10/14/92_~ ~~0~1.1 ~'~
The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Sanders at 7:30 PM. All
present joined in the flag salute. Council present: Kathy Wolf, Amos
Lawton, Arnold Drogseth and Martha Parson. Don Miller was out of town and
unable to attend. Visitors: Floyd Cummings, Lorraine Lilley, Leona Freeman,
Ernestine Gray, Jaynes Harding, Brian Thornton, Mary Lou Clemens, Frank and
Jackie Jones, Zandra Jones Roberts, Roget McKown, Ruby Donaldson, Ed Flood
and Torn I-lowdeshe_ll . S taf f : Gene Borges , , G].enn Dunnam and Shelly Badger_ .
The agenda was approved as printed.on a motion by Kathy Wolf, second by Amos
Lawton. Motion carried.
Martha Parsons moved to approve the minutes of the Special Meeting and Regu-
lar Meeting of September 23, 1992, second by Arnold Drogseth. Motion car-
The following vouchers were approved on
by Martha Parsons. Motion carried.
001 CURRENT: $ 30,876.35
001 521 POLICE: $ 4,344.92
101 STREET: $ 5,889.62
102 AR`T'ERIAL S`PREET: $ .63
105 PARK RESERVE: $ 298.45
197 CDBG: $ 31.56
301 CITY HALL CONSTRUCT:$ 23,988.50
401 WATER/SEWER: $120,580.62
403 GARBAGE: $ 12,089.54
431 WATER CONSTRUCT: $ 993.91
a motion by Arnold Drogseth, second
At 7:35 PM, the Public Hearing on the UCBO Special Use Zoning was opened.
Frank Jones, 714 Crystal Springs St. NW: Stated that he and Mrs. Jones met
with the UCBO Board to discuss their concerns regarding the location of the
UCBO immediately adjacent to their property and residence. Council received
a letter dated October 8, 1992 from Mr. & Mrs. Jones asking what type of
buffer and fencing would be required of the UCBO. The letter suggests moving
the baseball field to the Crystal Springs side of the property versus adja-
cent to their southerly property line. They also asked for adequate fencing
to ensure children's safety due to a private 60 foot diameter, 6' deep fish
pond located on their property.
Staff explained Resolution No. 271 expressing the intent of the Council with
regard to the proposed Special Use Zoning for the UCBO Community Services
Center on Crystal Springs St. The Resolution states that upon presentation
of a site plan by the UCBO, the Council will hold an additional public hear-
ing and will determine such conditions of the zoning as are necessary to en-
sure neighborhood compatibility, and upon determining such conditions will
pass an appropriate ordinance approving the requested zoning.
Cindy Cecil, UCBO: Expressed that it is the UCBO's desire to be good neigh-
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hors and that they will attempt to make the Community Services Center compat-
~ible with adjacent land uses.
Floyd Cummings, 614 Crystal Springs St. NW: Stated that he has no objection
to the UCBO Community Services Center being sited on Crystal Springs St. NW.
With no further comments from the Public, the Hearing was closed at 7:42 PM.
Kathy Wolf stated it appears that the parties are working together to reach
an amicable agreement and the Resolutidn'reflects this. Therefore, she moved
to adopt Resole t i_on No . 271. , second by Nrios ix~wton . Mo t i_on carried .
The Hearing on the McKenzie Street right-of-way vacation was opened at 7:43
PM. Staff stated that Yelm's Comprehensive Transportation Plan does not show
the McKenzie Street right-of-way being developed as a street. The vacation
of the right-of-way has been discussed with adjacent property owners for at
least two years.
With no further comments or questions, the Public Hearing closed at 7:48 PM.
Kathy Wolf moved to direct staff to negotiate an amount with the adjacent
property owners to be compensated to the City for the vacation of the
McKenzie St. ROW and bring the agreed upon price back to the City Council for
their final decision on the vacation. Second by Amos Lawton. Motion car-
S. Chamberlain & Associates, Inc.: Steve Chamberlain, Perry Shea and Floyd
Feezell were present to announce their new firm and highlight their qualifi-
cations to perform miscellaneous engineering work for the City~of ~Yelm rang-
ing from public works comprehensive plan preparation/revision to review of
development applications to preparation of grant applications. -They ex-
plained how they could fill the gap created when Gene Borges becomes 1000
Sewer Project Manager in January 1993. Steve Chamberlain stressed their
awareness of li-nited resources of small cities and are proud of the costs
they have been able to offer customers.
Martha Parsons moved approval to surplus City property including desks,
chairs and other miscellaneous office equipment. Second by Amos Lawton. Mo-
tion carried.
Tom Howdeshell was present representing "Unity in the Community, Stop Hate
Crimes Now". Their group is contacting all elected officials for endorse-
ments and inviting them to join in the effort to end the bigotry that gives
rise to hate crimes. Kathy Wolf moved to officially proclaim (via a Procla-
mation) the support of the "Unity in the Community, Stop Hate Crimes Now!"
Committee, and to encourage all residents to support the cause of this group
until hate crimes are abolished in our_ communities. Second by Martha Par-
sons. Motion carried. Mr. Howdeshell asked for contributions from the City
of Yelrn. Although doubtful about the ability to contribute, Council asked
staff to research the feasibility of contributing funds to the committee.
Nancy Huddleston, President, Yelm Prairie Historical Society, was present to
discuss the availability~of space for storage and display of historic arti-
facts they have been received. For several years, the City of Yelm and His-
torical Society have discussed the possibility of the City providing space
,.. -~~„
for a museum for the community. Gene stated that the volunteers have worked
very hard to acquire the items they have and it is time to display them to
keep the interest level up in the community. At one time, the City hoped the
Public Safety Building would be a good interim space for storage and part-
time museum. However, due to the increase in the number of Thurston County
Sheriff's Office resident deputies in the area, there is not adequate space
for the museum. Councilmembers Wolf and Lawton agreed to meet with Nancy
Huddleston to discuss possible locations and report back to the entire City
Resolution No. 269: Roger McKown and Ed Flood requested Council approval of
their "Intent to Commence Annexation Proceedings" (Resolution No. 269) for
property on the north side of SR 507 east towards McKenna. Martha Parsons
moved approval of the Intent Resolution No. 269 (subject to boundary modifi-
cations), authorizing the petitioners to move forward on their 60o approval
petition. Motion was seconded by Kathy Wolf. Motion carried.
Police Chief contract: Chief Dunham explained that the only change in this
contract from the last is that it is a "no term" contract without an expira-
tion date and it requires an approval from the Yelm City Council. Martha
Parsons moved to authorize Mayor Sanders to sign Chief Dunnam's contract of
employment with the City of Yelm, second by Kathy Wolf. Motion carried.
November City Council dates:' In light of the Veteran's Day and Thanksgiving
holidays during the month of November, Kathy Wolf moved to set the Regular
Council dates for Wednesday, November 4 and Wednesday, November 18, 1992.
Motion seconded by Amos Lawton. Motion carried.
Pacific Peaks Girl Scout Council was approved to sell calendars door-to-door
and in local businesses with adult supervision.
Resolution No. 270: Martha Parsons moved to approve Resolution No. 270
amending the Personnel Policies for the City of Yelm by providing for notice
and a statement of cause prior to termination of certain employees. Second
by Kathy Wolf. Motion carried.
Ordinance No. 446: On a motion of Martha Parsons, second by Kathy Wolf, Or-,
dinance No. 446 was approved amending the City of Yelm Employee Salary Sched-
ule for the calendar year 1992 (Sylvester). Motion carried.
The Interlocal Cooperative Agreement for Thurston County Emergency Mgmt. and
the Interlocal Agreement for District Court Filing and Jury Trial Fees were
tabled to October 28, 1992 for consideration.
Minutes of the Yelm Timberland Library Board (September 10 meeting) were sub-
mitted to Councilmembers.
Councilrnembers volunteered for various committees of the STEP Forward Task
Force as follows:
*Martha Parsons: Parks, Recreation and Open Space
*Kathy Wolf: Capital Facilities (Glenn Dunham will
participate in this group also)
*Arnold Drogseth Land Use
*Amos Lawton: Utilities
Councilrnembers received copies of the September 21, 1992 Loss Control visit
by Association of Washington Cities. The visit went well and AWC provided
guidance to City Hall, Police Department and Public Works Department on loss
control improvements.
Yelm Historic Preservation Commission meeting of October 13: Commission mem-
bers discussed 1993 CLG grant application possibilities. Grant applications
are due November 16, 1992.
Yelm Parks Advisory Committee meeting of October 13, 1992: Council were
given copies of the recent "Christmas in the Park" meeting minutes. );vent is
scheduled for Saturday, December 5, 1992.
September Court Report: 171 tickets were processed in September, 61 criminal
citations and 110 infractions.
Chief Dunnam distributed photos to Councilrmernbers of apparent gang activity
in the Yelm community. He stressed we cannot deny that there is a problem
with gangs forming in our area and we must take necessary steps to prepare.
Yelm is currently working with other agencies on gang activity and communi-
cating with experts for guidance and assistance.
,The following correspondence was provided to Councilmembers:
*Thurston Council on Cultural Diversity and Human Rights
*October 22, 1992 Judge Huff retirement gathering
*Yelm Community Thanksgiving Dinner Project - Saturday, November 21
*October 19 meeting on US West tower, 3:00 PM, Yelm Little Theatre
*Viacam Cable holiday greeting - Thursday, November 12, 4:00 FM.
With no further business before the Council, they adjourned on a motion of
Kathy Wolf, second An~old Drogseth. Meeting adjourned at 9:55 PM.
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S" ,
Shelly A.~~dger
Yelm City Clerk
~ a.~
Robert A. Sanders