The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Robert Sanders at 7:30 PM.
All present joined in the flag salute. Council present: Kathy Wolf, Amos
Lawton, Arnold Drogseth & Martha Parsons. Staff: Gene Borges, Todd Stamp,
Shelly Badger & Leo Porter. Visitors: Michael R. Slopak, Jim Slopak, Tom
Gorman, Linda Powell, Faith Hagenhofer, Harry Lewis, Ann Paisley & L.F.W.
Amos Lawton moved to approve the agenda as printed, second by Martha Parsons.
Motion carried.
The minutes of the March 11, 1992 regular meeting of the Council were
approved•on a motion by Kathy Wolf, second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried.
Payroll for the month of March was approved on a motion by Martha Parsons,
second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried.
Vouchers numbered 11463-11464 totalling $2508.00 were approved on a motion by
Martha Parsons, second by Kathy Wolf. Motion carried.
At 7:35 PM, a Public Hearing on a proposed amendment and update of the
Official Zoning Map of the City of Yelm was opened. City Planner, Todd
Stamp, informed those present of the two proposed changes to the map
1. An update to the map to include recent annexations and their
designated zones
2. The designation of three commercial zones including the Central
Business District (CBD), Cl & C2 (heavy commercial)
Harry Lewis asked if the mini-storage facility is entirely in one zone? Gene
Borges stated that it is not, however it has existed in the past within two
zones. He stated the purpose of the proposed changes discussed is not to
make zoning changes, but to clean up the Official Zoning Map and make it
correspond with Yelm's 1985 Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance.
With no further questions from the public, the Hearing closed at 7:41 PM.
Kathy Wolf moved to adopt Ordinance No. 430 revising and updating the
Official Zoning Map of the City of Yelm effective April 8, 1992. Motion was
seconded by Martha Parsons. Motion carried.
At 7:42 PM, the Public Hearing on a proposal to adopt a new schedule of fees
for development application and permits within the City of Yelm was opened by
Mayor Sanders. Proposed fee schedules were distributed to those in
attendance; Todd Stamm explained the proposed changes to the schedule
recommended by the Planning Commission that have been incorporated into
Resolution No. 238. He stressed that the proposed fees are approximately 10%
of those set by larger cities & Thurston County for comparable applications
and that they cover only minimal costs. Stamp stated that during the 1993
Budget process, an updated fee package will be presented to Council for their
consideration. He explained to the City Council that Ordinance No. 429 takes
the existing fees out of the Yelm Municipal Code and gives the City the power
to adopt fees by resolution. The Public Hearing was closed at 7:54 PM.
Martha Parsons moved to adopt Ordinance No. 429 amending the YMC to provide
for the setting of community development and planning department fees by
Resolution of the City Council, second by Kathy Wolf. Motion carried.
Resolution No. 238, "Ye]m Development Fee Schedule", including changes as
recommended by the Planning Commission and staff, was approved on a motion by
Kathy Wolf, second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried. Effective date - April
8, 1992.
On a motion by Martha Parsons, second by Amos Lawton, the engineering
agreement with Parametrix, Inc. wras approved and authorization was given for
Mayor Sanders to execute the agreement on behalf of the City. Motion was
seconded by Amos Lawton. Motion carried. Department of Ecology, in their
letter dated March 25, 1992, granted approval of the Parametrix, Inc.
contract subject to revisions in Attachment A of that letter.
Staff informed the Council that the design project is scheduled to begin
April 20, 1992. Kathy Wolf moved to direct Mayor Sanders, CounciLnan Lawton
& staff to develop a "press release" for distribution to area newspapers and
~~ ';owners informin them of the u omin ro ect. Second b Martha Parsons.
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( "°:' "`Motion carried. Harry Lewis thanked Mayor Sanders, City Council and staff
for their years of hard work and perseverance to get Yelm to this point.
Councilwoman Wolf thanked Gene Borges for his valuable leadership. Gene
Borges stressed the need to thank the Legislators for their assistance.
Todd Stamm explained Resolution No. 239, a "form" resolution setting forth
the decision of the Council regarding a notice of intent to circulate a
petition to annex certain territory to the City of Yelm. This resolution
will be formally adopted for each annexation request and a number of
questions answered regarding zoning and indebtedness. Martha Parsons moved
to adopt Resolution No. 239 for Annexation Request No. 8041 (Slopak, First
Street South), second by Kathy Wolf. Motion carried.
Faith H~genhofer, Yelm Timberland Librarian, presented the February 1992
Library Report. The library has arranged for Summer Reading Programs to be
held in the Yelm Middle School library due to the City Hall addition/remodel
project. Faith is currently developing a list of additional equipment needs
that the move to the new addition will require, for both the City and
Timberland. •
Minutes of the March 10, 1992 regular meeting and March 17, 1992 special
meeting of the Yelm Parks Advisory Committee were circulated amongst the
Council. Martha Parsons moved approval of the following park use requests:
1. Yelm Community United Methodist Church, July 12, 1992, Noon to 6PM
2. Yelm Prairie Days, July 18-26, 1992, with the stipulation that ,the
park be cleaned up for the prior approved "Lilly" family reunion on July
19, 1992.
Planning Commission Meeting of March 17, 1992: Todd Stamm noted that the
meeting was spent discussing the zoning map amendment & proposed development
fees. He stressed there is an empty seat on the Commission. Council asked
that there be a notice of the vacancy published in the Nisqually Valley News
asking for letters of interest and qualifications.
Todd Stamp asked for Council input on the roles and responsibilities of the
Planning Commission. After discussion on the options regarding the role of
the Planning Commission, the Council concurred with staff that authority be
given to Planning Commission to make decisions on projects as the law allows.
The decisions of the Planning Commission would be appealed to the Yelm City
Council. However, the City Council would hold Public Hearings and make
decisions on growth management related issues.
Council concurred that if the above authority is given to the Planning
Commission, comrnanication between the two bodies is crucial. Therefore, a
Planning Commission Liaison to the City Council should be appointed.
Police Report: Sergeant Porter announced that the individual involved in the
recent police car accident had been sentenced to 22 months in Washington
prison and ordered to pay $5,800 in restitution to the City of Yelm for the
damaged auto.
Council received a letter from the Department of General Administration
regarding impact fees.
With no further business before the City Council, they adjourned at 8:40 PM
on a motion by Martha Parsons, second by. Kathy Wolf.
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Shelly A. Badg
City Clerk
o ert San ers