The Regular Meeting was called to order by Mayor Sanders at 7:30 PM. All
present joined in the flag salute. Council present: Kathy Wolf, Amos
Lawton, Martha Parsons and Arnold Drogseth. Don Miller was attending an '
Intercity Transit meeting. Visitors: E.J. Curry, E. Birkland, Rick Kolilis,
Jack Peugh, Thomas Turner, Harold Allan, Jackie & Frank Jones, Don Leaf,
Gordon White and Lynn DoSheery. Staff: Leo Porter, Gene Borges, Todd Stamm,
Shelly Badger and Adam Wood.
The agenda was approved as amended on a motion by Kathy Wolf; second by
Martha Parsons. Motion carried.
Minutes of the October 28 and November 4 Regular Council meeting were ap-
proved on a motion by Arnold Drogseth, second by Amos Lawton. Motion car-
Payroll for the month of November was approved on a motion by Martha Parsons,
second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried.
The following vouchers were approved on a motion by Amos Lawton, second by
Arnold Drogseth, motion carried:
Current 001: $ 25,451.94
Police 001 521: $ 3,094.03
Water/Sewer 401: $ 99,682.96 '
Street 101: $ 5,020.79
Garbage 403: $ 10,082.19
Arterial Street 102: $ 266.04
City Hall Construction 301: $ 248.19 •-
~~,; $143, 846.14 ,
RESOLUTION NO. 274: Farmer's Home Administration Loan Resolution No. 274 was
passed on a motion by Martha Parsons, second by Kathy Wolf. Motion carried.`
The Public Hearing on the Open Space and Greenbelts Ordinance was opened at
7:33 PM. On Monday, November 2, Todd Stamm met with (as directed by City
Council) professionals involved in development in the Yelm area to discuss
the Ordinance recommended by the Planning Commission (now in effect as an in-
terim measure until December 1992). - - •
Staff recommended that the present ordinance be scheduled for reconsideration
when the new comprehensive plan is finished to provide enough time to refine
Yelm's open space policies (approximately 1 year).
With no further comments from the public, the Hearing closed at 7:44 PM.
Kathy Wolf moved to authorize Mayor Sanders to sign Ordinance No. 449, Open
Space and Greenbelts Ordinance, extending the present sunset clause to Decem-
ber 6, 1993. Second by Martha Parsons. Motion carried. .•
The Public Hearing on the 1993 City of Yelm Preliminary Budget was opened at
7:45 PM. Preliminary.Budgets were available for Public in attendance. No
comments from the Public. Hearing closed at 7:47 PM.
City Council members set the next Budget Worksession for Monday, November 30,
0 ~ . i
1992 at 4 :30 FM, at Yelm City Hall. ~~`"^^" ,;~ ~-r ~. r,
_ ~ ~~0 ~ Z ~
RESOLUTION NO. 272: Resolution N¢,~,272 setting a Public Hearing for Wednes-
day, December 9 to receive comments on a proposal to vacate (on City's in-
itiative) ten-feet along the full perimeter of Washington Court was approved
on a motion by Kathy Wolf, second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried.
The .Public Hearing on the Crystal Springs Estates Preliminary Plat was opened
at 7:51 FM. Stamm explained that the preliminary plat is now 19 lots versus
20 as originally proposed due to the street network changes made. There will
be no access directly onto Crystal Springs St., the street network will be
internal within the plat. Stamm reminded all that the conditions have not
.been met yet regarding the rezone of the property from Industrial~~to Single-
Family Residential, this matter is contingent upon the UCBO Special Use Zon-
. ing request and rezone of property to the immediate north.
Planning Commission reviewed the Preliminary Plat request and recommended ap-
proval as there are appropriate provisions for public health and safety.
There will be a 12' buffer on the east side of the plat. Councilwoman Wolf
pointed out that there is no provision for a southern buffer. Stamm ex-
plained that if the adjoining property owners agree to no buffer, staff can
also. With no further comments, the Hearing closed at 7:58 PM.
the 19-lot preliminary plat (Crystal Springs Estates SUB-8056) proposed by
Harry Lewis as per the Planning Commission's recommendation. Second by Amos
Lawton. Motion carried.
Lynn DoSherry, a Planner with the Thurston County Planning Department, was
present to brief the City Council on the "Rural Zoning and Agriculture, For-
est and Mineral Lands" proposal for unincorporated Thurston County. She ex-
plained that Yelm's proposed Urban Growth Boundary is not included in the
proposal as this area will be zoned and planned for in Yelm's Comprehensive
Plan when completed.
She stated that in 1990 the Thurston County Board of Commissioners rezoned
most of the unincorporated area to 1 residence per 5 acres as a means to ob-
tain a period of time sufficient for an analysis of density options. The ac-
~.tion was the first phase of a two-phased effort to bring the zoning in rural
-areas into consistency with the 1988 Thurston County Comprehensive Plan.
Since that time Thurston County Planning staff and the County Planning Com-
mission have developed proposals on rural zoning and identified agriculture,
forest and mineral resource lands of long-term commercial significance and
;regulations to conserve those lands (in response to the 1990 Growth Manage-
ment Act).
She explained the County Planning-Commission's recommendation on rural zoning
as follows:
°1 residence/5 acre base density
°Clustering encouraged on parcels 7.5 acres or larger with up to 35o den-
. sity bonus .
°Conventional large lot subdivisions discouraged with 35o density reduc-
°Add a new planned Rural Residential Development chapter to guide clus-
tering in rural areas
The County Commissioners asked that a second option be considered which al-
lows some higher density zoning (1 residence per 2 acres) in areas that have
,. ,~~already been developed with lots smaller than 5 acres in size. Both rural :~~
r~V' ~ cyng options and the Resource Conservation proposals will be discussed at_ ;;`
~- two hurston County Planning Department Open Houses held November 19 and No-_
vember 23. Corrmi.ssioners will-hold Public Hearings on all issues on December •~
8 and December 15, 1992. Action is planned for February.
Gordon White and Don Leaf, from the Office of Community and Environmental
Programs, were present. Gordon briefed the City Council on the "Aquifer Pro- ;'
tection Strategy" for south Thurston County. The aquifer is plentiful but-••
there are areas of contamination. The County is currently preparing a pro- ,_
-:-•tection plan, with workshops and public education programs planned for Janu- •
ary 1993.
He updated the Council on ongoing work on Yelm Creek. `
Don Miller entered the meeting.
A letter from the Town of Rainier requesting to join the Yelm sewer project'
was discussed. Gene Borges stated that he and two Rainier Councilmembers at-
tended a meeting with Parametrix to discuss the funding, planning, design and
construction processes. ~ ~,`,.•
On a motion by Don Miller, second by Kathy Wolf, Yelm Councilmembers asked`~•
that a response be sent from Mayor Sanders stating that Yelm has no objection
to Rainier including expansion of our system among the other options ex-~~
plored by the Town in their facilities plan. However, while Rainier works to
obtain necessary funding for the planning document, Yelm will continue as
planned on its sewerage system scheduled for start of construction on the
treatment plant the first of the year.
REQUEST TO AMEND RESOLUTION NO. 240: Council received a letter from The Sea-
sons Development Company asking that a modification be made to the original
annexation boundaries adopted in Resolution No. 240. Both Gene and Todd have
reviewed the new proposed boundaries and feel that the lines are not logical
and would not meet with approval of the Thurston County Boundary Review
Board. ~-.
Don Miller moved to table any action on the request by The Seasons and to'
schedule a meeting On Wednesday, December 9 at 7:30 PM (as an agenda item)•
inviting property owners within the original proposed boundaries, the new '
boundary and those north on Railway to discuss the annexation process and try
to .structure the annexation with logical boundaries. Second by Arnold
Drogseth. Motion carried. _
E.A.R. Enterprises/Peugh Y-2 Alternative issue: Mr. Peugh presented the
Council with a letter requesting a delay in action on the issue to allow him
time to hire a consultant to review the problem.
Martha Parsons moved to table the issue to December 16, 1992 allowing more-
time for the property owners to attempt to resolve the issue, second by Kathy
Wolf. Motion carried.
A Special Public Hearing at the request of Paul and Mary Hoffman was opened
at 9:03 PM. Stamm explained that 4 property owners within the Killion to
Cullens (Henderson, original petitioner) road annexation were not notified in
error. Mrs. Hoffman explained that she found out about the annexation from
realtors interested in purchasing their property and came in to talk to Todd
about the situation. After much deliberation, both she and Mr. Hoffman feel
that annexation could profit them and are comfortable with being included in
the boundary. Councilwoman Wolf apologized to the Hoffmans for'}hP:error in `
notification to them regarding the annexation of their ,property. Mrs . '~~>~ ~ ~ ~ 9
Hoffman stated that all their quest-ions had •been answered by Todd and asked
that the City be extremely careful in their future contact with property own- "'
ers to include all. With no further comments, the Hearing closed at 9:20 PM.
On a motion by Kathy Wolf, Resolution No. 265 was reaffirmed, second by
Martha Parsons. Motion carried.
YELM/THURSTON COUN'T'Y JOINT PLAN: A draft of the letter prepared to be sent
to the Commissioners proposing the scope of work, schedule and public par-
ticipation process for Yelm to meet the requirements of the Growth Management
Act was presented to Council for consideration prior to signing. Doi Miller
moved approval of the letter, second by Kathy Wolf. Motion carried.
YELM PARKS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING: Minutes were distributed. On a mo-
tion by Martha Parsons, second by Arnold Drogseth, the following park use re-
quest was approved: Kevin Porter, June 26, 1993, Wedding. Motion carried.
Mayor's Meeting of November 18: Mayor Sanders reported that the Port of
Olympia is still actively pursing a contract for daily flights out of the
Olympia airport (36 passenger planes).
The following correspondence was received: ~"
°Cable TV regulation .
°Frick notice of Public Hearing on December 16, 1992
°Letter of resignation from Jackie Miller, Library Board
°Letter from Robert Carroll listing contributors to the Yelm Community
Thanksgiving Dinner
°Thurston Council on Cultural Diversity and Human Rights meetings
°Letter from Larry Gilliam, James Hodges Real Estate
"°Letter from Bea Allen concerning annexation and city services
At 9:50,PM, Council went into an Executive Session to discuss Real Estate ne-
gotiations.- They reconvened at 9:59 PM. Kathy Wolf moved to direct staff to
respond] in writing to Mr. Harding's monetary offer on the vacation of
McKenzie Street stating that he and the adjacent property owner must provide
the city with an offer for the entire right-of-way to vacate the street.
Second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried.
With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:02 FM on a motion by
Martha Parsons, second by Don Miller.~~
ATTEST: ~ .,
Shelly A. Badger
City Clerk
Rober A. -San~er~~~