12/11/91~ ~ f
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The Regular Meeting was called to order by Mayor Sanders at 7:30 PM. All
present joined in the flag salute. CouncilJnembers present: Kathy Wo]_f,
Amos Lawton, Arnold Drogseth, Martha Parsons and Rick Kolilis. Staff:
Shelly Badger, Daisy Lawton, Gene Borges, Glenn Dunnam and Sandy Mackie
(Owens Davies Mackie). Visitors: Neil Amondson, Ken Walkington, Greg
Weinerth (all three representing Conrex, Inc.), John Huddleston, Beatrice
Scott, Ron McCammant, Don & Vickie Workman, Julie McCloud, Sally McCloud-
Taylor and Don Miller.
The agenda with item 8(a) tabled to the 12-20-91 meeting, was approved on a
motion by Kathy Wolf, second by Martha Parsons. Motion carried.
The minutes of the November 26, 1991 Regular Council Meeting were approved
on a motion by Rick Kolilis, second by Y.athy Wolf. Motion carried.
The following vouchers numbered 11101 - 11183 were approved on a motion by
Martha Parsons, second by Arnold Drogseth. Motion carried.
Current: $ 37,667.04 Police: $ 6,438.28
Water: $ 16,835.35 Street: $26,376.81
Garbage: $ 9,776.67 Water Rdmpt 5,735.00
`InTAL: $102,829.15
At 7:32 PM, the Public Hearing on the 1992 Preliminary Budget was opened.
With no questions or comments from the Public, the Hearing was closed at
7:33 PM.
In response to the letter dated December 9, 1991 from the Yelm Police
Officers Guild, Amos Lawton moved that effective January 1, 1992, members of
the Yelm Police Officers Guild receive a salary increase of $100.00 per
month with no increase on the employee anniversary date. Motion was
seconded by Rick Kolilis. Motion carried. Gene Borges will present the
Council's motion to the Guild Representative, Ken Anderson.
Neil Amondson, Ken Walkington and Greg Weinerth, representing Conrex, Inc.
were present to address the Council. The firm offers construction
management, environmental and planning services to corporate and public
clients. With the upcoming sewer project, required growth management work
and development proposals, Conrex, Inc. feels they could help fill Yelm's
needs serving as an extension of City staff working with City Administrator,
Planner and Attorney. They asked the City Council to consider Conrex, Inc.
if Yelm needs outside consultant assistance.
Gene Borges thanked State Representative Neil Amondson for his involvement
with the Yelm/City of Centralia agreement regarding the sewer project.
Resolution No. 231 supporting public law and prohibiting excessive use of
force was approved on a motion by Martha Parsons, second by Kathy Wolf.
Motion carried.
Resolution No. 232 supporting the Residential Anti-Displacement and
Relocation Assistance Plan under Section 104(d) of the Housing and Community
Development Act of 1974 was approved on a motion by Rick Kolilis, second by
Kathy Wolf. Motion carried.
The Agreement for Jail Services between Yelm and the City of Olympia for the
period January 1, 1992 - December 31, 1992 was approved on a motion by
Martha Parsons, second by Rick Kolilis. Motion carried. Cost per day is
Mayor Sanders stated that the Planning Commission held the required Public
Hearings on the J.C.H. Development request for rezone and preliminary plat
on October 15, 1991 and November 19, 1991, however he asked if anyone chose
to comment on the J.C.H. Development request for rezone 12.5 acres west of
Crystal Springs St. NW between Crystal and Queensview Ct. NW from
residential/agricultural (RA) to residential (R-1) or the request for a
preliminary plat to divide 12.5 acres into 43 lots. He noted for the record
that letters from Janet McCloud, SAPA Dawn Center, dated November 19, 1991
and December 6, 1991, were given to City Council members.
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Sally McCloud-Taylor: Stated that they had contacted Bill Sullivan;''" an
Environmental Planner for the Puyallup Tribe, regarding the preliminary
plat. On behalf of Janet McCloud, Ms. Taylor expressed concern about the
planned community drainfield for the plat and stated that Mrs. McCloud's
private well is within 200 feet of the proposed drainfield. Also that the
area along the creek is considered a wetland by Bill Sullivan. Requested a
1000 guarantee that the project will not affect McCloud's well and stated
that someone will be held responsible if the well is contaminated at a
future time.
Councilman Kolilis responded that Thurston County Health Department is the
approval agency regarding the septic tanks and drainfield. Councilwoman
Wolf explained that Health Department standards regarding septic tanks and
drainfields are extremely stringent and will be a condition of the final
plat approval by the City of Yelm. Sandy Mackie stated that Thurston County
enforces a minimum 100 foot drainfield setback from all wells and they
verify the gradient level to determine which way the aquifer travels. Prior
to development permit approval, tests must be conducted to show that all
adjacent wells are protected.
Ron McCamrnant: Expressed concern with the community drainfield and asked if
all wells would have to be capped.
Julie McCloud: Asked for copies of approvals/permits by Thurston County
Health Department as they are granted and that all neighbors be notified of
all happenings regarding the plat and development. Expressed concern that
the project will increase property taxes.
Sandy Mackie, Yelm Legal Counsel, stated that taxes are based on the sale of
comparable properties overall in Yelm and that city-wide values are
increasing. He suggested that the McCloud family contact the Thurston
County Assessor's Office regarding an "agricultural open space" taxing
designation for their property.
John Huddleston, J.C.H. Development: Responded to concerns stating that the
only well to be capped is the one on proposed development property as
Thurston County requires city water to serve development. Also, Thurston
County Health Department mandates the type of septic tanks and the location
of the drainfield. The drainfield will be state of the art and Mr.
Huddleston suggested that it may be cost prohibitive, which would delay the
development until the Yelm sewer system is on line.
Julie McCloud: Expressed concern that a fence was planned for all sides of
the development except for the McCloud property. Mr. Huddleston stated that
a fence was considered, but he did not want to disturb the natural habitat,
however, he would be willing to discuss the placement of a fence as a buffer
with the McClouds.
Gene Borges summarized the Planning Commission's statement that 1) the
property is in the Urban Growth Management Area and is consistent with
Yelm's Comprehensive Plan, 2) that any reservations raised by the
environmental checklist could be addressed and 3) that this level of
development would be better at Residential rather than
Residential/Agricultural zoning and that 4) as all required criteria has
been met, recommendation of approval is the only option.
Concurring with the recommendation of the Planning Commission of November
19, 1991, Rick Kolilis moved approval of the Huddleston request to rezone
from Residential/Agricultural to Residential (R-1). The rezone only affects
the 12.5± acres of the J.C.H. Development. Motion was seconded by Martha
Parsons. Motion carried.
Concurring with the recommendation of the Planning Commission of November
19, 1991, Kathy Wolf moved approval of the preliminary plat subject to
meeting requirements of jurisdictional agencies and that all public
facilities be to city standards and consistent with Yelm's zoning and
Comprehensive Plan, second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried.
Due to 1992 Street budget constraints, Rick Kolilis moved to accept the
recommmendation of Gene Borges and reject all bids received for a street
sweeper, second by Kathy Wolf. Motion carried.
Martha Parsons reported on the annual "Christmas in the Park" celebration.
Councilwoman Wolf (Bob & Kathy Wolf served as Grand Marshals of the parade)
°~ {~e~xp~ressed that the event was a huge success and one of community fellowship.
She asked that staff write a letter to event organizers on behalf of Mayor
Sanders and the City Council thanking them for their planning efforts.
Gene Borges reported that well over 1,000 hot dogs were distributed.
The minutes of the December 10, 1991 Yelm Parks Advisory Committee and the
December 4, 1991 Yelm Historic Preservation Commission will be distributed
upon receipt.
Correspondence from Viacom Cablevision and information on impact fees were
given to Counci]members. Gene Borges stressed the need for a Council
worksession to discuss impact fees in detail; a session will be scheduled
and held in the very near future.
With no further business before the Council, Martha Parsons moved to adjourn
at 8:55 PM, second by Kathy Wolf. Meeting adjourned.
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Shelly 1~: Badger ~"„~~"
City Clerk
Robert A. S ers