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The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Sanders at 7:30 PM. All
present joined in the flag salute. Council present: Kathy Wolf, Amos
Lawton, Arnold Drogseth, Martha Parsons and Don Miller. Staff: Gene Borges,
Todd Stamp, Shelly Badger and Glenn Dunnam. Visitors: Linda S. Powell and
Faith Hagenhofer, Yelm Timberland Librarian.
The agenda was approved with the addition of item 6(f): Ordinance No. 432,
on a motion by Martha Parsons, second by Kathy Wolf. Motion carried.
The minutes of the April 8, 1992 Regular Council Meeting were approved on a
motion by Arnold Drogseth, second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried.
Payroll for the month of April 1992 was approved on a motion by Amos Lawton,
second by Arnold Drogseth. Motion carried.
Resolution No. 242 amending and replacing Resolution No. 232 supporting the
Residential Anti-Displacement and Re]_ocation Assistance Plan under Section
104(d) of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 was approved on a
motion by Martha Parsons, second by Kathy ~Aolf. Motion carried.
Shelly Badger inforn~ed the City Council of two employee 401(k) Deferred Com-
pensation Plans and asked Council for their approval to pursue one of the two
to offer to Yelm employees. The plans allow public employees to defer up to
250 of their gross pay (tax free) for withdrawal at a later date (preferably
retirement). The employee chooses the investment option for their deferred
dollars and are paid interest dividends accordingly. Council suggested that
staff choose the plan that best suits Yelm employees and come back to them
for final action.
Resolution No. 243 confirming the intent of the City of Yelm with respect to
Short Plat No. 8017 approved on May 13, 1987 and authorizing recording of a
corrected Declaration of Short Plat and Covenants was approved on a motion by
Martha Parsons, second by Arnold Drogseth. Motion carried.
Ordinance No. 431 amending Chapter 9.32 of the Yelm Municipal Code declaring
it to be unlawful to carry a fixed-blade knife having a blade length of more
than 3%2 inches was approved on a motion by Martha Parsons, second by Don
Miller. Motion carried. Effective May 6, 1992.
Via staff, David Asher requested that the City Council expedite the zoning
correction action on West Road. Council denied the request and concurred
that they would take action on the zoning correction as regularly scheduled
at the May 13, 1992 Regular Council Meeting. The correction requires a Pub-
lic Hearing of both the Planning Commission and City Council as the zoning
ordinance now reads.
Council asked that staff prepare an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance revis-
ing the requirement of Public Hearings before both the Planning Commission
and City Council.
Ordinance No. 432 providing that the refusal of an alcohol test may be used
iri evidence at a subsequent criminal trial and declaring that the ordinance
take immediate effect was approved on a motion by Kathy Wolf, second by Amos
Lawton. Motion carried. Effective April 30, 1992.
Don Miller moved to accept the proposal provided by Yelm Telephone Company to
lease the Centrex telephone system for Yelm City Hall. Included in the quo-
tation is a $700.00 installation charge, and a monthly charge of $271.00
($230.00 line charge, $40.00 lease charge on telephones). Motion was sec-
onded by Amos Lawton. Motion carried. With the new addition providing tele-
phones for planning and sewer, City Hall will outgrow the current telephone
system, thus prompting the change to the Centrex system.
Faith Hagenhofer was present to give the March 1992 Library Report. Circula-
tion was up 10-190. The Friends of the Ye]m Library and Yelm Library Board
will host a Ground-Breaking ceremony on Tuesday, April 28, 1992 at 5:30 PM to
celebrate the upcoming construction of the new 2,000 sf interim library fa-
cility (addition to Yelm City Hall). Councilwoman Wolf agreed to represent
Mayor Sanders and the City Council at the event. Faith stated that with the
increased space, Timberland hopes to increase their hours and provide addi-
tional staffing. The Friends of the Yelm Library will host their annual Book
Sale May 2 and 3, 1992 at Mr. Doug's Eatery.
Yelm Parks Advisory Committee Meeting of April 14, 1992: Martha Parsons rec-
ommended approval of the following park use requests, second by Arnold
Drogseth. Motion carried.
1. Yelm Extension School, May 6, 1992, 10:00 AM-3:00 PM, Camp Cispus
traveling ropes course and special activities.
2. Cushman & Antique Scooter Meet, August 2, 1992, 8:00 AM-6:00 PM,
meeting and display of Scooter Club.
Planning Commission Meeting of April 21, 1992: Staff reported that the Plan-
ning Commission held Public Hearings on the West Road zoning correction,
Slopak Annexation/Zoning and Yelm Comprehensive Subdivision Ordinance. City
Council will hold Public Hearings on the same items at the May 13, 1992 Regu-
lar Meeting. At their May 5, 1992 workshop, the Planning Commission will
study Yelm's proposed Urban Growth Boundary and discuss hearing procedures.
Sewer report: Gene Borges, Shelly Badger, Lynn Haigh (Yelm Sewer Project
Clerk) and Jon Yanasak (Yelm Sewer Project Technician) will visit the City of
Montesano on April 23, 1992 to view their administrative files and discuss
start-up procedures. Montesano has recently completed installation of a STEP
collection system and wastewater lagoon and has much valuable advice to offer
Yelm as we begin design of the same system.
Shelly Badger provided Councilmernbers with a preliminary time schedule for
the limited tax General Obligation Bonds for the interim financing of the
Yelm City Hall addition, interim financing is necessary because FmHA pur-
chases the bonds for the project upon completion. Interim financing will be
provided through Puget Sound Securities; proceeds will be delivered to Yelm
on June 10, 1992.
Todd Stamm reported on the April 14, 1992 Second Transportation Public Work-
shop. Approximately 130 people were in attendance, with a very encouraging
response to the alternatives. The Transportation Advisory Committee will
next set priorities from minor to major improvements. Skillings & Chamber-
lain, Inc. will analyze funding. Report then goes to the Planning Commission
for a Public Hearing and then to the City Council. When adopted, it becomes
the City's first element of the Growth Management Act.
Chief Dunnam gave a report covering the Yelm Police Department's operational
activities during his third year as Chief of Police. The 1991 report shows
an increase in every category of crime, especially traffic violations. Chief
Dunnam attributes the increase in statistics to population expansion and in-
creased police actions taken to deter crime and traffic violators. With the
increased gang activity, statistics will be kept in the future on gang re-
lated crimes.
He stated that due to the remodeling effort the YPD is able to provide a bet-
ter service to the community and an improved work environment for staff. One
of the significant accomplishments was providing a balanced budget for the
third year in a row.
Chief Dunnam attributed the above accomplishments to the continued support
received from City Officials, staff and citizens of Yelm. He stated that the
good relationships that have developed over the past three years have had a
positive impact on productivity.
He informed the Council that they will begin the accreditation process in
June of 1992 for the department. He anticipates the process to take a minimum
of 2%z years.
At 8:58, City Council adjourned to an Executive Session to discuss contract
negotiations. They reconvened at 9:32 PM.
The following correspondence was presented to the City Council:
1. Press release re: regional trauma center recommendations
2. Network, A Newsletter on Transportation Planning
3. AWC 1992 Annual Convention/Business Meeting
With no further business before the Council, they adjourned at 9:36 PM.
Robert A. anders, Mayor Shelly A. Badger, City Clerk