Agendas and Minutes c 0f\ (L J /" fi ) Of vr ry .e ) {f1 {p /10 \Y' ~ ' \1/ 6'6 0V~\ ~fll> 0 (/ JrJ--t '( Jut; The rreeting was called to order by chairwoman Kathy Wolf at 4:09 P.M. U'~ MINUTES ~ OF YELM PIJ'.\NNIM; CCM<<TI'EE ~ Tuesday, December 16, 1986 4:00 P.M., Yelm City Hall Portable Planning Corrmittee rrembers present 'ilVere as follows: Kathy Wolf, Roberta Longmire, Gene Sharratt, Tom Gorman, Janes Brown and Gene Borges. The minutes of the November 18, 1986 rreeting 'ilVere approved. Gene Borges inforrred the comnittee of the proposed addition to Tim IS Pharmacy. The Corrmittee discussed fhe problem of parking and the size of the addition. Gene will rreet again with Tim to discuss the Planning Corrmittee's thoughts and ideas for the addition. It was brought to the Planning Comnittee I s attention that there are property owners interested in annexing the land from Clark Road to and including the Ehli property. City Hall will keep the corrmittee & Council inforrred of any action by the land owners on the annexation. c Gene Borges inforrred the Planning Comnittee that a portion of the McCloud property has qualified for the Small Cities Block Grant program. The Title Company must have a deed with a legal description to enable the loan to be processed. The Planning Comnittee decided that to help keep_ costs down, Jim Keyes will write a legal description (legal short plat of McCloud property) rather than do a physical survey. The above is acceptable to the Title Company. With no further business, the rreeting was adjourned at 5: 00 P.M. ATTEST: S--h~LL)f 11 ~ er1.(,'~ r Shelly A. dger ! Assistant7Clerk Treasure Town of Yelm c c I;.j '\ ,11 \ \'\\" \rv '\"~ .'" V QV """ ~,\\ ./ ~\\i} \ \ JfjJ~ lS\o ' ~ /{,;' \y ~ OF YELM pI.ANNIK; CCMrr'ITEE MEEl'ING '(Iv ~ AGENDA ? " Tuesday, December 16, 1986 4 : 00 P. M., YELM CITY HALL PORl'ABLE f\;i i"~\ .}" \~.; ~00 \ 'I' rl h 1. Call to Order 2 . Roll Call 3. Approve minutes of Tuesday, November 18, 1986 rreeting ITEMS: A. Comrercial Addition - Tim I s Pharmacy c B. Taylor Short Plat C. Other Adjourn c c c c ., f.~ ~ ~-r 10 :J 1-8& r/ JI.r I , , 5 I , ! k /ltf,..{...w' f~ fll 'n' v~v . 1](1 !f'/l !lJ~ \'.:. vi ( I I . /1 f! ,AF{) J , l! v. 1\.) · cYt I M I NUT E S PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, November 18, 1986 4:00 P.M., Yelm Fire Station The Planning Corrmittee rreeting was called to order at 4: 10 P.M. by Chair- person Kathy Wolf. Members present 'ilVere as follows: Gene Sharratt Tom Gorman Roberta Longmire Tim Schlosser Gene Borges Jim Keyes Jim BroWn Martha Parsons Kathy Wolf Mayor Lawton was present at the rreeting and Shelly Badger was present to take the minutes. On a motion by Gene Sharratt and a second by Martha Parsons, the minutes of the September 16, 1986 'ilVere approved. Motion carried. ITEMS: Jim Keyes reported on the miscellaneous Thurston County projects taking place outside the city limits sent to Yelm by Thurston County for any COITnlBnts and/or objections. No comrents given on the present projects reported on. Mr. Keyes did rrention a new housing developl'ent that is underway within Andrew's Addition (Good-Ward property). Mr. Keyes inforrred the corrmittee of two current boundary line adjust- ITents that he has been working on within the city lirr}its: . Richardsons, who own tfie property 'ilVest of BlII Trull's on Yelm Avenue, are in the process of a standard boundary line adjustrrent of their 3-acre parcel of land. No objection from the Planning Corrmi ttee . A boundary line adjustment is in the workings at the Roy Buck prop- erty so as the adjustrrent will form a lot on the corner of 93rd Avenue and Yelm Avenue. REXXM1ENDATION BY THE PI.ANNIK; CCM<<'ITEE 'ID THE CITY C(){JOCIL IS AS FO~: That the new owner of the parcel be required to clean up all i terns now stored on the property. Gene Borges gave an update to the Planning Corrmittee on the various conmittees that have been forrred and are working together on the Down- town Revitalization of Yelm. The Yelm Chamber of COITnlBrce has been and continues to be the starting point of the various corrmittees which are as follows: POLITICAL ACTION CCM<<'ITEE: Forrred to keep all corrmunication open between the Chamber of COITnlBrce and the Town of Yelm and to inform each other of all goings on so as to work together effectively. Tim Schlosser chairman. c DESIGN CCM<<'ITEE: Inte':lt is to achieve a continuity in regards to color, design etc. dm'ing the revitalization. Marion Nelson: Chairperson ~ CCM<<'ITEE: In charge of new rrembers to the Chamber of Comrerce. Rocky Brecht: Chairperson BUSINESS AND EXXN:IfiC DEVELOPMENT: To research the various types of new businesses wanted in Yelm and to help create an atmosphere attractive to prospective new businesses and also existing business- es through contact with owners, etc. Also, to assist the Town Council in the decision making process to make Yelm a choice for new businesses. Dave Miller: Chairperson Gene Borges inforrred the corrmittee that sidewalk improvements would begin as soon as 'ilVeather permits, starting with the Senior Center and then going to the intersections. c Professional Sub-Contractors: On a nntion by Tan Gonnan and a second by Tim Schlosser the Planning Cannittee recamends the following to the City Council: To hire Jim Keyes, Keyes &. Associates; on a need basis as required by the Town for professional services such as surveying and engineering. Required or needed pro- fessional services will be sub-contracted by .Mr. Keyes. Harding Greens is interested in an additional building for their business. Before and during the building permit process, all codes and ordinances will be follo'ilVed. Gene Borges inforrred the Planning Corrmittee of the City Council's dec- ision on the Cochrane Park Annexation. To accept the annexation includ- ing Mill Road with the stipulation that the County bring the road up to City standards. The Planning Corrmittee read a letter from Steve Loper requesting to becane a member of the Planning Corrmittee. A letter will be written to Mr. Loper informing him that currently there are no vacancies on the corrmittee. Gene Borges updated the corrmittee on the Brown property below the 500,000 gallon water tank. There has been a strip of land deeded to the Town to use a s a drainage ditch for the water tank. The Town in return, will put in water lines to service Brown's two lots. Thurston County has no objections to the agreement, but will hold off final approval until water is provided by the Town of Yelm. c Mayor Lawton was present to talk of his hopes for Yelm's Revitalization and future. The Planning Comnittee then continued their work on the Yelm Zoning Ordinance. The rreeting was adjourned at 5:30 P.M. 61, .e.{&~ $( &ltJ/ Yelm $istantJClerk/Treasurer AGENDA '\ l) TOWN OF YELM PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, November 13, 1986 4:00 P.M. ****MEETING WILL BE HELD IN THE YELM FIRE STATION 1. Call to order 2 . Roll Call 3. l~pproval of minutes of September 16, 1986 ITEMS: A. Jim Keyes - Report on Thurston County Projects & Proposals B. Revitalization corrmittees - Gene Borges C. Sidewalk improverrents c D. Professional Sub-Contractors - Gene Borges E. Business Expansions & Boundary Line Mjustrrents ~,dl~4,.Gi; ~ )~ F. other G. other Adjourn / / c c AGENDA TOWN OF YELM PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, October 21, 1986 Yelm City Hall Portable Building, 4:00 PM c. 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of minutes of September 16, ITEMS : a. Sprague's Subdivision: Plat b. Harding Greens c d. Other e. Other c (~ \.J r\ V ~ ~ MINUTES TCWN OF YELM PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1986 4:00 P.M., Yelm City Hall The meeting was called to order at 4:03 P.M. Members present were Gene Borges, Kathy Wolf, Martha Parsons, Jim Brown, Jim Keyes, Roberta Longmire, Tom Gorman & TJffi Schlosser. ITEMS: 1. Sign Ordinance: The conmittee made a few very minor changes in the sign ordinance and will recommend this final corrected copy to be adopted into ordinance by the Council on September 24, 1986. 2. Slim Jim's off-premise sign: The owners of Slim Jim's will be notified that they can submit their application for a sign permit after the new sign ordinance is adopted by the City Council. 3. House at corner of Washington St. S.E. and Hwy. #507: A possible business may be started at this residence and the matter will be handled through the business license process and building department. 4. Resolution 126: The Planning Conmittee agreed that within resolution #126 regarding the issuance of commercial and industrial building permits, the Planning Corrmittee can be used along with the Yelm Building Department to give opinions and/or approval on new corrrrercial and industrial building pennits. A Planning Sub-Conmittee, consisting of 3 members can be used to speed up the pemt issuance process when needed. 5. Kolilis Latecomers Agreerrent: The Planning Ccxrmittee' s reconmendation to the City Council will be as follows: To accept the latecomers as is excluding the high school property from the benef it area due to the fact that Mr. Kolilis waS not required to pay a latecomers fee to the school when he hooked onto their water line. The Planning Ccxrmittee meeting was adjourned at 5:49 PM. PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING r,\ V Tuesday, August 26, 1986 4,:00 P.M., Yelm City Hall Meeting was called to order at 4: 07 P.M. by Chairwoman Kathy Wolf.. Members present: Roberta Longmire Janes Brown Tom Gorman Gene Borges Kathy Wolf Gene Sharratt Tim Schlosser Chauncey Lufkin Visitors present: Mayor Ronald Lawton Shelly Badger The minutes of July 15, 1986 were approved. ITIMS : REVITALIZING WASHINGTON'S r:x:wN'I'CWNS: Gene Borges reported that Yelm was~~es in the State of Washington to be chosen to attend a workshop September 7-12, 1986;~ cities attending will be chosen as target cities to receive grants of sane kind to help revitalize their downtown areas. c Ca1PREHENSIVE WATER PLAN: Gene Borges reviewed the recent extensive work done on the Comprehensive Water Plan and showed the proposed future waterline extensions. Also reviewed were alternative methods to improve fire flow to the industrial area and to give other taxpayers the benefit of the Comprehensive Water Plan by increased water-flow. SIGN ORDINANCE: The Planning Committee reviewed the Attorney's draft of the sign ordiance and will cane back with their recarmendation at the next Planning Committee meeting. ZONING ORDINANCE: The Planning Committee continued their work on the Yelm Zoning Ordinance. Meeting adjourned at 5:35 P.M. G i~\ ~J c c ..~ ;.".-'~ 'x'- . ....,\~-.'::.1,.1 J _~1'tJl~'~;.. ".~~.!; '_!t"Jil'l_. ~ PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES .~(;, Tuesday, July 15, 1986 Yelm City Hall Members Present: Tom Gorman Jim Keyes Roberta Longmire Martha Parsons Kathy Wolf Tim Schlosser Gene Borges Visitors: Shelly Badger The rreet:i,ng was called to order at 4: 00 P.M. The mlnutes of June 16, 1986 were approved. '\ ""I... ~'l:'," .... ~ ITEMS: 1. Resolutlon #126: The Planning Committee read over and discussed different ways to revise resolutlon #126. ~ The Planning Commlttee asked for Town Staff to rewrite the resolution and present it back to the Planning Corrmittee for their input. 2. Downtown Revitalization: Gene Borges asked for the Planning Committee's input and assistance in preparing the application for "Revitalizing Washlngton's D:Jwntowns". (An application to be eligible for Federal and State assistance in improvements to downtown areas). Various members of the Community have been asked for their corrments and input to aid the Town in preparmg the applicatlon. 3. Zonlng: The Planning Committee began their work on the definition sectlon of the new Zoning Ordinance for the Town. 4. Pit Bulls: A letter was read by Kathy Wolf regarding complaints of plt bull attacks in the Yelm area. Tim Schlosser moved to give the matter to the Town Staff and Council for their review and work, the motion was seconded by Martha Parsons. The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 P.M. t'0' ~e AGENDA ( .~ U TCWN OF YELM PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING e~ / " ,;;.;< . TUesday, July 15, 1986 4:00 P.M., Yelm City Hall Call to Order Roll Call Approval of minutes of June 17, 1986 rID-1S : 1. Resolution #126 \.. ". " 4 . Other Adjourn Cr ~::,~ G 4-:~ -1' c c M I NUT E S TOWN OF YELM PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, June 17, 1986 Yelm Town Hall ~;;1 The meeting was calred to order by Chairperson Kathy Wolf at 4:00 P,M~ Members present: Jim Brown Roberta Longmire Kathy Wolf Tim Schlosser Martha Parsons Gene Borges Gene Sharratt Visitors present: Frank Witt \ Howard Nettleton Larry Schorno Tom Skillings Mr & Mrs. Robert Petty Julie Hultberg Shelly Badger On a rrotion by Tim Schlosser, the minutes of May 20, 1986 were approved with a secon,d by Roberta Longmire. Motion carried. ITEMS: . ....., 1. Nisqually Plaza Rezone: Roberta Longmire rroved to recommend to the City Council to rezone a parcel of land between Plaza Drive and Creek Street, adjacent to Algiers Drive, as per attached, from potential cClll1rercial (as adopted in the 1985 Yelm Comprehensive Plan) to commercial. The rrotion was seconded by Martha Parsons. Motion carried. 2. Farrrers Market: Julle Hultberg was present to answer any questions from the corrmittee regarding the Farrrers Market/Crafts Fair being held weekends through Labor Day. The Planning Committee had no objection as long as property owners approval was recelved by the Town. The business llcense process wlII be taken care of through the City Clerk's Office. 3. Non-conforming use at 512 Yelm Ave. E.: Planning Corrmittee's recClll1rendation to the City Council: To give Mr. Mays 30 days from the date of City Council's acceptance of the recommendation to conform to all codes and ordinances in regards to the sale and storage of wood at the above address. 4. Non-conforming fifth-wheel: Planning Corrmittee recommendation to the City Council: Effective date of approval by City Council, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Petty have 45 days to remove the fifth-wheel from property at 1211 Crystal Springs Road N.W. This recommendation was rroved by Martha Parsons and seconded by Tim Schlosser. Motlon carried. The Planning Committee also rroved on a rrotion by Tim Schlosser, to give no addltional extensions in the future regarding fifth-wheels and rroblle homes. In the future, the Town Staff will follow existing ordinances and not give extensions. The rrotion was seconded by Martha Parsons. Motion carried. 5. Various sign code violations: The Building Official read letters written to'various parties regarding sign code and ordinance violations. The Planning Comni ttee discussed and made comments on the non-conforming signs and the relocations thereof. 6. Sign Ordinance: j--;., The Planning Corrmittee requested the Cha:(-J?PeTson, Kathy Wolf, to '~'" talk with the Mayor and for the Mayor to'i:-equest the Town Attorney to have the draft of the sign ordinance ready to pass intb ordinance by the next City Council Il'eeting. 7. New Planning Conmittee Members: Recommendation to the City Council: To accept the resignation of Loren Crirrmins, representing Senior Citizens, although Mr. Crirrmins will still give input as needed from Seniors. To accept and appoint Mr. Tom Gonn:m (Yelm Telephone Corrpany Presidept), representing Utilities. To also add an additional rrember, ',Gary Vallandingham (Manager, Jayhawks) representing business. Both individuals have volunteered their time to the Planning Committee and theiJ;" 'interest would be an asset to all. .J. Martha Parsons rroved to adjourn the Il'eeting at 5: 25 P.M., with a second by Gene Sharratt. Meeting adjourned. I(f:-~.... o }, o o ~.'"~ c ,'^ ~1". c c Order No. 42l47E LEGAL DESCRIPTION Parcel A: . The East' 681.78 feet of that part of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of SectIon 3D, Township 17 North, Range 2 East, W.M., lying North of a line running West from a point on the East line of said Section 30, 1,237.02 feet South of Its Northeast corner, less the North 338.7 feet of the West 561.78 feet thereof; ALSO, less the Old Yelm-McKenna Road and Creek Road. Parcel B: That portion of the Northeast quarter of Section 30, Township 17 North, Range 2 East, W.M., described as follows: Beginning at a pOlnt on the South right-of-way line of county road known as Old YeIm-McKenna Road 681.78 feet West of its intersection of the East line of said Northeast quarter; thence West along said right-of-way line 60 feet; thence South 00 54' 03" West 1,076.02 feet to the PC of a curve to the right having a radIus of 120 feet; thence Southerly along said curve 79.23 feet to the PT of said curve; thence South 380 43' 46" West 16.28 feet to the Northerly right-of-way llne of Secondary State Highway 5-1, thence South 510 16' 14" East along said right-of-way line to a point 681.78 feet West of the East line of said Northeast quarter and South 00 54' 03" West from the pOInt of beginning; thence North 00 54' 03" East to the point of beginnlng. Parcel C: That part of the East half of the Northeast quarter of Section 30, Township 17 North, Range 2 East, W.M., described as follows: Beginnlng at a point 75.22 feet West of a point on the East line of said Section 30, 1,237.02 feet South of its Northeast corner, running thence West 606.56 feet to the true point of beginning; thence South 44.5 feet, more or less, to the Northerly line of Secondary State Highway No. S-H; thence Southeaste~}y along said Northerly line of highway 132 feet; thence North 380 30" East 86 feet: thence Southeasterly parallel with tbe North line of said Seconuary State Highway No. S-H, 85 feet; thence North 380 30" East 113.5 feet, more or less, to a point 290 feet East of the true point of beginning; thence West 290 feet to the true pOInt of begInning. All In Thurston County, Washington. ------ /' '\ 1- ~-- :-,- - + \ \ \ \ \ ~ \ ( '.,;) ,} _.,.,. .-l / 2.-\2 1 :;y - / --~-- --- --- J~- . ' ...n.l,.~. , \ () k-i 11-0\ \(,'ILt ( \ () Jr.) \1-0102 'I, ~~; '.r +: ,;. ~ ~ \\\ "\ ....~............. . 1\-02 \ \()~ . } \ \-0\0\ '; \ w (./) " l ~ ~O \ ex: \ \-010"3 .-'r'\ ~ I ~ :I -;-, I \Of\1 'It o o . -- ,:/10 !1 rc T"'-:r . ~ 14-0402 'u tul"-,l. \ ~--L~BID \ t:'-':' ~ \1-04 \ () 0 l\ \ \ \ @ t- O ~ 1I-040~ \ <D \ \ \\b \ - Go~ \{\fL\ \4-03 sst \ \-0403 ""- ~ _. -----------.- l '!)----;---'- --'"-~, ~~""'--~~-,-- "- -~, ~-,-,-,,--.-_- .. '*1 ....~' ~ t,. I I ! MINUTES \:~ r' c TCWN OF.YELM PLANNING COMMITI'EE MEETING Tuesday, May 20, 1986 Yelm City Hall, 4:00 P.M. ~7;~C;': - The meeting was';cal.i!.,7,d to order at 4:00 P.M. Corrmittee members present were Kathy Wolf, Jim Keyes, Roberta Longmire, TirIY'Schlosser and Gene Borges. j"';" .f" ~::: ,;;. t...;....t The minutes of April 15, 1986 were approved. ITEMS : , " 1. UPont~ Planning Comnittee "5 review, the corrmercial property on Yelm Avenue was recommended for approval to short plat. ,,' 2. The following action was taken on the Yelm Plaza Inc. re-zone request: Recommend property be rezoned commercial with these requirements: Road called Plaza Drive, a 60 foot right-of-way will be over- laid to bring to Yelm Town standards, and deeded to Town of Yelm. Said overlay to take place upon submission of any site plan involving (legals here) or within eighteen (18) mb~;ths of rezoning, whichever is sooner. Bond required for estimated development co~t plUs 15% prior to rezone. This recorrrnendation subject to review by Town Attorney. h c' 3. The Planning Comnittee members continued their work on the new Yelm Zoning Ordinance. 4. Animal Control Ordinance - Was referred to a later meeting. 5. \ .;. Gene Borges rev:i.~ed tentatiye C;mprehensive Water ccmnittee rrembers. \' \1, ' 11> ~.;. Plan with Meeting adjourned at 5:30 P.M. '\ ... r \c::\ : i'.. .;lif . < l ..- \ ~\ ~ .\ , ':~~~, l)-1 ,'I,j;.:;'r ~..,"7 ,~~:;j/ ...' , \~ la,,,.;:>- >l. 1-~_....~.!-~'- ,,~.:.. , ,(-----'" )0 ,':', ..-- r---- .___-~~_____ ----.- r X' \ .p-' r-\ ~ / ,,6Y \ r AGE N D A \ \ TOWN OF YELM PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, May 20, 1986 Yelm City Hall ...'..... Call to Order Roll Call Approval of Minutes of April 15, 1986 meeting ;:~ ., 'I "j ITEMS: 1. Short Plat - Dave Miller ',f 2. Commercial Re-Zone - Plaza Drive ~C , ""'.r. ~'~.. b .\ 3~ Yelm Zoning Ordinance Draft ., :.-;... :'t:: ~,',~ 4. Animal Control O~dinan~e \ '~, . 5. Other \ \ \ , \ ~f~ / ( I \".. r" Adjournment \ \ ~, "-I \ i'! , ('- ~ c \\ I '\ '~ \ ~\ ~.. '1 M I NUT E S ,> TOWN OF Y,ELM PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, April 15, 1986 Yelm City Hall The meeting was called to order at 4:05 P.M. Members present: Gene Borges, Chauncey Lufkin, Roberta Longmire, Martha Parsons, Kathy Wolf, Tim Schlosser, James Brown and Jim Keyes. Visitors present: Shelly Badger, Frank Witt, Mr. & Mrs. Nettleton and Geoffrey Moore (PAC-TECH). Minutes of the March 18, 1986 meeting were approved. ITEMS: 1. A request was made for a rezone of the property east of Thriftway from Plaza Drive to Creek Street , to rezone the property f~om "Multi- Family Residential" to "Commercial". Gene Borges will meet with property owners of the land on an individual basis and then come back to the Planning Committee with the information for their consideration. 2. Judith Drath off-premise home occupation sign: Have agreed upon size and location of sign and have permission from property owners to place off-premise sign on land. The Planning Committee will recommend a variance for the off-premise sign at the City Council meeting on April 23, 1986. 3. Geoffrey Moore, PAC-TECH, presented a working draft of the new Yelm Zoning Ordinance. The Planning commlttee reviewed the various sections of the code in brief and at the May 20, 1986 meeting will begin working on the definition section in detail. 4. Gene Borges informed the Committee that himself and Carolyn Welch (Economic Development Council) have been talking with various businesses about locating within the Town of Yelm in the industrial area and two different commercial areas. The meeting adjourned at 5:25 P.M. 1 I>. ,} ~ ~ c ~ 'l .,' ~?",. AGE N 0 A TOWN OF YELM PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, April 15, 1986 Yelm City Hall Call to Order Roll Call Approval of minutes of March 18, 1986 ITEMS: 1. Commercial Re-zone - Gene Borges 2. Zoning ordinance - Geoffrey Moore - PAC-TECH 3. Make up of Planning Committee ;> 4. Other Adjourn ,i o c c M I NUT E S TOWN OF YELM PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, March 18, 1986 The meeting was called to order at 4:00 P.M. Members present: Gene Borges, Gene Sharratt, Roberta Longmire, Tim Schlosser, Jim Keyes, Kathy Wolf and Martha Parsons. Visitors present: Shelly Badger and Ken Bastion (Yelm Travel). Minutes of the February 19, 1986 meeting were approved. ITEMS: 1. It was the Planning Committee's decision to recommend to the City Council to begin the annexation process for Ken Bastion, owner of Yelm Travel. 2 . Sign Ordinance: will be prepared Attorney, so the the City Council to pass the sign A corrected copy of the sign ordinance and a copy sent to Ted Schultz, Town Planning Committee may recommend to at the April 9, 1986 council meeting ordinance into Yelm City Ordinance. 3. Drath: It was the recommendation of the Planning Committee to contact Mrs. Judith Drath on a proposed variance for her o~f-premise home occupation sign. 4. Zoning: Geoffrey Moore, PAC-TECH will be on hand at the April 15, 1986 Planning Committee meeting to present a working draft of a new zoning ordinance for Yelm. Meeting adjourned at 5:40 P.M. c .<"'~ o I \ \ \ \ ~\ \ \ fl..:: .-.<;- ':J \' I /'\', \ \ \ "tl. Call To Order Roll Call ..' .~,~~\~ l_ :,'\. :'!-. AGE N D A PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, March 18, 1986 4:00 P.M. Yelm City Hall Approval of minutes of February 19, 1986 meeting ITEMS: 1. Yelm Sign Ordinance y 2. Yelm Travel - Annexation 3. Zoning 4. Other Adjournment \ I \. " , ,t\! --~--~ -~'-' PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES c February 19, 1986 Yelm City Hall The meeting was called to order at 4:00 P.M. The minutes from January 15, 1986 were approved. Members present were Roberta Longmire, Tim Schlosser, Kathy Wolf, Jim Brown, Gene Sharratt, Martha Parsons and Gene Borges. Visitors present were Geoffrey Moore (PAC-TECH) and Shelly Badger. ITEMS: Geoffrey 1. Moore - PAC-TECH, Zoning: Mr. Moore informed the committee on the areas that need to review prior to his recommendations on the ordinance at the next meeting (March 18, 1986). they zoning ","<.~ ..-/ Gene Borges: 1. Planned expansion of the Town's water system in the Industrial and related areas. 2. Discussed services ,such as fire flow and streets that should be given top priority in the planning of the new zone ordinance. 3. Committee had no objections to Yelm Prairie Christian Center's pursuit of plans to build a new church on their property. 4. Discussed grey areas within the proposed sign ordinance that must be considered before the next meeting. Meeting time of the Planning Committee has been changed to the third ~ Tuesday of every month at 4:00 P.M. All members were in favor of the change. Next meeting will be Tuesday, March 18, 1986 at 4:00 P.M. Adjournment: 5:30 P.M. ,,0 "- ~, , ',,- "- " " ... c c f"" J \ \ AGE N D A PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING February 19, 1986 4:00 P.M. Yelm City Hall Call to Order Roll Call Approval of minutes of January 15, 1986 meeting ITEMS: 1. Upgrading Yelm water system - Gene Borges 2. Update of expected new business - Gene Borges 3. Adoption by April, 1986 of Uniform Codes by ordinance 4. Other Adjournment "- / o c c M I NUT E S TOWN OF YELM PLANNING COMMITTEE January 15, 1986 Ye,lm City Hall The meeting was called to order at 4:02 P.M. Committe members in attendance were: Kathy Wolf, Roberta Longmire, James Brown, Jim Keyes, Gene Borges, Martha Parsons and Gene Sharratt. Mr. Sharratt replaces Marion Nelson on the committee representing the Yelm School District. The minutes of the December 18, 1985 meeting were approved. The committee completed their work on the Yelm Sign Ordinance. It is now being put onto the word processer at Yelm Realty for submittal to the Planning Committee for recommendation to the Yelm Town Council. The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 P.M. Ic.~ ~ c o c ;j,,-r ~ ~ AGE N D A PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING January 15, 1986 4:00 P.M. Yelm City Hall Call to Order Roll Call Approval of Minutes from December 18, 1985 ITEMS: 1. Nisqually Clinic Sign - Ron Eckhart 2. Continued work on Sign Ordinance 3. Geoff Moore - PAC-TECH - Update on 1985 Yelm Code and Zoning Ordinances 4. Other Adjournment