04/28/93~~~ ~~: ~ ,, CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28, 1993 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda/Motion Numbers 1. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Robert Sanders. All present joined in the flag salute. Council present: Martha Parsons, Amos Lawton, Kathy Wolf, Patty Forrester and Don Miller. Guests present: Duwyane John, Roger McKnown and Kristin Blalack from the Yelm Timberland Library. Staff present: Shelly Badger, Gene Borges, Glenn Dunnam, Jerry Prock and Agnes Colombo. 2. Additions to the agenda included: 7.b. Letter from Mayor Sanders 9.e. Library Report 9.f. Historical Society Report 93-78 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING THE AGENDA WITH ADDITIONS. MOTION CARRIED. 93-79 3. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY KATHY WOLF APPROVING APRIL 27, 1993 WORKSHOP MINUTES AS PRESENTED AND APPROVING APRIL 14, 1993 MINUTES AS CORRECTED ON PAGE 3, PARAGRAPH 4, CHANGING THE PARAGRAPH TO READ: ED KENNEY - REPRESENTING THE NISQUALLY RIVER CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE REQUESTED THAT THE NISQUALLY RIVER COUNCIL LETTER OF 2/13/93 BE READ. ~ MOTION CARRIED. 93-80 4. MOTION BY KATHY WOLF, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING THE APRII 30, 1993, PAYROLL. MOTION CARRIED. 5/6 Vacant 93-81 7. a. MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY KATHY WOLF ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 467 AND APPROVING THE GORE/LONGMIRE REZONE (ZON8087) A5 RECOMMENDED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION. MOTION CARRIED. b. Shelly Badger explained that copies of the Comprehensive Water Plan, designed to meet 2929 requirements, were distributed to allow time for Council review prior to the May 12, 1993 Public Hearing. c. Shelly Badger explained that Yelm doesn't have a policy on loan subordinations and has dealt with this on a case by case basis. Based on homeowner's payment history and current appraisal subordination of the loan was recommended. 93-82 MOTION BY DON MILLER, .SECONDED BY KATHY WOLF APPROVING SUBORDINATION OF THE DEED OF'T_R_UST ON DUWYANE AND JUANITA JOHN'S PROPERTY. MOTION CARRIED. d. Letters from Roberta Longmire and Tom Skillings concerning the parking situation on Second Street were read. Discussion addressed possible solutions to the problems including plans for parking facilities at Second and Washington, sidewalk construction and safety issues. Similar problems also exist by the bowling alley between Yelm Avenue and Jefferson. Nothing would be changed prior to installation of sewer lines. CITY COUNCIL APRIL 28, 1993 PAGE 1 93-83 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON THAT PARKING B '~~~~~~~ SENIOR CENTER ON SECOND STREET BETWEEN YELM AVENUE AND WASHINGTON BE CHANGED TO PARALLEL PARKING, WITH A SIGN INDICATING USE BY THE SENIOR CENTER BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 9 AM AND 3 PM, THAT ONLY PARALLEL PARKING BE PERMITTED ON SECOND STREET ON THE BOWLING ALLEY SIDE, BETWEEN YELM AVENUE AND JEFFERSON STREET AND THAT A HANDICAPPED PARKING SPACE BE PROVIDED ON YELM AVENUE IN FRONT OF THE SENIOR CENTER. MOTION CARRIED. e. Council requested that Bucoda be contacted explaining that the "Short Course in Local Planning" was scheduled at the same time as Yelm's Council meeting. f . Mayor Sanders read his letter of resignation effective May 31, 1993, and requested that Council choose a successor as soon as possible to allow working time to ensure a smooth transition. 93-84 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY DON MILLER THAT CURRENT MAYOR PRO-TEMPORE KATHY WOLF SERVE AS MAYOR THROUGH THE END OF THE CURRENT TERM. MOTION CARRIED. Council indicated their approval of use of the same application process the City used to fill the last Council vacancy. 93-85 8. a. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY PATTY FORRESTER ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 463 AND RESOLUTION N0. 288 CHANGING CURRENT ANIMAL CONTROL VIOLATION FEES AND ALLOWING ALL FUTURE FEE CHANGES TO THE ANIMAL CONTROL ORDINANCE TO BE MADE BY RESOLUTION. MOTION CARRIED. 93-86 b. MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY KATHY WOLF ADOPTING ORDINANCE N0. 464 APPROVING THE MCRENZIE STREET VACATION (VCT8058). MOTION CARRIED. 9~3-87 c. MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 465 APPROVING THE SR 507 ANNEXATION (ANX8073), AS RECOMMENDED BY THE YELM PLANNING COMMISSION. MOTION CARRIED. NOTE: Zoning for the annexation will remain at 1 unit per 5 acres until Yelm has adopted the new zoning designation it has been working on. Associated zone change fees will be suspended. 9`3°88 d. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY KATHY WOLF ADOPTING ORDINANCE N0. 466, APPROVING THE SEASONS ANNEXATION (ANX8042), AS RECOMMENDED BY THE YELM PLANNING COMMISSION. MOTION CARRIED. e. Shelly Badger explained that the UCBO and Thurston County Housing Authority had requested that additional funds received from the unexpected payoff of an existing rehab project be transferred to the UCBO shelter rehab. 98-89 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY KATHY WOLF APPROVING TRANSFER OF FUNDS RECEIVED BY YELM TO THE UCBO SHELTER REHAB PROJECT. MOTION CARRIED. f. Members reviewed the beekeeping information received and tabled from the April 14, 1993, meeting. 9i-90 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON THAT NO ACTION BE TAKEN CONCERNING BEEREEPING REGULATIONS AT THIS TIME. MOTION CARRIED. CITY COUNCIL APRIL 28, 1993 PAGE 2 I~ ®®•(~ 9. a. Planning Report - Martha Parsons explained that the Planning Commission was reviewing the Central Business District regulations and was considering additional verbiage to clarify merchandise storage/display. Commission members would like to see a controlled use where merchants could hold city-wide sidewalk sales a few times during the year. The request for heavy mechanical in a C-2 zone has been dropped. b. Historic Commission - members recommended approval of the 1993 Department of Community Development Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation Grant Agreement. 93-91 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY KATHY WOLF APPROVING EXECUTION OF THE CONTRACT. MOTION CARRIED. c. Council Liaison Reports 1) Sewer - The Phase I Sewer Project Bid appeal has been denied and the Shoreline Permit, with no mitigation required of Yelm, has been approved. A bid opening for Phase II, collection lines and outfall, is scheduled for May 4, at two o'clock. 2) Police - The PD has been putting in a lot of time on the recent act of vandalism in the City. Chief Dunnam reported that Yelm's newest officer, Adam Wood, had graduated from the Law Enforcement Academy with the highest grades ever received by a Yelm Officer. Deputy Wood was voted by classmates as the officer they would most like to have as their partner. 3) Court - Kathy Wolf attended a recent court session and felt that Judge Meyer was very professional and f air in hip; disposal of cases. Court activity for the month of March showed 191 tickets received; 65 criminal citations and 126 infractions. 4) City Hall --Kathy Wolf reported that she had attended several meetings. Mayor Mike Brown of Tenino is drafting a letter for south county addressing the Thurston Co. Health Services Contract. 5) Public Works - the new street sweeper is being well utilized, this is the first time the City has had equipment that could operate for more than a few blocks without needing repairs. Arnold Drogseth has been diligent in his appointment as citizen representative to Yelm Public Works. He has contacted Public Works with information of projects needing attention. d. A copy of a letter to the Port of Olympia from Yelm was given to Councilmembers. The letter requests Port staff to work with Yelm on industrial development and siting in the Yelm area. e. Library Report - Kristin Blalack told Councilmembers that the March '93 circulation was up 34~ from March of last year. A VITA volunteer had been available in the library for tax assistance every Saturday during March. The quilt display had been colorful as well as successful and that three new chairs had been purchased with citizen donations. CITY COUNCIL .`~• APRIL 28, 1993 ;'.PAGE 3 i l i,~ ~I 1 J 10. 11. CITY COUNCIL APRIL 28, 1993 ~~ ~.~~ ~ f. Historical Society - Shelly Badger and Amos Lawton met wi~~" Historical Society members today. The Society has been given an antique press and trays that need to be stored. Council was asked to consider display and storage in Council Chambers. Council thought the items would fit in the corner behind the bench. Shelly Badger reported that the Historical Society had applied for grant money from the Olympic Training Center project. The County reviewed applications but decided not to release any funds at this time. If the Historical Society can find a building there are grant sources available to cover remodel/staffing costs. The critical issue at this time is locating a site. Shelly Badger and Amos Lawton indicated their willingness to spend some time researching possible solutions. Amos Lawton indicated that he would like to meet with Fire District Commissioners to inquire about the asking price of the building. He would also like to gather information about the Wolf building. Correspondence was reviewed. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. Attest: / ~~' ~1 v~ P'~ ~~~k Lv Agn (J P . Colombo City Clerk Robert A. Sanders Mayor PAGE 4