03/11/92 MINUTES CITY OF YELM REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 1992, 7:30 PM, YEIM CITY MALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS The meeting was called to order by Mayor Sanders at 7:30 PM. All present joined in the flag salute. Council present: Kathy Wolf, Amos Lawton, Arnold Drogseth & Martha Parsons. Staff: Glenn Dunnam, Shelly Badger, Todd Stamm & Gene Borges. Visitors: Pat Fetterly, Ward Sagen, Michael Cooper & Dick Albright. The agenda was approved as circulated on a motion by Kathy Wolf, second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried. The minutes of the February 12, 1992 Special Meeting of the City Council (regarding the Thurston County Regional Transportation Plan) were approved on a motion by Kathy Wolf, second b1T Arnold Drogseth. Motion carried. The minutes of the February 26, 1992 Regular Meeting of the City Council were approved on a motion by Martha Parsons, second by Kathy Wolf, with the following amendment: Paragraph #8, change the work "can" to "canal". Motion carried. The following vouchers were approved on a motion by Arnold Drogseth, second by Martha Parsons. Motion carried. CURRENT: $25,730.42 POLICE: $ 5,057.32 STREET: $ 1,171.85 ART. STREET: $11,291.49 CDBG: $22,490.10 WATER: $ 4,597.19 GARBAGE: $ 9,915.83 TOTAL: $80,254.20 ~i Dick Albright representing New York Life Insurance Company was present to offer an employee life insurance program for Yelm. Through a payroll deduction, employees may elect an amount to put towards the "whole life" insurance policy. The policy offers a guaranteed death benefit, tax- deferred contributions and may be used as a retirement supplement. As a group, employees may receive discounted rates of 20-40o with optional family coverage available. A minimum of 3 employees would need to purchase a policy to offer the discounted rates to the City of Yelm. ` Council asked that Gene Borges, City Administrator, meet with Department Heads to see if there is an interest among employees and report back to Council for their decision. Todd Stamm presented a "draft" development fee schedule that will be discussed at the March 17, 1992 Planning Commission Meeting. The schedule includes fees for annexations, appeals, boundary line adjustments, binding site plans, plats, rezones, variances, etc. He stressed that the City has been providing publication, professional reviews, etc. for a nominal fee to the proponent. The recommended fees help to alleviate the past burden, however, they do not cover necessary staff time for review of proposals. The Planning Commission will forward a recommendation to the Council on March ?_5, 1992. The Planning Commission will also review a new zoning miap and forward a recommendation. Public Hearings of the City Council on the development fee schedule & zoning map will be held March 25, 1992. Ordinance No. 427 correcting Ordinance No. 408 (Asher annexation legal description) was approved on a motion by Kathy Wolf, second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried. - Ordinance No. 428 amending Ordinance No. 356 relating to impound fees setting the amount of fee by resolution was approved on a motion by Amos Lawton, second by Martha Parsons. Motion carried. Resolution No. 237 was approved on a motion by Kathy Wolf, second by Amos Lawton, establishing animal impound fees effective March 24, 1992 as follows (miotion carried): $15.00 - First day or any portion thereof $ 7.00 - Per day or portion of a day thereafter $43.00 - 5 day maximum fee • ; ~~~ ~ Council granted authorization allowing the Slopak annexation (SR 510, south of current city limits) to proceed separately from the "Southwest Yelm" annexation (new name for Thurston Highland annexation) on a motion by Kathy Wolf, second by Martha Parsons. Motion carried. A letter was received from Yelm Prairie Development Company regarding the property situated between Yelm Ave., 103rd Ave. & West Road proposed for a motel/office building project. The city water main crosses the property described above and will present a problem during construction. There is no recorded easement for this portion of water line. Ms. Clapp, Yelm Prairie Development Company proposes to move the waterline (under that portion directly affected at this time) at her expense and requests the city pay for the design of the line. Staff recommended to Council that they approve of the request. Martha Parsons moved to allocate up to $1,000.00 towards the design of the relocation of the waterline, second by Arnold Drogseth. Motion carried. Kathy Wolf abstained due to past interest in the above mentioned property. .i Amos Lawton moved to designate Kathy Wolf as the first alternate to Mayor Sanders on the County-wide Planning .Policies Committee, Martha Parsons as the second alternate. Motion was seconded by Arnold Drogseth. Motion carried. It is critical that Ye1m have a voting member (elected official) at each of the meetings. The Planning Policy Committee will be adopting a set of planning policies that all cities must adhere to in the development of their individual comprehensive plans. Arnold Drogseth moved approval of Chief Dunnam's request to trade evidence seized weapons to an authorized dealer (as permissible by State Evidence Codes) for departmental weapons & ammunition, second by Martha Parsons. Motion carried. Three citizens submitted their names to be considered for the vacant Council seat: Michael Cooper, Pat Fetterly & Don Miller. Council were issued ballots for a "silent vote" to fill the vacant position. Four (4) votes were received for Don Miller to appoint him to the vacant seat (left by Rick Kolilis), where he will serve until the next regular municipal election (November 1993). Mr. Miller will take the oath of office and assume the seat April 1, 1992. Councilwoman Wolf thanked Mr. Cooper & Mrs. Fetterly for their interest and encouraged them to participate in city committees. She stressed that the Council was fortunate to have three excellent candidates to consider, but that Mr. Miller is more aware of city affairs at this time. Item 7(b), radio/television reception interference, was tabled to a future meeting to allow staff more time to investigate the complaints. Yelm Parks Advisory Committee Meeting of March 10, 1992: Councilwoman Parsons informed the Council that the Committee will be holding a Special Meeting on March 17, 1992 to discuss the Rhoton/Canal Rd. park development proposal and the Southwest Yelm annexation environmental impact statement. Park use requests will be approved at the March 25, 1992 Council Meeting. Gene Borges suggested that the Committee wait until the Yelm Comprehensive Transportation Study is complete to forward recom-nendations on the banner project. The Yelm Historic Preservation Commission meeting was cancelled due to a lack of quorum. Planning Department Report: Todd Stamm informed the Council that the Planning Commission began work on the Subdivision Ordinance at their February 26, 1992 worksession. Kathy Wolf moved approval authorizing Mayor Sanders to sign the Yelm/UCBO/HEADSTART Agreement for the CDBG funded community services center project, subject to legal counsel & City Administrator approval. Motion was seconded by Martha Parsons. Motion carried. Sewer Project: Gene Borges informed the Council that the EPA workshop in San Francisco was very beneficial to the City. Work continues on obtaining DOE approval of the engineering agreement with Parametrix for design of the sewer system. t ~ ~~/ ~''~"~'Yelm Municipal Court Report for January 1992: 171 tickets were processed in January, 61 criminal citations & 110~infractions. Fines & forfeitures collected totaled $19,607.30. The following correspondence was presented to Council: a. Thurston County CAO Tom Fitzsimmons re: amendment to District Court Contract regarding filing & jury trial fees b. Joan Patrick, Lake Lawrence Improvement Club, Lake Lawrence Awareness Day, Saturday, June 6, 1992. With no further business before the Council, Amos Lawton moved to adjourn at 9:45 PM, second by Martha Parsons. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: / ~ • ~/~ Shell A.iBad er ~~ Y g City Clerk Robe t ers Mayor IJ