08-24-05 MINUTES YELM CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 2005, 7:30P.M. Call to Order. Mayor Rivas called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 1. Roll Call. Present: Don Miller Joe Baker, Bob Isom and Ron Harding. 2. Excused: Pat Fetterly Agenda Approval 3. 05-67 MOTION BY RON HARDING, SECONDED BY JOE BAKER APPROVING THE AGENDA WITH ITEM 4a. MOVED TO FOLLOW 4b. CARRIED. Special Presentations: 9-1-1 Proclamation. Mayor Rivas introduced Jennifer Wood and Candy Bailey 4. b. from CAPCOM before reading and presenting the Proclamation declaring September 11, 2005 to be 9-1-1 Day, recognizing the importance of this emergency service provided to the citizens of Yelm by professionals dedicated to their jobs well done. Mayor Rivas also recognized the other response agencies affected by tribal gaming and the relationship between the State of Washington and the Tribal councils that benefit these agencies from yearly tribal donations. AWC/Risk Management . Randy Lumsden, Program Coordinator/Claims 4. a. Manager presented a check to the City of Yelm for $6,244.00 as part of a pool fund disbursement for closed claims from 1996-1997. Mr. Lumsden thanked the city and Mayor Rivas for providing city staff to serve on the AWC Risk Management Services Operations Committee for the past several years. Public Comment – 5. James Zukowski, Fox Hill Road Thurston County, asked the city to consider revisiting zoning regulations in the future to address a possible cap on the size of large stores allowed. Consent Agenda 6. a. Council Minutes – August 10, 2005 Regular Meeting b. Payables: Checks 25792-25909 - totaling $103,339.58 1) Manual Checks: 25792-25864, totaling $3,969.59 2) Claims Checks 25865-25909, totaling $99,369.99 c. Payroll Preliminary August 2005 d. Park Use Requests: YCP, Reeves BBQ, 09-11-05,11a.m.-2:00p.m. #30 05-68 MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 1 of 3 Yelm City Council Minutes, August 24, 2005Page ab/ccminutes/08-24-05/doc Public Hearings – Assessment Reimbursement Latecomers Contract, 7. NP/Wilkensen. Mayor Rivas opened the public hearing at 7:42 p.m. announcing the time, place and purpose of the hearing. No objections to participants were voiced. Tami Merriman reviewed the staff report stating that the conditions of the Mountain Sunrise 102 lot subdivision included extension of the water line from NP Road to Wilkensen and a portion of Wilkensen and sewer line from Rhoton Road at their expense. Agreement would allow reimbursement to Developer from property owners who benefit from the line at the time of development of their property. Tami indicated that residential and industrial property owners have been notified of the costs and the Public Hearings were held. Mayor Rivas closed the public hearing at 7.48. 7 a. 1) Ordinance 834 Assessment Reimbursement Contract, NP/Wilkensen Water Line Improvements, Mountain Sunrise. Ordinance 835 Assessment Reimbursement Contract, NP/Wilkensen Sewer Line Improvements, Mountain Sunrise. 05-69 MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY JOE BAKER AUTHORIZING MAYOR RIVAS TO SIGN ASSESSMENT REIMBURSEMENT CONTRACT WITH MOUNTAIN SUNRISE AND ADOPTING ORDINANCE 834 RELATED TO WATER IMPROVEMENTS ON NP ROAD AND WILKENSEN ROAD . CARRIED. 05-70 MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY JOE BAKER AUTHORIZING MAYOR RIVAS TO SIGN ASSESSMENT REIMBURSEMENT CONTRACT WITH MOUNTAIN SUNRISE AND ADOPTING ORDINANCE 835 RELATED TO SEWER IMPROVEMENTS ON NP ROAD AND WILKENSEN ROAD. CARRIED. New Business 8. 8. a. Resolution No. 454, Personnel Policy Revisions 2005.03. Agnes Bennick reviewed the staff report on updates to City of Yelm Personnel Policy as a housekeeping item, clarifying terms and language changes. Councilmember Isom asked for clarification of Section 3.03.040 reference to another section. That section reference will be corrected to state Section 10.2, Termination. MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY RON HARDING APPROVING 05-71 RESOLUTION NO. 454 REVISIONS TO CITY OF YELM PERSONNEL POLICIES WITH THE CORRECTION TO SECTION 3.03-040 REFERENCE NUMBER 10.2, TERMINATION. CARRIED. RD 8. b. 103 Street Improvement Project Construction Bid Award. Stephanie Ray reported that the bid opening was awarded to W.E.&B in the amount of $649,000. Road will mirror Stevens Street improvements from Creek Street bridge to West Road. That section of the road will be closed for approximately 45 days during construction beginning in September. Councilmember Isom recommended contacting local residents and businesses in regards to the impact of the closure on surrounding streets. Stephanie indicated all parties were th sent an invitation to attend informational meeting, August 30, 2005 from 6pm – 7pm at Public Works building. 05-72MOTION BY JOE BAKER, SECONDED BY RON HARDING AWARDING THE RD CONSTRUCTION BID TO W.E.&B FOR $649,000 FOR 103 STREET ROAD 2 of 3 Yelm City Council Minutes, August 24, 2005Page ab/ccminutes/08-24-05/doc IMPROVEMENTS CARRIED. 8. c. Users Agreement for Reclaimed Water with Florence Allen. Stephanie Ray reviewed the staff report indicating Florence Allen’s reclaimed water line was connected at the time of construction to connect Yelm High School. She understands the agreement and terms of use. Signed copy will be forwarded to Department of Ecology. 5-73 MOTION BY BOB ISOM, SECONDED BY JOE BAKER AUTHORIZING MAYOR RIVAS TO SIGN USERS AGREEMENT WITH FLORENCE ALLEN FOR USE OF RECLAIMED WATER FOR IRRIGATION. CARRIED. Old Business 9. Mayor and Council Reports and Initiatives and Board/Commission 10. Business- Councilmember Isom attended new Yelm Budget Committee meeting to look at the long range planning for 2006-2010. Discussion on how to deal with the impact of increased residential and commercial growth while maintaining acceptable level of service to citizens and legislative body. Mayor Rivas thanked Councilman Isom for taking on another committee that he is well suited for with his understanding of the budget and city issues. Councilmember Harding attended Yelm Transportation meeting. Discussed Y4 connector and improvements to Rail Trail corridor. Executive Session - None 11. 12. Correspondence was available . Adjourn: 8:10 p.m. 13. _____________________________________ Adam R. Rivas, Mayor Attest: _______________________________ Agnes Bennick, City Clerk/Treasurer Minutes: Janine A. Schnepf 3 of 3 Yelm City Council Minutes, August 24, 2005Page ab/ccminutes/08-24-05/doc