10/23/91MINUZES '' +=~ CITY OF AIM nEG[JLAR COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, OCInBER 23, 1991, 7:30 PM, YEll~1 CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAlM6ERS The meeting was called to order by Mayor Sanders at 7:30 PM. Counci]sriembers present: Kathy Wolf, Amos Lawton, Arnold Drogseth, Martha Parsons and Rick Kolilis. Staff: Gene Borges, Glenn Dunnam, Shelly Badger and Sandy Mackie (Owens Davies Mackie). Visitors: Greg Kirsch, Chuck Hall, Cindy Cecil, Judy Slater, Dennis Su and Leslie Taggesell. The minutes of the October 9, 1991 Regular Meeting were approved on a motion by Martha Parsons, second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried. The agenda was approved as amended by Martha Parsons, second by Arnold Drogseth. Motion carried. Payroll for the month of October 1991 was approved on a motion by Rick Kolilis, second by Martha Parsons. Motion carried. The following voucher was approved on a motion by Amos Lawton, second by Martha Parsons. Motion carried. Community Development Block Grant: $345.65 Chuck Hall, Superintendent, Yelm Community Schools and Greg Kirsch, Deputy Superintendent, Yelm Community Schools were present to discuss the District's Strategic Planning process which will be used to create the future for our children. The planning process will help to identify the functions, objectives and strategies of the District and develop action plans to achieve the goals. On November 15-17, 1991, Yelm Community Schools will sponsor a 2~-day retreat where educators and community members will formtialize a strategic plan for the next 3-5 years. Action teams will be formed to implemient the plans and to assign the responsibility of action to individuals within the school system. Gene Borges stated that the City has been meeting with the District to discuss long-range growth and planning. Cindy Cecil, UCBO Executive Director, was present to inform the Council of her research regarding the use of CDBG Housing Rehabilitation funds to obtain a shelter for the community. Department of Community Development will allow the use of Yelm's Housing Rehabilitation CDBG (Community Development Block Grant) funds to move a shelter to the chosen UCBO Community Services Center site, however, the City must notify the public of their wishes to use the remaining CDBG funds (approximately $7500.00) to move a house to be used as a shelter, hold a Public Hearing for input from the community and make the decision whether the money will be granted or loaned to the UCBO. Cindy informed the Council that she has found other funding sources for rehabilitation, operation and maintenance of the shelter. MOTION: Kathy Wolf moved to authorize staff to initiate the public process for use of CDBG Housing Rehabilitation funds for a shelter for the UCBO, second by Martha Parsons. Motion carried. Mrs. Cecil informed Council that a Community Mental Health officer will be in Yelm 2-3 days per week beginning November 20, 1991. After the new Community Services Center is open, they may be able to supply Yelm with a full-time officer. Mayor Sanders reported on the monthly Mayor's Meeting of October 23, 1991 at the Port of Olympia. Discussed was the need for sewer systems in Tenino, Rainier and Bucoda. The Olympia Air Service Team asked for support from the cities for an airport in the Olympia area to reduce traffic at the SeaTac Airport. The Committee is looking into an alternate site for an airport and the Olympia area is a consideration due to its ideal location between Portland and Seattle. Mayor Sanders will provide Councilmembers with the necessary information to write letters of support. Resolution No. 227 stating the City's opposition to Initiative 559 (property tax rollback) was approved on a motion by Rick Kolilis, second by Kathy Wolf. Motion carried. Sandy Mackie, City Attorney, briefed the Council on the upcoming November 13, 1991 Thurston Highland Environmental Impact Statement "Scoping" Meeting at 7:00 PM. The invitation to comment on the scope of the EIS was made available to the Public on October 23, 1991. Citizens, agencies and affected tribes may comment on alternatives, mitigation measures, probable significant adverse impacts and licenses tlutt may tau ructuiruc3 E~ri~r i~~ i-l~u~ November 13 meeting or they may attend the meeting at 7:00 PM to giv'~ethe ~' comments in person. After the "Scoping" meeting, a Scoping Letter wil~l~be~, issued to Thurston Highlands stating the elements to be included in the Environmental Impact Statement. Yelm Library Report for October 1991: Leslie Taggesell was present to give the report. Overall circulation shows a 9a increase through September 1991. As of January 1, 1991, Yelm Timberland Library will no longer be mailing out holds to patrons. After that date, Yelm will be holding the books for the patrons at the library for them to pick up, thus increasing the amount of traffic in the library. However, a tremendous savings will be realized by the Timberland Library system in postage. Ye1m Planning Commission Meeting of October 15, 1991 and Special Meeting of October 22, 1991: Councilmembers were given copies of the minutes of the October 15, 1991 Public Hearing on the J.C.H. Developement Co. rezone request to rezone 12.5 acres on the west side of Crystal Springs St. NW from Residential/Agricultural to Residential. Mr. Mackie will be present at the November 19, 1991 Planning Commission meeting to discuss options for action on the rezone and the preliminary plat application. Council action on the request to lease or purchase city property to construct a miniature golf course was tabled (motion by Kathy Wolf, second by Amos Lawton, motion carried) until more information can be obtained from legal counsel on the lease of city property and engineers regarding location of sewer mains, pump stations, etc. Planning Commission recommended approval of the situation of a miniature golf course in a commercially zoned area. On a motion by Kathy Wolf, second by Amos Lawton, Council tabled action on the Kampfer and Emanuel Lutheran Church requests for use/vacation of alleys until more information can be obtained from legal counsel, the engineer .regarding location of sewer mains and a recommendation from the Planning Commission. Motion carried. Rick Kolilis moved to accept the loo annexation petition submitted by Yelm Community Schools for annexation of property (approximately 85 acres) situated east of Hwy. 507 and west of Mill Road and allow Yelm Community Schools to commence annexation proceedings. Second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried. Thurston County has no objection to adjustment of immediate annexation boundary lines to conform to this annexation request. Yelm Police Report: Chief Dunnam presented the Council with a written briefing regarding his feelings on options for a jail facility in Yelm. He updated Council on the meetings of the TOGETHER group and their success in obtaining grants for our area. Yelm, in conjunction with Yelm Community Schools, has applied for a DCD Law Enforcement Drug Education Program grant in the amount of $18,075.00 to be used for a computer for DARE Program use and a second DARE officer to teach DARE to the 8th grade students. The Yelm Police Department is participating in various testing and other programs at Yelm schools to increase visibility and improve officer/student relationships. Gene Borges and Glenn Dunnam will meet with Attorney Sandy Mackie to discuss future planning issues. The Yelm Municipal Court report will be tabled to the November meeting. Street/Water Report: Water main leaks from October 19, 1991 have been repaired. Maria Kramer was hired to fill the water meter reader position with the City. Maria is a current part-time city employee (Police Reserve) and will be working 40 hours per month for the water department. Yelm has received an "informal" approval on a $40,000 grant from Department of Transportation to conduct the Comprehensive Transportation Study. Sewer Project: Council received a letter from Bill DaVee, City Manager, City of Centralia, regarding the draft agreement on the City of Centralia Power Canal/Yelm Sewage Treatment Facility. After agency approval (DOE, EPA), the agreement may be formalized by approval of both City Councils and signatures. Centralia is ready for that action, pending agency approval of the document. Cene Borges reported on his trip with representatives from 1'ar-ric:r's llunr.: ~,~ dmai.;istration to view the Loon Lake, Washington STEP collection system. V~~~ ~~h~ rip was very valuable, with much learned regarding the combination of STEP tanks for improved efficiency and cost savings. Farmer's Home and Yelm discussed the possibility of future additional grants for low income, senior citizens, etc, if needed. Yelm Parks Advisory Committee Meeting of October 16, 1991: Based on the recommendation of the Yelm Parks Advisory Committee and Council Liaison Martha Parsons, Kathy Wolf moved to allow use of the remaining $4,000 in the 1991 budget (in City Park/Cochrane Park line items) for purchase of nr-zterials for new bathrooms in City Park and the purchase of a "guaranteed" living Christmas Tree for Yelm City Park (tree to be ordered and erected prior to the December 7 "Christmas in the Park" celebration). Motion was seconded by Martha Parsons. Motion carried with Amos Lawton and Arnold Drogseth opposing the motion. Arnold Drogseth moved to change the Regular Council Meeting of November 27, 1991 (Thanksgiving Eve) to Tuesday, November 26, 1991, second by Martha Parsons. Motion carried. Staff will publish the required notification. A Special Meeting of the Council for the purpose of conducting a work session on the 1992 Preliminary Budget was scheduled for Tuesday, October 29, 1991, 5:00 PM, Yelm City Hall Council Chambers. The Viacom annual holiday commercial message will be taped on Wednesday, November 13, 1991 at 6:00 PM, Yelm Council Chambers. All staff and Councilmembers are encouraged to attend. A letter was received from Leland J. Pledger regarding the U.S. West proposal to construct a 150 foot antenna support tower in Thurston County. Arnold Drogseth agreed to represent the City Council at the "Children of the Green Earth" tree planting ceremony on Yelm Creek on Saturday, November 9, 1991 at 10:00 AM. Attendees will gather at Yelm Prairie Christian Center. With no further business, Martha Parsons moved to adjourn at 9:15 PM, second by Kathy Wolf. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: Shelly A. ~adger ~ City Clerk Robert A. Sanders Mayor