10/28/92. , " •~ •~ MIN[TIES CITY OF YEIM REG[JIAR COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, OC`IC7BER 28, 1992, 7:30 PM, YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL C~iAMBERS The Regular Meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro-Tempore Kathy Wolf in the absence of Mayor Sanders (out ill). Council present: Amos Lawton, Martha Parsons and Don Miller. Arnold Drogseth was absent due to illness. Staff: Glenn Dunnam, Shelly Badger and Todd Stamm. Visitors: Erling Birkland, Harold Robertson, Mary Mauerman, Kathy McCormick, Ron Skidmore, Todd Carlson, Orval and Tonia French, Rick Kolilis, Tom Skillings, Shelly `Peterson, Jack Peugh, Orren Peugh, Patty Forrester and E.J. Curry. The agenda was approved with the addition of 12(m) - Personnel Policy amend- ment on a motion by Martha Parsons, second by Don Miller. Motion carried. The minutes of the October 14, 1992 Regular Council Meeting were approved on a motion by Martha Parsons, second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried. Payroll for the month of October was c~pprovecl on a motion by Don Miller, sec- ond by Martha Parsons. Motion carries. The Public Hearing on the an~nd:'d Cullens Road Annexation/Zoning was opened at 7:34 PM. Todd Sta-rm explained the boundaries of the annexation as follows: Western Killion Road Eastern Cullens Northern Extension of 88th Avenue ' Southern Coates Road Zoning of the annexed property will be RA 1-5 (Residential-Agriculture 1 house per 5 acres), except for a 10-acre piece zoned R-1, due to its service by sewer. All street right-of-ways on Killion and Cullens will be included in the annexation. Stamm mentioned that the streets are not up to current City of Ye]m standards. Mayor Pro-Tempore Wolf mentioned the letter received by Council dated October 20 signed by Kathleen Remski, William Remski, Samantha Ballenger, Lois Fankhauser- and Robert Fankhauser. Letter states their opposition to the an- nexation. ~ " With no fi.~rther public comments, the Hearing closed at 7:38 PM. RESOLUTION NO. 265: Resolution No. 265 (Killion/Cullens Road Annexation and Zoning) expressing the intent of the Council to annex property between Killion and Cullens Roads was passed on a motion by Don Miller, second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried. The following individuals were present to update the Cities of Yelm, Rainier (Rainier Mayor Logan was present) and Bucoda on the Thurston Regional Trans- portation Plan: Mary Mauerman, Chair of the Regional Transporation Policy Board, Kathy McCormick, Ron Skidmore, Todd Carlson and Harold Robertson, all with Thurston Regional Planning Council.' Ms. Mauern~an gave the history of drafting the Thurston Regional Transportation v~~~~(~i Plan stating that there will be a joint Public Hearing with TRPC in January with planned adoption of the plan in February. She stressed that the scenario discussed in the plan is the least auto-oriented that hopes to reduce traffic growth from 78o to 580. Kathy McCormick stated the the Board realizes that Thurston County growth is inevitable and that the plan establishes incentives and disincentives to re- duce traffic. The plan calls for transit and park-n-ride centers in south Thurston County to "true destinations" (mixed-use centers) in the urban Thurston County areas of Lacey, Olympia and Tumwater. It addresses the pres- ervation of freight rail and the need for higher land use densities in the ur- ban areas of Thurston County to accommodate pedestrian and other modes of travel. Todd Carlson gave the cost of the planned improvements at 180 million which includes the Y1 & Y2 alternatives of the Yelm Comprehensive Transportation Plan. The funding shortfall for all improvements is approximately 80 million between now and 2010. Transit dollar shortfall is approximately 623 million. Don Miller asked how Yelm's recently adopted Comprehensive Transportation Plan fits in with the Regional Plan? Todd Carlson (who participated in Yelm's planning process) stated that the concept and philosophy of Yelm's plan is parallel to the Regional Plan and that as we update our own, we need to use the Regional Plan as the base and incorporate incentives and disincentives. Also, we must all look for ongoing funding support. Skillings & Chamberlain, Inc.: Tom Skillings and Shelly Peterson were present to highlight their firm's qualifications to perform miscellaneous engineering work for the City of Yelm ranging from public works comprehensive plan preparation/revision to review of development applications to preparation of grant applications. They explained how they could fill the gap created when Gene Borges becomes 1000 Sewer Project Manager in January 1993. Tom Skillings stressed their firms' knowledge of the City of Yelm and involvement over the past several years. Thurston County Fire Protection District #2: Gene Coulter, Orvall French (Fire Commissioners) and Tonia French were present to brief the City Council on the November 3, 1992 bond levy for the construction of a new 14,500 square foot Fire Station to provide: *Space for emergency equipment *Faster response time *Administrative offices *Facilities for training and education *Room for resident firefighters *Space for a future Paramedic unit *Corrmunity meeting rooms *Energy efficiency and low maintenance The Bond will be for no more than 15 years and will cost property owners 75G per $1,000 of assessed valuation. If approved the District plans to open the new station in December of 1993. ORDINANCE NO. 447: On a motion by Don Miller, second by Amos Lawton, Orcli- nance No.'447 was approved changing the zoning (ZON-8067) of two parcels of land lying east and west of Vancil Road from Residential Agriculture to Multi- Family Residential, second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried. The Vancil Road/Ye]m Avenue Commercial Rezone (ZON-8068) was discussed. Plan- ning Commission has, reviewed the proposal and stated that the southern bound- ary of the commercial zone should not extend south of the Y-2 alternative. However, the exact route has not been determined. Mr. Jack Peugh and Erling Birkland (abutting property owners) were present and it was indicated that the location of the roadway would affect both parties. ` Martha Parsons moved to table any decision on the rezone to November 18, 1992 to allow time for the two property owners to present a mutually agreed upon placement of the Y2 alternative, to be reviewed by an Engineer prior to final decision (since decision on the rezone sets both the zoning boundary and Y2 location). Motion was seconded by Amos Lawton. Motion carried. AMENDED RESOLUTION NO. 269: Resolution No. 269 (intent to~commence annexation proceedings) was amended on a motion by Martha Parsons, second by Amos Lawton to include the boundaries as follows: east of Yelm Creek to and including the Flood property, north to 103rd and south to SR 507 (excluding Tranquility Lane). Motion carried. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR DISTRICT COURT FILING AND JURY TRIAL FEES: Agreement as presented was approved on a motion by Martha Parsons, second by Don Miller. Motion carried. INTERLOCAL'COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT FOR THURSTON COUNTY EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: Agreement as presented was approved on a motion by Don Miller, second by Martha Parsons. Motion carried. SEPTEMBER 1992 LIBRARY REPORT: September circulation up 52% due to the ex- panded library space. Many classes from the school have been visiting the new library. YELM POLICE REPORT: Chief Dunnam reported that the 1986 Ford LTD is down and will not be fixed. On Chief Dunnam's recommendation, Martha Parsons moved to surplus (through Washington State Surplus) the 1986 Ford LTD Crown Victoria, second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried. The Department will run one vehicle short until a decision is made on a replacement. As of October 28, 1992 the Department has reached its total 1991 caseload. Chief Dunnam stated that the Department and Yelm High School ASB will be spreading awareness to remind us to use seatbelts. He stressed that the High School is working very well with the Police Department. YELM MUNICIPAL COURT REPORT: Shelly Badger reported she and Agnes Colombo along with court personnel Hanni~ Lilly and Judy Butler met with Application Software for a demonstration on a court software program. Court personnel will check with other cities using the program for input. PLANNING DEPARTMENT REPORT: November 18, 1992 is the date scheduled for the Public Hearing on the Crystal Springs Estates subdivision (Harry Lewis). STEP FORWARD: The following meetings of the STEP Forward committees were an- ®~~ nounced: *Open Space, 4 PM, November 10 - Martha Parsons Council representative *Capital Facilities, 9 AM, November 16 - Kathy Wolf, Glenn Dunnam *Utilities, 11 AM, November 16 - Amos Lawton *Economy and Design, 4 PM, November 16 *Land Use, 6 PM, November 17 - Arnold Drogseth *Culture, Society, Community, 4 PM, November 18 *Transportation, 4 PM, November 23 - Don Miller *Housing, 4 PM, November 24 _ _ All meetings at Yelm City Hall. ` PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT REPORT: Amos Lawton asked that Counci].rr~ernbers review the material included in their packets on the Neptune automatic water meter reading and billing system. SEWER REPORT: Counci]members received copies of the "draft" sewer use ordi- nance for their review. Bids have been received on a new truck for the sewer department, however, staff will look into the possibility of purchasing a used vehicle. Staff will come back to Council with their recommendation for Coun- cil consideration. NISQUALLY RIVER INTERPRETIVE CENTER SITE: Martha Parsons moved to authorize Mayor Sanders to sign a letter to the Nisqually River Council supporting sit- ing of the Nisqually River Interpretive Center in the Yelm area. Second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried. The following correspondence was received by City Councilmembers: *Letter from Port of Olympia re: Yelm to Tenino Railroad *Letter re: Federal Way .08 DWI law *MRSC Municipal Research News *Second Annual Chamber of Commerce Harvest Festival sign-up sheet *Letter re: Open Space Ordinance *Thurston County "requests for proposals" Olympic Academy Project $$ *November 19 SWAC Committee meeting re: Pyrowaste Corporation *October 1992 AWC Pool Line *Timberland Regional Library "Tidings" *Thurston County EDC Annual Business Report *Neptune automatic water meter reading and billing system *City of Yelm budget workshop scheduled for Monday, November 2, 5 PM *Personnel Policy amendment With no further business, Council adjourned at 10:00 PM on a motion by Amos Lawton, second by Martha Parsons. ATTEST: /~ f'y Shelly A. Ba ger Ye ity Clerk ~~~ Robert A. Sanders Mayor