our attorney for possible changes at this time. No action is necessary at this time. Wolf requested update of 9/10/91 meeting between Thurston Highlands, Venture Partners and Yelm Community Schools. Staff present, tonight was Trot in attendance at meeting. Kolilis spoke with Borges Collowing the meeting. Kolilis offered that discussion covered impact on school, population expectations and sewer requirements. Park use requests approved on motion by Parsons, seconded Kolilis, wf~rt~ 9/14/91 R. Foster, 9/28/91 S. Badger, 10/12/91 S. Bergman, sani-can Motion carried. McKenna Community Church Yelm Kiwanis - with 1 sani-can McKenna Community Church - with Motion ]'arsons, secoruled Kol i 1 is that Park requests for 8/if>/92 ~s.nd 8%15/93 by J. Slopak, Prairie Show and Shine - be approved with the understanding that the auto parts swap meet could be held in CYre area arcuand the; w:rtc;rtowc7r it' the; f~.resrx i;a avi-i lahlc~ rrt that t.imc~ ~cnd 1,httt rYO parkirl~; would bc; al iowc:d around Lhc: watcsr• Lc,wc:r. ;i-i~i~ ~::~i~rt wi i I need to be provided. Motion carried. '~ Mayor Sanders informed Council that Centralia had provided Yelm with an agreement for use of the power canal for discharge Prom Yelm's sewer treatment facility. The agreement is being examined by Sandy Mackie, attorney, and Steve Gilbert of Parametrix at this time. Council reviewed letter expressing appreciation for Chief Dunnam's cooperation during recent Sun Dance. Council commended Dunnam's efforts to work with the community. Council reviewed letter of appreciation for use of Yelm City Park for family reunion. Drogseth asked if additional information was available re storage tanks. Dunnam told Council that owner of storage tanks had been identified and that matter should be cleared up directly. A letter will be sent to Peerless Gas in Federal Way requesting reimbursement of investigation costs and/or charges. Motion Parsons, seconded Wolf that meeting adjourn at 7:53 PM. Motion carried. ATTEST: ~~~ a~ 1