10/27/93CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1993 f?r~® ,~, 7:30 P . M. , CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS -i.D r.3 .~, a.~ # Agenda/Motion Numbers 1. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Kat y Wolf. All present joined in the flag salute. Council present: Bob Gallagher, Don Miller, Martha Parsons and Amos Lawton. Patty Forrester was unable to attend. Guests present: Amy Boswell, Mike Rowe, Jessie Isaacs, Jeri Orth, Matt Abbey and Tina Crawford. Shane Jenks, Trevor Beder, Thomas Davis, Tonya Misner, Shane Storie and Boe Cutler. Ethan Earle, Valerie Toler, Jean Isaacs, Kathy Boden, Nancy Watkins and Bijana Rucinske. Ray Simpson, Jack Peugh, Jason Edwards, Matthew O'conner, Chris Powers and Kevin Campbell. Kelly McGinnis, Jennifer Mazza, Mike Crawford, Lawna Knight and A. Miller. Nancy Watkins, Thurston Co. EDC; Dennis Su, KCM and John Thompson. Staff: Sandy Mackie and Jim Blundell, Owens Davies Mackie, Shelly Badger, Glenn Dunnam, Ty Peterson and Agnes Colombo. C 93-206 2. MOTION BY AMOS LAWTON, SECONDED BY BOB GALLAGHER APPROVING THE FOLLOWING AGENDA CHANGES: MOVEMENT OF #8A SKATEBOARD DECISION TO POSITION 5, #5 TO #6, ADDITION OF ORDINANCE NO. 484 AS ITEM 7A AND CHANGE OF ITEM 6 CAPCOM AGREEMENT TO 7B, AND ADDITION OF VIACOM TAPING AS 9A. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION CARRIED. 93-207 3. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING THE OCTOBER 13, 1993 MINUTES AS WRITTEN. MOTION CARRIED. 93-208 4.a. MOTION BY BOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS, APPROVING THE OCTOBER 1993 PAYROLL. MOTION CARRIED. 93-209 4.b. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY BOB GALLAGHER APPROVING VOUCHER #15245 FOR $450.00. MOTION CARRIED. 5. Skateboard Decision - In response to Councilmember's questions Chief Dunnam explained that legal counsel advised that the liability question had been resolved due to 1993 legislation providing protection from frivolous lawsuits. For City protection fees could not be charged, high ramps would have to be eliminated and rules posted and enforced. A cost guesstimate of between $25,000 - $125,000 was given. At this point Chief Dunnam feels the best location would be in the ball field area at Yelm City Park. That could change with other sites becoming available. ~l Chief Dunnam recommended Council approval of the concept based upon funding becoming available and establishment of a fund for contributions for a skateboard park. The Chief believed that the young people could contribute by holding fund raisers (car washes etc.). The Chief is also willing to draft a letter to local businesses for contributions and feels that the business owners will be supportive. YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - 10/27/93 PAGE 1 93-210 MOTION BY BOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS TO PROCEED CONTINGENT UPON THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDING WITH } PLANS SUBJECT TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL AND THAT A FUND BE ~'y~~;~'~ ~ ESTABLISHED FOR RECEIPT OF CONTRIBUTIONS FOR A SKATEBOARD PARK. MOTION CARRIED. 6. Nancy Watkins, Thurston Co. Economic Development Council - Ms. Watkins explained that she was requesting City Council approval of 1994 funding in the amount of $3,000. Ms. Watkins explained services provided by EDC through their Business Assistance and Business Resource Center programs and suggested a meeting to discuss what kinds of businesses Yelm would like to attract and incentives to be offered to the targeted group.. Shelly Badger expressed her belief that EDC along with the recent Foreign Trade Zone agreement would be very beneficial to the City. Council agreed to examine funding possibilities during the upcoming budgeting process. 7.a. Ordinance No. 484 - ANX8100/SW Yelm Annexation Agreement - Sandy Mackie, City Counsel,`explained that one of the key issues to be addressed when undertaking a large annexation is making sure the City is in the financial position to provide for planning the utilities and infrastructure necessary to serve the annexation. Sandy Mackie told Councilmembers that issues of concurrency and conformance are very important under the Growth Management Act and that discussion with the annexation'proponents is taking place to make sure agreements are in place to permit the City to plan amendments to the ,sewer comprehensive plan, water comprehensive plan and making sure that the past comprehensive planning is appropriate for this project. Sandy Mackie added that at this time the staff and the proponent are in the process of exchanging agreements and discussing various drafts. Staff recommendation is that Council indicate approval of the annexation, recommend that staff work with the proponent to make sure that all the terms of the annexation agreement are met and that the issue come back before Council on 11/10/93 for final action. Sandy Mackie will have working drafts to be circulated to Council by next Wednesday. _~': 93-211 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON THAT PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OF THE SW YELM ANNEXATION SUBJECT TO 'THE FORMAL ANNEXATION AGREEMENT BE GIVEN AND THAT THE MATTER BE HELD OPEN FOR FINAL DECISION AT THE NOVEMBER 10, 1993 MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. 7.b Intergovernmental Agreement for Communication Services - " Agnes Colombo explained that the replacement contract pages had been 'reviewed and that the content had not changed but the format was more contractual. The agreement was identical to previous contracts including the formula used to arrive at Yelm's share of costs. YELM CITY COUNCIL __ MINUTES - 10/27/93 PAGE 2 93-212 MOTION BY BOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED BY MARTHA P S :~~ APPROVING YELM ENTERING INTO AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGRE ~.`~'` WITH THURSTON COUNTY COMMUNICATIONS TO PROVIDE COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES. MOTION CARRIED. 8. New Business: a. Change in meeting - Councilmembers selected Tuesday, November 23, for the Thanksgiving week Council Meeting. Staff was directed to prepare a public notice advertising the date change. b. Sewer Contract III Recommendation/Approval - 93-213 MOTION BY BOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED BY DON MILLER TABLING THE SEWER CONTRACT III RECOMMENDATION/APPROVAL TO THE NOVEMBER 11, 1993 MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. c. Sewer Contract IV Recommendation/Approval - 93-214 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY BOB GALLAGHER TABLING THE SEWER CONTRACT IV RECOMMENDATION/APPROVAL TO THE NOVEMBER 11, 1993 MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. d. Resolution No. 300 - ANX8098/Carpenter/SR507 93-215 MOTION BY BOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING RESOLUTION NO. 300 - ANX8098 WITH ALL STANDARD REQUIREMENTS TO BE MET. MOTION CARRIED. e. Resolution No. 301 - ANX 8099/Smith/Railway 93-216 MOTION BY BOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING RESOLUTION NO. 301 - ANX8099 WITH ALL STANDARD REQUIREMENTS TO BE MET. MOTION CARRIED. 9. Old Business: a. Viacom Holiday Season message. Councilmembers selected 4:00 p.m., Wednesday, November 10, 1993 for taping. b. Councilmembers noted a letter received from Dennis Su, KCM. c. Bicycle Helmet Ordinance - Agnes Colombo reported that the King Co . Ordinance was actually issued by the Health Department and that implementation/enforcement was discretionary. Port Angles also has a helmet ordinance. Chief Dunnam added that enforcement would be extremely difficult and recommended continuation of involvement and support for local bicycle safety programs. 10. Reports: a. Planning/Engineering - Martha Parsons explained that the last Planning Commission meeting staff had brought members up to date on existing projects, that Ty Peterson had covered new proposals and that the process of updating the zoning ordinance had begun. Councilman Lawton questioned Puget Power being allowed to place power poles in the middle of the sidewalk. It was explained that movement was made necessary by road improvements and that the poles were still in the state right-of-way. Ty Peterson will follow up on this matter. b. Library Report - Kristin Blalack told Councilmembers that circulation continued to increase, that story time had started again, and told of the library first anniversary YELM CITY COUNCIL PAGE 3 MINUTES - 10/27/93 celebration. Kristin expressed her thanks to public works employee Terry Vandiver who had solved a problem with ~~®~..3~ shelving that tipped over: c. Council Liaison Reports: 1) City Hall/Court - Councilman Gallagher reported that a city staff member was expecting a baby. 2) Police - Chief Dunnam said that the state would begin roadway striping tomorrow and that the Yelm High School Homecoming parade was scheduled for Friday. 3) Public Works - Councilman Lawton reported that he had spent some time with Tim Peterson and that public works will be short two staff members during the first half of November. Public Works continues to maintain a hectic pace trying to keep up with all the ongoing projects. 4) Sewer - Shelly Badger reported that the sewer outfall to the river had been completed and the canal outfall . was close to completion. d. Mayor's Report - Mayor Wolf thanked Martha Parsons and the staff members that contributed to or participated in the Heart Walk and said that Shelly Badger attended the Nisqually River Council meeting during her absence. Mayor Wolf said that she had recently taken part in a tour of the jail. e. Court Activity Report for September 1993 showed 171 tickets received, 52 criminal citations and 119 infractions. Chief Dunnam commended current court operations and felt that they were going better than they ever had. f. Park Advisory Board Minutes - 10/12/93 - It was noted that 24 strings of lights would be on the Christmas tree and that arrangements were being made to have the lights put on the tree. 11. Correspondence - was reviewed. 12. Meeting adjourned at 8:58 p.m. ATTEST: ~ ~~ =~ Ag" s P. Colombo, City Clerk Kat ryn ~i. Wolf, May r ~~~ YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - 10/27/93 PAGE 4