10-27-05 SS MINUTES YELM CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2005, 5:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL 1. Call to Order – Mayor Rivas called the meeting to order at 5:00 pm 2. Roll Call: Don Miller, Joe Baker, Bob Isom, Ron Harding, and Pat Fetterly ACTION 3. The agenda was reorganized as a courtesy to presenters. 4. Presentations: Yelm Retail & Commercial Development Opportunities – Eric Hovee, E.D. Hovee & a. Company. Those present viewed a power point presentation on the report findings. The report included information highlighting shareholder contacts, trade area delineation, and local infrastructure needs, and identified residential growth as the primary driver of economic and retail development. Mr. Hovee’s report identifies a combined primary and secondary trade areas population of approximately 129,000. A comparison of the Yelm trade area population showed that in general incomes are high and the population is young. Currently, however, only 70% of convenience and 45% of secondary business is captured locally. The study also identified an overall weak job base locally relative to the local population resulting in high commute levels. Primary commercial growth expected between 2005 and 2030 projects an 80% increase supporting an additional 445,000 square feet of growth driven retail space and secondary growth potential during the same period of 60% supporting nearly 1.3 million square feet of retail/commercial space. The study also compared Yelm to other communities, and identified developable sites. Latecomer’s Agreement Policy Discussion – Grant Beck, Community b. Development Director. Grant Beck provided information for a recommended code change to reduce the possibility of events forcing those individuals not intending to develop their property, to participate fully in reimbursement of latecomers costs if the event a utility failure results in mandatory connection to municipal utilities. The suggested language has been reviewed by the Yelm Planning Commission City of Yelm Groundwater Monitoring Project – Tom and Patrick Skillings, c. Skillings-Connolly. Tom and Patrick Skillings provided information about testing conducted by Yelm with grant assistance from Department of Ecology that has been used to evaluate the use of constructed wetlands as a final treatment before using reclaimed water for aquifer recharge. There was come discussion concerning the difficulty of monitoring constructed vs. natural wetlands. 1 of 2 ab/city council/2005/10-27-05 SS Page Six test wells, in various locations, were examined over a two year period for a variety of water constituents providing information that was compared to the 1998 baseline report. Tests were within established ranges. There was some discussion concerning a misleading newspaper article addressing the need to treat the sterile water that exits the WWTP and enters the system at the park waterfall, which is then sent through processes (fish pond) to effect changes in the water resulting in a more ‘natural’ product being used for aquifer recharge. Mayor/Council Initiatives . None. 5. 6. New Business – None scheduled 7. Old Business – None scheduled 8. Adjourn: 7:30 pm. _____________________________________ Ron Harding, Mayor Pro-Tempor Attest: ________________________________ Agnes Bennick, City Clerk 2 of 2 ab/city council/2005/10-27-05 SS Page