11/10/93Q®0~.~2 Agenda/Motion Numbers CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1993 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Kathy Wolf. All present joined in the flag salute. Council present: Bob Gallagher, Don Miller, Martha Parsons and Amos Lawton. Patty Forrester was unable to attend. Guests present: Mark Carpenter, Paul Steadman, John Huddleston, Frances Andrews, Ken Garmann and Barry Brodniak, Northwest Housing Development. Staff: Shelly Badger, Glenn Dunnam, Gene Borges and Agnes Colombo. ~~ 93-218 2. MOTION BY AMOS LAWTON, SECONDED BY BOB GALLAGHER APPROVING THE AGENDA AS WRITTEN. MOTION CARRIED. 93-219 3. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING THE OCTOBER 27, AND NOVEMBER 1, 1993 MINUTES AS WRITTEN. MOTION CARRIED. 93-220 4. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS # 15250-15327 IN THE AMOUNT OF $573,646.29. MOTION CARRIED. 5. Yelm Sewer Service Boundary Public Hearing - Mayor Wolf closed the regular session and opened the public hearing at 7:34 p.m. Shelly Badger explained that the Planning Commission and City Council had been briefed by Gene Borges over the last couple months on the recommended service boundary for Yelm's .30 treatment plant. And that the Facilities Plan Boundary was a planning boundary used before treatment plant construction and needs to be amended. Council input was requested. Gene Borges told Councilmembers that the original Facilities Plan would have required a .50 (1/2 million gallons of inflow per day) treatment plant and would not have met 2929 requirements for infill building. Due to changes, the original boundary means nothing to the City at this time. All regulatory agencies as well as the agencies providing funding for the Facilities Plan and Yelm's Sewer System have been contacted and have not objected to the proposed changes. Meetings with DOH (Dept. of Health) and DOE (Dept. of Ecology) on a sewer amendment to serve the whole Urban Growth Boundary Area have been ongoing. Borges also explained that he believed that it wouldn't be fair to users (citizens) to tie-up flow for areas that would not be developed during the next three years. Borges emphasized that while the original boundary was useful for planning, it was no longer effective. YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - 11/10/93 PAGE 1 ~~0~~~ Gene Borges used a prepared map to demonstrate the proposed service boundary areas. Included are: R-1, R-2, and most Commercial and Industrial sites within the current city limits. Omitted: newer homes using pressurized septic systems, individuals refusing to connect to the system, areas zoned R/A or C-3 and areas outside current city limits. Borges explained that Phase I users pay no hookup fees, and that a minimum allocation of 1 ERU (Equivalent Residential Unit) was required for each city lot. One ERU is equal to the outflow of a 3 bedroom home with 2.8 occupants. He also pointed out, as an example, that the required planning allocation for a high school was 25 gallons outflow per student. In reality YHS inflow is only 6.7 gallons per student, and outflow would have to be less than the inflow figure . _Barry Brodniak, Northwest Housing Development - explained plans for an affordable housing development, funded by a FmHA grant. One of the requirements is a commitment of 30 hours per week of owner labor during construction. Similar developments are very well maintained and reflect pride of ownership. The development would be required to meet all existing requirements including sidewalks and other improvements. Borges added that a past mistake in building affordable housing had been in waiving improvements to keep lot costs down. John Huddleston - asked if property at Yelm Ave and Burnett was included in the proposed boundary. Borges indicated that it was included. Councilman Miller asked what happens when you run out of ERU's and if construction was on schedule? Borges replied that no additional users could connect to the system and pointed out that building could continue using county approved or compatible septic systems which could be added when treatment capacity became available and that overall the project completion date was close to the projected schedule. Gene Borges pointed out, and Shelly Badger agreed, that projects should be accepted on a first come first serve basis and that projects not expected to be completed within three years not be permitted to tie up ERU's. Being no additional questions or comments, Mayor Wolf closed the public hearing and reopened the regular meeting at 8:19 p.m. YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - 11/10/93 PAGE 2 Q ~ ~3~Zr11 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY DON MILLER ACCEPTING STAFF'S RECOMMENDATION APPROVING THE SEWER SERVICE BOUNDARY LINE, THE ALLOCATION OF ERU'S AND TEMPORARY SERVICE AREA AS PRESENTED AND ALSO APPROVING A FIRST COME FIRST SERVE BASIS IN ALLOCATING REMAINING SYSTEM ERUs. MOTION CARRIED. 6. Ordinance No. 484 - ANX8100 SW Yelm Annexation - Shelly Badger explained that proponents and attorney's were very close to agreement and requested that the item be tabled to the next regular meeting unless a special meeting could be arranged sooner. 93-222 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY DON MILLER TO TABLE ACTION ON ORDINANCE NO. 484, ANX8100 SW YELM ANNEXATION TO THE 11/23/93 REGULAR MEETING UNLESS A SPECIAL MEETING COULD BE HELD. MOTION CARRIED. 8. New Business: a. Pac-Tech - Affordable Housing - Shelly Badger explained that Pac-Tech was requesting time at the next meeting for a one half hour presentation plus a question and answer period. Mayor Wolf requested staff to notify Planning Commission members of the presentation. Council agreed to allocate one half hour for the presentation and fifteen minutes for questions. 9. Old Business: a. Sewer Contract_ III (on site systems) - Tabled from 10/27/93. Staff recommended approval of awarding the contract and indicated that questioned eligibility items had been and continue to be investigated. Mayor Wolf requested that Council be filled in on questioned items. Borges responded that tonight Department of Ecology (DOE) had indicated verbal approval of contract III plan .specifications. Not yet settled are some eligibility requirements. Numerous eligibility discussions with DOE, who represents Washington State DOE-and EPA, have taken place. Borges feels that the DOE engineer was way out of line in stating today that he doesn't believe that Phase I commercial STEP tanks were grant eligible. Borges stated that he believes in his own mired that this engineer does not know the regulations or the type of sewer system that Yelm is installing. The regulation the engineer was basing his opinion on was written in 1975. and adopted in 1976, stating that funding would not be approved for commercial hookups. Borges emphasized that at that time that regulation was written there were no STEP Systems. In a STEP system the tank is the pretreatment. Discussions will be continuing. Borges stated that when the DOE engineer can make that kind of statement, he (Borges) doesn't believe the engineer is knowledgeable and feels this particular engineer has cost Yelm both time and money in solving problems that should never have arisen. YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - 11/10/93 PAGE 3 .~ Shelly Badger added that ~~the new issue being raise~~ s.,~~ completely unacceptableā€˛~,~andad never~.come up in any meeting during the years spent working-on the project. Mayor Wolf requested that the minutes reflect Council's consensus as to the difficulties encountered by staff and the City of Yelm in dealing with this engineer and that a copy of the minutes be forwarded to the Department of Ecology. 93-223 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY BOB GALLAGHER ACCEPTING THE ENGINEER'S RECOMMENDATION THAT THE SEWER CONTRACT III BID, IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,925,000. MILLION BE AWARDED TO THE LOW BIDDER, NORTHWEST CASCADE. MOTION CARRIED. 93-224 10. 1 YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - 11/10/93 b. Sewer Contract IV - Staff recommended approval of awarding the contract. MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS THAT SEWER CONTRACT IV BE AWARDED TO OLSEN BROTHERS. MOTION CARRIED. In response to questions raised by Councilman Miller, Gene Borges and Shelly Badger assured Council that they were working very closely with all contractors on coordinating installation of sewer lines and road improvements. Reports a. Planning Commission/Engineering - Martha Parsons explained that no action had been required at the last meeting. Shelly Badger responded to Mayor Wolf's questions by explaining that the Planning Commission's direction given to staff is that during the commercial short-platting process preliminary engineering be required up front to ensure that when platting lots all are buildable lots and that construction of improvements must be made after the sale of the first lot . An ordinance amendment will be drafted and go before the Planning Commission and City Council. Council concurred with the Planning Commissions decision. Shelly Badger briefed Council on current projects: 1) Nisqually Plaza - well under way with occupancy late ~. February or early March. 2) McDonalds - will open with sewer hookup 3) Power Pole - placement is being looked into by Puget Power 4) Prairie Heights - under construction 5) Huntington Greens - will be starting soon 6) Crystal Springs Estates - construction drawings being reviewed 7) Prairie Creek - under review, approval pending 8) Parkside - has been approved 9) Yelm Creek Apartments - possibly going to increase number of units . 10 ) UCBO - being rebid - thrift shop and food bank cut from the project - bid opening 11/16/93 PAGE 4 ®®~~:- 93-225 93-226 YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - 11/10/93 11) Fire District - working on drawings 12) Burger King - presubmission b. Parks Advisory Committee - Name recommendation for Canal Road Park - Longmire Community Park - Southeast Thurston County Multi-Use Athletic Fields. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY BOB GALLAGHER THAT THE PARK ADVISORY BOARD RECOMMENDATION OF LONGMIRE COMMUNITY PARK BE APPROVED. OPPOSED: AMOS LAWTON AND DON MILLER. MAYOR WOLF VOTED NO, AT THIS TIME, BREAKING THE TIE AND ASKED THAT IT BE BROUGHT UP AGAIN AT THE NEXT MEETING WHEN ALL COUNCILMEMBERS WERE AVAILABLE. Mayor Wolf read from the Park Board Committee minutes their praise of the excellent job being done by Tim Peterson. Mayor Wolf requested that Council acknowledge the outstanding job being done employees - above and beyond their job requirements. Councilman Miller requested that a copy of Park Board minutes be placed in Tim Peterson's personnel file. Shelly Badger explained and recommended approval of the Park Board's request to move $7,000 from the Capital Projects Fund to the Parks Reserve Fund. Part of the funds would be used in the restroom construction project which is being redrawn to include a storage area. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING THE TRANSFER OF $7, 000 FROM THE CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND TO THE PARKS RESERVE FUND AND THE USE OF SOME OF THE FUNDS TO COMPLETE THE CITY PARK RESTROOM CONSTRUCTION PROJECT. MOTION CARRIED. c. Sewer Project - Gene Borges introduced Ken Garmann and explained that Ken had saved the City some overtime costs on the sewer project. d. Police Report - Mayor Wolf read a letter from Gary Martin, Yelm High School Principal, expressing his gratitude to Chief Dunnam and his staff. Mayor Wolf requested that the letter be placed in Chief Dunnam's personnel file. Chief Dunnam explained that he was working on a federal grant for 3/4 funding for a police officer in 1995. Letters from Mike Kriedler, Jolene Unsoeld and the Thurston County Commissioner's will be attached to the grant. City Council expressed their concurrence and support of Chief Dunnam_'s efforts in applying for this grant. e. Mayor's Report - Mayor Wolf reported that since the last meeting sYle had spoken with students at the Extension School, Yelm Community Schools for an overview of their long-range facilities plan, Heart Walk meeting - Yelm's team came in second raising $935. PAGE 5 1 _. ., ~~p~~~ f. Bob Gallagher ,informed Councilmembers that Dana Morgan ~ was organizing th~'e~GYIr=stmas`~:Pot' Luck. Scheduled date is Thursday, December 16. More information will 'be forthcoming. 11. Correspondence was reviewed. f. Mayor Wolf requested that someone attend the Thurston Co. Community Foundation summit on Thursday, November 18, 1993, and that a copy of the letter be sent to Councilwoman Forrester. 12. Meeting adjourned at 9:23 p.m. ATTEST: '% i ~ ~/ g es P. Colombo, City Clerk Kathryn M. Wolf, Ma~ior l 1 YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - 71/10/93 PAGE 6