09/22/93_:. ~~, CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1993 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Agenda/Motion Numbers 1. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Kathy Wolf. All present joined in the flag salute. Council present: Don Miller, Martha Parsons, Patty Forrester, Amos Lawton and Bob Gallagher. Guests present: Barb and Robin Wood, Ed Kenney, Emma Jean LeMoine, Dennis Su, Harry Hutnik and John Thompson. Yelm Park Advisory Board members Dick Carrig, Bill West, Patty Wheeler, Cecelia Jenkins and Lisa Hills . Kristin Blalack and E . J. Curry from the Yelm-Timberland Library. Staff: Gene Borges, Glen Dunnam, Mark Cook and Agnes Colombo. 93-187 2. MOTION BY AMOS LAWTON, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING THE AGENDA AS, PRINTED. ~ MOTION CARRIED. 93-188 3. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY PATTY FORRESTER APPROVING THE SEPTEMBER 8, 1993 MINUTES AS WRITTEN. MOTION CARRIED. 4. Reissued vouchers were noted. 93-189 5. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING PAYMENT OF SEPTEMBER PAYROLL. MOTION CARRIED. 6. Yelm Parks Advisory Board - Chairman Dick Carrig addressed Council and expressed the Board's great interest in the recreational assets of the City. He explained that the recently purchased property on Canal Rd. was intended for multi-use recreational/athletic fields in conjunction with Thurston Co. Parks Dept. Cochrane Park is intended to be a passive park and the Board feels strongly that for safety reasons you must be able to see across the park. Council's support was requested in expeditiously rebuilding the park restroom facilities. Approximately $13,000 is available for this project from allocated building monies and from the sale of trees from Cochrane Park. Bases have been touched with Gene Borges and Jerry Prock and in both cases they feel that it would be prudent to press on and hookup to the current septic system and have the new building ready to connect to the sewer system when it comes on line. The Board requested support in getting restrooms built as soon as possible. Completion, originally anticipated for Octoberfest, is now aggressively being sought for Christmas in the Park. Questions were invited. In answer to Council's inquiry Cecelia Jenkins explained that seven strings of lights had been sold and that they were in the process of working out problems associated with decorating the tree which is between 75 and 100 foot tall. YELM CITY COUNCIL PAGE 1 MINUTES - 9/22/93 Strings of lights cost approximately $55 for a 100 fo~~Q,. _m ~" string with 80 lights. Eventually goal is 24 strings. Dick Carrig explained that any money leftover from the restroom project could be used for community decorations. Cecelia Jenkins added that the Chamber also has funds for decorating. Lyle Burstad is the contact person. Dick Carrig stated that the Board's first priority is the restrooms which include mens/womens/handicapped facilities, and a storage area and that a rough draft had been submitted to and approved by the building department. Gene Borges explained that he felt the project could proceed as there was no real use of restrooms in the winter and that as a code city going to bid would not be necessary. The project could be accomplished through the small public works roster due to the amount of the project. Councilman Miller pointed out a planned use on 10/10/93 by the Lion's Club Breakfast with proceeds intended for the park. Youth Appreciation Day is also planned for 10/10. 93-190 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON THAT THE PARK ADVISORY BOARD PROCEED WITH THEIR PROJECT OF ERECTING NEW RESTROOMS IN YELM CITY PARK. MOTION CARRIED. Dick Carrig questioned liability concerning playground equipment at City Park. He suggested a City-wide disclaimer releasing the City of legal requirements. Mayor Wolf asked that the playground issue be moved up on the agenda. Agnes Colombo explained that she had been in contact with AWC Insurance Services Manager Jim McDonald who in response to being questioned about phased replacement of existing playground equipment said that the slide was a hazard and needed to be removed now. The swings could be scheduled for replacement in 1995. Replacements must be with approved certified playground equipment. Councilwoman Parsons suggested that we note the condition of the slide now and also note the condition of the replacement slide. It was pointed out that Roberta Longmire was collecting Campbell's Soup can labels for playground equipment. 7. Port of Olympia - Burlington Northern Yelm to Tenino trackage retention. Mayor Wolf suggested that we notify the Port that the City is unable to fund retention of portions of track. Gene Borges explained the importance of retaining right-of-way for possible future transit uses. 93-191 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON THAT A LETTER BE SENT TO THE PORT OF OLYMPIA THANKING THEM FOR THEIR LEADERSHIP IN OBTAINING THE YELM - TENINO BURLINGTON NORTHERN RIGHT-OF-WAY AND EXPLAINING THAT AT THIS TIME YELM YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - 9/22/93 PAGE 2 ®~'~'~ ~ HA5 NO PLANS OR INTEREST IN DIRECT PURCHASE OF TRACK, AND REQUESTING THAT SMALL PORTIONS OF TRACK BE LEFT IN JURISDICTIONS THAT SO DESIRED. MOTION CARRIED. 8. New Business: a. Ordinance No. 483 establishing speed limits and a school zone on Mill Road. Mark Cook explained reasons for the ordinance. Chief Dunnam added that the new school opening has resulted in an increased volume of traffic on Mill Road and that Thurston Co~. policy is to not have speeds limits under 35 mph outside of city limits. 93-192 MOTION BY PATTY FORRE5TER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 483 ESTABLISHING SPEED LIMITS AND A SCHOOL ZONE ON MILL ROAD. MOTION CARRIED. 9. Old Business: - a. Resolution No. 296 - sewer capacity and hook-up policy and Sewer.Service Boundary. Gene Borges explained that the .30 treatment plant with allowable average treatment of 300,000 gallon per day was funded through various agencies for pollution treatment. '~~ Plant treatment capacity is based on Equivalent Residential Units (ERU = 3 bedroom house with 2.7 people). Businesses were also assigned ERUs. ERU amounts used are from established figures and Gene believes that when actual usage figures become available after six months of operation they will identify additional available capacity. In many instances required ERU figures show a much higher sewer outflow than the amount of water going into the building. After actual figures are available excess ERUs could be utilized within the city limits. Phase I of the project covers an area from 4th to Cullens and Mossman to Coates as well as the densely developed north city limits area between Crystal Springs and Rhoton Road and is intended to alleviate existing pollution problems. Phase Fusers pay no hookup fees: ~` Phase II users would be required to pay hookup fees and Phase III users would pay fees into capital reserve far upgrade of the treatment plant. The intent is to go from 3.0 to tertiary/Class A treated water suitable for reuse/land disposal/groundwater recharge. Gene explained that the area falling within the green city limits boundaries (display map) had already been zoned and emphasized that Council and the Planning Commission would have to keep in mind that they could no longer easily change zoning as changes would also result in changed ERUs, sewer lines, water lines, streets and storm drainage. Capital facilities would have to be available4 to accommodate changes. All City elected officials and staff need to understand what we are doing and be able to answer honestly. U rI YELM CITY COUNCIL PAGE 3 MINUTES - 9/22/93 Barb Wood expressed concern at having 18 unusable acz®.~~„ ~ 4 Gene explained that anyone wanting a zone change should take care of it within the next couple of months. Otherwise development could probably occur as Residential/Agricultural 1-1. In response to a question concerning a change in type of business to one that would use larger amounts of water Mark Cook explained that intense users could be required to pay additional fees, if the change was permitted. Councilwoman Forrester questioned businesses not in operation at this time. Gene Borges explained that he calculated ERUs using a worst case scenario or based on a like business. Following this presentation, Gene will go before the Planning Commission at their 10/4/93 meeting for recommendations, then back to the City Council and finally for a Public Hearing. Ed Kenney commended Gene Borges for his presentation and for the work Gene and Mayor Wolf did towards the recently completed sewer agreement. Mr. Kenney was thanked for his assistance to the City. Gene Borges explained that Fisheries had granted the needed extension to allow completion of the outfall line going to the river with completion by October 20. A Shoreline Permit snag was encountered due to the 30 day right to objections which would put permit issuance on hold with no work to be started until October 14. This "window" may not be adequate. If need be the governor's office will be contacted with a request to intercede due to the emergency. Resolution 296 - clarifies and communicates policy with regard to sewer capacity and hook-up. 93-193 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY PATTY FORRESTER APPROVING SEWER CAPACITY RESOLUTION 296. MOTION CARRIED. Councilwoman Parsons thanked Ed Kenney for his support in reaching the cooperative sewer agreement. b. Resolution No. 298 - FCC/cable rate regulation 93-194 MOTION BY BOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING RESOLUTION 298 AUTHORIZING FILING WITH THE FCC TO REGULATE CABLE RATES. MOTION CARRIED. c. Playground equipment - see agenda item #6. d. UCBO Shelter Project - Agnes Colombo explained that an additional $19, 684.20 in ' 87 CDBG funds had become available due to the early repayment of two rehab loans. 93-195 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING THE USE OF ADDITIONAL 1987 CDBG FUNDS BE USED FOR THE UCBO SHELTER REHAB PROJECT. MOTION CARRIED. YELM CITY COUNCIL PAGE 4 MINUTES - 9/22/93 ~- ~ ~ 1~0 . Reports a. Planning/Engineering - Mark Cook informed Council that: 1) the Planning Commission selected an access alternative in the Graymor/McAlexander dispute; 2) the first set of drawings for the fire department should arrive this week; 3) some plats are close to approval; 4) overtures have been made to place a crosswalk from Ft. Stevens School to the housing development across from it and to then establish a school zone. ` Council discussed the situation concerning sidewalks at Mill Pond School and the Fire Department. It was determined that no leverage existed to have sidewalks installed by owners of private property located between the school and fire station. Sidewalk requirements for the school were discussed. Mayor Wolf announced that the Interim Urban Growth Boundary had been approved by Thurston County. b. Library report - Kristen Blalack reported on circulation increases and summer reading program attendance. All were invited to view the Timberland employee art display (Sept.) and children's art display (Oct.). Kristin and E.J. Curry displayed the revised landscaping plans for the library. Burning bush was selected for placement in front of the library windows along with small shrubs along the length of the front. The plan also includes benches. 93-196 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY PATTY FORRESTER TO APPROVE THE YELM-TIMBERLAND LIBRARY LANDSCAPING PLAN AS DEVELOPED BY CONCEPTS. MOTION CARRIED. Faith Hagenhofer has been appointed to a one year term, expires 8/94, on the Thurston Council on Cultural Diversity and Human Rights. c. Council Liaison Reports: 1) City Hall/Court - Bob Gallagher reminded everyone of the Public Works Appreciation Pot Luck planned for Monday, contact person is Dana. Front office staffing will be short as Maria Kramer was scheduled to work only through September in anticipation of Daisy Lawton's October return. d. Police - Chief Dunnam reported a continued increase in traffic volume since the I-5 closure as well as an increase in accidents. Coverage is difficult due to the number. of officers and transport of prisoners removes an officer from the area for 2 1/2 hours. A reporter from the Olympian rode with the PD and wrote a nice article. Three meetings have been held concerning skateboarding. Chief Dunnam told Council that'he was enjoying working with the young people and that he' had received a lot of information from AWC. 0 r I!i YELM CITY COUNCIL ~ ~~ MINUTES - 9/22/93 PAGE 5'~~E_ . §~. Planning continues for Youth,Appreciation Day scheduled ®-~-~,~' October 10, in the park. The Chief met with some churches and Kentucky Fried Chicken will .supply beverages. The first draft of the Emergency Disaster Plan has been completed and will go to Thurston, Co. on October 1, approval will take 90 days. Chief Dunnam invited Councilmembers to attend a STOP THE VIOLENCE update meeting on 9/27/93. Gang activity is occurring locally. Chief Dunnam announced that Tom Gorman, Yelm Telephone Co. President, had informed him that the Phone Company will provide the last $5,000 needed for a new DARE vehicle. The Fire Dept. has agreed to a large "THIS IS A DARE COMMUNITY" sign on the side of their building at Yelm Ave. and First Street. Details need to be worked out with the fire/building departments. 3) Public Works - Mark and Tim are working on the '94 budget. The water tanks need painting and the cost will be quite high. Keeping equipment running continues to be a challenge. 4) Sewer - 9. a. d. Park Use Request - Lion's Club Breakfast on 10/10/93. A thank you note was received from MarLou Allen. 93-197 MOTION BY PATTY FORRESTER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING THE LION' S PARK USE REQUEST TO HOLD A BREAKFAST IN THE PARK ON OCTOBER 10, 1993. MOTION CARRIED. e. Mayor's Report - Heart Walk - Martha Parsons reported on the event and invited all to participate as walkers or by sponsoring walkers. Mayor Wolf reported that she has attended 39 meetings/events, in addition to Council meetings, since becoming Mayor and briefed Councilmembers on the eleven attended since the last Council meeting. f. Minutes from the 9/10/93 Park Advisory Board were included in packets. 11. Correspondence - correspondence was briefly reviewed 12. Meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m. ATTEST: Agn P. Colombo, City Clerk Ka hryn Wol May r YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - 9/22/93 PAGE 6