The Regular Meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM. All present joined in
the flag salute. Counci]_ present: Kathy Wolf, Amos Lawton, ArnoJ_d Drogseth, .
Martha Parsons and Don Miller. Staff: Gene Borges, Shelly Badger, Glenn
Dunnam and Todd Stamm. Visitors: Kathy Scheidt, Eric Anderson, Eddie Wind-
sor, John Huddleston, Jeramy Sorensen, Dave Bodine, Dale Sylvester, Denise
Rodriguez, Mr. and Mrs. Remski,~Jackie and Frank Jones, Everett and Mollie
Hendrickson, Harry Lewis, Kristin Blalack and Faith Hagenhofer.
Kathy Wolf moved to approve the agenda as printed, second by Amos Lawton.,
Motion carried.
Martha Parsons moved to approve the minutes of the September 9, 1992 Regular
Meeting, second by Kathy Wolf. Motion carried.
Martha Parsons moved to approve payroll for the month of September, second by
Amos Lawton. Motion carried. '
At 7:34 PM, the Public Hearing on the amended Mt. View Annexation and zoning
was opened.
Staff Todd Stamm explained the boundaries described in Resolution No. 262 and
the zoning recommended by the Planning Commission. A letter dated September
23 was presented to Councilmem~bers from Henrietta Morey-Allen asking that her
1.5 acre piece~of property immediately north of the Scheidt piece be included.
in the annexation with a request for single-family (R-1) zoning. Stamm ex-~~
plained that Ms. Morey-Allen's piece is included in the legal description of
Resolution No. 262 since it is adjacent to Burnett Rd. and takes the northern
annexation boundary to the end of Burnett. However, the Planning Commission
reco~m~ends residential-agriculture (RA-1-5) zoning until services .become
available. .
A letter dated September 14 was presented to Counci_1 from Juan and Denise
Rodriguez requesting that their 10-acre piece of property north of the Morey-
Allen piece also be included in the annexation. This request would deJ_ay the.
adoption of Resolution No. 262 as 'it is not included in the legal descrip-
tion. Staff explained that the property is not included as it exceeds the
end of Burnett FZd. Stamm recommended that the request be closed and proper-
ties beyond Burnett Rd. submit a separate petition so as not to delay the
original petitioners any longer.
Denise Rodriguez, 3916 E. 276th, Spanaway: Stated that she believes she is
adjacent to Burnett Rd. right-of-way and that she should be included in the
annexation. She asked what the fee would be for annexation of her property
if not included in the Mt. View Rd. request before Council tonight? Stamm
will research the state statute to determine if the Rodriguez piece would be
eligibJ_e for a Boundary Review Board waiver, thus reducing the annexation fee
the origina pe
and feels it is time for the City to act on the proposed Resolution.
to $250.00. "
Eric Anderson, 8924 Burnett Rd.: Stated that sooner or later it is unfair to
1 titioners to keep adding properties and delaying the process
Public Works Report: Staff met with Engineers to discuss completion of
Yelm's Comprehensive Water Plan to meet Growth Management standards.
Work on the Stormwater Ordinance continues and should be completed soon.
Councilman Miller re-entered the meeting at this time.
Sewer Report: Gene Borges reported that the 95° complete plans on the treat-
ment plant have been submitted to the Department of Ecology and FmHA~for re-
view. DOE agreed to a 30-day review period, but could not guarantee the Fed-
eral EPA review in the same time-frame. FmHA review of the plans will be
within the 30-day time period, if not sooner. Bids on the treatment plant
are scheduled to be let in January 1993. •
City Hall: Staff reported that the City's AWC Loss Control visit went well,
with a formal letter forthcoming from AWC.
The following correspondence was received by CounciLnerribers:
*Thurston Council on Cultural Diversity and Fl~unan Rights
*Letter from Fankhauser
*Letter from Mike Edwards, Prairie Security Bank
*AWC Pool Line
*Status Report-Thurston County Growth and Environmental Planning
*Christmas in the Park meeting - October 6
*Thurston County Farm Tour
*Gang activity information
With no further business, Council adjourned at 9:42 PM.
~• 1
Shelly Bad er
City Clerk
Robert A. Sanders
. -,
ing no.
Mayor Sanders announced a Special Meeting of the Yelm City Council on Monday,
September 28, 1992 at 5:00 PM to discuss the 1993 administrative structure.
A Special Meeting was scheduled for Monday, October 26 at 5:00 PM to hold a
workshop on the 1993 Preliminary Budget.
Kathy Wolf moved to table the Parkside Rezone request until staff has an op-
portunity to meet with the applicants, second by Amos Lawton. Motion car-
RESOLUTION N0. 267: Resolution No. 267 adopting interim development stan-
dards for the City pending further growth management planning was approved on
a motion by Martha Parsons, second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried. The
standards of Yelm's sister City of Lacey shall be presumed to be a "reason-
able and appropriate" standard whenever the City has not adopted a specific
standard with regard to any particular requirement improvement.
Martha Parsons moved to direct staff to draft an amendment to Yelm 1992
Budget Ordinance to compensate Dale Sylvester, Public Works, for the remain-
der of 1992. Dale has been with the City of Ye lm on a Labor and Industry On-
the-Job Training program (at no cost to Yelm). The OJT program ended Septem-
ber 12, 1992.
UCBO Community Services Center_ site acquisition: Martha Parsons moved to di- .
rect staff to initiate and enter into an. earnest money agreement with Leo
LeFebvre to purchase the 5-acre site on Crystal Springs St. NW, second by
Amos Lawton. Motion carried.
In light of the decision to proceed with the earnest money agreement with Mr.
LeFebvre, Kathy Wolf moved to schedule a Public Hearing on the Special Use
Zoning to construct tl~e UCBO Community Services Center on that site for
rnlednesday, October 14, 1992. Second by Martha Parsons. Motion carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 268 - Crystal Springs Estates Rezone: Todd Stamm asked that
Don Miller leave the Council Meeting during this discussion as a competing
seller of industrial owned property. After discussion, Resolution No. 268
was passed on a motion by Martha Parsons, second by Kathy Wolf expressing the
intent of the Council to grant the requested zone change from industrial to
single-family residential contingent upon two actions; that the properties to
the north, being Randy Gay and Don and Vicki Workman, submit an application
for a comparable change in zoning, and, second, that final approval be
granted by the Council and accepted by UCBO for use of the neighboring
LeFebvre property for a community center. Motion carried.
Library Report: Kristin Blalack and Faith Hagenhofer, Co-Librarians, pre-
sented the Council with the report for September. They announced that the
Grand Opening on September 19 was a huge success and it was evident that the
community was appreciative of the larger space. Councilwoman Wolf commended
the library staff for their efforts in putting on the successful Grand Open-
~9 -
Chief Dunnain gave the City Council a synopsis of events associated with "gang
activity" in Yelm.
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