Agenda and Minutes '- c o c c M I NUT E S TOWN OF YELM PLANNING COMMITTEE December 18, 1985 Yelm City Hall The meeting was called to order at 4:02 P.M. Committee members in attendance were: Kathy Wolf, Roberta Longmire, James Brown and Gene Borges. Geoffrey Moore from PAC-TECH was the only visitor present. The minutes of the November 20, 1985 meeting we~e approved. ITEMS: a. The committee continued their work on the Yelm Sign Ordinance. b. Geoffrey Moore and Gene Borges continued their work on the construction and zoning ordinances. The meeting adjourned at 5:30 P.M. o c c AGE N D A PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING December 18, 1985 4:00 P.M. Yelm City Hall " . Call to Order Roll Call Approval of Minutes from November 20, 1985 ITEMS: 1. Continued work on Yelm Sign Ordinances 2. Other Adjournment - Note (Meeting will adjourn at 5:00 this meeting) t ....:~ .... c c c IJ \\ M I NUT E S TOWN OF YELM PLANNING COMMITTEE November 20, 1985 Yelm City Hall The meeting was called to order at 4:05 P.M. No members were absent for the meeting and no visitors were present. The minutes of the October 16, 1985 meeting were approved. ITEMS: 1. SIGNS: a. The total time of the meeting was dedicated to the rewritting of the Yelm Sign Ordinance, with two-thirds of the areas to be covered, completed. Adjournment: 5:47 P.M. .f.',J ~j.. .. c c c --~- -t----,' j AGENDA PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Date: November 20, 1985 Time: 4:00 P.M. Location: Yelm City Hall Call to Order Roll Call Approval of Minutes from October 16, 1985 meeting ITEMS: 1. Sign Ordinances 2. Other Adjournment c o (\ L rA ,. M I NUT E S TOWN OF YELM PLANNING COMMITTEE October 16, 1985 Yelm City Hall The meeting was called to order at 4:02 P.M. Committee members in attendance were: Kathy Wolf, Martha Parsons, James Brown, Roberta Longmire, James Keyes, Loren Crimmins and Tim Schlosser. Visitors present were Linda Hoffman and Tom Klingman (Thurston County Planning), Steve Morrison (Thurston County Department of Social and Health Services), Judith Drath (Crystal Springs Barber Shop) ,and Geoffrey Moore (PAC-TECH). Minutes from the September 18, 1985 meeting were approved as written. Items discussed: 1. SIGNS: a. Mrs. Drath, from Crystal Springs Barber Shop, requested permission to have a sign placed on the Newcomer property at the corner of Yelm Highway and Edwards Street to advertise her barber shop at 1307 Crystal Springs Street in Yelm. Kathy Wolf, Chairperson, recommended the committee study the request along with the present sign ordinance and its' suggested revisions prior to the November 20, 1985 meeting, with a recommendation for the Yelm Town Council. b. Roberta Longmire presented a working document to each of the committee members for their review and editing. The existing sign ordinance and the working document combined are intended to assist the committee on editing, revising and/ or making resolutions to the existing Yelm Sign Ordinance. 2. THURSTON COUNTY PLANNING: Linda Hoffman and Tom Klingman with Thurston County Planning and Steve Morrison from Thurston Cty. Department of Social and Health services presented information and documents to the committee for use in developing Town Ordinances relating to planning, zoning, construction, waste and water, with special emphasis on satelite water systems, the sphere of influence around the Yelm present town limits, the annexation for future expansion and how they all relate to one another. Adjournment: 5:45 P.M. _ L" / / / / o c c , ""It .. AGENDA PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Date: October 16, 1985 Time: 4:00 P.M. Location: Yelm City Hall Call Order Approval of Minutes from September 18, 1985 meeting ITEMS: 1. Presentation and/or Discussion with Thurston County 2. Signs 3. Video Machines - A & M Electronics 4. Other Adjournment ,.~. / ~j / c (' u (1 u 0. r ~ I) ,/ M I NUT E S TOWN OF YELM PLANNING COMMITTEE September 18, 1985 Yelrn City Hall The meeting was called to order at 4:04 P.M. Crnrnnittee members in attendance were: Kathy Wolf, Martha Parsons, James Brown, Roberta Longmire, Loren Crimmins, 'I'im Schlosser, Chauncey Lufkin and Gene Borges. Visitor present was John Cammon, Minutes from the August 28, 1985 meeting were approved as written. Items discussed: 1. Agreed to set aside time during the next regular meeting for a discussion with Thurston County Planning on the Y~lm ComprehensLve Plan. 2. Jnhn Cammon Mobile Home: After lengthy discussion by committee members, Yelm Building Official and John Cammon, a motion was made by Tim Schlosser, second by Chauncey Lufkin, with a unanimous vote by the committee members, that a recommendation be made to the Yelm Town Council for John Cammon to immediately take out a Building permit for a single family residence (R-3) at 1311 Crystal Springs Road to replace the existing mobile home. The completion of the residence and removel of the mobil home to be no later than 180 days from September 25, 1985. The Building permit for said structure will then expire and all utilities to the mobile home furnished by the City of Yelm will be discontinued and removal of the mobile home shall be at the Real Property Owner's expense. 3. The committee members worked on several of the Town's existlng ordinances and resolutlons, including the sign ordinance. The committee agreed to study the two sign requests to be brought before them and make a recommendation to the Yelm Town Council after the committee's next meeting. Adjournment: At 5:25 p.M., the motion was made by Martha Parsons wlth the second by Tim Schlosser to adjourn, with an unanimous vote. r- -"". ., \J :;' "."".....c~' ::'."i\, ~: ~x " 'i. t~~;, (\ G'-' ) ,...-- PLANNING rnMM~~TEE MEETING AGENDA Date: September 18, 1985 Time; 4;00 P M. Location: Yelm City Hall Call to 'lrder Approv~l of Minutes from August 28, 1985 1. Thurston County Planning 2 John C~mmon: Mobile Home & Waste System a: Variance Request 3 Strade L 's 'I' ires: B. Variance for mobile home for security purpose~ 4 . Other l\dj ourn~nent ! r ) :-i.. f i :;.L' ,L ',,> "l.(' , :':, .., ,. ~ _'.:-..:::......~~,.....,~....,.-'-~-- ;1(.' PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING (---, 0{ tvIINUTES DatA: August 28, 1985 T im<'"l : 4: 00 P. M. Location: Yelm City Hall The meetlng was called to order at 4:05 P.M. with the following agenda items discussed: 1. Geoff Moore (PAC-TECH planning); presentation of planning committee description, dutles, make-up of ~embers, meetings and procedures. 2. Introduction and acceptance of ~epresentation: Ka'thryn vJolf Martha Parsons aames Keyes Chauncey Lufkin Loren Crimmins l ~ C/ i Roberta Longmire j,.Vl AO'-~~Chamber JV1ember , .James Brown Marion Nelson Gene Borges of members and their area City Council City Counc.LI Surveying & Planning Industry Seniors Commercial Chamber of Commerce Fire District School District Staff C" . ,\ 1. Officers: Kathryn kJolf James Keyes Chairperson Vice-Chair 4. Meetings: a. Third Wednesday of each month, 4:00 P.M. with adjournment no later than 5:45 P.M. b. Location: Yelm City Hall 5. Sub-Committees: a. James Keyes to start the preliminary study on the Yelm Subdivision ordinances. b. Roberta Longmire to begin the study of the Yelm Sign ordinances. c. Gene Borges directed to continue the study of the e~isting Building and Zoning ordinances for up- date and revision. 6 . Agr~ed that it would be approprlate tu have Thurston COUllty Planning presented at our next meeting to present any concerns sug~estions or cares for our attention that could result in a gdJod working relationshl.p between1~e coun"ty and the city. . "pv ! ~'Cl';'f"P Aqr~ed that after three missed~eetings, the staff would con~act the member for replacement wlth someone from the sam(:t area represented. 7. c~ 8 . i Mi. eel]lng i I I I I I I i I i adjourned at 5:20 P.M. _._._~- - -- ~ ~--------..,-~ ~~~~._~~._~ ~-----~------- r--'" ). G-;'\ :' ,.;.J C? "'.' . )ll !..-1: - G Tmm OF YELM TOWN COUNCIL - PLANNING SUBCOMMITTEE _Commi.t t('(-~,_ De~"cri pt ion: The Town Council has found it desi rable to fOl ' a Planning and Land Use Subcommittee to advise it on mdtte~ relating to future growth within the community and its sphere of influence as established by the adopted Comprehens i ve Pl an. The commi ttee membersh 'j pis to be a mixture of il1dlviduals representing an points of ,dew within the TO\vn Clnd sUrlOlmding unincorporated community. '; The committee members win serve at the pleasuy'e of the Council and serve a onf~ yeClr tel'!11 winch IildY be automdticany renewed by action of the Town Council at d scheduled Council meeting. The Town's Building Official! will act as Committee Coord'inator to insure the efficient opera~ign of the committee and facilitate communication with the Town Councl1.; rr . i il Ij l) :: Duties bf the Committee. :1 -; IIi:;; ~,~:, The commHtee wi 11 be res pons i b 1 e for t'evi ewi ng and maki ng recommenda- tions to the Council on all matter referred to it by the Council. The ccmmittee will prepare updates to the Comprehensive Plan to be forwa rded to the Council as a recornmendati on for thei r consideration. The cun tee win also be responsible for preparing updated copies of the TowI' :, Zoning Code, Subdivision Codet and other regulations as df'ell1f'd appy'opriatp by the Council for the'lr review in the form of a I econilllenda ti on. ~' . ~""I The buildinq official will repor"t to the Council on the activities of the committee nn a iilonthly bas'is at the ri~gulai ly scheduled Council I!!eetinqs. TIIP Cha"il'liirlYl of the committee may, from time to time, be n:quested to appear before th0. Council to reJiew specific recommenda- tions with trlem and provide additional background material as deemed i'q\pl'o[Jriate by t.he Council to support their recommendations. The c()nlJil!ttet::~ is to a:::;sist the C Hlcilin preparation and review of lIiJtt!'r::, i ,I dtHlg to the 9rowth uf the c,-'mmunHy. ~1p.~ t i.~~qs ~I nrl JEoC~!:ire s 1110 COIiHllittee wlll meet monthly or on a schedule sufficient to handle the dut~es as:::;ignedit by the Council. All meetings will be open to the' publ!ic and procedures \Jill be in accordance with Roberts Rules of OrdN"!Minutes of all meetings win be kefJt on file in the Town Hall and a~ai!htJle for public insj.it3ct"inn. Ii .1 ., I I 'I ,I I :1 il il II it ii II q :1 ii t "~~_~_'_