09/28/92~~~(~~.D -.r;:~ . a~ •. . MINiPI~S C_L'1'Y OI YLiM SP'~CIAL, COLINCI_L MT'G'1LNG WGDM~ SI)AY, SC:P11_I~Ii3iR 2~, 1997_. , 6:00 FM, YL_:i~["1 Cl'I'Y IIJ~LL COUNCIL C1111MBERS The meeting was called to order by Mayor Sanders al 6:20 PM. Counci_lmembers present: Kathy Wolf, IUnos Lawton, Ilrnold Drogseth, Martha Parsons and Don Miller. Staf-f_: Gene Borges, Shelly Badger and 'Dodd Stamm. Prosecuting At- torney Randall Walker was present for the first Half of the meeting. Rand~~_1.1 Wal_lcer exp_laa_nec] the letter di.str_i.buted to C:i_ty Counci_]_rricrnber_s ex- p_lai_ni_ng h:i_s oCCer fir I:he Yelm Muniwipa_l_ Court Judge ix~sition effective Oc- tober L, J )97_ ul.>on Judge IIuCI='s r_etirenient. nt 6:35 PNI Counci_l_ adjourned to an Executive Session to evaluat=e the' •c]ua]_if_i- cations of candidates for. apK~oi_ntrrient to t:he Judge position. At 6:55 PM the Counci_ 1_ reconvened. Counci_1 d.i_recled Mayor_ Sanders to consi.der_ the City's budget situation when t~ppoi_nt:i.ng an nttorney Judge t<~ r_eplace Judge IRaff. At 7:00 1='~I Council_ adjourned Lhe Specia_L Meeti.nct. I1'I'I'E S'l' Shelly A. Ba ger_ C ' C_1_er k Robert•n. Sanders ,- Mayor . ~ _ ~~~ ~ i i ~ r~~~ ~ ~ ' r V ., • ~ ~~ : . 6 ~ } 1 r ~-: f.r A i~1= ~~, l_ r, ., t ~'~ , r ~ v~~ n $ Councilman Lawton asked why the Rodriguez' were not contacted by the original petitioners. John HuddJ_estori responded that the end of Burnett Rd. (devel- oped portion) was a logical northern boundary for the annexation request. With no further comments from the public, the Hearing closed at 7:55 PM. RESOLUTION NO. 262: Kathy Wolf moved to approve Resolution No. 262, as drafted, expressing the intent of the Council to annex properties, adjacent to Mt. View Road (petitioners Eric Anderson, John Huddleston, Jon Hutchinson, etc.) and directing staff to notify Thurston County Boundary Review Board of such intent. Northern boundary of the Resolution legal description is the property of Morey-Allen and the current northern terminus~of Burnett Rd. ~Mo- tion was seconded by Martha Parsons. Motion carried. Councilwoman Wolf thanked the original petitioners for their patience. ORDINANCE NO. 445: Staff informed Council that the Planning Commission in- itiated the Open Space Ordinance out of concern that the newly adopted Subdi- vision Ordinance has no provisions for open space. They held a hearing on the Ordinance and recommended that Council approve the present draf t ( which reflects latest Planning Commission revisions based on Public Hearing com- R~ents). Stamm went through the Ordinance explaining that it requires open space in all new development, except for single-family residences, commercial and industrial development. The formuJ_a for determining open space require- ments for subdivisions is based on the density of development. The higher the density, the greater the open space requirements. Lots over 1-acre are exempt from open space requirements. Stamp recommended to Council that they act on the ordinance on an interim basis and set a Public Hearing at a later date. ~ - - Don Miller moved to approve Ordinance No. 445 on an interim basis, expiring December 6, 1992, and directed staff to set a Public Hearing prior to termi- nation of the Ordinance to allow for further public comments. Motion sec- onded by Kathy Wolf. Motion carried. Park Use Request: Martha Parsons moved to approve the following park use re- quests, second by Arnold Drogseth. Motion carried. *September 26, 1992, C. Hull, family get together *October 10, 1992, Philip Rivas, free rock concert, 2-4 PM The request by B.N. West Credit Union scheduled for October 17 for a picnic/social was discussed. The request involves consumption of alcohol in the park. Stamm explained that the present ordinance does not allow the Council to distinguish between public and private groups for alcohol consump- tion in the park. Don Mi]_ler moved approval of the request, subject to all Washington State laws and the following additional Yelm requirements: *Necessary permit must be obtained by Washington State Liquor Control Board with a copy to Yelm City Hall prior to the event. *Area where alcohol is consumed must be roped off (self-contained). I.D. checks for age must be strictly enforced. *Arrangements must be made with local law enforcement agencies for police patrols and security. *An insurance rider from the sponsoring organization must be on file at Yelm City Hall naming the City of Ye1m as an additional insured for the day of the event. Motion was seconded by Martha Parsons. Motion carried with Amos Lawton vot- A~~~ ~/ ~~