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1980 Minutes
./ ' ~~ January 9, 1980 The regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Yelm was called to order at 7:30 PM by Mayor Coates with the following councilmen present: Drogseth, Gillespie, Hadfield, and Bryant. Visitors present were: Johanna Gillespie, Terry Vandiver, Tom Huff, Robert Jansen, Timothy Wainscott, William 1~uddell and Don Miller. The minutes of the regular meeting of December 12, 1979 and. the adjourned meeting of December 19, 1979 were approved for adoption on a motion by Drogseth, seconded by Bryant. The following vouchers were approved for payment on a motion by Bryant, seconded by Drogseth: ' Current $10,55G..55 Water 2,396.70 Streets 916.29 Garbage 2,239.39 Bryant reported he had not had an opportunity to consult with Hal Wolf concerning Wolf's Shopping Center sidewalk. t?n a motion by Bryant, seconded by.Gillespie, the Six Year Street Plan was adopted. A Street Plan Committee was appointed by the mayor. Members are Cliff Bryant, David ~a Gillespie and Arnold Drogseth. The Committee to study the plan in d epth and make recommendations to the Council, On a motion by Bryant, seconded by Drogseth, it was agreed that a three year wage plan for the Police Department personnel would be acceptable. Terry Vandiver submitted a proposal including charges, for consideration of the Council, to contract for street work during the 6 3Tear plan. Discussion followed. 1 A letter proposing the annexaticn c?f the section of Hwy 507 between existing City. Limits and 5 Corner from Witt, Davies and Trditt was read and discussed. It was suggested that the Highway Department had indicated that they would lower the speed limit on that section, The Clerk was appointed to contact the Highway Department to find .their intention. The request will be referred to the Attorney for further study. A letter from Byrne & Stevens was read by the Mayor. The purpose of the letter was to explain the reason for the water problem incurred following the Fire which demolished the UCMO building. On motion by Cliff Bryant, seconded by Arnold Drogseth, the request for a street light on lath Street as requested by Mrs. Ledington was granted. The Clerk was directed to contact Puget Power to effect installation. New City Maps were discussed, and it was suggested that the cost be determined before any action be taken. The Library report was read by the Mayor. The librarian reported that 523 patrons checked out a total of 2565 items. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned on a.,~motion by Cliff Bryant, and seconded by Gillespie~at 8:30 PM. Lora B, Coates, Mayor Attest:. ~.,.~' ' ` a A. Eide, Clerk-'£reasurer 1 171 SPECIAL MEETIPJG January 22,.1980 The•Special Meeting was called tc order by Mayor Coates at 7:30 ?M.~ Council members present werer David Gillespie, Robert Sanders, Arnold Drogseth and Cliff t3ryant. - Attorney~Ted Schultz was also iri attendance. Following the roll call, Mayor Coates closed the public meeting and called the Council intc Executive Session. ` The agenda item to consider the application for a variance by the Yelm School District was dismissed as it had- been resolved that no variance was necessary. There followed an explanation by Attorney Schultz of the proceedings at the mediation meeting to consider salaries of the police officers. He explained that to give them the monies, suggested by the mediator, it would be necessary to budget approximately $.7,000 in addition to the present budget; which would involve seeking more revenue. The Council discussed the fact that the B&0 tax must be raised to 2 or 3 ^~~tenths of one percent in order to raise'the~revenue and that the police department is operating in such a manner that it would be detrimental to the town to lose. any of the officers. It was the consensus of the group that the attorney return to the mediator with the 'suggestion that a 3 year contract be negotiated with a starting salary of $1,217 `for the 1st officer and a comparable raise for the second, as well as an increase for the Marshal. The maximum amount to be given would be $1,250 for the first officer with related raises for the other two. The raise would be retroactive to the 1st of January 1980. The following 2 years an increase of 90~ of the cost of living increase would be granted. The dollar figures reflect the July 1, 1980 amounts. fn a motion by Bryant, seconded by Drogseth the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 PM. ~ ~ - ~ a Lor B. Coates, Mayor Attest :. ~, , .c? Lyla A. Eide, Clerk-Treasurer 1 X72 February 13,•1980 The regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Yelm was called to order at 7:30 PNI by Mayor Coates with the following Councilmen present: Arnold Drogseth, Bob Sanders, Jerry Hadfield, David Gillespie and Clifton Bryant. Visitors present were: Sandra Strauss, Steve Townsend, .'like Jackson, Don Barnard,"Lela M. Hadfield, Jim Champion, Larry Loomis, U.H. DuBois, Fred Rapp, Dora Mantik, Robert Jansen, Timothy J. Gvainscott, i~enneth Loney, Richard. Haigh, Stephen Z. Harrington, Phyllis K. -Erickson, Tom Huff,~Del Pettit,~Wayne Ehler, R.Ted Bottiger, Keri Madsen, Ken Madsen, Bill°Ruddell,&M. Jones.,- Minutes of the January 9 and January 22, 1980 meetings were read and approved on a motion by Arnold Drogseth, seconded by Bob Sanders. Vouchers covering the following, warrants were motion by Sanders and seconded by Drogseths Current Vou # 5665 - 5726 'Water 1306 - 1318 . Street 948 - 952 Garbarge 642 presented and approved for payment on a ~13,1~48.97 3,537.01 2,158.66 2,219.66 A report on the sidewalk problem in front of Wolf's Shoprite was presented by Cliff Bryant. Mr. Wolf had asked to confer with city engineer to study his report and suggestions. Tt was suggested that Town Attorney, Ted Schultz, Pat Byrne, Engineer and Mr. Bryant confer with TZr. Wolf. The six year street plan was discussed with suggestion that the ce;n-nittee meet with Pat " Byrne, City Engineer on Saturday, February 23rd at 1 PM at the City Hall to determine the exact program to follow in street maintenance and improvement over the six year period. The Resolution to adopt the six year street plan was deferred until after the street plan is formalized. The question of speed restriction on Highway 507 between Yelm and 5 Corners was discussed. A letter mailed to the State Highway Dept. on the matter has not been answered as yet so the matter was deferred. The. 'question was asked, who would be responsible for control- ling the traffic on this section, State or Town, as this is not City property. Annexa- tion was discussed and whether the Town should instigate annexation proceedings. No action was takenu.and the matter was tabled. Don Barnard submitted a detailed report on the frost damage to the city streets: He in- dicated that most of the damage has been repaired with recommendations for further mainten- ance. Mr. Steven Harrington of Thurston County Human Services Department presented,the~Council with an explanation o f the reason the cost of health services has risen from $90.00 in 1g79Hto $1,130.00 in 1980. State Senator Ted Bottiger, and Representatives Phyllis Erickson and Wayne Ehlers talked to the Council and. visitors concerning current legislation and revenues pertinent to the current session of legislature. Tom Huff, representing the Yelm Lions Club, asked that the City be responsible for paying the electricity charges at the Ye1m City Park with the exception of the two months period in wh:i_ch the Prairie Days Celebration is held. -The Lions Club will pay the electricity bi 11 for that period.. On a motion by Bryant, seconded by Hadfield, it was agreed that the City will pay the electric bill for the Park except during the two month billing period in which the Prairie Days Celebration is held. It was reported that the street light on Lath Street has been ordered and will be installed as soon as Puget Power can arrange to do the job. M'r. Fred Rapp, cf Custom Insurance presented a package of liability coverage for the Town to consider and compare to the present package carried with the Mosman Agency. It was suggested the Mayor meet with a representative of the Mosman Agency to discuss differences in the taro coverages. It was then brought before the Council, that the policy covering the .Law Enforcement Liability Insurance was to be renewed or cancelled at this time, On comparing the coverage and the charges for premiums, it was moved bar Drogseth and seconded by Bryant to accept the coverage with Tyr. Rapp under Zurich-American of $300,000.00 liability with a premium of X1,355.00. Mr. Jones from Ni_squally Pines requested that the Town's water superintendent be permitted to assist their man for at least 2 months until he can become certified. It Baas decided that this would be handled strictly between Don Barnard, water superintendent, asp{an individual and Nisqually Pines. .~~~ o~ A request for a variance was read from Ken Loneya It was determined that~~a variance was not the proper request. He was instructed to apply for a conditional use permit for which. he would be responsible for the fees and publication cost. He was also in- structed to prepare an Environmental Check List and Proposed Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance. ` Mr. Hadfield asked if it would be beneficial for the Tcwn to change to a Municipal Court system. The Attorney, Mr. Schultz, was asked to determine if this would require an attorney judge. C~n a motion by= Drogseth, seconded by Sanders, Ordinance 239, relating to the public health, peace, safety' and general welfare of the citizens of YeLn and establishing criminal offenses relating to disturbing the peace and concealed weapons was adopted. ~' - Th'e regular meeting was recessed at 11:45PM to enter into Executive Session. Executive Session: The Council agreed that they would approve the wage proposal to be presented by Ted Schultz,~City Attorney, t.o the Representatives of the Law Enforcement officers of the Town of Xelm, which would be an amount $1,092.00 from Jan 1 to June 30, 1980, and $1,217,00 from July 1 to Dec 31, 1980 for Deputy l~'larshal Sgt and $1,00.00 from Jan 1 to June 30, 1980 and $1,137.00 from July 1 to :December 31, 1980 for Deputy Marshal II .. This will be-a 3 year contract with a 90;6 cost of living raise, determined on the figures from October to October of the previous year or a minimum-of 8~ raise for each of the years of 198 and. 1982>, The dental plan agreed to previously will stand as well as`the time and one-half compensatory time off for overtime or accumulated time to be paid at the end of the year if not taken. However, it was definitely stipulated, that no overtime should be assigned°and that if it should be necessary to work overtime, any overtime hours should be taken off during the following month. It was suggested that report showing these facts be submitted. each month to the Council by the Marshal. Council called out of Executive Session at 12:10 AM. Council called back to order following recess at 12:15~AM. On a motion by Bryant, seconded by Hadfield, Ordinance 23l~ was amended by Ordinance ' '238. Section A remained the same. .Section B was changed to read three tenths of one ' percent with a minimum of $25.00 for the year. The Section 7 was amended from semi- annualyly to quarterly. Effective date is April 1, 1980. Ori'a motion by Sanders, seconded by Bryant, Attorney Schultz was authorized to formalize a contract with the Police Union providing for payment of the deputy marshal sergeant at the rate `of $1,092.00 through June 1980 and $1,217.00 per month from July 1 through December 1980 and the ,17eputy Marshal II at $1,0l~1.50 per month from January through June; 1980 and $1,137.00 from July 1 through December 1980. This to be a three year contract with inereases'in 1981 and 1982 at 90~ of the cost of living increase based on figures from October to October of the previous year or an 8~ minimum if 90~ of the cost of living is less than 8~. The D5 dental plan would be included, plus time and one=half time off for overtime. ° It was discussed, that the Marshal's salary would be increased on the same percentage basis as Deputy Marshal Sergeant. , A letter from Byrne, Stevens and Assoc. was read concerning the plat status of Crystal Court. T7r. Byrne contends road was built "catty-wampus" to original plans and he'is waiting for an as-built map before this can>be finalized.• Mrs Mantik spoke to the Council concerning traffic control-on Cullens Street as she operates a day-care center and feels the traffic situation is hazardous. Mr. Ruddell reported that he had monitored the area and found no problems but would study it further. It was also questioned as to whether or not herfcc~~-eratiom could be considered a school Y so this area could be determined to be a School Zone. A petition from a group of people represented by Mr.Loomis, asked for a fire hydrant to be installed at 103rd and Grove Rd. The attorney suggested they meet with the Engineer and submit data pertinent to their request and that he would in turn make a recom-nendation to the Council regarding responsibility for payment etc. as this is outside the City Limits although it is on the city water line. Mr. Bryant asked the Council what has been done regarding the discrepancy in, the building of Cordon's Market from the variance granted by the Council, It was determined tYiat the Attorney would notify N1r. Kampfer of `the infraction and invite`hime to appear at then:next Council meeting-. ,. ,~eetzr~ was addcurned on a motion'by Drogseth, seconded by an s at 1 :3l~ AM. Attest : ~> Ni ~ tr n.n ...~ March 12, 1980 The regular Council Meeting of the Town of Yelm was called to order at 7:30 PM'by Mayor Lora B. Coates. Councilmen present were Arnold'Drogseth, Robert Sanders, Jerry Hadfield, David Gillespie and Clifton Bryant. Visitors present were Melanie Craig, Edgar M. Craig, William Trull, William Trull II, Lola M. Hadfield, Robert .Jansen, William Ruddell, Penny .Richardson, Katherine A. Edwards, Tim Schlosser, Lawrence E. Benson, BSA, and Don,Miller. - -~ ~ ', PSnutes of the February 13, 1980 regular and executive sessions were°approved on a motion by Clifton Bryant, seconded by Arnold Drogseth: Vouchers covering the following warrants were presented and approved for"payment on.a motion by Clifton Bryant, seconded by Robert Sanders: Current w Water" Vou # 1319 - 1337 $ 4,616.65 Garbage " 643 2,223.46 Streets " 953 - 958 580.04 Clifton Bryant reported that the problem of the sidewalk in front of Wolf's Shoprite is still being studied by the engineer and Mr. Wolf. Larry Benson was asked to check on the progress. ~ " It was reported that the speed limit on Highway 507 between Ye].m & 5 Corners has been lowered to 40 miles per hour. It was also reported that the street light requested has been installed on 4th Street. Mayor Coates reported she had received a letter f rom Mr. Cross, Electrical Engineer approving the attachment of a ground wire to the water well casing by Yelm Telephone Co. Bryant moved that the Council accept "the request of YTC to attach ground wire to water well casing. Motion was seconded by Sanders. Gordon Kampfer of Gordon's Market was unable to attend the meeting, so his report on the building variance was postponed until April Council meeting. Clifton Bryant reported on the 6 year Street Plan. Larry Benson, of Byrne-Stevens and Associates presented a report which he_requested the.. Council members study between this meeting and the April meeting. Action on the report was tabled until the April meeting. Clifton Bryant stated the major problem with the streets is drainage and that there should be a regular plan for pulling the ditches. z . Mr. Sanders presented a suggestion that all Council meetings adjourn at 11:OO~PM or earlier. He suggested that perhaps agenda items could be taken until certain time before meetings and if not presented by said time, be given time on next meeting's agenda. `l~he Attorney stated this presented no problem; that meetings could be discontinued whenever the Council so desired and that if there were items pending, a Special or continued meeting could be called if matters could not°be held until next council meeting. ' Mr. Trull asked to address the Council, stating he had three items to present: -- 1: There is a traffic problem on Highway 510 between°Yelm and the High School and he suggested the policemen work on a commission to control it. The Aettorney stated this would be illegal. 2. He suggested the Town should have its own garbage trucks. [`1o comments fr-om audience. 3. City is paying $1.30 for gasoline and he suggested they install own tank and pump to cut cost to approximately $1.00 per gallon. He then added a fourth item. 4. The°City'should buy from local merchants, rather than go out of Town tc shop. Marshal~.Ruddell responded to Mr. Trull, stating he agrees on the traffic problem, that he had concentrated on thagt area over the week end; that he agrees on the gas situation and that` the Police Dept. makes its purchases in town if items are available. ' Attorney Schultz presented the Agreement he will sent to the Automotive and Special Services Union Local No. 461 concerning salaries for Yelm Police Department members. He pointed out changes in the agreement from the previous agreement. Bryant moved and Hadfield seconded a motion to authorize,~the Attorney to approve the agreement as presented with the changes. Attorney Schultz presented an amendment to the 1980 budget to increase the Current Fhnd from $200,714.80 to $205,178e00; an increase of $4,464.00 which includes $1,000.00 for Animal Control, $930.00 for office equipment, including a typewriter and a calculator, and the amount necessary to erover increase in police salaries. Clifton Bryant°moved to adopt Ordinance ~3i it !;~; -i X75 ~ 240, An~~Ordinance amending Town of`Yelm Ordinance # 237 and the Town of Yelm Budget for the calendar year 1980 adopted thereby. Bob Sanders seconded the motion. ~" ~ ' ~ A discussion was held on a resident's complaint of the burning of ,t~ubbish at Gordon's Market. No action taken: _ . Mrs. Mantik discussed the fact that there are no City Limits signs on Cullens Street. No action taken. -; A discussion was held on hazardous~conditons of Park structures. I~ was suggested a letter be written to the Lions Club asking them to ask their intention in regard to the structures, as they are the owners. Insurance coverage on=contents of buildings was discussed. It was suggested that the cost of furniture°and equipment be presented to insurance agent and that he ! then make a proposal.° Discussion of a reconnect charge for customers whose water has be disconnected for non-pay was discussed. It was suggested that the ordinance covering the situation should be followed. ~ ~ z A, letter from Yelm°Businessmen's Association was read. The letter was in protest ! of the 3-tenthsryof one percent B & 0 Tax. ,A report from the Library was read. A~report from Yew Police Department was presented to the members of the Council and the. Mayor. At .9 :30 EM the Mayor called the Council into Executive Session for the purpose of hearingoa report from Marshal Ruddell on increasing his salary. Following his report, the Council passed on a motion by Robert "Sanders, seconded by Cliff Bryant to increase his salary beginning March 1, 1980 to $1,301.00 and to $1,165.00 on July 1, 1980. Council then returned to regular session at which time, there being rio further busi- ness, Council was adjourned at 10:00 PM on a motion by Cliff Bryant and sea~nded by Jerry, Hadfield. j . ~• t Attest Clerk-Treasurer _ ~w~ / z Mayor ~- 6 ~ ,~__ April 9,1980 The regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Yelm was called to order at, 7:30 PM by~Mayor Lora B, Coates with the following Councilmen present: Robert Sanders, David Gillespie, Jerry Hadfield and Clifton Bryant. Arnold Drogseth was absent. Visitors present werei~Ed Lewis, Terry Vandiver, George Harkness, Russ Eide,,Katheri:ne Edwards, Tom Huff, Melanie Craig, Edgar Craig, Wm. Ruddell, Marie Kampfer, ('sorden Kampfer, J.C. Miller, Don Barr, Lola Hadfield, Wilma Donahue, Don Miller, Robert Jansen and Roberta Longmire. - - On a motion by Sanders and seconded by Gillespie, the minutes of the~March 12, 1980 meeting were approved: ,~r; The following vouchers were approved for payment on a motion by Gillespe-and seconded by Hadfield: ~ ' Current: Vou # 5806 - 5865 $11,239.75 Water " 't 1339 -.1344 1,824.38 - ' Streets !' !' 959 - 968 1,865.20 Garbage !' !' 644 - 648 2,837.92 Pat Byrne, Town Engineer was asked to study the proposals for improving the sidewalk condition in front of Wolf's Shoprite and to report to the Council. The Six Year Street plan was read~and discussed. On a motion by~Gillespie, seconded by i3ryant,-the Plan was accepted by the Council~,and_adopted by Resolution No. 143. It was noted that the Plan is`a recommendation and not a commitment. Roberta Longmire asked to adda~ess the Council to ask that certain provisions required by the Town Engineer, on her building plans be removed. On~~a motion by Gillespie, seconded by Hadfield, the Council agreed to let the recommendations of the Town Engineer stand. Gordon Kampfer was called before the Council to explain the improvements made to his market under a variance granted by the `town of Yelm in January, 1980. After discussion, Clifton Bryant moved that Mr. Kampfer be required to take the enclosure out, including doors and anything that made the addition an enclosure, within sixty days or be findd. For-~lack of a second the motion died, It was agreed by the members of the Council that they hed been taken advantage of by Gordon Kampfer, that they, had learned a lesson and this would not - happen again. It is noted that the Council withheld final judgement pending further consideration. .The Clerk was instructed to write a letter'to Mr. KampfereeXpressing their disfavor. - •Ordinance ~ 241 amending the Towncf Yelm Budget for the calendar year 1980 was adopted on a motion by Sanders, seconded by Gillespie. This increases the current fund from '$205,178 to $206,545, an increase of $1,367.00 to cover additional salary for the Town Marshal. - Ordinance #242 relating to the conduct_of various businesses and occupations within the Town of Yelm, providing for and levying a tax or license fee upon certain income derived from~tlie conduct of certain-businesses amending Town of Yelm Ordinance No. 234 as amended by Town of Ye1m Ordinance No. 238, was adopted on a motion by Hadfield, seconded by~Gillespe~ A letter f r6m Attorney Schultz was presented to the Council and explained by him. The letter outlined the procedure for instituting a•municipal court rather than a police court in the Town of Yelm and also the advantages and disadvantages. -• At 9_:15 PM, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing open for consideration of a conditional use permit allowing Fadgar and Melanie Craig to operate a bicycle shs~p on their property located in an R-2 zone. Public hearing was closed and meeting reconvened at 9:25PM. On a motion-by Cliff Bryant,-seconded by Hadfield, the conditional use permit was granted to Edgar and Melanie Craig to operate their bycycle shop~:aat the given location, At 9x30 PM a~public hearing was called to consider the final plat approval of Crystal Court. A letter of approval was read from the Town Engineer. At 9:35PM the meeting was called back into session and on a motion by Cliff Bryant and seconded by Robert Sanders, approval of the final plat was granted to Crystal Court. ~ Tom Huff reported to the council that the Yelm Lion's Club members have repaired some of the structures at the Town Park and have plans for future renovation. Several matters were brought before the Council for discussion. The question of whether or riot Timberland Regional Library should be charged a rental fee for the room they use in City-Hall, wa~s~discussed. A letter is to be written to them by the C~;erk, asking a repre- sentative be present at the May 14 meeting. The question of the Town of Yelm joining Fire District 2 was mentioned and will be referred to the Town Attcrney for an opinion. It was also-noted that the School Security Contract has not been signed. This will also be called to the attention of~the att•orn,~y. The fact that the Town has no ordinance governing the erection of advertising signs was presented and will be referred to the attorney for study. The matter of gasoline for city vehicles was discussed. The price escalation is creating a°~..budget problem. The idea of the Town installing its own storage tank and buying gasoline ~ i1n 177 in bulk was discussed and will be studied for feasability. The library report was presented showing nearly 1300 mare items were circulated this month than one year ago and 500 more than the previous record set last month. The Yelm Police department report was presented to the Council. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:15PM on a motion by Cliff Bryant .and seconded by Jerry~Hadfield. Attest: ~~ Mayor C1er - easurer TOWN OF YELM RESOLUTION N0. 113 WHEREAS, pursuant to the requirements of RCW 35.77.010, the Town of Yelm has adopted a Six-Year Comprehensive Street Program for the Town; and, WHEREAS, by Resolutions duly adopted by the Town Council of the Town of Yelm, the said Six-Year Comprehensive Street.Program has been revised and extended from time to time; and, WHEREliS, the Town of Yelm ha's caused its Six-Year Comprehensive Street Program to be reviewed and a determination of current needs made and it now appears to be in the best interest of the Town to extend and revise the same, as provided in the document annexed hereto; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to notice thereof duly published in the form and manner re- quired by law, the Town Council held a public hearing on the proposed extension and re- vision of its Six-Year-Comprehensive Street Program and no written ar oral objections to the same were received, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council of the prehensive Street Program for the ensuing six years Town of Ye1m that the Six-Year Com- be extended and revised as rovid d in the document annexed hereto, which p e .is by this reference thereto incorporated herein as though fully set forth herein. . I3E IT FURTF~IER RESOLVED that Cl k a copy of this Resolution be filed by the Town er with the Secretary of the State of Washington Department of Transportation. ADOPTED this 9 day of.. April 1980. Mayor ~~ r ~- Attest,= ~~~-'z.~~-=- _ ~'o n Clerk ' 1 May 11~, 1980 ~ ' The regular meeting of the Council of the Town of xelm was called tc order by Mayor Lora B. Coates at ,7:30 PM. Councilmen present were: Drogseth, Sanders, Hadfield, Gillespie and Bryant. Visitors present were George Brown, Juanita Beawer,from Las Vegas, Nevada, Lavina Phillips, Geraldine Gallant, Don Barnard, Bi11 Tru11, Bill Trull Jr., Steven Harriman, Linda Harriman, Harry Lewis, Gary Vallandingham, Bernice Ward, Kathleen Good, William T,. Good, Robert Jansen, Ralph Murphy, Ester Raab,aKay Gifford, Wilma R. Donahue, Cynthia Mayfield, Elisabeth Bachman, Gene Coulter, William Ruddell, Cheryl Eichler, James H. Harding, Louise E. Morrison, Mary Stough, D.L. Henricksen, D.Joy Henricksen, Tim Schlosser and Don Miller. On a motion by Cliff Bryant, seconded were approved. ' The following vouchers were approved Jerry Hadfield: by Bob Sanders the minutes of the April 9,,1980 meeting rr for payment by motion of Cliff Bryant, seconded by Current 5867 - 5942 Water 1315 - 1351 Street 969 - 975 Garbage 619 - 653 $15,225.99 659.87 2,078.29 2,782.49 The first item of business was a report of the problem of the sidewalk in front of Wolf's Shopping Center. The town~engineer.Pat Byrne reported he had written to Mr. YnTolf ask~:ng for recommendations for a solution to the situation. . Mr. Byrne then presented his recommendation that the Council accept the water system of the View. Acres development and agree to furnish water to Susan's First A~idita:on 'if the system is completed in compliance with engineers specifications, as well as to.Short Plat #8006. Mr. Bryant moved that the town accept the water systems as recommended. Motion, seconded by Sanders. Motion carried. NIr. Byrne asked the Council to agree to"furnish water ,to Short P1at.# 8007,which has not been received as yet but is located on the corner of Coates & Edwards Street. Mr. Bryant moved that the Town will furnish water to this Plat. Mr. Hadfield seconded. Motion carried. Mr. Byrne presented the Council with the resolution to accept the 6 year,Street Plan he is presenting the State Dept. of Transpcrtation for the years from 1981 to 1986. ~Mr. Bryant moved that the Down accept this plan by Resolution # 1!~l~. Motion seconded by Gillespie. Motion carried.~.• The Engineer reported on the problem of the leak in the Town water tank. He showed pictures of an elbow removed from"the pipe which showed,a crack in the -elbow, He 'skid Mr. W.B. Davis is in process of replacing this elbow as well as anchoring of the 45 bends in the pipe. •~ .. Mr. Hadfield moved to secure an opinion from a second engineering form as he feels the City shouldn't have to foot any of the bill. Mr. Byte stated he should qualify what opinion he wants, legal opinion on the contract; an opinion on the design as the bid called for AWWA Standard specifications;.or bn the inspection. At this point, Mr. Gillespie seconded the motion.Mr. Gillespie, Sanders and Hadfield voted"yes". Mr. Bryant and P9r. Drogseth voted "No". After some discussion~as to. opinions wafted, what caused breakage, defect or improper installation and an exzplanation of the phases of the building handled by separate contractors it was determined that because there is an itemized documentation of the problem on file along with the pictures shown, another engineer's opinion is not needed at this time and Mr. Hadfielc withdrew his motion. The Attorney, Ted Schultz reported that the contract utith the school had been approved and had been given back to the school for signature. He also reported that the Union contract governing the police salaries has not been signed but should be finalized in the near future. Dr. Ralph Murphy, Project Planner, Thurston Regional Planning Council presented some informatic to the Council on the eligibility of the Town to contract with the Regional Planning Council to have a Project Analysis on Growth and the impact of such growth caused by the WPPS plant at Satsop. On a motion by Mr. Sanders, seconded by Mr. Hadfield, Dr. Murphy was asked to study the Yelm area to determine if the Town is indeed eligible for a grant to alleviate problems caused by such growth. Mrs: Lou"se Morrison was then asked to explain the financial structure of the Timberland Regional Library in order to clarify the expenses which are being paid by the Town. After a very clear and informative presentation, no action was taken to change the contract which has been in effect since 1970. Mayor Lora B. Coates then presented a book to be used by patrons of the Library which was a gift tq the, Town. Puget Sound Power & Light Company presented the book, Peter Puget, written by Robert C. Wing with Gordon Newell. Elizabeth Bachman, Acting Librarian for the Yelm Branch of Timberland Library read her report for the month of April, including the fact that l~18l~ items had been checked out by 766 patron; This is 1300 more~"than one year ago, and 110 more people. ~~ ~7~ Mr. Bill Trull then stated to the~Council that he is opposed tc the B & 0 Tax that has been imposed. He al so~asked that the Town place a moratorium on low income housing being built in the Town and lift the ban on mobile homes. Mr. Gene Coulter requested that the Council call a Special Meeting to hear the business- men's views on the B & 0 Tax. After some discussion and expressions of objection tc the tax~by Harry Lewis,.Lavina Phillips, Roberta Longmire and Gene Coulter, it was moved by . Mr. Gillespie andDseconded by Mr. Sanders to recess this meeting until 7:30 PM on May 28, 1980`tb continue the discussion and allow the business people ,to=meet~.and find an alter- native~means for gaining funds for the Town. Mr. Good of Good-Ward Corporation presented the Town of Yelm with the water system which has been installed in~View Acres: The cost of the water system was approximately $65,000.0 Attorney Schultz explained the easements-in the contract explaining that Bonneville has agreed to an easement with the Town as well as Good-Ward Corporation, The engineer will furnish the as=built drawings to. be placed in the file. On a motion by Gillespie, seconded by Sanders, the Town accepted this water system. On motion by Mr.~•Hadfield, seconded by Mr. Gillespie, Don Barnard was authorized to purchase a case of safety cones. On motion by~Mr. Hadfield, seconded by Mr. Sanders, Mr. Ruddell, Chief of Police, was authorized to affix the Seal of the Town of Yelm to some certificates of appreciation he will be presenting.. , _ _ Don Barnard was ,assured that the Council had previously agreed that he should purchase flow-test equipment for testing the water hydrants. Mr. Hadfield mentioned the fuel tank for the Town and noted that Don Barnard had offered a 1000 gallon tank to the Town for half price. No action taken. . . On a motion by Sanders, seconded by Hadfield, the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 to May 28, 1980. ,.- ~r„~ ~wlf ~~,Clerk `~`~ ~ `~° ' Attest Mayor May 28, 1980 Dave Gillespie Bob Sanders was appointed Mayor Pro Tem in the absence of Mayor Coates. Motion Bryant, sec The adjourned meeting of the Council of the Town of Ye7,m was called to order at 7:30 PM. , Councilmen present were Arnold Drogseth, David Gillespie and Cliff Bryant, Jerry Hadfield was absent. _ _ , Visitors present whc signed register were Gary Vallandingham, George Cowles, Gene Coulter, J.C. Mi11er,~Harry Lewis, James Harding, Harry Hutnik, John Carpenter, Wm, Ruddell, Don Barnard, Pat Byrne,,. Wilma Donahue; Elizabeth Slopak, Jim S]:opak, Dan,Bezon D.C., Scharff ~~' Sayko, George Coulter, Cheryl M. Edman, Rita Hutchison, Ann Zembas, Bob Wolf, Dave Miller, ~ _ Bill Trull, Richard Fox, Tom Hulbert,-Jean James, I,avina Phillips, Tim Schlosser, Bill Newcomer, Marilyn Sweeney, Gordon K~ampfer, Lyle 'racy, W.N. Elledge, Joy Hendrickson. t Mr. Fox, Postmaster spoke to the Council requesting that 3rd St, from Yelm Avenue to the alley~be designated as Post Office Parking limited to 15 minutes. He also mentioned the ( possiblity of moving the snorkel box to the Main Highway and making parking space of that area: He~also queatibned whether or not he could have space in front of the Post Office on Yelm Ave designated as 15 minute Post Office parking. the Council decided to take this under advisement and take action at; the next regular council meeting. f ' Mr. Bi11 Newcomer requested that the Fire and Police De artments be ranted sponsor a circus in the `Pawn ark on Jul p g permission to P y 3. He explained that there would be 2 shows and that the circus would load~up and .be on their way after the second show. He also explained they would `clean the park of any debris. Bryant moved to grant permission, seconded by,`llrogseth. Hal Wolf then su;gested it would have been proper to refer this to the Yel.m`Park,Board for, review and approval. Mr. Bryant amended his motion to turn the matter over to, the Park Board with the Town Council agreeing with their decision. Motion carried, ~ , Pat Byrne, Town Engineer; was asked what developments have occurred in repairing the water tank and that if any consideration'had,been taken to changing the drain=pipe to the side of the tank. Mr. Byrne explained the reason for the location of the pipe and after a complete' explanation of the reason, recommended that the pipe and tank be repaired and left the same as the original specifications. On maticn by Drogseth, seconded by Bryant, the Council asked that tYie tank be repaired and put back together the way it was originally. Hal Wolf, Wolf's Shoprite, then addressed the Council as spokesman for the business people of the Town. He apologized for the lack of interest and participation when they were asked to come,before,the Council to discuss the .Business & !?ecupation Tax when the Council invited them to do so. He thanked the Council for their invitation to the business men to come' before them to discuss an,alternative;`'measure for raising funds and a means of cutting Town expenses. Mx Wolf called upon several business people to express their views.regard- + ing the tax. ~~~ John McNamara, M.D. explained that all his expenses had risen since opening hi sr office in Yelm and that his business tax had increased 300 ~ and felt this was exhorbitant~« ' Gene Coulter, Yelm National Auto Parts suggested that he felt the engineering costs to the City over the past few years iaere excessive and that perhaps this would be an area the Town eculd review and cut costs. , Jerry Miller, I~Ianager,Bank of Olympia, stated the bank is~not against the B & 0 Tax but felt that the .003 had been imposed retroactively and should be adjusted. He also mentioned that this is a higher tax than some other towns impose and~tha;t it would tend to keep business from coming into town. ~He said he had talked to-two pecple who were debating on beginning business here for this reason. Hal Wolf felt it was unfair for the businesses in Town to be obligated~to.~pay this~tax and compete with business in the County whexe no tax is imposed. . Randall Walker, Attorney, then explained thy,legal ramifications he felt needed to be reviewed in the Ordinances which imposed the tax. His explanation was involved in legal language and he was asked to wait until the Town Attorney arrived to discuss his questions with him. Gary;~~rVallandingham, Manager of Jayhawks asked why the Council decided they needed the greater tax when~the .001 would have raised more than the $18,000.00 he understood was the amount neede to balance the budget. ~ ~ ' George Cowles, Yelm Garage, stated he felt it unfair for all the burden to be placed on the businessmen, that it should be shared by all citizens of the Town, andVthat the utilities should be taxed at a higher rate. '. Hal Wolf then suggested that the Council consider reducing-~~the tax to .00075. Tom Hulbert of Hulco, stated thaty they were contemplating expanding their Yelm business but were reconsidering now that this tax is effecctive« :~ Randall Walker then completed his explanation of why he felt the tax was not legally imposed by the ordinances as written. _ .; A member of the audience then queried why the City did not apply for government grants. Mr. Byrne explained that they were riot as easy`to acquire as they seemed to be but that the Town has applied~`'for Urban Arterial Street. Funds. Tim Larsen, Tim's Pharmacy & Gift Shop said he didn~t mind the A01 but felt if the Town needed more,,thezcollection should be made e~iaitable. Mr. Bryant asked him how it could be :done. Mr. Larsen felt the utility tax shm.uld be increased, Mr. Schultz; Town Attorney then explained the reason that «003 would not be imposed the first quarter of 1980 and that anyone who has paid their tax at this rate will be credited on the return for the second quarter. The first quarter will remain at .001. e Mr. Wolf ,then offered to meet with the Council at their ,convenience to discuss the B&0 Tax and the budget. ~ _ _.. Mr. Schultz asked that the Council notify him in advance of the next meeting of the changes they would make so he can prepare an ordinance, The'~(ouncil decided to~take the matter under advisement and consider it again next Council meeting. Mr. Schultz suggested a committee of Council members and business people°be appointed and meet prior to the'next meeting of the Council, ' Roberta Longmire then requested that the Council arrange to have a traffic light installed at Ye 1m~Avenue and 3rd Street, It was suggested a letter be written to the State Department of Transportation making this request. ~ ' Mr. ~3ryant moved that arty overpayments collected by virtue of the error in not changing the first quarter form to read .003 be credited on the next quarter's tax return. Motion passed on second by David Gillespie. . Mr. Ruddell, Town 14Tarshal then asked if 'he could use the $201.00 in the ~.klnergency Services fund to repair the civil defense radio in the police department. Mr. Gillespie•moved that he get an estimate on the cost to repair 'it and report to the Council. I'~Idtion~passed any second by Bryant. Arnold Drogseth voted against the motion. a Don t3arnard, Street-Superintendent asked the Coun~sl if he should go ahead with street repairs as listed in 6 year street plan. He was told to go ahead. ' On a'motion by Mr. Bryant, seconded by Mr.•Gillespie, the meeting adjourned at 9:l~0 PM. Attest y i e, er - reasurer J Robert4Sanders, Mayor,Protempore '.,~~ 1~~ TOWN DF YELM RESOLUTION N0.'- ~ 1l~1~` w - WHEREAS, pursuant to the requirements of RCW 35.77.010, the Town of Yelm has adopted a Six-Year Comprehensive Street Program for the Town; and, , - ' -_ WHEREAS, b"y F~esolutions duly adopted by the Town Council of the Town of Yelm, the said Six-Year"Comprehensive Street Program has been revised and extended from time to~time; and, WHEREAS, the Town of Yelm has caused its Six-Year Comprehensive Street Program to be reviewed and a determination of current needs made and it now appears to be in i the best interest of the Town to extend and revise the same, as proveded in the document annexed hereto; and, WHEREAS,~pursuant to notice thereof duly published in the form and manner required, by law, the Town Council held a public hearing on the proposed extension and revision:of its Six-Year Comprehensive Street Program and no written or oral ~, objections to the same were received, NOW; THEREFORE; - BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council of the Town cf Yelm that the Six-Year Comprehensive Street ,Program for the ensuing six years be extended and revised as provided in~theµdocument annexed hereto; which is by this reference thereto incorporated herein as though fully set forth herein. t3E IT ~IRTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be filed by the Town Clerk with, the Secretary of the State of Washington Department of Transportation;,, ADOPTED this 1!~'~ day of May 1980. ~.~` Mayor Attest : ~~ `~ '% ~ ~~ ,~ j wn Clerk f 6 ~2 June 11, 1980 The regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Yelm was called to order by Mayor Coates at 7:30 PM. The Councilmen present were Cliff Brgrant, Jerry Hadfield and Boob Sanders. Ahsent were Councilmen Arnold Drogseth and David Gillespie. Visitors present were Deloris F. Sanders and Robert G. Olson. The minutes of the May 14th, and continued meeting of T~Iay 28th, 1980 were. read and approved on a motion by Bob Sanders and seconded by Cliff i3ryant. TYie following vouchers were approved for payment on a motion by Cliff Bryant and seconded by Jerry Hadfield: ~~ ' General 5943 thru 6011 ~ $19,065.11 tiaater 135 " 1360 773.11 Street 976 '! 988 3,787.46 . ' Garbage 65l~ !~` 662 3,350.7 . On a motion by Cliff Bryant and seconded by Jerry Hadfield, a contract~to paint the exterior trim on the City Ha11 was granted.to :4rt Badillo, The total estimated cost ist;$l~,85.00. Pir. Robert~Olson of Quality Auto Repair asked the Council to approve a cash refund of overpayment of his lst quarter Business and, Occupation tax. After discussion•of the matter, no action was taken. I~ieeting was adjourned at 7:10 PM on a motion by Cliff Bryant, seconded by Bob Sanders. _ r Attest: ~ //, -2'~ Y- ~ yor ler -Treasurer 1$~ July 9, 1980 The regular meeting of the Council of'the Town of Yelm was called to order by Mayor Lora B. Coates at 7:30 PM':: Council members present were Arnold Drogseth, Robert Sanders , Jerry Hadfield, David Gillespie and Clifton Bryant. Guests present were Alan Martin, Richard E. :Erwin, Cable TV Puget Sound, Tacoma, wash.; Florin D. Baldridge, Cable TV E?uget~Sound Tacoma; Al Williams, Thurston County Public Works Dept; Del Pettit, Thurston County "ommissionert; Walter Mopps, Karen Fraser, Mayor, Lacey, Washington and County Commissioner Candidate; Gil Cloran, Yelm Lions; Don Barnard, Town of Yelm Utilities; Pat Byrne, `j~own Engineer; J.T. Wilcox, Yelm F.F.A.; Richard K. Fox Sr., Postmaster; Shirley Byrne; Gary Vallandingham; Jayhawks, Inc.; Fred Van Camp, Teamsters 161; Tim Schlosser, Mosman Agency; Randall Walker; Dr. Nutter, Supt. of Schools. On a motion by Jerry Hadfield, seconded by Arnold Drogseth, the minutes of the June 11, 1980 meeting were approved. On a motion by Robert Sanders, seconded by Jerry Hadfield, the following vouchers were approved for payment: Current Vou # 6012 - 6081 $ 15,213.74 Water 1361 - 1374 5,315.17 Street " 989 - 991 ~ 393.02 .Garbage ~ " 663 2,249.51 Al Williams, Director Thurston County Public Works Department spoke to the Council concerning the shop and land owned by the County in the Town of Yelm that is under con- sideration to be declared surplus. the Council members indicated that at such time the property would be declared surplus the Town would be interested in considering purchasing said property for the town. Walter Mopps, retired building inspector for Thurston -County presented the Council with a proposal to act as Town, of Yelm ."ruilding Inspector with a 50-50 split of the `fees collected, less administration costs. The council showed approval and suggestion is to be acted on at August meeting. Mr. Pettit vouched for Mr. Mopps credibility as building inspector during time he was with the Colznty. Mr. Mopps also suggested the town should adopt a fire code. Karen Fraser then addressed the Council concerning her campaign to be elected County Commissioner to replace Del Pettit who has not indicated he will seek reelection.. Mr. Richard E. Erwin, Cable T.V. Puget Sound talked to the Council about plans to bring Cable T.V. into the area in the near future. Mr Gil Cloran presented Nlayor Coates with a Prairie Drys Button #100 as a gift from the Lion's Club. J.T.Wilcox, FFA member of Yelm High School asked the Council for permission to house animals at the School. He was requested to submit a letter outlining all the details of their intentions to the Council at which time they would take the request under con- sideration. Ted Schultz, Attorney fur the Towti of helm advised that the School Contract has not been returned to him. It was mentioned that there is the possibility the Security Contract will not be renewed. Mr. Ritddell and Mr. Hadfield were appointee tc discuss the matter with the school authorities. k'hen questioned regarding the School Security Contract, Dr. Nutter 'mentioned that the school was deliberating on whether or not to renew the con- tract for next term. The Agreement with the Union Local 461 was presented to the Council with all items in agreement except that portion of the schedule of compensation referring to the amount of increase to be granted for 1981 and 1982. Mr. Van Camp understood the intent to be 8;~ plus 90;$ of the cost of living increase between September 30 and September 30 of the preceding year of the portion over 8~. Mr. Schultz intent was 8~ or 90$ of the cost of living increase for that period, whichever was greater. On a motion by Mr. Bryant, seconded by Mr. Drogseth, the town accepted the agreement between the down of Yelm and the Teamster's Union as origirnally.;~written by Mr. Schultz, i.e. 8~ or 90~ of the con- sumer price index. P~Ir. Fox, Postmaster of the Town of Yelm again requested the Council to consider 15 minute parking on `j~hird Street along the area formerly occupied by the UCBO. He also asked for permission to relocate the snorkel mail box to another location onaa street in Yelm. The Council will further study the situation and act upon this request at the August meet- ing. . ~ ~4 Pat Byrne discussed the problem of the sidewalk in front of Wolf's Shopping Center. He suggested getting copies of the accident reports regarding the claims made against the Town by people~wwho fell at this location. It was suggested the Attorney contact the Insurance carrier to obtain these reports. After;~Mr:~tr~_,Byrr~e~°recei#re~oths information, he will determine the best solution to remodeling the sidewalk to prevent further accidents. It was reported by=Don Barnard that the water tank is fully repaired with the only thing remaining to complete the project is filling in where the leak created .muddy section which should be filled with gravel. The Engineer.:~reported on safety ladders for the water tank. First was a ladder com- pletely replacing existing facilities with safety approved landings and cages @$9,000.00, Second was a straight cage which is nc~t approved' by OSHA and would require a variance at a cost of $3,750.00. r~'hird was a safety climb which is a steel wire that would pare11e1 the existing ladder, and would require a variance, at a cost of $1,220.00. .Bryant moved to purchase a safety climb after applying for the variance. Motion passed on second from Gillespie. On motion by Arnold Drogseth, seconded by Robert Sanders, the Council voted to extend the water system to Susan's First Addition. On motion by Clif Bunt, seconded by Jerry Hadfield, the Council voted to extend the Town water system to Mr. lntilder's plat at Railway and Middle Rd. 't'hey noted there would be special consideration taken due to tYie fact that one side of the road is an industrial area and there are 12" lines there. Pat Byrne asked about the request for traffic control light at 3rd and lelm Avenueo A letter was read from the State Highway Department, explaining they had taken a study and determined that this location did not qualify for a light at this time. There was a discussion of the location of the traffic speed signs at and near city limits on west end of Town.. Don Barnard was to coordinate with the State Highway Department to have the signs relocated at proper locations. > Robert Sanders moved and Mr. Bryant seconded a motion to include McKenzie Court and Washin-,ton Court Streets in the same work programs as all other city streets. There was a discussion on the need to update city maps. Nc action taken. A request was noted from a citizen regarding a street light and street name 'sign on Thurston Court. The Engineer will be contacted to determine if tYiis is the responsibility of the `own or the developer. a ~ . There was a discussion of the Business and Occupation tax. 1~?o action taken at this time. There will be a committee meeting prior to the next Council meeting~at which~a recommendatior• for tax rate change will be determined. Don Barnard, Street and Water Superintendent presented a report to the Council and suggested some items which are in immediate need. On a motion by Sanders, seconded by Gillespie, Don was authorized to purchase a meter far the town pump; to pull the pump to determine if impellors are in need of replacement; a tire and spring for the truck. The library report was presented by Elizabeth Bachman. Marshall Ruddell presented his police report to the Mayor. Gn a motion by Clifton Bryant, seconded by David Gillespie, the°meeting adjourned at 12::05 AM . ~~ yor Attest:: ~= ~' C~' '~~ Y Cl - Treasurer ~•- - P 1 August 13, 198 The regular meeting of the Council of the Towtl of Yelm was called to order by Mayor Lora S.~Coates at`7:30 P1~~I. Council=members present were Arnold Drogseth, Jerry Hadfield, David Gillespie and Clifton Bryant. Robert Sanders was absent. Guests present were Juanita Beaver, Wayne McC~rten, Rod McCarten, David Baker, Jeff McCarten, Lawrence E. Bensen, B.S.A., Town Engineer; YJillam Ruddell, Town Marshal, Richard Fox, Yelm Post- master; Hl~sie Sherman, Myles Duffy , Lonnie Covin, 'Bob Sherman, Randall R. Walker, Gene Coulter, David Miller, Alan J. Martin, Garye~Vallandingham, hobert Jansen, Wilma Donahue, David ~%. Monson, Stan Fisk and Ted Schultz, `town Attorney. Minutes of the July 9, 1980 meeting of the 'town Council were approved on a motion by Clifton Bryant, seconded by Arnold Drogseth. The vouchers, presented for payment were approved on a motion by Clifton Bryant, seconded by David Gillespie: Current Vou ~ 6082 - 61l~9 $1.5,078.621%,,~~~~ ;~`~ ~,~~_,z~ ,__ Water " 1375 - 1387 1,640.09 Street !' 992 - 1000 356.75 Garbage '! 664 2,269.51 The Mayor welcomed the guests present who were attending to earn merits toward a Boy Scout Badge ' Robert Sherman addressed the Council with a''~proposition for the town to participate in a Hydropower Project at the Howard Hanson Dam on the Green River. He indicated that if the. Town acted in favor, it could mean substantial monetary gain. It was suggested that all information be handed to the Town Attorney for study and that when he was pre- pared•to present an opinion, the Council would take action. Mr. P'lopps, who has submitted his application to serve as Building Inspector for the Town of Yelm, discussed the setting. up of a Building Department. A committee of Clifton .Bryant, Arnold`Dorgseth and Mayor Coates will meet with Mr. Mopps to formulate details of Building Code and contract on Saturday, August 23 at 9:30 AM. Their recommendations will be .presented to the council at the September 10, meeting. A letter from the Ye1m/Rainier F.F.A.. Alumni Association was read c,oricerning the build- ing of a Vocational Agricultural Barn to house animals at the Yelm High School. The Clerk was asked to write a letter requesting further information on the location of the building and whether or not the animals would be there permanently, ,,particularly during the summer. Mr. Fox, Postmaster, told the Council he will move the snorkel mailbox to the edge of Third Street at the spot directly across from the alley between Yelm Avenue and Washington - Streets. He mentioned that the island the box sits:~on will be removed and diagonal park- ing will be allowed there. He also asked that "15 Minute Parking" signs be placed along Third Street between Yelm Avenue and the above mentioned alley. Clifton Bryant moved and David Gillespie seconded to place 15 Minute Parking signs at this location. Motion carried. Mr. Hadfield moved to post "Entrance Only" signs to the Post Office parking lot off Yelm Avenue and have the exit onto Third Street and at the same time, make an "Entrance Only" into Cordon's Market parking lot from Ye1m Avenue and "Exit Only" through the alley behind the T`~arket. Mr. Gillespie seconded the motion. Motion passed with all voting aye except Arnold Dargseth who opposed. The Mayor reported that a meeting was held on August 7, with Dr. Nutter of the School District; T~Zarshal F,uddell; the Clerk; Joel Green, Attorney; and herself to discuss the School Security Contract renewal. After some discussion, it was agreed to not renew in light of the fact the school is required to cut its budget for next term by some $120,000. On a motion by Clif Bryant, seconded by David Gillespie the clerk was asked to contact Puget Power and order a street light be installed at Thurston Court. Following some discussion of changes in the Business and Occupation Tax Ordinance, it was moved by Clif Bryant and seconded by David Gillespie to lower the General Business to 2 tenths of one percent (.002) and raise the Utilities Tax to four percent (.04). 'Motion carried This will be covered in Ordinance ;~ 2l~3. On a motion by Mr. Bryant, seconded by Hadfield, the Council moved tc allow the Clerk to attend a Budget Workshop in Seattle on September 5, 1980 paying registration, meals and mileage. Correspondence was read from a resident requesting special parking privileges for a wedding party. Attorney suggested this was administrative matter to be handled by the Mayor and Marshal. Another letter was read concerning an unimproved street that is now being used and causing hardship because of dust problems. It was suggested that plans for improving street be considered in 1981 budget, A letter was read from R & S Factory Out- let regarding garbage pickup. It was determined that the ordinance covering garbage pick- up requires each person or business to subscribe to and pay for such service. ~lhe Clerk . was asked to write a letter explaining this to the customer. , ~~ After some discussion on a question presented by a resident cf the Town, it was decided that garage and yard sale licensing was covered in the B and 0 tax ordinance and that future sales within the Town of Yelm will be licensed. A permit must-be obtained from the Clerk at the City Hall with a fee of X5.00. . The Engineer presented two short plats for consideration by the Council, the Dave riiller Short Plat #8006 and the Nancy Marchand Short Plat # 8007. Mr. Drogseth,moved to approve the plats with a second by Mr. Hadfield. Motion carried. .' ' Copies of the Police Report were handed to the Council members for their perusal. The Mayor called upon the Marshal to report on some special activities of the Department during the past weeks. He reported a case that uncovered several burglaries, including auto theft•and a murder. He stated his men had worked 7 days a week, 20 hours a day. Mr. D-rogseth asked the Council if they would consider selling the mower attachment to the grader. After some discussion, .the matter was dropped. A report by the Street and Water Superintendent was presented. The Library report was read. It was indicated the records of patransschecking out items arE being surpassed each month. Arnold Drogseth asked about a piece of property by Lutheran Church for use as a parking lot if berries and rocks were cleaned from it. He was given the 0. :., provided he determinE ownership of the property and receive permission. There being-no,further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:55 PM on°a motion by Gillespie and seconded by Bryant. Attest: t~..~ ~ rk-Treasurer ~t~1,~~ • , ,. "1 ~1 1~7 September 10, 1980 The regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Yelm was called to order by Mayor Coates at 7:30 PM. Councilmembers present were Robert Sanders, David Gillespie, Jerry Hadfield and C1if Bryant. Councilman Arnold.Drogseth was absent. Visitors present were: George Brown, Elsie Sherman,, Bernice Ward, Bi11 Good, Joyce Good; Win. H. Ruddell, Jerrilee Petersen, Lawrence E. Benson, B.S.A., and Don Miller. Kip Stiltz acted as legal advisor in the absence of Ted Schultz. The minutes of the August 13, 1980 meeting were approved on a motion by Robert Sanders, seconded by Jerry Hadfield. The following vouchers were approved for payment°on a motion by Clif Bryant; seconded by Bob Sanders: ~~'" ~ Current Vou ,'~ 6150-6219 $18,133.78 Water ~~ 1388-1l~03 4, 569.58' Garbage " 665-666 2,l~07.84 Street '~ 1001-1002 201.38 s ' The letter from Le May Enterprises, Inc. concerning a request to raise the rates far collecting and disposal of waste materials in the `town of Yelm was refer>red to the attorney far action. ' On a motion by Clif Bryant, seconded by Jerry Hadfield, Resolution 1l~5 was adopted. This resolution terminates the agreement between the Town and the County of Thurston relating to building inspection. As of January 1, 1981, the down will contract its own inspector and enforce the building codes. The clerk was instructed to notify the County of the decision and the attorney was asked to write an ordinance covering the building codes and to w rite a contract agreement to be presented to Mr. Walter Mopps. The attorney stated that the research on the viability of the proposition of the Pacific Hydro, Inc. has not been completed. Mrs. Sherman mentioned 'that time is of the essence and an answer must be forthcoming or another town may accept the offer. On a motion by Jerry Hadfield, seconded by David Gillespie, it was decided to accept the offer if the attorney so recommends. . The Clerk was asked to relay the message to the Post Office Department that the responsibility of removing the island and light standard at Third Street side of Post Office is their responsibility and that the street must be rebuilt in conformance with the standards'of the town municipal code. A report was given on the request for street lighting at Thurston Court. As no. poles are erected at present, the cost of installation would be approximately 1500 dollars. Mr. Gillespie will report to the residents that the town is not able~to install the light at this time and perhaps they can arrive at a solution among themselves. Mr. Good of Good-Ward Corp. presented the Council with a r-equest for a Latecomer m, Agreement concerning the water system at View Acres. The town engineer and attorney will study the request and make a recommendation to the Council at a future meeting. Jerrilee Petersen, candidate for County Calnmissioner addressed ;~~he Council and visitor; stating her reasons for seeking the office and answering questions from the group. In reply to a request by the Council concerning details of the Vocational Agricultural Department of the High School it was noted that animals would not be permanently housed on the site. The Clerk was asked to call a public hearing on date of the next Council meeting regarding the conditional use if the school will agree to a five day limit for housing animals and the fee for such permit is paid. The Clerk reported to the Council on the Budget Preparation Workshop she attended on September 5, 1980. It was reported by the Water/Street Superintendent that the roof on the shed at the water tower is in need of repair. The Clerk was requested to contact Mr. Lavallee for a bid . The Mayor reported on a meeting with County and local officials concerning 911. The Town has taken the option of not joining the system. ~~ A letter from the 'l~hurston County Department of Public Works advising there are no SOS funds to allot to the Town for improvement of First Street at this time as read to the Council by the Mayor. The engineer asked the Council to consider allocating funds to drill a test well on the Casavant property. The matter was tabled. The Mayor read a letter from Cable TV stating that they are optimistic about bringing their service to Ye1m in the near future. Information received by the Mayor form the Dept. of Transportation stating that it is not feasible to construct the SR 507-Olympia Bypass in the foreseeable future, and it will necessitate disposal of the r-fight of way segments was relayed to-the Council. ~~~ The question of the sidewalk at Wolf's Shopping Center was discussed. The engineer pre- sented a drawing of recommended improvement along with cost of such change. The attorney was asked to determine if it is indeed the Town's responsibility to bear the cost of the improvement or if it is Wolf's responsikAl.ity. Also, he was asked to discuss the plan for change in the sidewalk with Hal Wolf. If the town is responsible,•the Council would like to transfer monies°from the Fire Reserve Fund_to cover the cost. The Council. asked that the Clerk call a special meeting in two weeks to act on the sidewalk question. Bill Ruddell reported that a steel toilet has been installed in the jail in an effort to halt the need to replace broken ones each time they house a prisoner. He also reported that he has been conferring with Olympia and they will house our misdemeanor inmates for $11.50 per day in 1980 and $12.50 in 1;81. At the present time Thurston County is charging $15.99 per day. He also asked that he be allowed to purchase a typewriter and filing cabinet for the Police Department. ;The consensus of ,the Council was that ~,:x~°p. ~?~:, this was a viable request. NIr. Ruddell then mentioned he has had discussions with Cal Jordan concerning a HUD gran"t for a new fire hall- police department building for the Town. Mayor Coates appointed Mr. Ruddell as the Town representative to a HUD program in Centralia on September 17th.' There was a short discussion on the fact that it is now allowable for towns to join fire stations. ° Meeting was adjourned at 10:35 PM on a motion by Clif Bryant, seconded•by Bob Sanders. . ~'~ .v G Ma or Attest: ° ,~~,Gi. ~ ~ :~-~ _ - --- Cle t-Treasurer ° Special Meeting- September 21~, 1980 The Special meeting was called to order at 8:00 PM by T~Iayor Coates. Councilmen present were Jerry Hadfield, David Gillespie and Robert Sanders. Those absent were Arnold Drogseth and Clifton Bryant. Guests presenii were William Ruddell, Elsie Shermar. Robert Sherman, Don Miller and Town Attorney Ted Schultz. The Attorney presented a letter of opinion on the proposal of Pacific Hydro,~Inc.. After some explanation and discussion, Robert Sanders moved to adopt Resolution ido. 1l~6, an invite ion to the town of Yelm to participate with Pacific Hydro, Inc. in the development and sale of electric power of renewable resources for the purpose of generating additional a revenue for the Town to fund other necessary and proper municipal functions. On second by Jerry Hadfield, the motion was adopted. The proposal of LeMay Enterprises, Inc. to increase the rates for collecting waste material; in the Town of Yelm was discussed. It was decided that the members of the Council would study the proposal and determine what increase would be necessary to charge the customers of the Town to cower the costs involved. It was also suggested that the ZeNiay Enterprises be approached with the idea of adjusting the rates to lower the increase. The matter will be taken up again at the regular meeting on October 8, 1980. A On the matter of the sidewalk in frcnt of Wolf's Shopping Center, the attcrney referred to RCW 3~5~70 and 35:68 concerning the responsibility of the Town in this matter. After some discussion on responsibility of cost and need for timely completion of the project, the Attor-ney stated will meet with Mr. Wolf shortly and will bring the re°sults of the meet- ing to the Council on October 8, 1980. The meeting adjourned at 9:'10 PM on a motion by Robert anders, seccnded by Jerry Hadfield. /,/ ~"~C/ ` /, ~ J ~~ 1~~~ May-r ~~ Attest : ° ° ~~ -~ ~ _ e Treasurer. ~' ~~ October 8, 1y80 The regular-~ Meeting= of -the Council- of the Town of Yelm was, called to order at 7:30 PM by ivlayor Cdates;®- - Councilmembers pr-went were .Arnold Drogseth, Robert"•'Sariders, -Jerry Hadfie"~:d 4and.- Laavid-Gillespie. ,_ Clifton.t3ryant.ryas =absent: ' Visitors- present- were James Anderson, ~.Ma~ty'Anderscin, Maurice Knight', Jerry Hendricks.,^Craig Olson, Hollis Sweeney, Robert- Janse~nj Sandy Strauss; S,awrerice E. Berisori-, B<S.A.., t3ob and Elsi"e~~:Sherman; Don Barnard,-;Dan ~rfia.ller, Bill Ruddell~' and Ted Schultz. ~ -- ~:, The following~vo~lchers were approved for payment on a motion by Drogseth and seconded by Sanders Current Vou # 6221 - 6283 $13,113.97 _ water 1104 - li~o9 1,128.18 Garbage 667 - 671 2,951.57 Streets 1003 - 1011 6,472.90 On a motion by Sanders, seconded by Hadfield, the minutes of the September 10 and September 21~, 1980 meetings were approved. Gerald M. Hendricks, Deputy Director of Public Works of Thurston County, spoke to the Council regarding the new Solid Waste Management Plan and asked that the Council adopt a resolution approving the newly revised plan. `j'he matter was to be presented to the Attorney for study. There was discussion of the fact that ti+Ietherbee Roofing had completed reroofing the buildings at the pump at a cost of X1,050.00. David Gillespie moved to participate in further applications for permits for Hydro- Electric Projects w~.thin the State of Washington, giving the Mayor power to sign the necessary papers by adopting Resolution number 147. ~j'he motion was seconded by Jerry Hadfield. Resolution 1?~7 was adopted with Sanders, Hadfield and Gillespie voting in favor and Drogseth opposing. James Anderson addressed the Council as the Contractor for Stop Inn, regarding the en- largement of their business. After some discussion, itk'was determined that it would be necessary to apply for a parking variance and a public hearing was to be called for 7:30 PM on October 22, 1980 at a continued meeting of the October 8, 1980 meeting., On a motion by David Gillespie, seconded by Jerry Hadfield, the policy was established that all requests for agenda items must be recei ved by the Town Clerk in writing one week before the scheduled Council meetings. This will enable the Clerk to submit the agenda to the members of the Council along with the minutes of the previous meetings for their perusal prior to each meeting. The Mayor read a "thank you" note from the Yelm High School Leadership class for allowing them to have the homecoming para~d and bonfire. The Library reports for September and Agust were read indicating that circulation continues to be high and that Nancy Snyder, Librarian is presenting programs for children of all ages as well as adults. The garbage collection contract was discussed with the conclusion that the Attorney will attempt to have some charges reduced and the Council members will determine the amount to add to LeMay Enterprises costs to Town of Yelm customers to cover the ad- ministrative expenses. Don Barnard, Street and Water Superintendent remined the Council that everyone shculd~. be aware that all garbage should be in standard containers with lids. The Thurston Human Services Department Contract was discussed but it was determined no action would be taken until a definite monetary figure was determined. The Clerk was asked to correspond with the Department in this regard. Larry Benison, Engineer, advised the Council that the Campbell Iverson Short Plat was being held because of roadway access problems. The requests for .down of Yelm Water Extension to the Nisqually Realty and Kitchen Plats were approved on a motion by Mr. Sanders and seconded by Mr. Hadfield. Larry Benson advised the Council of the dangers of chlorine leaks and suggested that the town purchase gas masks to protect the employees. On a motion by Sanders and seconded by Gillespie, it was determined prices for the masks be obtained from at least two companies. - The Clerk was akked to write to Mr. Wolf, advising him that the matter of the sidewalk at Wolf's Shopping Center would be acted upon at the October 22, 1980 meeting. The resolution concerning housing Yelm prisoners in the Olympia jail was tabled until the Town of Olympia notifies the Town of Yelm of the actual charge which will be proposed for 1981. , 9 n The matter of the request for a Latecomer Agreement from Good-LJard Corporation. was referred to the Engineer and the Attorney for the purpose of gathering more information from the Corporation before action can 'oe taken.. _ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~- . The~Attorney notified the Council that because of the increased work load, it will~fbe necessary to as_k that the retainer be' raised to X1,050.00 for the year 1981. This will be forthcoming in a letter. ~ - Don Barnard, Street Superintendent, listed some maintenance items that he feels are necessary to keep the equipment operable. He was asked to obtain some prices and estimates on the necessary work and present them to the Council. Marshal Ruddell presented his .report to the Council,~mentioning that the Y'elm Telephone Co. had offered to install a.public telephone in the lobby of the Police Station. It was determined that this location ,in not pract7cal and the Clerk was directed to ask the Telephone Co, to place a booth outside the station. The Marshal also mentioned the Thurston County Communications charge for 1981 will be $1218.00. The fact_that the `town of Yelm Police are asked to go outside the city limits on request of the (+~unty on many occasions and are not reimbursed for this service but are charged by the County for every service rendered to the City°by them was discussed. The Clerk was directed to invite Sheriff Montgomery to the November Council meeting to discuss the situation. The Council agreed to allow the Police Dept. to purchase an IBM Selectric, self-correcting typewriter, as requested in a presentation°by Sandra Strauss. ~~ ~' The meeting was recessed at 11:05 PM, to be continued on October 22, 1980 at .7:30,PM in Yelm City Hall. Attest ~ ~ ~1 ~k-Treasurer ,~ ~ ~~~ Mayor fj U RESOLUTION N0: 1l~7 WHEREAS, an invitation has been extended to the Town of Yelm to participate with Pacific Hydro, Iric.Ja~l~Jashington Corporation ("PH"') in the development and sale of electric power of renewable resources for the purpose cf generating additional revenue for the Town and tb fund other necessary and proper municipal functions; and WHEREAS, based on preliminary reconnaissance and other work by PH, it may be feasible to design, construct, finance and operate facilities for the generation of hydro-electric power at various locations in the State of Washington (the "Project"); and WHEREAS, before conducting a full study of the feasibility of the Project, it will be necessary to apply to~the~United States Federal Engergy Regulatory Commission ("~'ERC") for a preliminary permit and before constructing .and operating facilities for the Project, it will be necessary to apply to FERC for a license and to apply to the State of 4ashington Water Resources Control Board for authority to appropriate unappropriated water as required in connection with the project; and WHEREAS, the best interest of the Town of Yelm and the citizens thereof would be servied by the successful completion of the Project, provided the Town is subjected to no liability whatsoever by reason thereof, ~ - NOW, THEREFORE, it is her~.by - + RESOLVED-by the Town Council of the Town of Yelm that the Town of Yelm take such action as may 6e-;reasonably necessary and proper. to participate with Pacific Hydro, Inc., a Washington Corporation,. in determining the feasibility of designing, constructing, financing and. operating facilities for the generation of the hydro-electric power at various leca~ions.,im the State of i~'ashington, PROVIDED that by reason thereof the 'Town of Yelm shall not be liable to any person°or entity whatsoever in any manner whatsoever. It is further ~, ~~_ • RESOLVED that the Mayor of the Town of Yelm and the Yelm Town Clerk acting in their official capacities for and on behalf of the Town of Yelm, be, and they are here}py authorized to make, execute and deliver any and all instruments or documents reasonably necessary and proper for the ,_, purposes set forth in the preceding 'Resolution, subject to the proviso therein, specifically including the following: '- ~ 1. To apply to the United States Federal Enemy Regulatory°Commission for 'a pre- , liminary permit to conduct a full study of the feasibility of designing, constructing .~.w ~~. w~: ~ ~' 19~ financing and operating facilities for the generation of Hydro-electric power at various locations in the'State of Washington; '" 2. To apply to the United States Federal En€~~gy:Regulatory Commission for a license to construct and operate facilities for the generation of Hydro-electric power at various locations in the State of Washington; and 3. To apply to the State of Washington Water Resources Control Board for authority to appropriate unappropriated. water as may be required in connection with~the operation and construction of hydro=electric power facilities described herein. ..w. '• ADOPTED this 8th day of October, 1980. ATTEST ; ~~~~~~ ~~ , '~ _ Town'C erk ' Adjourned Council Meeting - October 22, 1980 The adjourned"Co~incil meeting was called to order at 7:30"PM by Mayor Coates. ~ . Councilmembers present were Arnold,Drogseth, Robert Sanders, Jerry Hadfield, and David Gillespie.a Absent was Clifton Bryant.. Visitors present were Bill Trull, Billy Trull, Robert L. Jones, A Donald Visser, Mickie Killion, Bill Couthran,, Nora Couthran, William The public hearing which had been called for this"date was ca~icelled for the reason that the request to enlarge the lounge area at the Stop Inn was denied by-the Washington State i; Liquor Board. The reason given being that the ratio of the restaurant area to the Cocktail Lounge area was. not in proper proportion to conform to the rules of the Board. " On a mo"tion by~Robert Sanders, seconded by~Jerry Hadfield, the Council agreed to amend the garbage collection contract with LeMaya,Ehterprises as outlined in their letter to the ~ Council dated August 27, 1980. Gn a motion by Robert Sanders, seconded by Arnold Drogseth, Ordinance ~ 2!i!~ was adopted by the Council. This Ordinance relating to the public health and sanitation of the Town, pre- scribing the rates to be charged by the Town of Yelm for the collection and disposal of waste mater~;~1s. The rates as outlined in said ordinance to take effect December 1, 1980. The matter of the sidewalk in front of Wolf's Shopping Center was brought before the Council The attorney reported that he~had conversed with Mr. Woif and that he is anxious to complete the project as quickly and inexpensively as possible. It•was suggested a committee be appointed•to meet with Mr. Wolf to~finalize a plan suitable to both the 'town and the Center. Mr.~,Sanders and Mr. Hadfield volunteered to serve on the committee and were so appointed, Mr.~Sanders~moved that the committee meet with Mr. Wolf within seven days, at his conven- fence to formalize a plan and a time limit for its execution. Mr.Drogseth seconded the ~~ 'motion and it passed. ' The .question of updating the City Maps was discussed. ,Jerry Hadfield stated he felt the - Town Engineers were too quick to suggest a study of each project mentioned which cost the City too many dollars.It was suggested that the Engineering firm be contacted to bring the exact; cost of updating the maps to the next Council meeting along with a description of what items would be included on the map s. As a suggestion, the width of rights of way and the water lines. - An item`not on the agenda, was presented by the Mayor as she had been contacted by a builder who was not in accord with a requirement of the Town Engineer. It was discussed that perhaps a bond could be deposited with the City to cover the cost of proper completion of the facilities in~order to let the building proceed on schedule. The matter to be continued to future meetings if the need is required. On a motion by David Gillespie, seconded by Robert Sanders, the meeting adjourned at 8:30PM. Attest: Mayo , ~-°'' ~~ y ,i ~,,~,~,.w t"s" 1,~._~~-~, Clerk-l.'reasurer ~ ~ r 192 November 12, 1980 The regular meeting of the Council of, the Town of Yelm.was called to order at 7:30 PM by . Mayor Coates. Councilmen present were Arnold Drogseth, Robert'Sanders, Jerry Hadfield and David Gillespie. Clifton Bryant was absent. Visitors present were: Frank Weilen, Deanna Hadfield, William•~E. Peck;•Russ Eide, Bill=Trull, Lawrence Benson, J©seph Turner,~Nalph Erickson, Pam Mosey, Rick Mosey, J.P. ZaRue, Hank Sexton, J.A.Higgins, Peter-•Gilliland, Dan Montgomery, Gary Edwards, Gordon Kampfer, Marie Kampfer, John Jacobs, Charles Hays, M.D. Edwards, Patricia Gunderson, Novella Martin, Dick Gundderson, Bobby_Martin, Don rti.ller, Bill Ruddell, George Cowles, Barry Baker, Mike Goitld and a gentleman from 205 Cleveland, Tumwater. - ., ~ ~. - _ Minutes of the°October 8 and October 22 meetings were approved on a motion by Robert Sanders seconded by Arnold Drogseth•. ~ Vouchers were approved for payment on a motion by Jerry Hadfield, seconded by Robert Sand- ers. Current Vou # 6281 - 63l~8 $13,991.33 Water 1l~10 - 1l~1l~ 352.76 Garbage 672 - 679 _ 3,330.87 Street 1012 - 1020 2,550.92 Robert Sanders reported that he and Mr. Hadfield had met with Mr. Wolf regarding the matter of the sidewalk in front of Wolf's Shopping Center. Mr. Wolf asked that they give him time to consult with engineers of "his-choice to present alternate solutions to the renovation of the walk. They will meet again on Thursday. The matter was tabled until the December 10 , meeting. _ After hearing a report do prices of chlorine gas 'masks received. from"various companies, the Council requested the clerk to order the one at $106.15 from Seattle Safety & Supply. A motion to this effect was made by Jerry Hadfield, :seconded by Robert Sanders.° Mr. Erwin, of Cable T.V. Puget Sound spoke to the Council, requesting that his°company be ' granted a franchise by the `town to install Cable T.V. Following his presentation, Mr. Hank Sexton of Nationwide T.V. presented a proposal from his Company and also asked~tha-t a• Franchise be granted to them. ~ .~ . The Council took no action at this time, and will study the matter and make their decision at a future date. ~. " The Mayor calls d the Revenue Sharing proposed use hearing to order at 8:05 PM and then con- tinued"it until the time the Attorney would be present. " Joseph R. Turner then addressed the Council on the matter~of changing the ordinance-re- lating to mobile homes being allowed within the Town limits. No action taken by the Council. Matter tabled for further study." "• • Larry Benson presented the Engineer's Report stating that he had investigated the matter of updating the town maps and that the-cost would be approximately $1,000.00.,• Mr. Sanders moved to request'~that the maps be updated•and then be regularly updated so they will always be current. Mr. Hadfield seconded the motion. Motion carried. The Mayor then called the Revenue S~iaring Hearing to order at 8:35• In answer to the Mayor's call for suggestions from the audience, Mr. Don Barnard, Street Superintendent of. the `town of Yelm suggested that some of the money be used to pull the town pumps to check impellers and make any repairs necessary as a preventive measure.. Also, he asked for_radios.for his vehicles so there could be communication between him and City Hall and the Police-Department:at all times. Mr. Carpenter "sugge`sted that the alley between Tim's Pharmacy and the 'Stop Inn be re- paired or rebuilt as it is in bad repair. I:arry Benson suggested the matter of storm drainage along Yelm Avenue needs attention. There being no other suggestions, the hearing was"adjourned Dan Montg~nery,•Sheriff of~Thurston County came, before the Council>at their request to answer questions of the interaction between his department and the~Yelm Police Department .° He mentioned rates for housing prisoners in Thurston County Jail are $15 this year but would be $2l in 1981. He said the rule of Thurston County Sheriff's Department is not 'to use local departments unless it is a life threatening metter, that he cannot control ,the local units who go out of their towns on their own volition. He said the .County has a~drug unit and a Major Crime Task Force available to the other departments on request, at, no charge. He also remarked that he 'had given Yelm an $800 toilet. "He said~Yelm could handle felony complaints on their own or they can call in 'his Department, whichever way they choose. Gordon Kampfer presented a preliminary plan of a new store building he plans to build at lath and Yelm Avenue. He asked to remove the hawthorne"trees in front of his property in order to move out the house standing there and to build his parking lot with plantings along the street. The request was granted. 'Phe,final plans for the building and site will be presented to the Town :engineers for study and approval when they are completed. The Attorney then 'suggested that any proposal of this type which takes legislative action be first presented to the Building Department or the Engineers for study and recommendation before being presented td the Council. The Mayor presented the Budget to the Councilmen for study and set the budget hearing for December 1, 1980. X93 The letter of resignation as a member of the Town of Yelm Council from David Gillespie was read. 'Nominations for persons interested.,in filling the position are to be pre- sented at the January, 1981 meeting. '.Mr..Clifton Bryant, who has been unable to attend council meetings because of attending school was declared no banger a~member of the Council at his request. The position was declared vacant on~ a motion by Jerry Hadfield, seconded by David Gillespie. ' Mayor Coates placed the name of Ed Pickett in nomination to fill the vacancy of Clifton Bryant's position. On a motion by Gillespie, seconded by Hadfield, the election was tabled until'the`December meeting at which time ,other names can be~placed in nomination. Motion passed with Gillespie, Hadfield and Drogseth voting for it. Mr. Sanders was opposed. Arnold Drogseth suggested it is time fora raise in Council and Mayor's salaries. Sanders suggested $75 for Council and $100 for Mayor. Mayor Coates said she felt a raise from the current $30 to $50 would be adequate. After some discussion, Mr. Hadfield moved to raise .the Council ember salaries to $70 and the Mayor's to $lO0 per month. Mr. Gillespie, seconded. The motion carried with Arnold Drogseth abstaining from the vote. Dpn Barnard presented his report on Dater, Street and Park Departments, reporting that the regular maintenance routine is being followed. . El~n a motion by Sanders, seconded by Hadfield, Ordinance # 2l~5 was passed. Ordinance # 2l~5 is to determine the estimated amflunt of revenue to be raised by ad valorem taxes from general levy taxes to be X47;235.00 and from excess levy taxes to be $2,350.00. Cn a motion by Gillespie,~seconded by~'Sanders, Resolution # 1l~8 concerning the Thur ston County Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan, August, 1980 was approved .,_ The 1980 Human Services Contract was signed and the 1981 Contract was signed as amended by motion of Robert Sanders~9, seconded by Jerry Hadfield. The amendment was on Page 2, Paragraph 3 and will read "$2,x.50 maximum." On a motion by R. Sanders,~seconded by A. Drogseth, the Council approved amendment of the 19?9 contract with LeMay Enterprises regarding the rates as set forth for 1981, On a motion by D. Gillespie, seconded by R.~Sanders, the Council passed Resolution # 1l~9 and agreed to sign the contract with~the Town of Olympia fvr housing pris©ners'through December 31;-1980 at $11.50 per day. From that period a new contract to be terminated on 90 days notice will be signed. ~ ' The Attorney asked the Council their pleasure on the answer to a letter from Fred Van Camp, the Union representative, regarding CETA workers. `They felt they could be granted all the benefits of the Union Contract but would remain exempt from the wage portion. The meeting adjourned at 11;35 PM to be continued to December 1;~y~1980 at 7:30 PM. RESODUTION 1lt8 WHEREAS,-solid waste management in ~'hurston County is provided by the County pursuant to State and Federal statutes; and ~, tiJHEREAS;~the certain cities and towns in `Thurston County have joined with the County in providing for a County-wide plan for solid waste management pursuant to an Interlocal Governmental Agreement for Solid Waste Management approved July 6, 1977; and. WHEREAS, it is necessary for .the adopted Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan for Thurston County last approved in December 1976 to be updated in order to secure grant funds for the County's construction of a new sanitary landfill and other facilities necessary for proper disposal of solid waste, and 6dIiEREAS, the County staff; under the guidance of the Solid .Waste Advisory Committee, has updated the currently adopted Plan and has submitted said revised Plan dated August,_~~o,, 1980, to the Town of Yelm for approval, TdOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby RESOLVED by the Town~Council of the Town of Ye]m,that the revised and updated "Thurston County Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan, August, 1980" is hereby approved and adopted as the Town of,Yelm plan for solid waste disposal. ADOPTED this 12th day of November, 1980. Mayor r ' Attest:. -.;1'? /'' ~~.~ ~~'~~ ~ Clerk '194 RESOLUTION N0. 1l~9 WHEREAS, the Town of Yelm has heretofore housed some of its prisoners within the confines of the `Thurston County Jail; and, ~ . WHEREAS, the Sheriff of Thurston County has advised the Town o f Yelm that tPie~charge for so housing prisoners of the Town of Yelm within the Thurston County Jail will substantially increase commencing January 1, 1981; and. WHEREAS, the City ~of Olympia has advised the. Town of Yelm that said city has suitable jail facilities for housing prisoners of the Town of Yelm and is will.ing_to so house .said prisoners at a cost substantially less than the cost now paid by the Town of Yelm,to`Thurston County, said cost presently being the sum of $11.50 per prisoner per day, or ariy part thereof. . NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby ~ ' RESOLVEDiby the Town Council of the Town of Yelm that the Mayor of the Town of Yelm and the Yelm Town Clerk, acting in their official capacities for and on behalf'of the Town of Yelm, be, and they are hereby authorized to execute a Contract for Jail Services with the City of Olympia in the form attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A", which is, ,by this reference thereto, incorporated herein as though fully set forth herein, ADOPTED this 12th day of November, 1980. Attest : ~ ~~ ~,~<~ ~~~,' ~L ~~~-.~ . . T Clerk Adj-ourned Meeting - December. 1, 1980 ~ ' Mayor Coates called the meeting to order at 7:35 PM. Councilmen present were Arnold ~Drogseth, Robert Sanders, Jerry Hadfield and David Gillespie. The fifth seat was vacant. Visitors present were Ralph Murphy, Thurston .County Regional Planning; Jim Brown, Thurston'County Fire, Distrcit ~ 2 Commissioner; Bill Ruddell, Police Department; Bob Jansen, Police Department; and Ann Zembas, City Hall. ••• On a motion by Sanders, seconded by Drogseth, Police Vouchers # 63l~6- 63l~9 in the amount of $2,177.85 were approved. ~ ' Ralph Murphy from Thurston County Regional Planning explained the Impact Statement he had prepared to present to;Washington Public Power Supply System concerning the Town of Yelm. He~eXplained the study was over a period,~of time from 1977 through 1987. The cost of the impact was determined to be $18,817.00. In answer to a question by Mayor Coates regarding any obligation on the park of the 'Town cf Yelm, if .the money is accepted, Mr.Murphy responded there would be no obligation whatsoever. On a motion by David Gillespie, seconded by Robert Sanders,- Resolution 150, to accept the funds allocated to the Town~~of Ye1m by WPPS, was passed, The Mayor then. called the budget hearing into session. Mr. Gillespie suggested that the City Clerk and the Water/Street Superintendent should not receive the 1l~.3~ increase in salary as the other employees. He gave no valid reason for the suggestion, only that he~had discussed it with others. No action taken on this. The funds anticipated from WPPS were discussed and it was decided that the money would be held.in a reserve fund to be used for buying surplus County real property if it becomes available or any other necessary pazrpose. The Mayor ex- plained some adjustments made necessary-by the increase in the salary voted on in the November 12 meeting and the addition of some telephone equipment at the Police Department. Marshal Ruddell also mentioned that the Dodge will be sold fcr $500 and the money spent for a new automobile. This was also to be adjusted in the budget. On a motion by Robert Sanders; seconded by Jerry Hadfield, the adjusted budget and the salary schedule as presented were adopted. ~T~otal adjusted budget is $510,275.00._ Marshal Ruddell then asked to go into executive session to discuss a personnel matter. It was determined that the matter was an administrative one and-no action was taken, There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:10 PM on a motion by Sanders and seconded by Gillespie. ~ ~~ ~t-- , ~' Mayor ~._~~ Attest :~ ~ ~ ~,~~~- U~ , ,,~ . f:z..~ `' '/ C' rk-Treasurer 0 ~~~ RESOLUTION N0. 1~0 A RESOLUTION approving and accepting Yelm's share of net fiscal `impact funds proposed by Washington Public Power Supply System (WPPSS) in conjunction with the construction of twin nuclear generating ` 'plants, WNP 3 and 5. WHEREAS, as part of the Site Certification Agreement establishing Satso,p as the site for WNP 3 and 5, the Energy. Facilities Site EvaluationYCouncil (EFSEC) established for WPPSS various stipulations, and . WHERF,AS, among siad stipulations was the requirement that WPPSS make soci©,economic impact payments if the WNP 3 and 5 project created financial burdens on taking districts within Thurston and other .affected counties, and WHEREAS, the taxing districts within Thurston County, including Yelm, have conducted extensive negotiations with WPPSS to identify local fiscal impacts and place a value thereon, and WHEREAS, such local impacts arise largely from the fact that Thurston County taxing districts are required to provide goods and supporting services for .the increased 4 residential population which will accompany construction of WNP 3~ and 5, and WHEREAS; such increased residental population will add line to property and business and occupation tax revenues, which are substantial sources of support for these services, a_ nd WHEREAS,' the Thurston Regional Planning Council places the revenue shortfall in this regard at $3,493,526 for Thurston County taxing districts through 1987, and WHEREAS, WPPSS and representatives of the various Thurston County taxing districts agree that. said amount represents a reasonable fiscal impact payment for that time period, and WHEREAS, Yelm's reasonable share of said payment is $18,817. WHERF~AS,--said payment should be approved and accep ted by the Town Counci 1 of Yelm as covering its share of the fiscal impact of WNP 3 and 5. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Town Council of Yelm as followsr Section 1. That the Town of Yelm hereby approves and accepts the amount of $18,817 as representing reasonable payment from WPPSS for the Town of Yelm's share of the fiscal impact.associated with construction of WNP 3 and 5. Section 2. Should the Satsop project change substantially or shou~id conditieans within Thurston County change drastically, a reexamination of fiscal impacts may be required. DATED THIS 1st day of December .1980: !/g~' ayor , JJ, Iii i 19~ December Z0, 1980 Mayor Coates ~l~lled the regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Yelm to order at 7:30 PM. Councilmen present were: Arnold Drogseth, Robert Sanders, Jerry Hadfield and David Gillespie. Visitors present were Ed Pickett, William Ruddell, Tam Huff, Don Miller, Bill Trull, Bill Tru11 Jr., and Rev. Bede Ernsdorff. - On a motion by Sanders, seconded by Drogseth, the minutes of the meetings of November 12, and December 1, were approved. ' On a motion by Sanders, seconded by Drogseth, the vouchers were approved for payment as follows: - -. Current Vou ~ 6349 - 6l~25 $23,054.29 •a ~ ~• Water 1l~15 - 1119 41, 06l~.96 ~ - Street - 1021 - 1028 2,126.91 Garbage _ 680'- b87 3,101.85 - - The Mayor then called for nominations for a person to complete the term of Councilman Bryant, who had resigned. The names of Bill Trull and E.E. Pickett-were placed in nomination. E.E. Pickett was elected on a vote of 3 to 1. After.tak~ng the oath of office before Judge .Tom Huff, Mr.Pickett took his seat at the Council table. ~~; !. • The committee reported that the First Street sidewalk situation is pen'di'ng a•report from Mr. Wolf's engineer. - On a motion by Sanders, seconded by Hadfield,-Ordinance # 216 approving and adopting the Town d•' Yelm Budget and Employee Salary-Schedule for the calendar year 1981,'met the approval of the Councila,and was adopted. Motion was made by Gillespie to pay council members even though they are -not in attendance at a council meeting each month provided the excuse is valid, died for-lack of a second. Hadfield moved to adopt Ordinance # 2l~7 fixing the compensation to be paid the Mayor and each member of the Town Council, amending Town Ordinance ~ 151 as amended by Town of Yelm Ordinance No. 213 A and Section 2.0l~.030 of the Yelm Municipal Code. On a second by Sanders the motion passed with all councilmen-voting "yes"'except Gillespie who opposed, The attorney mentioned that the Good Ward Latecomer a€;reement could not ,be finalized unti _ he receives more data from the Corporation. ~ . A~~discussion was held on an ordinance pending to raise the rates for water hook-up. After some discussion and explanation by Attorney Schultz, Ordinance # 218, relating to Building Codes was adopted on a motion by Sanders, seconded by Hadfield. After reading the contract proposed to offer Mr. Mopps, the appointed Contractor for Building Inspector for the Town of Yelm, it was accepted•on a motion by Sanders, seconded by Hadfield. The'Attorney explained Ordinance # 2t~9 relating to the revisions in the Model Traffic Ordinance. During the discussion_Judge Huff explained the changes in court procedure due to the decriminalization of traffic infractions. The action was tabled until the January 1l~, 1981 meeting. Attorney Schultz explained he had received a revised copy of the contract between the Town of Yelm and the Town of Olympia concerning the housing of prisoners nth®401y~ipva~j•~il. The contract provides for a charge of $11.50 per day until December 31 and a charge of $15~r00 per day for housing prisoners beginning January 1, 1981. On a motion by Sanders, seconded by Drogseth, the Council agreed to approve the contract between the Town of Yelm and the Town of Olympia regarding prisoner care. On a motion by Sanders, seconded. by Drogseth, the Council moved to accept a suggestion by Engineer Byrne to prepare an estimate of the cost. of extending the water line on 1st Street and Mosman to the Catholic Church in order to improve their water service. The Town Council agreed that the cost of the extension plus the fee for preparing the estimate will be borne by the Church. They also suggested a $1.000 deposit be placed , with the Town Clerk upon beginning of•the project. The Line will be built along a section of highway 507 that is not in the City Limits and a discussion was held on the feasibility of annexing this area into the City. In answer to several requests for improvement of water drainage in the Town, it was suggested that the Street Superintendent survey the areas and report to the Council. The Engineer suggested that a dry well might be in order and that cleaning the ditches along roadways coul be a help. 'j'he drainage problem at Yelm Realty was discussed with the conclusion that the ne parking lot is low and the street water runs into it. ,r° 197 The engineer then discussed a request from the Planning Council on an A-95 Review Process of Susan's First Addition, to determine if the Town feels it would be serving a need to build F.H.A. homes in the $l~5,000 range in this area. It was the consensus of the Council that this.would be viable. The 'matter of the L.D.S. Church requesting an extension of the water line from Yelm Avenue to their facility on the Clark Road was discussed. They are in the preliminary stages of enlarging their building and would. like the Yelm water service and also the greater fire protection it will provide. The Mayor then read the Library Report for the month of November, noting that there were ,'~~ 3,1170 items dispensed in the 15 days they were open. Also stated~;~in the report was the notice that Leslie_Swendson will replace Phyllis Huff and Jan Zilbert will take over Esther Raab's'unexpired term on the Library Board. Bernice Beck, who starts her second:=° term on the Board will be~chasrperson, Jan Zilbert will be vice Chairperson and Betty Kinnaman will be secretary. .Qn a motion by Sanders, seconded, by Drogseth, the meeting adjourned at 10:15 PM. Attest: ~ ~' _ Clerk-Treasure a Mayo SPECIAh MEETING December 15,.1980 The Special Meeting was called to order by the Mayor, Lora B. Coates, at 5:00 PM. Councilmen present were Arnold Drogseth, Robert Sanders, Jerry Had-field and Ed Pickett. David Qillespie was absent. Visitors present were Bill Ruddell and Robert Jansen. The purpose of the meeting was to act on Ordinance # 219 relating to the Washington'Model Traffic Ordinance. Discussion was held on the changes this will mean to the arresting officers and the court. Marshal~Ruddell expressed concern it will cost the city additional money to prosecute these cases and suggested the Judge impose larger fines. The Attorney explained the items in the Ordinance and noted some items in the State Grdinance that are not included in the Town Ordnance as they do not apply. On a motion by Robert Sanders, seconded by Ed Pickett, the Council adopted Ordinance ,~ 219. The meeting adjourned at 5:35 PM. on a motion by hobert Sanders, Seconded by Arnold Dro.~seth, Attest: V -~~~UG/~~ _a ~ Clerk-Trees 'r ~~ ,j ~ . v' ~--- ~ .`--t' Ma or 19~ January 11~, 1981 In the absence of Mayor Coates, Robert Sanders was elected Mayor pro-tom for the evening. Mr. Sanders called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM. _ Councilmen present were Arnold Drogseth,' Jerry Hadfield and ~'d Pickett. Visitors present were Betty Reel, Roy Police Department; Roy A Moline, Mayor of the Town of Roy; Carol Moline and Robert Jansen, Yelm Police Department. The minutes of the December 10 and December 15, 1980 meetings were approved on~a motion by Arnold Drogseth, seconded by Jerry Hadf~ld. The following vouchers were approved on a motion by Ed Pickett, seconded by Jerry~Hadfield __. Current Vou # 61~2Ei = 6505 $ 16, 76l~.14 ' Water 1.20 - 1l~30 ~ 3,21~1~.l~9 •Garbage 688 - 689 y 2,701.79 ` ~ ~ ' " Streets 1029 - 1031 - 279.27 The matter of Police cars for the Yelm Police vepartment was introduced. On a motion by" Jerry Hadfield, seconded by Arnold Drogseth, the 19711 Dodge car was declared surplus. After some discussion during which Sergeant Jansen assured the Council that the Town of Roy was willing to pay the highest sum for the car than any other prospects, a letter „ delivered to the Council by the Mayor of Roy, was read stating that the Roy City Council had adopted a motion at their January 12, 1981 meeting to purchase the 1971.E Dodge car from the Town of Yelm for $700.00. •' fln a motion by Hadfield, seconded by Pickett, the Council agreed to sell the 1974 Dodge car to the Town of Roy for $700.00. A list of specifications for a new police car was presented to the Council. The-specification were written up by Marshal Ruddell. A question of the need for a V-8 engine was raised. Sgt. Jansen explained the V-8 engine in the specification was a 5 liter, which is comparable to a 350 which is less than the 1~L~0 they have now and that the new cars get good mileage Concerning gasoline use. The item of air-conditioning was also questioned. Jerry Hadfield suggested adding a second spot light. On a motion by Jerry Hadfield, seconded by Ed Pickett the Council moved to call for bids on this list with the addition of a spot light to be added on the right hand side and also to ask that the bids be submitted with air-conditioning included and nat included to compare cost. On approval of the Attorney, the bids should be presented ~' as soon as possible. .4., Mr. Sanders then suggested that the Council consider bullet proof vests .f or the officers of the Police Department. The Clerk was asked to advise the marshal to gather information on the vests and bring the data to the Council. At 8:15 PM the meeting was continued to 7:30 PM on January 21, 1981. o Adjourned Council Meeting January 21, 1981 The meeting was called to order by t•Zayor Coates at 730 PM. Councilmen present were Arnold Drogseth, Robert Sanders, Jerry Hadfield and i?d Pickett. ~ Visitors present were Mr.~C Mrs. Tom Huff, Jerry Sprague, Roger & Pat Buckingham, Scott Buckingham, Don Barnard, David Gillespie, Dick Wilson, Wm. H. Ruddell, R.L.Jansen, Ron McCammant, Joseph R. Turner, R.G. Lawton, Nara & Mrs. Gasper, Rebecca Thomas, Ron Brown, James R. Bellamy, Wilmot H. Sexton, 1`dati'onwide Cablevision; J. Higgins, U.H.DuBois, Harry Priest,•Richard Erwin, Cable T.V.Puget Sound; F. Baldridge, Gable T.V. Puget Sound; Pat Byrne, Jan Zilbert, Roy Moline, Mr. Rotundo, Roberta Longmire and Don P~Iiller. The first item of business to be presented was the ,election of a Councilman to serve out d the term of Mr. David Gillespie, who resigned as of December 31, 1980•. Mayor.L'oates place the name of Ron Lawton in nomination. Jerry Hadfield placed the name of William Trull in nomination. Nc other nominations were made and the vote was taken on written ballot. Mr. Lawton was elected by unanimous vote. After being sworn into office by Judge Huff, Mr. Lawton took his place at the council table. On a motion by Robert Sanders, seconded by Mr. Hadfield, water fund vouchers #1!131 and 1l~32 in the amount of $1,114.6I~ were approved for payment. Mr. Hank Sexton of Nationwide Cablevision and Mr. Richard Erwin of Cable T.V. Puget Sound each addressed the Council with a request to be granted a franchise to bring cable~T.V. to Yelm, They each advised the Council of the services they offer, the present charges and answered questions asked~by both the Council members and the audience. After much discussion, Mr. Hadfield moved to grant the franchise for installing cable television in the public ways in the~Town of Yelm to Cable T.V. Puget Sound, with the-details of the franchise to be com- ' pleted by the town attorney. The motion was seconded by ~d Pickett. All Councilmen voted "yes" except Ron Lawton who abstained. '