02/10/93i "+""*: ,.ly '`>'~,~'. ti`~x« .~.: `';~ ;i.•. m+., ;. ;oau rF ?~iu a'srit~," ~•~0~~3 " CITY OF YELM ." CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1993, 7:30 PM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda/Motion Numbers 1. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm by Mayor Robert Sanders. All present joined in the flag salute. 2. Council present: Don Miller, Martha Parsons and Amos Lawton. Kathy Wolf was out of the country. Visitors: Archie McLean and Mike Jones, Puget Sound Securities, Rick Kolilis, Patty Forrester, Eric Anderson, Leo Lefebvre, Jack Peugh, Maxine Killion and Jack Fall. Ken and Judy Gatke, Jim and Nancy Weidinger and Jerry and Juanita Brown. Bob Hazlett and Perry Shea of S. Chamberlain and Associates and staff members Tim Peterson, Shelly Badger, Gene Borges, Glenn Dunnam and Agnes Colombo. 3. Agenda additions/deletions. 93-36 MOTION BY AMOS LAWTON, 5ECONDED MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING THE AGENDA AS AMENDED COMBINING ITEMS 10 A and 10 H. MOTION CARRIED. 4. Minutes of January 27 and February 3, 199,3. 93-37 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING MINUTES . OF THE JANUARY 27 REGULAR AND FEBRUARY 3, 1993 SPECIAL MEETINGS AS WRITTEN. MOTION CARRIED. ' 5. Approval of vouchers numbered 12251 through 12344. 93-38 MOTION BY AMOS LAWTON, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING VOUCHERS 12251 THROUGH 12344. MOTION CARRIED. - " 6. - Vancil Rd/Yelm Avenue Zoning Request (ZON8068~. The Public Hearing was opened at 7:35 by Mayor Sanders. Speakers were requested to identify themselves prior to speaking and to add their names to the sign-in sheet if they wished to speak or be"included on the mailing list for future public hearings concerning this project. The audience expressed no objection to any councilmember's participation - in the public hearing. No councilmember had received information, other than staff reports, prior to the public hearing. Councilmembers reviewed a letter received from Ken Gatke-requesting that only a portion of the property be granted commercial zoning. Shelly Badger indicated, on the map,~the area being requested for rezone to commercial and explained that the request had been placed on hold due to discussion on the Transportation Plan Y-2, extension. The Plan does not accommodate commercial zoning on the south side of the Y-2 extension. She also added that it is impossible to determine the exact location of the proposed extension. Bob Hazlett stated that during the process of preparing the Transportation Plan it had always been assumed that all of Yelm Ave. would eventually be commercial. CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 10, 1993 PAGE 1 7 ;~~o~~~ Nancy Weidinger -felt that the engineers comments would be helpful. Ken Gatke - stated that he believed that granting the rezone as requested by Mr. Puegh would create an increased traffic load that Vancil Road could not handle. Nancy Weidinger - agreed with Gatke and pointed out that there w no sidewalks to accommodate pedestrians creating dangerous conditie J for area children. ~~She felt limited multi-family might work. She also pointed out Vancil Rd/Yelm Highway intersection problems such as high traffic volume and a telephone pole that blocks the view of oncoming traffic requiring traffic on Vancil to pull into the roadway to see. ~ ~ ~~ Shelly Badger asked Bob Hazlett and Perry Shea to respond. Perry Shea explained that the modernization proposed for Nisqually Plaza would require installation of a signal light as well as safety improvements, but that the exact realignment of the intersection was not known at this time. He added that any commercial development would have to address the situation and that the Transportation Plan calls for signalization and three traffic Lanes, one being a left turn lane going from the Plaza to-103rd. Also required would be any improvements necessary to maintain the current traffic level. As property develops assessments would have to be done through traffic studies and environmental impact-studies to determine changing needs. Shelly Badger pointed out that the rezone issue is separate from development, that improvements would be determined at the time of development and that the developer would be required to commit mor beforehand for necessary improvements 'to be made. Nancy Weidinger - stated that she disagreed with commercial zoning other than on Yelm Ave. Ken Gatke - agreed and said that commercial on Vancil doesn't fit. Perri Shea - stated that the Y-2 connector would probably be in place soon than originally anticipated, and that concerns being stated would be addressed at the point of development. - Councilmembers Miller and' Parsons explained that the Council has - generally concurred with the property owners wishes and that development at some future time would be reviewed by both the Planning Commission and the Council. Gene Borges explained that some uses for C-Z are for office space, retail establishments and parking lots. In response to questions about how the .Plaza was allowed to develop to its present condition, Shea responded that traffic volumes didn't require'signalization when the plaza was developed. Borges added that DOT mandated what could/couldn't be done at that time as Yelm didn't have a Transportation.Plan. CITY COUNCIL _• FEBRUARY 10, 1993 "PAGE 2 Nancy Weidinger - expressed her feelings that they were ir%,,'~j;~~t~.at~~ of limbo; not in the City and the County not recognizing them because they are in Yelm's Urban Growth Area. Councilman Miller assured her that regulations were in place and that they would be followed. Public Hearing closed at 8:15 p.m. 9,~-39 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING THE REZONE OF THE PEUGHiPROPERTY (ZON8068) TO COMMERCIAL. MOTION CARRIED. Gpi,~Ic'Irc,~~~2-52 ~LE~'EtJ~c il.c~D /~~.c[=C% 7. Ordinance No. 459, Sewer Note Preliminary Official Statement. Archie McLean of Puget Sound Securities gave an overview of a letter from Key Bank setting the amount of the Yelm Sewer Revenue Bond Anticipation Note and addressing par value, issue/maturity dates, interest rate, redemption, City requirements and closing procedure, documents and requirements. 9,~-40 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED MARTHA PARSONS ACCEPTING THE REQUIREMENTS AS OUTLINED IN KEY BANK'S LETTER OF 2/10/93 ADDRESSING THE YELM SEWER REVENUE BOND ANTICIPATION NOTE. MOTION CARRIED. 9,~,-41 MOTION BY AMOS LAWTON, SECONDED BY DON MILLER ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 459 AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF SEWER REVENUE BONDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,556,000. MOTION CARRIED. 8. Y-2 Connector Alternatives and Yelm Transportation Plan Update. Perry Shea, S. Chamberlain & Associates, told Councilmembers that he and Gene Borges had recently met with DOT to discuss and explore possibilities and the general location of the Y-2 Collector. Two alternatives had been identified and discussed, both located south of the original choice. Funding is being investigated with a possible 50$ each for Yelm and DOT. The Alternative would eventually be a state highway with limited access (no driveway access). Shea responded to questioning by stating that the City should be concentrating on the recommended alternatives to the south and that it is a priority to address the issue now. Gene Borges added that if we raise funding towards the project we will be able to voice the goals of the City, Council and citizens. If we take a passive role the road becomes a state project - their road, their way. 9~-42 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON DIRECTING STAFF TO ACTIVELY PURSUE FUNDING SOURCES WITH BOB HAZLETT. MOTION CARRIED. 9. Brown Annexation Meeting. Shelly Badger explained that the City had been approached by property owners south of 105th and Mill Road about possible annexation. She explained that other property owners in that area are also in process of gathering signatures and suggested following Todd Stamm's recommendation that the situation be reviewed, annexations CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 10, 1993 PAGE 3 Q ~ 6 incorporated and logical boundaries set-for the area. Borges added that while the City didn't want to put an unfair burden on'property owners/proponents, a logical approach is needed. Councilmembers concurred and recommended that the issue be sent the Planning Commission for review and recommendation back to ~ s Council. _ 10. a. Three applications had been received for the vacant Council seat; Rick Kolilis, Patty Forrester and Emma Jean Lemoine. A decision will be made at-the February 24th meeting. b. Shelly Badger explained that property recently annexed to the City along SR507 raises the issue of an evaluation of speed limits within the City. The process involves contacting DOT to begin traffic counts and evaluation. 9~-43 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY DON MILLER DIRECTING CITY STAFF TO INITIATE THE PROCESS OF EVALUATING AND DETERMINING THE NEED FOR SPEED LIMIT CHANGES WITHIN THE CITY. MOTION CARRIED. c. City owned parking lots, next to the library and across the street from the library need to be checked for possible ways to provide additional/better lighting. Tim Peterson will check the situation. d. Ordinance No. 458/Drainage Design and Erosion Control 9.~-44 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS TO APPROVE ORDINANCE NO. 458. MOTION CARRIED. e. Ordinance No. 460/Amending 1992 City of Yelm Budd ~- Appropriations. Shelly Badger -explained that this was a rout: - process to bring into balance funds that had exceeded their budget~_ appropriations because of increased revenues in those funds. 9~-45 MOTIONS BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING - ORDINANCE NO. 460. MOTION CARRIED. - f'. Resolution No. 282 designating March as "Women's History Month" . 9~-46 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING RESOLUTION NO. 282. MOTION CARRIED. g. Tim Peterson explained that in addition to a trade-in value of $2,500, Clyde West is willing to return to the City, via a parts/ service/supplies credit, the equivalent of 50$ of any sum received from the sale of the sweeper, less any reconditioning and commission costs 9~-47 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON TO SURPLUS THE MOBILE SWEEPER AND ACCEPT CLYDE WEST'S, OFFER. MOTION CARRIED. 11. a. Ordinance 461 (ANX8064) Cullens/Killion Road. 9,~-48 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING ORDINANCE NO. 461 (ANX8064). MOTION CARRIED. , CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 10, 1993 PAGE 4 n IJ 1~~,~~~? b. Ordinance No. 462 (ANX8053) Burnett/Mt. View Road. ' 9~-49 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS,. SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING ORDINANCE NO. 462 (ANX8053). MOTION CARRIED. ` c. Dennis Cochrane, City Engineer-Prairie Creek Preliminary Plat. Conditions had not yet been met. 9.~-50 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY DON MILLER CONTINUING PRAIRIE CREEK PRELIMINARY PLAT TO FEBRUARY 24, 1993. MOTION CARRIED. 12. a. Planning Commission - no report b. Parks Advisory Committee - One park use request from Cindy Cecil that will need to be negotiated for a different date due to a conflict. Shelly Badger will contact. c. Sewer Report - Gene Borges explained that Sandy Mackie, City Attorney, had included a cover letter with Council minutes so DOE/EPA/FmHA would have a clear idea of the Council's action at the last meeting and why the action was taken. There is a seven day process, similar to an appeal available to McClure & Sons. The Sewer Dept. has been setting up a ledger system on the computer. This is a critical need as once started the process will move rapidly and a day to day balance will be needed. In an effort to save money for the school district, they are trying to get lines to the 5/6th grade school on Mill Rd by July 1, 1993. d. Yelm Municipal Court Report - no report e. Chief Dunnam addressed the Council explaining that past approval had been given to surplus assorted office equipment being stored at this time. Council approval is also needed to surplus a vehicle (Toyota truck) obtained as a drug seizure. 9~-51 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING THE DISPOSAL AS SURPLUS OF THE TOYOTA TRUCK. MOTION CARRIED. 14. Meeting adjourned at 9:20 pm on a motion by Martha Parsons, seconded by Amos Lawton. ATTEST: ~~ Agnd'S P . Colombo City Clerk CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 10, 1993 ~~ ~~~~~ Robert A. Sanders Mayor PAGE 5