05/12/93~ n k, y;; ~. ~~Q~y~~ ~ CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1993 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS / j; Agenda/Motion Numbers 1. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Robert - Sanders. All present joined in the flag salute. Council present: Amos Lawton, Kathy Wolf, Patty Forrester and Don Miller. Martha Parsons was unable to attend. Guests present: Carl Cassidy, E.J. Curry, Erling Birkland and Wayne Vancil. Staff present: Shelly Badger, Gene Borges, Glenn Dunnam, Jerry Prock, Tim Peterson and Agnes Colombo. 2. Additions/changes to the agenda included: 4. Voucher total changed to $54,662.66 7.c. Procedure for election of new Councilmember 7.d. Water Dept. fencing 9.f. Sewer Report 93-92 MOTION BY AMOS LAWTON, SECONDED BY PATTY FORRESTER APPROVING THE AGENDA WITH CHANGES AND ADDITIONS. MOTION CARRIED. 93-93 3. MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY KATHY~WOLF APPROVING APRIL 28, MINUTES AS PRESENTED. MOTION-CARRIED. 93°94 4. MOTION BY KATHY WOLF, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING VOUCHERS 12563 - 12654., TOTALING $54,662.66 FOR PAYMENT. MOTION CARRIED. - 5. Public Hearing Yelm Comprehensive Water Plan. Mayor Sanders .. closed the regular Council session and opened the public hearing at °'~ 7:34 p.m. Gene Borges explained that`~the Washington State`Growtr~ Management Act requires Yelm to adopt a Comprehensive Water Plan. The Plan before Council this evening would not detail where lines will go but would set guidelines for future development to safeguard the water supply for the existing area. Gene Borges indicated staff and consultants recommendation of approval of the plan. Councilmembers Wolf and Miller stated that they had gone through the plan and felt it was well thought out and that it would be beneficial to the City. Both `stressed that it was important that the City have a Plan meeting Growth Management Act requirements. There being no addition comments or questions, Mayor Sanders closed the public hearing and reopened the regular Council meeting at 7:40 p.m. 93-95 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON THAT RESOLUTION NO. 289 BE PREPARED ADOPTING THE YELM COMPREHENSIVE WATER PLAN AS PRESENTED. MOTION CARRIED. - 6. Public Hearing ° Pray requesting approval of ' Road to construct 126 acres. Mayor Sanders public hearing at 7:42 CITY COUNCIL MAY 12, 1993 .rie Heights Subdivision. Proponents are a 63 lot Preliminary Duplex Plat on Vancil new residential units on approximately 16 closed the regular session and opened the p.m. ~~ PAGE 1 ~~~~,~ ;~ 93-96 Carl Cassidv - questioned if the SEPA process had been met and completed and why the City would consider allowing development without sewer connections. Erling Birkland - explained that while approval was being sought for the plat in its entirety, approval was subject to sewer service. Only 8 duplex lots would be allowed to be developed using septic systems. Shelly Badger explained that the proposal is for phased development with approximately 16 lots to be developed on interim septic tanks and drainfield systems. The remainder of the lots may not be developed until sewer service is available; at that time all units would connect to the sewer system. The Yelm Planning Commission held a Public Hearing on the proposal at their 5/3/93 meeting and recommended Council approval of the proposal subject to meeting the five conditions contained in the Staff Recommendation portion of the Planning Commission Staff Report (dated 4/19/93). Mr. Cassidv - asked if Thurston Co. was satisfied with the project. Shelly Badger explained that a Mitigated Determination of Non- Significance had been issued and sent to DOE, Thurston County and other agencies. No comment had been received during the comment period which ended 5/3/93. There being no additional comment or questions, Mayor Sanders closed the public hearing and reopened the regular Council meeting at 7:47 p.m. MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON ACCEPTING THE YELM PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION AND APPROVING THE PRAIRIE HEIGHTS PRELIMINARY PLAT. MOTION CARRIED. 7. New Business 93-97 93-98 a. Respirator Program - Tim Peterson explained that Yelm needed to adopt a Respirator Program to meet Labor & Industry requirements. Employee use of a respirator would be subject to a physician's approval. Mandatory use is required for certain tasks such as cutting asbestos pipe. MOTION BY KATHY WOLF, SECONDED BY PATTY FORRESTER APPROVING ADDITION OF THE RESPIRATOR PROGRAM STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES TO YELM'S SAFETY PROGRAM. MOTION CARRIED. b. Thurston County Fire Protection District #2 Contract - This is the same basic contract that has been used and reviewed in past years. Shelly Badger pointed out a new section on page 2, paragraph 2, which opens the door far negotiations between Yelm and the District if additional services were desired by the City. MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY KATHY WOLF AUTHORIZING MAYOR SANDERS TO SIGN THE CONTRACT WITH THURSTON COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT. MOTION CARRIED. c. Procedure for electing new Councilmembers. A new Councilmember will be selected at the next meeting to fill the vacancy created by Kathy Wolf's nomination by Council as Mayor. CITY COUNCIL MAY 12, 1993 PAGE 2 93-99 Due to the anticipated absence of a Councilmember at that meeting, the possibility of obtaining a written sealed absentee ballot for the Councilmember selection was questioned. Staff will contact Municipal Research to determine the legal issues involved. d. Staff requested the expenditure of funds for fencing at pumphouse #3 which has been vandalized recently creating a hazardous situation. An invitation for bids was on this project was requested by telephone. Bids have been returned by two of the three businesses contacted about erecting a six foot fence. Southgate Fence - $1,721.00 and Averill's Fence Co. - $2,015.57. Shelly Badger added that the money could come out of the Water Department machinery and equipment line. MOTION BY KATHY WOLF, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON AUTHORIZING AWARD OF THE LOW BID FOR FENCING AT PUMPHOUSE #3. 'MOTION CARRIED. 8. Old Business - none 9. a. Planning Commission - Shelly Badger reported that work is continuing on Development Standards, the new C-3 zone and updating the mobile/manufactured home ordinance. 93-100 Ty Peterson will be attending the State Planning Conference in Spokane this month. The May 17, 1993 meeting will be cancelled due to lack of staff availability. b. Two park use requests were presented: Thurston Co. Parks and Recreation, August 2-6, for 10 to 20 kids, and for Amber Taylor for a wedding on June 19, 1993. MOTION BY PATTY FORRESTER, SECONDED BY KATHY WOLF ACCEPTING THE YELM PARKS' ADVISORY COMMITTEE'S RECOMMENDATION AND APPROVING THURSTON CO. PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT AND AMBER TAYLOR PARK USE REQUESTS. MOTION CARRIED. Shelly Badger and Councilwoman Forrester both stressed the Park Committee's strong feelings that restrooms in Yelm City Park need to be renovated. The Committee would like to -use current funds plus revenue from the sale of timber for the project. Approximately $16,000 is available. Members are willing to volunteer labor for the project. Tim Peterson pointed out that when renovated the restrooms should be heated. Vandalism to the restroom facilities and people asking to use restrooms in businesses around the park was discussed. Shelly Badger recommended a time-locking device for restroom doors . Councilman Miller recommended that Public Works look at the job and see what can be done with existing funds. Tim Peterson and Jerry Prock will research the matter and take their findings to the Park Committee who can follow with a recommendation to Council. Recent damage to the park due to wet ground conditions was discussed. The Park Board discussed restricting carnival, activities to paved areas, possibly on Second Street, leaving grassy areas free for other uses. Chief Dunnam pointed out some potential problems with that scenario. Residents could legally charge trespass against individuals on their property. CITY COUNCIL MAY 12, 1993 PAGE 3 _~ Don Miller suggested restrictions prohibiting vehicles ~~,n~~ inclement weather. c. Treasurer's Report and Expenditure Report for the 1st Quarter of 1993 - Kathy Wolf recommended that Daisy Lawton be commended for her efforts in preparing these reports for Council. d. Councilmembers were requested to have photos taken at the Nisqually Valley News for Yelm ID cards. Chief Dunnam will have the completed cards laminated. Members were also asked to contact Lynn to place orders for jackets. e. Police Report - Chief Dunnam requested approval for Officer Mercer to teach at the Criminal Justice Training Commission, if selected following interviews. Chief Dunnam felt that this would be a good opportunity for Keith Mercer and that he would do a good job. The position would run for two years, the City wou_ ld provide Officer Mercer's benefits only during this period. If selected Officer Mercer would be the first instructor from a jurisdiction `'./-'~ ~ with less than ten officers. If Officer Mercer is accepted Chief ~ ~~'' Dunnam proposes to hire a provisional officer from the list of '~~ reserves . 93-101 MOTION BY KATHY WOLF, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON PERMITTING OFFICER KEITH MERCER TO ACCEPT AN INSTRUCTOR POSITION AT THE WASHINGTON CRIMINAL JUSTICE TRAINING COMMISSION AND AUTHORIZING CHIEF DUNNAM TO HIRE A PROVISIONAL OFFICER TO BE USED AS A REPLACEMENT. MOTION CARRIED. E y f. Sewer Report - Gene Borges invited all to attend the ground breaking for the new Wastewater Treatment Plant at 11:00 next Monday. He also explained how critical the coordination of timing was between construction of the plant and installation of on site systems. Gene Borges told members that the Contract for Phase I STEP Collection Pipelines and Outfall submitted by low bidder Active Construction had been reviewed. 93-102 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY KATHY WOLF APPROVING THE BID AWARD TO ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION, INC. FOR CONTRACT 2, PHASE I STEP COLLECTION PIPELINES AND OUTFACE BASED UPON PARAMETRIX, INC.'S REVIEW OF SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION AND PENDING AGENCY APPROVALS. MOTION CARRIED. 10. Correspondence was reviewed. 11. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. Attest: [~ j /~l~ ~~ ~ Agn P. Colombo City Clerk Robert A. Sanders Mayor CITY COUNCIL MAY 12, 1993 PAGE 4