04/27/93CITY OF YELM
`" TUESDAY; APRIL -~27;~~ 4 t 30 'FP=M.
The workshop began at 4:40 p.m.
Council Present: Martha Parsons,
Miller,, and Amos Lawton. Staff
Borges, Jon Yanasak, Tim Peterson
Patty Forrester, Kathy Wolf;, Don
Present: Shelly Badger,~Gene
and Agnes Colombo.
Gene Borges explained that_the sewer treatment plant capacity is
300,000 gallons per day. The City's use goal is 85~ of the
capacity figure. Gene Borges also indicated that current water
usage by residential water customers is 105 gallons per person per
day. Statistics indicate average usage should be 75 gallons per
person per day.
The anticipated rate for sewer service is $25 per month. j
Some development is continuing at partial buildout with approval
of the Thurston County Health Department. Full buildout wil!1 not
be permitted until sewer service is available. ~
In the future it will probably become necessary for the Planning
Commission and Council to measure zone amendments on the basis of
the ability of the City to provide utilities. I
Anticipated fees for electricity for operation of system pumps is
35 cents per pump per month.
Shelly Badger indicated that approximately 100 applications had
been recieved for the planning position. Of the applications
received 85 were from out of state, one from out of country, At
this point twenty of the applicants meet the requirements of the
job announcement for a mid to upper level planner. ~
It would be to the City's benefit to look into the possibility of
hiring of a part-time engineer. Approximately 85$ of review on
site plans should be done by an engineer. At this point
engineering services are being sent out-of-house and the associated
consulting fees have been steadily increasing. Council might want
to consider a permanent part-time position that includes benefits.
Staff explained that to afford a part-time engineer, the City would
need to hire a Planning Technician versus an upper level planner.
Council supported the idea of creating a Planning Tech position to
assist the City in project specific reviews and to meet compliance
with Growth Management Act and asked staff to pursue. i
Councilmembers requested that staff continue researching both of
these positions and the possibility of creating a permanent part-
time position.
Meeting Adjourned at 6:30
Submitted, . /~i7L ~~
( ~ ~'n?