03/10/93~~~~~~ CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10, 1993 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda/Motion Numbers 1. Mayor Sanders administered the of office to new Councilwoman Fatty Forrester. 2. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Sanders. All present joined in the flag salute. 3. Council present: Martha Parsons, Amos Lawton, Kathy Wolf and Patty Forrester. Don Miller was absent. Guests present: Larry Gilliam, Delwynn Greene, Barry Russell and Norm DeShaw. Staff: Shelly Badger, Gene Borges and Agnes Colombo. 4. The agenda was approved as written. 5. Minutes of February 24, 1993. 93-59 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY KATHY WOLF APPROVING THE FEBRUARY 24, 1993 MINUTES AS WRITTEN. MOTION CARRIED. 6. Approval of vouchers. 93-60 MOTION BY KATHY WOLF, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING VOUCHERS 12347-12438 TOTALING $347,357.65. MOTION CARRIED. 7,8,&9. Vacant 10. a. LARRY GILLIAM, HODGES COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE - PURCHASE PROPOSAL FOR FORMER SERVICE STATION (BP) ON FIRST AVE. S. Mr. Gilliam stated that his purpose was to determine if the City has an interest in acquiring the property. Marketing packages were provided to Councilmembers. Council acknowledged that the property was in an excellent location but that this property purchase had not included in the annual budget. Shelly Badger explained that any property purchase would require staff to reassess the City's financial capability and that an executive session would be necessary to thoroughly discuss such an issue. She indicated that she would research the issue and get back to Mr. Gilliam. b. Delwynn Green addressed Council about regulations for beekeeping within city limits. He presented an eleven page draft explaining honey bee colony requeening and the two queen system. Agnes Colombo explained that Municipal Research had been contacted to provide material on the subject but that nothing had arrived yet. Barry Russell offered an opposing viewpoint to Mr. Greene's belief that specific types of bees (mentioned by Mr. Greene) were more aggressive. Mr. Russell indicated willingness to submit additional documentation or answer questions. CITY COUNCIL MARCH 10, 1993 PAGE 1 ~i ~~~6~t 93°61 MOTION BY KATHY WOLF, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON TABLING THE ISSUE OF BEEKEEPING UNTIL STAFF GATHERS INFORMATION. MOTION CARRIED. 11. Brown Annexation - Resolution No. 285. 93°62 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY PATTY FORRESTER APPROVING RESOLUTION N0. 285 (ANX8082). MOTION CARRIED. Members discussed the lack of quorum anticipated for the March 24, 1993 regular Council meeting. Staff will publish public notices and contact individuals scheduled for the meeting advising them of the cancellation. 12. a. Shelly Badger passed along the Planning Commission's request for an ordinance addressing improvement standards: sidewalks, frontage improvements, storm drainage etc. for interim and final projects, as stated in the March 1, 1993 minutes. The Planning Commission has also expressed their feelings that council direction pertaining to requiring squared boundaries on annexations. Members' requested that if Council's position had changed, if squared boundaries were no longer to be considered, the Planning Commission should be so advised. Councilmembers discussed the Planning Commission's requests for Council input. Kathy Wolf pointed out that the term "squaring up" was a poor choice of wording and that came from the county in referring to tidy boundaries, Councilmembers agreed that it was not realistic to square boundaries. 93-63 MOTION BY KATHY WOLF, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON THAT STAFF ESTABLISH THIS POLICY IN WRITING FOR THE PLANNING COMMISSION. MOTION CARRIED. b. Martha Parsons reported that the Parks Committee would like to see Barb Christensen and Bill West attend upcoming training on "Small Towns" in Seaside, Oregon. 93-64 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY KATHY WOLF APPROVING REGISTRATION, TRAVEL, ACCOMMODATIONS AND MEAL EXPENDITURES FROM THE PARK TRAVEL/TRAINING FUNDS FOR BILL WEST AND BARB CHRISTENSEN TO ATTEND "SMALL TOWNS" TRAINING ON APRIL 5 AND 6, IN SEASIDE OREGON. MOTION CARRIED. Martha Parsons told Councilmembers that the Parks Committee would also like to see members attend the IAC meeting on March 25 and 26 in Olympia at Evergreen State College. 93-65 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY PATTY FORRESTER THAT BARB, MARLOU ALLEN AND LISA HILLS BE PERMITTED TO ATTEND THE IAC TRAINING IN OLYMPIA WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE PARKS TRAVEL/TRAINING BUDGET. MOTION CARRIED. b., 1., Four requests for use of Yelm City Park were reviewed, all had been recommended for approval by the Parks Advisory Board. CITY COUNCIL MARCH 10, 1993 PAGE 2 93-66 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON THAT ~~~~~~ PARK USE REQUESTS (EAGLES PLANT SALE, YELM PRAIRIE CHRISTIAN CENTER PICNIC, NISQUALLY VALLEY LADIES GOLF CLUB BANQUET AND CUB SCOUT PACK 267) BE APPROVED WITH NO ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS. MOTION CARRIED. 13. c. Yelm Municipal Court activity for February: 47 criminal citations, 119 infractions for a total of 166 tickets. Gene Borges briefed Council on the current situation with the sewer system. A public hearing is scheduled for Monday on the Shoreline Permits for both the canal and the Nisqually River. The appeal process of the awarded contract has not been settled. A meeting is scheduled with EPA in Seattle on March 31. Gene also mentioned that he had explained to involved parties, the financial risk involved; daily accrual of interest on the sewer project loan. Second phase bid award is scheduled for April 5 if EPA takes action. Gene Borges stressed the importance of the construction timetable and permits due to limited periods permitting work near waterways. Motion by Kathy Wolf, Seconded by Martha Parsons that the meeting be adjourned at 8:10 p.m. ATTEST: A es P. Colombo Robert A City Clerk Mayor ~~~ . Sanders CITY COUNCIL MARCH 10, 1993 PAGE 3