07/08/92. ~@
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The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro-Tempore Kathy Wolf at
7:30 PM. All present joined in the flag salute. Council present: Amos
Lawton, Arnold Drogseth, Martha Parsons and Don Miller. Staff: Gene
Borges, Todd Stamm, Glenn Dunnam and Shelly Badger. Visitor: Cindy Cecil.
The agenda, with the addition of item 8(e), Impact Fee Worksession, was ap-
proved on a motion by Amos Ix~wton, second by Martha Parsons. Motion car-
The minutes of June 24, 1992 were approved on a motion by Martha Parsons,
second by Don Miller. Motion carried.
The following vouchers were approved on a motion by Martha Parsons, second
by Amos Lawton:
CURRENT: $ 9,958.05
POLICE: $ 7,617.31
STREET: $ 5,007.01
ARTERIAL STREET: $ 14,692.18
CDBG: $ 3,369.56
WATER/SEWER: $ 38,877.33
GARBAGE: $ 11,895.46
'TOTAL: $166,342.47
The Public Hearing on the County-Wide Planning Policies was opened at 7:34
PM. Todd Stamm explained that the policies have been worked on for several
months by the Growth Management Coordinating Committee consisting of a rep-
resentative from each City and the County Commissioners. Staff recommends
the policies as they now exist and feels it is a good compromise document
consisting of broad policy statements on the following topics: "
I. Urban Growth Areas
II. Promotion of Contiguous and Orderly Development and Provision
of Urban Services
III. Joint County and City Planning Within Urban Growth Areas
IV. Siting County-Wide and State-Wide Public Capital Facilities
V. Analysis of Fiscal Impact
VI. Economic Development and Employment
VII. Affordable Housing
VIII. Transportation
IX. Environmental Quality
X. Process Policy: Population Projections and Urban Growth
A "draft" Vision Statement of Thurston County's Future as Envisioned by
Growth Management Planning Policies was received by Yelm on July 7, 1992.
Stamp explained that the Resolution ratifying the County-Wide Planning Poli-
cies for Thurston County does not approve any attachments to the June 5,
1992 draft, including the Vision Statement. Staff (Stamp and Borges) ex-
pressed concern that the Vision Statement may be used as a tool to interpret
the 9-page policy document. After all cities and Thurston County have rati-
fied the policy document, it will go back to the Coordinating Committee for
their final review and revision. If there are substantial recommended
changes, the revised document wil]_ come back to the cities and Thurston
County for re-ratification.
A letter dated July 8, 1992 was received from KCM, Dennis Su (Southwest Yelm
Annexation) in support of the County-Wide Planning Policies.
With no further comments from those in attendance, the Public Hearing closed
at 7:45 PM. Don Miller moved to disapprove the "draft" Vision Statement
dated July '1, 1992, second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried.
Amos Lawton moved to approve Resolution No. 254 ratifying County-Wide Plan-
ning Policies for Thurston County and its Cities pursuant to RCW 36.70A.210
of the Growth Management Act. Second by Martha Parsons. Motion carried.
Martha Parsons moved to adopt Resolution No. 251 "NUNC PRO TUNC" (as if
done) on June 24, 1992, second by Don Miller. Amos Lawton abstained. Mo-
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tion carried. The Resolution sets a Public Hearing on July 22, 1992 toy' e=~'~~
ceive comments on a petition to vacate the 10' wide alley adjacent to the
site of the Emanuel Lutheran Church.
Resolution No. 252 amending the development fee schedule for professional
review and consultation fees was approved on a motion by Martha Parsons,
second by Arnold Drogseth. Motion carried. The Resolution states that de-
velopment applications and fees are subject to an additional charge of
$60.00 per hour for all review and engineering services to be provided by a
consulting engineer of the City's choice; and an additional charge of
$100.00 per hour for all review and legal services to be provided by the
City Attorney or other legal counsel of the City's choice.
Arnold Drogseth moved to table decision on the proposed PBX telephone system
ordinance to the July 22, 1992 Council meeting, second by Martha Parsons.
Motion carried.
Todd Stamp explained the "Step Forward" Program to the City Council. The
Growth Management Act requires the City of Yelm to substantially update and
revise its Comprehensive Plan by July 1, 1993. The preparation of a growth
management plan is to include a substantial level of public participation.
At the same time, the City continues to process development applications.
The task is an overwhelming one for the Planning Commission and will place a
great burden on the City's limited staff and financial resources. To assist
in this effort and increase public participation in planning, Todd proposed
the "Step Forward" approach. "Step Forward" would be a volunteer-based ef-
fort to take the next step into Yelm's future. The program would create a
task force of 50-100 interested individuals who, with City staff assistance,
would aid and advise the City in developing the new growth management plan.
The task force would be composed of six groups focusing upon: the Land Use
Element, Housing Element, Capital Facilities Element, Utilities Element,
Transportation Element, Economy and Design Element and Parks, Recreation and
Open Space Element.
This group would not be a substitute for the Planning Commission and in the
end all proposals would be forwarded to the Commission for review and com-
ment. MOTION: Don Miller moved approval of the formation of the "Step For-
ward" Program, second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried.
Resolution No. 253 accepting with modifications (map was amended to include
the properties west of the proposed annexation area to Mill Road) the Notice
of Intent to Circulate a Petition to Annex (Annexation Request No. 8062,
Loutzenhiser), was approved on a motion by Don Miller, second by Amos
Lawton. Motion carried.
Council had no objection to a letter sent to Barber Roder, Thurston Regional
Planning Council Chair, requesting that Sections 8, 19, 20, 29 and 31 of
Township 17 North, Range 2 East be considered in the wetlands inventory and
reconnaissance program being conducted by Thurston Regional Planning Coun-
Ordinance No. 440 amending Ordinance No. 406 raising the curfew age of mi-
nors to include 15 and 10 year olds in the curfew regulations was approved
on a motion by Don Miller, second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried.
Cindy Cecil, Executive Director, UCBO, was present to request approval of
the City Council to temporarily store the donated shelter house on private
property until the permanent site is purchased for the construction of the
new UCBO Community Services Center. At that time, the house will be moved
to the permanent site to be used as a shelter. The house, donated by the
Yelm Telephone Company to the UCBO, must be moved by July 15, 1992. Funds
for the relocation and rehabilitation of the house will be provided from the
City's 1987 CDBG Housing Rehabilitation grant.
City Council expressed no objection to allow the UCBO to temporarily store
the donated house on private property for a short time, until a permanent
site becomes available.
A request was received by Household Finance Company to subordinate the Cit-
y's lien on a property rehabilitated through the 1987 CDBG Housing Rehabili-
tation grant. Shelly Badger asked Council for a policy decision regarding
loan subordination on the housing rehab liens. Martha Parsons moved to al-
]_ow loan subordination on the housing rehabilitation liens only if: 1) the
amount superior to Yelm's position does not increase due to the loan subor-
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dination, or: 2) the City of Yelm is included in the new loan and paid off
in full.
The proposed City of Yelm Personnel Policies were distributed to
Councilmembers. Various departments are currently reviewing them for em-
ployee input. The policies will be discussed further at the July 22, 1992
Council Meeting.
Mayor Pro-Tempore Wolf announced that a series of worksessions will be held
on impact fees by the Urban Growth Management Committee. She stressed the
importance of the sessions inviting Counci]Jr~embers to attend to become more
educated on the issue of impact fees. First session will be held Monday,
July 20, 1992 at 7:00 PM, Room 152, Thurston County Courthouse. Staff will
send the entire worksession calendar to Councilmembers.
Council received a memo from Marie Cameron on behalf of the Thurston County
Commissioners regarding proposals for changes to the County-Wide Planning
Policies. Staff noted that the proposed changes to the policies should have
been raised earlier before the document was recommended for ratification by
all the cities and Thurston County. The changes will be discussed further
at the August Coordinating Committee meeting. Yelm's only request for
change to the document (earlier adopted as Resolution No. 254), will be the
deletion of a Vision Statement.
At 9:25 PM, Council went into an Executive Session to discuss a Claim for
Damages by Fred and Penny Goodman. They reconvened at 9:30 PM. Don Miller
moved to table decision on the Claim until 'further investigation by staff,
second by Martha Parsons. Motion carried.
The following correspondence was received by Council:
1. Washington Women's Employment and Education
2. Economic Development Council Strategic Plan
3. U.S. Department of Energy
4. Tenino Oregon Trail Days.
With no further business before the Council, Martha Parsons moved to adjourn
the meeting at 9:31 PM, second by Arnold Drogseth. Motion carried.
Shelly A. Badger
City Clerk
Robert A. Sanders
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