12/20/91~. ~..
MINUTES ,~ '~ # ~~ ;~~ ~
Mayor Sanders called the Regular Meeting to order at 4:30 PM. All present
joined in the flag salute. Councilmembers present: Kathy Wolf, Amos Lawton,
Arnold Drogseth, Martha Parsons and Rick Kolilis. Staff: Shelly Badger and
Gene Borges. Visitors: Fred Rapp, Fournier Insurance Co., Don Miller and Todd
Item 7(g): Temporary excused absence of Councilmember, was added to the agenda
by Rick Kolilis. Rick Kolilis moved to approve the agenda as amended, second
by Arnold Drogseth. Motion carried.
Gene Borges introduced Todd Stamm, Yelm's Planner/Civil Att~6rney, who will
begin as the city's newest employee on January 1, 1992. Todd gave the Council
information on his background which incJ_udes a Planning Degree from Washington
State University and a Law Degree from the University of Idaho. He worked for
seven years as a Planner in Idaho and also worked for Thurston Regional
Planning Council, where he worked with tree C~.ty of Ye]m on the Yelm/Thurston
County Joint Plan. He leaves the J_aA° firm of Chaens Davies Mackie effective
December 31, 1991. Yelm will contirnie v~~c~rk with Owens Davies Mackie on special
projects, but utilize Mr. Stamm for_ regular civil work. The Council greeted
Mr. Stamm and stated the City was happy to have him as a member of staff.
The minutes of the December 11, 1991 Regular Council Meeting were approved on a
motion by Martha Parsons, second by Kathy Wolf. Motion carried.
Payroll for the month of December 1991 was approved on a motion by Arnold
Drogseth, second by Martha Parsons. Motion carried.
Voucher number 11184 totaling $79,00 was approved on a motion by Kathy Wolf,
second by Martha Parsons. Motion carried.
The Public Hearing on the 1992 City of Yelm Final Budget was opened at 4:19 PM.
No comments were received from the public. At 4:20 PM, the Public Hearing was
Ordinance No. 422 adopting the 1992 City of Yelm Budget was approved on a
motion by Martha Parsons, second by Rick Kolilis. Motion carried.
Mayor Sanders announced the 1992 Council Liaison appointments as follows:
Police Department/Municipal Court Arnold Drogseth
City Hall Kathy Wolf
Sewer Department Amos Lawton
Public Works Department Rick Kolilis
Parks Department Martha Parsons
Martha Parsons moved to appoint Kathy Wolf as 1992 Mayor Pro-Tempore, second by
Arnold Drogseth. Kathy Wolf abstained. Motion carried.
Ordinance No. 420 amending Section 8.20.010 of the Yelm Municipal Code relating
to the issuance of burn permits was presented to the City Council for the first
Resolution No. 233 establishing procedures to allow public participation as
required by the Growth Management Act was approved on a motion by Rick Kolilis,
second by Kathy Wolf. Motion carried.
Rick Kolilis announced that on January 29, 1992, 4:30 PM, Young & Henderson
(consultants for Thurston Regional Planning Council) will inform the Council of
work to date and answer questions regarding the proposed interim impact fees.
Council requested that a Special Meeting be held on Friday, January 3, 1992 at
1:00 PM, to discuss proposed interim impact fees.
Kathy Wolf moved to grant Councilman Rick Kolilis a temporary "excused" leave
of absence for the months of January and February 1992, second by Martha
Parsons. Rick Kolilis abstained. Motion carried.
After much discussion regarding Yelm's 1992 property and liability insurance,
Kathy Wolf moved to table the decision on a carrier until the January 8, 1992
Regular Meeting, when additional information can be provided to Councilmembers.
Motion was seconded by Amos Lawton. Motion carried.
+~ ~~r~i~nce No. 421 providing for a change in zoning for 12.5 acres west of
Crystal Springs St. NW (J.C.H. Development request) from Residential-
Agricultural to Residential was approved on a motion by Rick Kolilis, second by
Kathy Wolf, Motion carried.
Based on staff recommendation, Kathy Wolf moved to table decision on the 1987
CDBG Housing Rehabilitation Grant amendment to allow for relocation and
rehabilitation of a shelter for the UCBO until the Planning Commission
discusses the use of the proposed property for a shelter and until such time as
the contract between Yelm and the UCBO regarding transfer of title (from Yelm
to iJCBO) has been formalized. Motion was seconded by Rick Kolilis. Motion
The Yelm Municipal Court for November 1991 was submitted showing tickets
processed at 297 compared to 135 in November 1990. Fines and forfeitures
collected in November 1991 totaled $15,646.63.
The Library Report dated December 20, 1991 was submitted to City Council.
Circulation statistics for November were provided showing that 6,013 items were
circulated during the month, a 13o increase.
With no further business before the City Council, Arnold Drogseth moved
adjournment at 5:40 PM, second by Martha Parsons. Meeting adjourned.
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Shelly A. badger !'I
Yelm City Clerk l
obert A. S nders