02/12/92 Special Meeting~• ~ "' ' :.
The Special Meeting was called to order by Mayor Sanders at 6:00 PM. All
present joined in the flag salute. Council present: Kathy Wolf, Amos
Lawton, Martha Parsons & Arnold Drogseth. Staff: Gene Borges, Shelly
Badger, Tim Peterson & Todd Stamm. Visitors: Todd Carlson & Carl Wilson,
Thurston Regional Planning Council, Mike Brown, Jean Pettit & Lee Lee
Robinson, City of Tenino Council, Mark Tietjen, Mike Elliott & Terry Foley,
Rainier City Council, Alice & Joseph Kersting & Bob Pettit.
During the Special Meeting, Counci]lnembers were briefed on the Regional
Transportation Plan for Thurston County. Carl Wilson explained that the
countywide plan (sceduled for a June 1992 adoption) focuses on the urban
areas of Olympia, Lacey & Tumwater. Transportation planning as required by
the Growth Management Act asks each jurisdiction to establish an urban
growth area and then coordinate their land use planning & transportation
improvements. Transportation plans must be fundable. He stressed that
local transportation plans must be consistent with the Thurston County
Regional Transportation Plan and that all plans are reviewed every 2 years
to check consistencies.
County staff explained the 3 "transportation scenarios" discussed within the
draft plan:
1. Auto-Oriented where 85o drive alone, llo carpool, 2% walk, 1.5%
transit & .5o bike. Land use development would be 2-3 single family
units per acre and 12-16 apartment units per acre.
2. Less Auto-Oriented v~liere 70o drive alone, 22o carpool, 4o walk, 30
transit & to bike. Land use development would be 4-8 single family
units per acre & up to 25 multi-family units per acre.
3. Least Auto-Oriented where 59% drive alone, 25o carpool, 6o walk, 80
transit & 2% bike. Dense mixed use centers include 4-6 single family
units per acre within UGM areas, mixed uses (housing 25+ units per acre,
employment & services), developed around the State office centers in
Lacey, Olympia & Tumwater.
Mr. Wilson pointed out the proposed capacity improvements in south eastern
Thurston County within the urban growth areas of Olympia, Lacey & Tumwater.
Planned improvements are to maintain the present "D" level of service of the
intersections. Without improvements to these areas, the LOS (level of
service) will deteriorate rapidly.
Councilmembers asked how Yelm's Comprehensive Transportation Plan will
coordinate with the Regional Plan since no major improvements are shown
within the Regional Plan. Todd Carlson representing Thurston Regional
Planning Council is participating in the Yelm Transportation Plan. Todd
Stamp explained that when the Regional Plan is reviewed in the next 2 years,
the 2 plans will be coordinated.
At Council's request, Todd Stamm explained the letter system for determining
traffic volume. He guessed that "some" areas in Ye]m may be at the "D"
Carl Wilson stressed that the "less auto-oriented" & "least auto-oriented"
scenarios include additional park-n-ride and transit services which may
extend to the Yelm area.
Special Meeting adjourned at 6:55 PN1 on a motion by Martha Parsons, second
by Kathy Wolf .
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Shelly A~Badger
City Clerk
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