The Regular Meeting was called to order by Mayor Sanders at 7:30 PM. All
present joined in the flag salute. Councilmembers present: Kathy Wolf,
Martha Parsons, Amos Lawton, Arnold Drogseth and Don Miller. Staff: Shelly
Badger, Todd Stamm, Randy Walker and Glenn Dunnam. Visitors: Mr. & Mrs. Tom
Porter, Mr. & Mrs. Ted Foreid, Joe Zelazny Jr., Kevin & Tami Dunn, Harry
Lewis, Roger Dean (Intercity Transit), Lyle Bursted and Jon & Barbara
The agenda was approved as printed on a motion by Martha Parsons, second by
Amos Lawton. Motion carried.
The minutes of~the July 8, 1992 Regular Council Meeting were approved oil a
motion by Don Miller, second by Kathy Wolf. Motion carried.
Payroll for the month of July was approved on a motion by Martha Parsons,'
second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried.
Vouchers totaling $1592.30 were approved on a motion by Arnold Drogseth, sec-
ond by Martha Parsons. Motion carried.
A Public Hearing on the Yelm Transportation Plan & Environmental Impact
Statement was opened at 7:35 PM. Bob Hazlett & Perry Shea, Skillings & Cham-
berlain, Inc. were present to brief the Public on the plan.
Mr. Hazlett explained the need for the plan due to the existing traffic con-
gestion in the City, a City-declared transportation emergency in September
1989 and the future development in the Yelm Urban Growth Area. He stressed
that the plan is required to meet the Growth Management Act and that Yelm's
plan may be one of the first adopted in Washington to meet the provisions of
The Act.
He reviewed the recommendations of the Plan stressing that the document pro-
vides for transportation planning policies, a transportation improvement pro-
gram and funding strategies. The implementation priorities as determined by
the Transportation Advisory Committee and the Ye]m Planning Commission are as
*Yelm Avenue Improvements
*Bald Hills Realignment
*City Center Connections
*Coates-Stevens-103rd Connector
*Second Nisqually Pines Access
immediate Design Studies Needs are as follows:
*SR510/SR507 Connector
*SR507/Five Corners Connector
*Canal Road North Loop
*Southwest Ye1m Access
Hazlett explained that the project specific design studies must be completed
prior to any construction and estimated that construction could be 7 years
out on major improvements and/or new arterials.
Planned improvements are estimated to cost 35 million; funding recommenda-
tions are: impact mitigation and fees, facility contributions, local im-
provement districts, increase in local sales tax, State Transportation Funds
and Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA). The Yelm
Transportation Advisory Committee felt strongly that a large portion of the
funding should be State DOT responsibility due to the state highway arterial.
State DOT has stressed that there will be no money in their budget for major
improvements until the 1995-97 biennitun.
Todd Stamm explained that the comment period on the Environmental Impact
Statement remains open until August 2, 1992. After that time, all written
comments will be forwarded to CounciLmembers; plan adoption is scheduled for
August 12, 1992.
Bob Hazlett recognized Lyle Bursted, Chairman of the Transportation Advisory
Committee,~for his active participation in the development of the plan and
excellent public relations.
Barry Lewis praised the work of the staff, Yelm Planning Commission and City
Council on the Transportation Plan. He stressed that the plan could help
~y(~~ai~ t
Yelm receive funding from agencies for needed improvements.
With no further comments from the Public, the Hearing closed at 8:41 PM.
At 8:42 PM, the Hearing on the Emanuel Lutheran Church alley vacation was
opened. Stamp provided a staff report to the Council explaining that the
Emanuel Lutheran Church and Devin and Tamilyn Dunn have petitioned for vaca-
tion of the public right-of-way within Block 8 of McKenzie's Second Addition
to Yelm. This ten-foot alley lies along the northeast side of a residential
half block. The remainder of the block has never been platted. -Stamm ex-
plained that the City should receive a public benefit from the vacation of
public rights-of-way. City is entitled to request one-half of the appraised
value or an amount equal to the staff time required to process the vacation
paperwork. Gene Borges recommended to City Council (via Todd Stamm) that
Yelm should require compensation of some type for any vacation of public
Planning Commission has recommended approval of the alley vacation with Yelm
preserving a utility easement. The possibility of a conservation easement
was also discussed.
Mr. Joe Zelazny Jr., representing the Emanuel Lutheran Church, explained that
the alley vacation provides more efficient site planning for. the new church.
Stamp noted for the record that two Councilmembers, Lawton and Drogseth, are
members of the Emanuel Lutheran Church and should not participate in any de-
cision regarding the alley vacation.
With no further comment, the Public Hearing was closed at 9:02 PM.
Martha Parsons moved to table action on the Emanuel Lutheran Church alley va-
cation to the meeting of August 12, 1992, so as staff can provide an estimate
to Council on the value of staff time and the value of land with or without a
utility easement. '
At 9:03 PM a Public Hearing on the Henderson Annexation petition was opened.
Stamm outlined the proposed annexation on the map and stated that the Plan-
ning Commission has recommended approval of the annexation with single-family
residential zoning. Hearing closed at 9:06 PM.
RESOLUTION NO. 256: Resolution No. 256 expressing the intent of the City
Council to annex property adjacent to Cullens Road (Henderson petition), to
zone the property single-family residential upon annexation 'and to~notify the
Thurston County Boundary Review Board of said intent was approved on a motion
by Kathy Wolf, second by Arnold Drogseth. Motion carried.
In light of the Planning Commission's denial of Harry Lewis' rezone request
(from industrial to single-family residential) of his property situated on
the east side of Crystal Springs Road, Mr. Lewis requested that he be allowed
to appeal the decision to the City Council. Kathy Wolf moved to schedule a
Public Hearing to discuss the rezone of property described above on August
26, 1992, motion was seconded by Don Miller. Motion carried. A notice of
the Hearing will be forwarded to all surrounding property owners so as they
may be allowed to comment.
Roger Dean, Intercity Transit, was present to _explain the proposed
"Intergovernmental Agreement for Maintenance of the Amtrak Depot, Phase II"
between Yelm and Intercity Transit. After discussion on the specifics of the
agreement, Kathy Wolf moved approval of the agreement, Yelm's portion of the
maintenance expenses not to exceed to of $81,540.00. Motion was seconded by
Arnold Drogseth. Motion carried.
After discussion on the proposed Thurston County Department of Communications
PBX (Private Branch Exchange System; a private telephone switching system,
located on a customer's premises and connected to a common group of incoming
lines, that provides service to a number of individual telephone sets) Ordi-
nance, Martha Parsons moved to not consider the document at this time, second
by Amos Lawton. Motion carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 255: Kathy Wolf moved to approve Resolution No. 255 amending
Resolution No. 245 (Anderson petition) providing for expansion of the~annexa-
tion petition to allow 40 acres of the Hutchinson property (east of Mt. View
Rd) to be included. Motion was seconded by Amos Lawton. Motion carried.
ORDINANCE_NO. 442: Ordinance No. 442 reducing maximum permissible blood and
`~ `~a ii _
~~` `r", "`~.brerath alcohol levels for driving motor vehicles, or being in physical con-.
trol of motor vehicles inside the city limits of Yelm was passed on a motion
by Don Miller, second by Martha Parsons. Motion carried. Effective date,
August 5, 1992. Randy Walker, Yelm Prosecuting Attorney, stated that another
Washington City adopted a similar ordinance and that the ordinance has been
upheld in Superior Court. Glenn Dunnam and Randy Walker`~both expressed that
the ordinance moves Yelm towards sobriety while driving.
RESOLUTION NO. 257: Todd Stamp went through the proposed Yelm Personnel
Policies by section with the City Council explaining that a group of employ-
ees representing each City Department had given their ~recomnendations for
changes. Changes were incorporated into the policies and pointed out to the
Councilmembers by Starrm. Two additional changes were agreed upon by
Councilmembers: Section 2.2(h) - delete Court Administrator from the list of
exempt employees; Section 5.1(c) - add Department Head evaluations by their
supervisor, Mayor and City Council. Resolution No. 257 adopting Personnel
Policies for the City of Yelm was passed on a motion by Martha Parsons, sec-
ond by Amos Lawton. Motion carried.
Stamp explained that during the employee review of the draft policies, many
employees expressed discomfort with the statement that they were "at-will"
employees whose jobs could be terminated without cause or advance notice.
Councilmembers asked that Todd Stamm develop an amendment to the Personnel
Policies which would provide for notice and a written statement of reasons
prior to terminating any employee to be considered at the August 26, 1992
Council Meeting.
ORDINANCE No. 441: Ordinance No. 441 annexing property adjacent to Highway
507 (Slopak petition) was approved on a motion by Kathy Wolf, second by
Martha Parsons. Motion carried. Effective date, August 5, 1992.
Council received the final draft of the "Interlocal Cooperative Agreement for
Thurston County Emergency Management". If the Board of Commissioners approve
the document, Thurston County cities will be asked to approve and sign the
PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF JULY 21, 1992: Minutes were not available at
this early date following the meeting. Stamm briefed the City Council on the
major elements of the meeting including: Crystal Springs, Road Area Rezone
Public Hearing, Crystal Springs Estates Rezone (Harry Lewis)Public Hearing,
Crystal Springs Estates preliminary plat, Mountaineer Court preliminary plat,
Kitchen Rezone Public Hearing, Henderson annexation request, Yelm Creek Pe-
destrian Bridge Shoreline Development Permit Public Hearing, Yelm Subdivision
Ordinance and green belt discussion. Minutes will be provided upon comple-
POLICE REPORT: Chief Dunnam reported that the Prairie Days Dance and week of
festivities was very successful.
YELM MUNICIPAL COURT REPORT: 154 tickets were processed in the month of June
1992, 41 criminal citations and 113 infractions.
ing were provided to Councilmembers. The following park use requests were
approved on a motion by Martha Parsons, second by Arnold Drogseth. Motion
*Olympia Alano Club, August 1, barbeque ,
*Emanuel Lutheran Church, August 9, church service and picnic
*Yelm Lion's Club, August 23, picnic
*Yelm School Reunion, July 10, 1993, annual reunion
CITY HALL ADDITION UPDATE: Project is on schedule and the library will be
moving into the new addition the week of the 3-7 and 10-14 of August. The
existing library space remodel will begin the week of August 10.
YELM HISTORIC COMMISSION MEETING OF JULY 14, 1992: Inventory of the remain-
der of city limits is underway to be completed by August 31, 1992.
Counci]members were provided with the 2nd Quarter 1992 Financial Report and
6-month Revenue and Expense reports from Daisy Lawton, Treasurer.
At 11:02 PM Council went into an Executive Session to discuss the Fred and
Penny Goodman Claim for Damages. They returned to regular session at 11:05
PM. Amos Lawton moved to deny the Goodman Claim for Damages, second by Kathy
Wolf. Motion carried.
The following correspondence was received by Council:
*Bon Odori Dance
*TCGETI-~R! Newsletter
*Thurston County EDC Quarterly Business Report
*Municipal Research News
*AWC Risk Management Service Agency Pool Line
*Transportation Futures
With no further business before the Council, they adjourned at 11:06 PM on a
motion by Martha Parsons, second by Arnold Drogseth.
Shelly A. Badger
City Clerk
Robert A. Sanders