The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Sanders at 7:30 PM. All
present joined in the flag salute. Councilmernbers present: Kathy Wolf,
Amos Lawton, Arnold Drogseth, Martha Parsons and Rick Kolilis. Staff: Gene
Borges, Glenn Dunnam and Shelly Badger. Visitors: Cindy Cecil (UCBO), Bob
Ricks (Housing Authority of Thurston County), Norm LeMay, Leslie Taggesell
(Acting Librarian for Yelm/Tenino) and Don Miller.
The agenda was approved with item #7 (Conrex, Inc. - Neil Amondson) tabled
to a future date, on a motion by Rick Kolilis, second by Kathy Wolf. Motion
November payroll was approved on a motion by Martha Parsons, second by
Arnold Drogseth. Motion carried.
The minutes of the November 13, 1991 Regular Council Meeting were approved
on a motion by Rick Kolilis, second by Martha Parsons. Motion carried.
Vouchers numbered 9434 - 9435 totaling $3,375.95 were approved on a motion
by Kathy Wolf, second by Martha Parsons. Motion carried.
At 7:35 PM, the Public Hearing was opened to discuss a proposed amendment to
Yelm's 1987 Community Development Block Grant contract. Shelly Badger
informed all present that the UCBO has requested that remaining funds in the
1987 Housing Rehabilitation CDBG grant be used to move a structure to the
property on Rhoton Rd. (property where the new Community Services Center
will be constructed) to be used as a shelter. Remaining funds could range
from $12,470.00 to $39,470, with Yelm withholding 20 of the balance to cover
future audit and program costs after grant close-out. Bob Ricks, Housing
Authority of Thurston County, stated that he will be able to provide a more
exact grant balance at the December 11, 1991 Council Meeting.
Cindy Cecil, Director, UCBO, stated that the CDBG grant balance could be
used for the relocation of a structure facility and would be greatly
appreciated. This would reduce the requests to other agencies, (which are
not definite approvals) .
Councilman Drogseth asked who funds the renovation, operation and
maintenance of the facility. Mrs. Cecil stated that FEMA and Emergency
Shelter assistance provide grants for shelters which would be used for these
purposes. Volunteer services are also used extensively to operate a
With no further questions or comments from the Public, the Hearing closed at
7:42 PM. Council decided to table their decision on the commitment of
remaining funds in the 1987 CDBG grant for use by the UCBO for the
relocation of a shelter, until the exact balance is provided to them at the
December 11, 1991 Council Meeting. If approved, staff would advertise the
City's decision to city residents and give them one more opportunity to
apply for housing rehabilitation grants/loans.
Ordinance No. 417 providing for payment of compensation to the Mayor and
members of the City Council, stating that the Mayor and members of the City
Council be paid a monthly sum established by the City of Yelm budget
ordinance; and amending and/or repealing portions of previously adopted
ordinances was approved on a motion by Kathy Wolf, second by Martha Parsons.
Motion carried.
Ordinance No. 418 relating to the location and operating hours of the office
of the City Clerk and amending and/or repealing portions of previously
adopted or~3inances was approved on a motion by Amos Lawton, second by Arnold
Drogseth. Motion carried.
Ordinance No. 419 establishing the date, time and place of regular meetings
of the Yelm City Council and amending and/or repealing portions of
previously adopted ordinances was approved on a motion by Rick Kolilis,
second by Martha Parsons. Motion carried.
Resolution No. 229 authorizing and providing for the incurrence of
indebtedness for the purpose of providing a portion of the cost of
acquiring, constructing, enlarging, improving and/or extending its City hall
was approved on a motion by Martha Parsons, second by Rick Kolilis. Motion
Resolution No. 230 establishing the hours of operation for the Yelm City
Clerk's Office (8:00 AM - 5:00 PM) was approved on a motion by Kathy Wolf,
second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried.
Noon LeMay, LeMay Enterprises, Inc., presented the Council with a letter
requesting a contract amendment to the current Yelm/LeMay contract for
refuse services. The new language would state that: upon the expiration of
the five year term, the agreement shall be automatically renewed and
extended for additional terms of three years each. Termination may occur at
the end of any three year contractual period, provided that notice be given '°"`
by the contractor or city to the other party not less than 180 days prior to
the end of any such contractual period stating the specific areas of
disagreect~nt leading to contract termination. Council asked that Mr. LeMay
provide them with the exact contract amendment language for review by Yelm's
legal counsel prior to approval. Mr. LeMay stated that for the calendar
year 1992, LeMay will not be imposing a garbage rate increase on the City of
The Planning Commission minutes of November 19, 1991 were not available,
however, Gene Borges stated that the Birkland 60% Annexation Petition (west
and east sides of Vancil Road and property south of Yelm Avenue to Morris
Road) was recomr~ended by the Planning Commission for City Council approval
to proceed to the Thurston County Boundary Review Board. Rick Kolilis moved
approval of the Birkland 60o Annexation Petition and instructed staff to
prepare the necessary documents for submittal to the Thurston County
Boundary Review Board, second by Arnold Drogseth. Motion carried.
City of Yelm/Centralia Agreement: On Friday, November 22, 1991 Gene Borges,
Councilwoman Parsons, Attorney Sandy Mackie and Steve Gilbert, Parametrix
attended the worksession of the Centralia City Council to discuss the
agreement between the two cities. The majority of Centralia councilrr~embers
were favorable to entering into the agreement, however, felt that to vote
for the agreement, it must include a use charge to the City of Yelm. They
asked that the staff and attorneys for both cities, come to an agreement
(regarding a use charge) prior to the November 26, 1991 meetings of Ye]m and
Centralia Councils. The negotiated use charge to the City of Yelm is .80G
per month for each connection in use during the calendar year as of December
31 of each year. The rate will be subject to periodic adjustments based on
the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price
Index for the Seattle Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area. In addition
to the use charge, Yelm will pay to Centralia a one time payrr~nt of
$5,000.00 for reimbursement of legal/engineering costs associated with
preparation and negotiation of the agreement. Gene Borges recommended as
staff, that the City Council adopt the latest agreement including the use
charge, due to the fact that it is the best agreement for Yelm at this
point. If accepted, the agreement would be taken to the Department of
Ecology and EPA immediately so as they may complete the environmental work
on Yelm's project and release funds to begin design.
Gene informed the Council that Sandy Mackie, legal counsel, attended the
City of Centralia Council Meeting at 6:00, November 26, 1991 and that he had
received a call at 7:20 PM from Mr. Mackie, stating that the Centralia City
Council voted to adopt and enter into the agreement with the City of Yelm by
a 6-1 vote (6 yeas, 1 nay).
Councilwoman Wolf made the following statement: In as much as the City of
I believe we
Yelm needs the agreement to progress with its sewer plans,
should approve the document. However, we are being forced to pay a use .,.~
charge to go into canal water which is public water (Nisqually River). No
one else is forced to pay use charges to discharge into public waters."
Kathy Wolf moved to accept the agreement entitled "Agreement Regarding
Centralia Power Canal/Yelm Sewage Treatment Facility" in the form presented
as of 5:00 PM November 26, 1991 and authorize the Mayor to sign the original
on behalf of the City of Yelm. Motion was seconded by Martha Parsons.
Motion carried with Arnold Drogseth voting no.
Rick Kolilis moved to change the City's group medical, dental, chiropractic,
vision and prescription coverage from the current Thurston County Medical
plan to the Association of Washington Cities Washington Physician's Service
group plan effective January 1, 1992, second by Martha Parsons. Motic~ri
carried. The AWC will provide "insurance coverage for Yelm's LEOFF 1 Re~i~ed~~'~ ~,~
Disabled employee when the group transfers. ~<~~ ~`~~~
.= ~,
Library Report: Leslie Taggesell gave the November Library Report and
provided circulation statistics. Gene informed Ms. Taggesell that Yelm's
architect for the library addition project, is making the necessary changes
on the plans to return to Farmer's Home Administration. After FmHA final
approval of the plans, Yelm may go out to bid on the project.
Police Report: Chief Dunnam attended the Washington Association of Sheriffs
and Police Chiefs conference in Blaine last week. He announced that the
Washington State Patrol has been training cadets in the area, which is the
reason for increased State Patrol activity in and around Yelm.
Yelm Municipal Court: Reports were given to Council for September and
October 1991. 201 tickets were processed in October 1991 compared to 132 in
October 1989. It is anticipated that by November 30, 1991, 300 tickets will
be processed for the month of November.
Street/Water Report: Gene Borges met with Skillings & Chamberlain, Inc. to
establish the Technical Advisory Committee for the Comprehensive
Transportation Plan. State Department of Transportation will allow use of
counters for traffic counts. Part of the study will entail actual
distribution of survey pamphlets to learn trip origin and destination of
The water department has been busy installing new water meter hookups in
Sweet Clover Estates.
Yelm Parks Advisory Committee Meeting of November 19, 1991: Christmas in
the Park planning continued. Flyers have been placed around town and
advertisement has started. The Yelm Parks Advisory Committee recommended
Chris McIntyre for the 1991 Yelm Youth of the Year Award, City Council
agreed and accepted the recocrmendation unanimously. Mayor Sanders will
present the award during the Christmas in the Park celebration on December
7, 1991.
1992 Budget Worksessions: The following dates were chosen to hold 1992
Budget related meetings:
*December 3, 1991 - 4:30 - 7:00 PM: Budget worksession
*December 4, 1991 - 4:30 - 7:00 PM: Budget worksession
*December 11, 1991 - 7:30 PM: Regular City Council Meeting, Public
Hearing on the 1992 Prelimunary Budget
*December 10, 1991 - 4:30 - 7:00 PM: Budget worksession
*December 20, 1991 - 4:30 PM: Regular City Council Meeting, Public
Hearing on the 1992 Final Budget
Councilmembers were informed of the Monday, December 16, 1991 Christmas
potluck luncheon at noon at Ye1m City Hall.
With no further business, meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM.
` ~Cr[~/
Shelly A. adger
City Clerk
Robert A. Sanders