09/09/92•MIN[TI~S CITY OF YELM REG[JLAR CO[JNCIL NIEETIl~G " WIDI~SDAY, SEPTBMt3ER 9 , 1992 , 7 : 30 PM, YFTM CITY H~,LL COL7NCIL CI-i~1P~IBERS The Regular Meeting was called to order by Mayor Sanders at 7:30 PM'. Coun- '- cil present: Kathy GJolf, Amos Lawton, Arnold Drogseth, Martha Parsons and Don Miller. Staff: Shelly Badger, Gene Borges and Glenn Dunnam. Visitors: - Mr. and Mrs. Joe Guizzetti, Cindy Cecil, Kevin Sartain, Jean Knight, Jack Peugh, Kathleen and William Remski, Scott West, Eric Knutsen, Brooks Martin ' and Cliff McFaul. The agenda (order revised) was approved on a motion by Kathy-Wolf, second by Arnold Drogseth. Motion carr~nd. The minutes of the August 26, 1992 Regular Council Meeting were approved on a motion by Martha Pa~r'sons, second by Arnold Drogseth. Motion carried: ~~~~ The following vouchers were approved on a motion by Martha Parsons, second ~~ by Don Miller. Motion carried. CURRENT: $ 28,735.08 POLICE: $ 4,606.74 _ WATER: $101,626.42 .- STREET: $ 2,251.41 GARBAGE: $ 10,349.48 CITY HALL CONSTRUCT: $ 1,622.91 ' :, - ~~,; $149,192.04 - ' Gene Borges explained that approximately two years ago, Jack Peugh and.Jean 507) with a Knight discussed annexation of their property (Vancil and Hwy. commercial zoning designation. During the recent annexation of their prop- ~~ erty, it was brought in at 1 house per 5 acres residential zoning. City Council asked that in the future, staff make a request of all property _ - owners in the proposed annexation area regarding a particular zoning prefer- ence. - Don Miller moved to waive the fee to rezone the property east of Vancil Road along Hwy. 507 to Five Corners from Residential 1-5 to Commercial to rectify ~- the error in original zoning during annexation. Second by Kathy Wolf. Mo- tion carried. Amended Henderson Annexation discussion: Staff illustrated to the City - Council the new proposed boundary of the amended Henderson annexation adding property owned by Mr. and Mrs. Guizzetti. Proposed annexation boundary is - from Killion to Cullens Road north to 88th Avenue. Staff clarified for Kathleen Remski that her property is not part of the amended boundaries and that she will be notified of all Public Hearings re- garding the Henderson/McFaul/Guizzetti annexation as a neighboring property owner. The annexation process was clarified for Mr. McFaul and Council asked staff to distribute an annexation inforniation packet to him. Councilwoman Wolf -~ stressed the importance of providing all annexation appJ_icants a packet of G.m:1~.®r~5~ . information so they understand the process and the time involved to complete an annexation. s RESOLUTION NO. 266: Kathy Wolf moved to amend the boundaries of Resolution No. 266 (passed 8-26-92) to include the boundaries shown on the map from Killion to Cullens Road north to 88th Avenue. Second by Martha Parson. Mo- tion carried. Bob Henderson (original annexation petitioner) had no objec- tion to the addition of properties and the delay. PARK tJSE REQUEST: Scott West, Eric Knutson and Brooks Martin were present to request use of Yelm City Park on September 19, 1992 from 2-7:00 PM to host a free- concert showcasing six different. rock-n-roll bands. Councilwoman Parsons stated that the Yelm Parks Advisory Committee recom- mended approval of the request with the stipulation that the event be re- stricted to a 5 hour time limit with only 4 hours of actual playing time. Scott West explained that they plan short sets of music and will have dona- tion boxes for the UCBO Food Bank available. He asked if any additional permits were necessary for the High School Drama Club to sell refreshments at the event. Staff responded that no permits were needed to sell refresh- ments only. Martha Parsons moved to approve the request as outlined above, second by Don Miller. Motion carried. EXECUTIVE SESSION: At 8:02 PM Council (along with staff Gene Borges and Shelly Badger) went into an Executive Session to discuss real estate con- tracts and acquisition. Mayor Sanders announced that the Council should reconvene at approximately 8:30 PM and reminded all that no action is taken in an Executive Session. At 8:34 PM Council reconvened. Councilwoman Wolf moved to direct staff to work with Cindy Cecil and the UCBO Board to pursue the feasibility of the preferred site options for the UCBO Community Services Center, keeping op- tion #4 (discussed on 8-26) in abeyance.. Second by Martha Parsons. Staff will report back on September 23, 1992. _ Martha Parsons moved authorization for Mayor Sanders to sign a real estate contract with Washington State Department of Transportation to purchase, with funds from the Yelm Parks Budget (as recommended by the Yelm Parks Ad- visory Committee), the 4.0~ acre piece of property on CanaJ_ Road, second by Arnold Drogseth. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO 263 - Personnel Policy Amendment: Council agreed to table ac- tion on the Resolution until the employee committee had reviewed the docu- ment and given input to Gene Borges. Don Miller moved to waive the UCBO annexation application fee for the Berry ValJ_ey Road property due to the "general public benefit" of the Community Services Center project. Second by Arnold Drogseth. Motion carried. Planning Commission minutes of the September 1, 1992 Worksession were pro- vided to Councilmembers. YELM PARKS ADVISORY COMMITTEE ~ETI,,~~NGO~Ft StEPTEMBER 8, 1992: Martha Parsons ~~jj f.r.n ~ .t:~.~\J•~+~T~"~^c l'p. ~'I`t~w'IK~.y .-'F :~vr`{41yy V M~ .. r _ a 4444411111~~~~• ._ _ "- -, .r~4_i.~_ moved approval of the Ye1m Extension School's request to use the park on September 23, 1992 from lOAM-3PM for a Cispus traveling ropes course, second by Don Miller. Motion carried. Donations were received for the Park Reserve Fund from the Lake Lawrence Garden Club ($250.00) and the Yelm Eagles ($400.00). YELM HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 8, 1992: Commis- sion members held a worksession to review the completed work on the 1992 Survey of Historic Properties. SEWER REPORT: Gene Borges reported that he made a presentation to the Yelm Chamber of Commerce at their September 8, 1992 meeting on the sewe r project including Phase II collection line extensions. Kathy Wolf announced the next Urban Growth Management Meeting on September 21, 1992 at 7:00 PM at 2404B Heritage Ct. SW, Olympia (Thurston Regional Planning Council new office). Correspondence was received from: *Robert and Lois Fankhauser *Washington State Auditor's Office With no further business, Council adjourned at 9:11 PM on a motion by Martha Parsons, second by Arnold Drogseth. ATTEST: - ~~ - Shelly A. Badr City Clerk Rob rt ~rs~~~ Mayor L'~ l: s