07-28-05 SS Minutes.doc Yelm City Council Study Session Minutes Thursday, July 28, 2005, 5:00 P.M. Yelm City Hall 1. Call to Order – Mayor Pro Tempore Ron Harding called the meeting to order at 5:00 P.M. 2. Roll Call – Present were Don Miller, Joe Baker, Bob Isom, and Ron Harding. Pat Fetterley and Mayor Adam Rivas were excused. Others present were Shelly Badger, Grant Beck, Stephanie Ray, and Chiefs Rita Hutchenson, Mark King, and Deputy Chief Gesell from SE Thurston Fire/EMS. 3. Agenda Approval - The agenda was accepted as presented. 4. Old Business – Stehpanie Ray presented an alternate proposal to irrigate Longmire Park with reclaimed water. Preliminary engineering estimates indicated that the cost of extending reclaimed lines to Longmire Park would be approximately $389,000 while $225,000 had been budgeted for the project. Meanwhile, a condition of the land use approval for Ridgeline Junior High School requires connection to the reclaimed water system when the line is 200 feet from the school property line. The reclaimed water line is currently approximately 520 feet from the property line and the new school has proposed to use potable water to irrigate the new athletic fields. Stephanie indicated that the Public Works and Community Development Departments have reviewed the problem and recommend that the City purchase a 4,000 gallon water truck to be used to run the irrigiation system at Longmire Park with reclaimed water through a pump station to be installed at the park. The water truck, engineering, and pumps would cost about $95,000. The truck could also be used for dust control, street washing, and irrigation at other City facilities, and would extend the ability of the Public Works Department to use reclaimed water throughout the City. Stephanie also recommended that the City extend the reclaimed water line to the School property line at Mill Pond/Ridgeline Junior High School in order to utilize reclaimed water at the existing athletic fields at Mill Pond and the new fields at Ridgeline. The estimated cost for this project is $100,000. Both projects can be completed for the initial budget of extending reclaimed water to Longmire Park of $225,000. City Council Minutes Page 1 of 3 ab\city council\2005\minutes The City Council raised no objection to the proposal. 5. Presentations – a. SE Thurston Fire/EMS Update. Chiefs Mark King and Rita Hutcheson updated the City Council on recent work the District has completed, in cooperation with Shelly Badger and Grant Beck, regarding the potential of collecting impact fees for the Fire District from new development within the City of Yelm. Chief King indicated that impact fees are authorized under the Growth Management Act to require new developments pay their fair share of the capital costs of Fire Departments, Transportation Systems, School Districts, and Parks. In order to levy an impact fee, the District needs to complete and adopt a Capital Facilities Plan and adopt level of service standards for fire protection and emergency medical services. The District would then request the City to update its concurrency management code to include the fire impact fee. The District is currently working on the level of service standards and the Capital Facilities Plan, but wanted to brief the Council on the direction they were taking in regards to researching impact fees. The Council raised no objection to the District coninuing to research impact fees and presenting a proposal to the Council in the future. 6. New Business – None Scheduled 7. Mayor/Council Initiatives – Bob Isom asked that the Council have a briefing in the future regarding the potential fiscal impacts of Initiative 900. Bob Isom requested, as part of the budget preparation process, an update on water rates and whether the last increase was generating the revenue that was anticipated. Joe Baker asked about the status of a potential road improvement on Mill Road. A discussion about the 6 year Transportation Improvement Program, connected streets, and the pathways at the new Ridgeline Junior High School ensued. City Council Minutes Page 2 of 3 ab\city council\2005\minutes 8. Adjourn – Mayor Pro Tempore Harding adjourned the meeting at 6:10 P.M. _____________________________ Adam Rivas, Mayor Attest: ____________________________ Agnes Bennick, City Clerk City Council Minutes Page 3 of 3 ab\city council\2005\minutes