Agendas and Minutes 4 / ! ~ <\tJ ~ N\ OJ V~Uf) 11 \1 \; Jir \~5b f ,1/ o ~ MINUTES 'I'Cl'lN OF YELM PLANNIN:; aMfiTrEE MEETIN:; Tuesday, December is, 1987 4:00 P.M., Yelm City Hall Council Chambers The meeting Has called to order by Chairwoman Kathy Wolf at 4 :05 P.M. Members present: Gene Sharratt Martha Parsons Addie Tl1.acker Roberta Longmire Kathy 1volt Jim Brown Kim Spivey Jim Keyes Tim Schlosser Tom Gorman Tom Cundy Neil Aaland - Thurston County Regional Planning Neil informed the Planning Committee of the Thurston Cow1ty Commissioner's decision to fund a joint urban planning program with Yelm beginning next sumner. A committee will be put together to act as a study group and come up with recommendations regarding a variety of urban plannlng issues. I.E. Zoning, annexations, etc. c The Planning Committee, with Neil Aaland and Gene Borges, discussed ill1d mapped out the immediate annexation needs for the TovVl1 of Yelm. Neil presented the Planning Committee with annexation policies for the cities of Olympia and Lacey for them to review and give input at the January meeting. Discussed was the status of the Platting Ordinance. Jim Keyes and Gene Borges will report back with the status of the ordinance. The meeting was adjourned on a motion by Jim Keyes and a second by Tom Gorman at 5:22 P.M. Meeting adjourned. ~J:'~. &rPr- vr' Shelly B- ger ~~ Assistan~ Clerk/Treasurer c -~----~-----~--~ ('\ \.J Town of 1m 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 206-458-3244 xu , \f~ yj1\(~ 1\ f'0- \. ,f \'--~ \\ f~ ,,\ \j \11 AGENDA T<l'JN OF YELM PLANNIKi trot-M[TI'EE MEETING Tuesday, December 15, 1987, 4:00 P.M., Yelm City Hall Council Charrbers 1. Call to order 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of November 17, 1987 Plill1ning Committee mlnutes 4. Neil Aaland - Thurston Regional Planning A. Innediate incorporated city Ilffiits of Yelm c B. Future incorporated city limits of Yelm c. Annexation pollcies ******* This is a very important meeting. We realize that Lecember is a busy m::mth, but {d 0 hope that you can make the meeting. Your input on this very important issue is hlghly valued. Thank you..... . . . . HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!! c 3 \\10 ~u- \ L'J 1"\ ~~~\' ~yI <A; ~ , ~ \~~ \ ~~ '\Z MINUTES -~~ I ./- J 'lGVN OF YELM PLANNIN:; aMfiTrEE MEETIN:; Tuesday, November 17, 1987 4:00 P.M., Yelm City Hall Council Chambers Meeting was called to order at 4 :00 P.M. by Chairwoman Kathy Wolf. Members present: Tim Schlosser, Kathy Wolf, Martha Parsons and Addie Thacker. Kim Spivey, from the Yelm F. F .A., was also present. Kim will be attending various Planning Committee meetings representing and giving input for the High School Student Body. Members absent: Gene Sharratt, Tom Gorman, Jim Keyes, James Brown, Roberta Longmire, Tom CWldy and Bill Cobler. Visitors present: Reed Errmons, Bill Thacker and Neil Aaland (Thurston Regional Planning). c Mr. Reed Errmons was present regarding a proposed repair garage on Yelm Avenue across from Killion Road that he would like to construct. The following has been discussed between the Yelm Building Department and Mr. Emmons regarding the new commercial structure: 1. Fencing in back of property. 2. Setbacks 3. Municipal water to come from watermain at back of property, informed of front footage charge. 4. Lillldscaping and parking requirements. 5. Driveway approach radius to meet standards due to entrance off of State Hwy. 510. 6. Sidewalks will need to be constructed as set forth by Planning Committee's guidelines for new construction. The Planning Committee had no objections to the proposed commercial business. Neil Aaland - Thurston Regional Planning Neil was present to discuss the "annexation study", that he and Gene Borges have been working on for the last couple of months. Over this time, backgrowld information has been gathered on past annexations, existing land use by zoning classification and density of residential units with maps drawn up to visually reflect these facts. Neil presented the Committee with many comments on annexation policies: 1. What are the logical service areas of Yelm? 2. Does the Town want to use natural boundaries as the future Clty limits, i.e. Centralia Power Canal, Yelm Creek, waterlines, etc. (\ LJ The Plilllning Committee expressed some of their thoughts on expanding the city limits of Yelm: 1. Would like to see a short-term annexation plan for Yelm squaring up the current city limits. 2. Also, would like to see some long-term (20 years +) bound- aries. ("'-, / Gene and Neil will use the input of the Planning Committee to draw short- term and long-term boundaries for the "future" city limits of Yelm. Neil will also work on a set of standard annexation policies that may be used by the Planning Committee and Town Staff. The above items will be discussed at the December 22, 1987 meeting. J On a motion by Martha Parsons, the Plill1ning Committee minutes of October 27, 1987 were approved. Second by Tim Schlosser. Motion carried. A site plan from Thurston County was presented for the Yelm Eagles Lodge at Koeppen Road and Hwy. 507. No objections. The meeting adjourned at 5:36 P.M. ATTEST.: 12 S1~ILy, varhj/' Shelly - %{dger . -,_U- Assistant Clerk/Treasurer c c f\ ~ c (\ o Town of Yelm 1. Call to order 2. Roll Call AGENDA 'I'Cl'lN OF YELM PLANNIt-X; a:M1ITrEE MEETIN:; Tuesday, November 17, 1987 4: 00 P.M., Yelm City Hall Council Chambers '" l " t"./ .It ,I"f 41) /V}j .0\1\......v. \ II) \ \/; }, ,,(\(;t U\ v \\, .,,{ , ~ ~ ~ ~u v Office of Clerk Water and Garbage Building Department 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 Telephone 458-3244 3. Approval of October 27, 1987 Planning Comnittee Minutes ITEMS: 4. Current site proposals 5. Neil Aaland - Thurston County Regional Planning Incorporated city limits of Yelm 6 . Other 7 . other 8. other 9. Adjourn J (1/1 (I-' t" \ )0 'V" ,1\ :vi' ~ \ ~, l\lJ \.S \ f\t\.\\i \ ~ ,\\-' .(1.\) ~'V ~.ft \> I '~~ \ (\~J ,!\) l~ '\\ - \~l:l (\\ ' \...1 , MINUTES c 'lGVN OF YELM PLANNIK; CCM1ITrEE MEETIN:; Tuesday, October 27, 1987 4:00 P.M., Yelm City Hall Council Chambers Martha Parsons called the meeting to order at 4: 00 P. M. Members present: Gene Borges Tom Gorman Martha Parsons Addie Thacker Tom CWldy Jim Brown Roberta Longmire Gene Sharratt Tim Schlosser Jim Keyes Visitors present: Jerry Bergman Roberta Longmire moved to approve the Planning Committee minutes of September 15, 1987, second by Gene Sharratt. Motion carried. Two items were added to the agenda: Item #8 - Input on Town of Yelm 1988 Budget Item #9 - Sludge operation (Morris Road) c Jerry Bergman was present to explain his request to place a used car lot at no Yelm Ave. E. (the vacant lot between Bob I S Tavern and Yelm Garage). He explained to the committee that approximately 15 used cars would occupy the lot, with access to the business from the back of the lot. Gene Borges stated that additional research needs to be done within the Yelm Zoning Code to see if this type of use (a car lot) is allowed in a C-1 zone with zero setbacks. Roberta Longmire moved to table the request by Mr. Bergman to open a used car lot at 110 Yelm Ave. E until the needed information is gathered, second by Gene Sharratt. Motion carried. NEW CONSTRUCTION UPDATE: Prairie Security Billlk - Plan review near completion. Bids will be opened on Monday, November 2, 1987. Unicorn Floral & Gift Shop - (Roy Palm) Construction of gift shop on west Yelm Avenue is coming along well. Plans are in progress for an office building with four leased office spaces to be located behind the gift shop. Puget Sound Billlk - Gene has met with representatives from Puget Sound Billlk and UCO Oil Company stating to both parties that the entire turn lane must be in progress before occupancy for Puget Sound Bank is issued. Both parties agreed that the turn lane planning is near completion and construction will begin soon. c c Nisqually Plaza Sign - Presently, the sign is being painted to cover the outdated businesses that were advertised on the sign. Plans will be presented to the Yelm Building ~partment for the future design of the sign. Tom Gorman mentioned the waterline extension being installed to service Killion Court Apartments. Gene explained that the water line will be installed by the developers from Killion Court down Hwy. 510 to Mt. View Road where it will hook into an existing watermain. Future plans are to extend the waterline from Cullens Road to Killion Road. Sewer Update - Gene stated that Shelly Badger attended the application workshop to assist in the application process. Deadline for the application to the State Department of Community Development for the Local ~velopment Matching Fund Program is November 25, 1987 with grant award announcements to be made January 22, 1988. The Town is applying for monies through the L.D.M.F. program to assist in the preparation of the "Sewer Feasibility Study" . Concern was expressed by the Planning Committee regarding the house at 210 Yelm Ave. W. The P.C. wants to make sure that the residence conforms with Labor & Industries regulations and local building depart- ment codes before any businesses or residency is allowed. Also, concern was expressed regarding the use of a mobile type unit as a food establishment within the city limits of Yelm. c Mobile Home Subdivision & Parking Ordinances - Have gone to attorney to be put into final ordinance form. Input from Planning Committee on 1988 Town of Yelm Budget - Vrrious c )ITments were given by Planning Committee members on priorities for 1988: 1. Dollars designated to assist the departments within the Town so as they can enforce existing codes and ordinances to improve the general appearance of Yelm (Tom Gorman). 2. Dollars to bring street sweeper up to standards so it may be used on a regular basis (Tim Schlosser). 3. Dollars spent to promote the Town of Yelm to attract new residents and/or businesses, i.e., brochures, entryway signage, etc. (Gene Sharratt). 4. Dollars designated to construct the outdoor theather at Yelm City Park (Roberta Longmire). 5. Continue to put aside monies for additional pedestrian lighting (Tim Schlosser). c Gene informed the Planning Committee that Thurston Regional Planning will be present at the November 17, 1987 Planning Committee Meeting to show the group 3 options on the recommended future city limits of Yelm. c Mentioned was a proposed sludge operation on MJrris Road in Thurston County. A memo was received from Thurston Regional Planning Council regarding a public hearing on the above proposed project, public hearing to be held October 29, 1987. Roberta Longmire moved to adjourn the meeting at 5: 15 P.M., second by Tom Cundy. Meeting adjourned. ATI'EST: Sh~ &dq#' Shelly Badger (J Assistant Clerk/Treasurer Town of Yelm c c AGENDA o T<l'JN OF YELM PLANNIN:; <:n1MITrEE MEETI~ Tuesday, October 27, 1987 4:00 P.M., Yelm City Hall Council Chambers 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of September 15, 1987 Planning Committee Minutes Items : 4. 110 Yelm Ave. E. - Used Car Sales 5. Update - New Construction 6. Ordinance Status, - Mobile Home Subdivision and Parking o 7. Sewer Update 8. other c:PnjOui IJri -r 0Wh ~~d 1;% 9. other 51 ud'{ Op-t'lcvtl ~ - mlJ"rrVJ . Rei , 10. other V, ra)rlfh(').L S 10/-, ~ J htPM th ifl'. 5 D11 <;10 () ""It ItlllJ d rpl hl's 11. Adjourn c c ~ o c f I NOTICE Office of Clerk Water and Garbage Building Department 105 Yelm Avenue West POBox 479 Yelm, Washington 98597 Telephone 458-3244 The Town of Yelm Planning Conmittee lTBeting scheduled for October 20, 1987 has been changed to Tuesday, October 27, 1987 at 4:00 P.M. at Yelrn City Hall Council ChantJers. Please contact Shelly at City Hall (458-3244) if you have any questions regarding the lTBet ing change. Thank You: \'j. /1,/ ~ \..01,'lfl/ Shelly l MINUTES ,J \ \(1 ( ~"t- fe \ 'XV tr-. vt J ,'0 \t . GI~ J (I ~ ,\ \' wJ 'L \ fij:J. l-\ v-..\ G 'lGVN OF YELM PLANNIN:; <XH1ITrEE MEETIN:; Tuesday, September 15, 1987, 4:00 P.M., Yelm City Hall Council Chambers The meeting was called to order at 4: 15 P. M. by Chairwoman Kathy Wolf. Members present: Gene Borges, Kathy Wolf, Martha Parsons, Addie Thacker, Roberta Longmire, Jim Keyes, James Brown, Tom Gorman and Tim Schlosser. Roberta Longmire moved to approve the minutes of August 18, 1987, second by Tim Schlosser. Motion carried. The request for a video rental business at 204 Yelm Ave. E. was discuss- ed. 'TWo items need to be researched before any recommendation can be made: 1. As the location is a residence, permission will need to be received by the Planning Comnittee from the property owner that he will allow a business at the rental property. 2. Codes need to be checked for this type of business in regards to the arIDunt of parking needed. The above items will be checked into and staff will report back to the Plilllning Committee. c' Annexation petition - Prairie Properties: Planning Committee I s recommend- ation is to table the petition until mid-October when the results of the Thurston County Regional Planning research will be received by the Town of Yelm regarding the future incorporated city limits of Yelm. Staff will check with the petitioning party to make sure this does not cause a hardship to them. If it does, the matter will be brought before the Yelm City Council on September 23, 1987. Note**The Planning Committee is not opposed to the petition, but would like to see how the annexation fits in with the future city limits of Yelm being presented by Thurston County. Sewer Update: Grant application was submitted to Department of Ecology by the September 1, 1987 deadline for the feasibility study for a sewer system. If Yelm does not qualify under this program, WE will support the need for a system illld we will apply to the I:epartment of Community Development (where we have received a verbal committment that we do qualify) for grant monies thru their L.D.M.F. (Local Development Matching Funds) Program ($50,000 total, $25,000 D.C.D.,/$25,000 local) . ~ Gene updated the Planning Committee on Wood Fabricators. A meeting was held with a representative from Wood Fabricators, Mayor Lawton, Gene, Rick Patrick, Thurston County Economic I:evelopment Council and a representative from the Department of COffiffiW1ity Development where various assistance was offered to the busines~ from Yelm, Thurston Cowlty and I:epartment of Community I:evelopment. 1,-",\ LJ c c A building permit was issued for a $10,000 square foot building that will be used for their cut-up line. Yelm Building Department gave Wood Fab a savings of $926.93 on their building permit by charging on a hourly basis versus charging by value of the building. Thursday, September 17, 1987 at 10: 30, Wood Fabricators will meet with Gene and Rick to give their decision on the future of their business. The Planning Committee recommended to city staff to approach Mr. Kampfer regarding the vacant white house on the corner of 4th and Yelm Avenue. He will be notified that all codes and statutes must be followed regard- ing the house. The meeting adjourned at 5:25 P.M. ATTEST: c c r: ,\.,J AGENDA 'lGVN OF YELM PLANNIN:; CCM1ITrEE MEETIN:; I t (t tD Cl\I{ ILL")/" fV\ ~aVf' ~;I Vi1 Tuesday, September 15, 1987, 4:00 P.M., Yelm City Hall Council Chambers 1. Call to Order 2 . Roll Call 3. Approval of August 18, 1987 minutes 4. Video Sales location - Jarres Kilgore 204 Yelm Avenue E. 5. Annexation Petition - Prairie Properties 6. Sewer Update 7. Wood Fabricators update 8. Other 9 . Other 10. Other 11. Adjourn c c c MINUTES )V, k) l . "\ \J \ ~\j ,\-J -1 ". 'I'\l \ '. jJ{) \ ~ ' ~ '\, v" \' l \. . ('. J I \I~ ~ ,1 \ff\Q,; i "[ 'lGVN OF YELM PLANNIN:; CXM1ITTEE MEETIN:; Tuesday, August 18, 1987, 4:00 P.M., Yelm City Hall Council Chambers The meeting was called to order at 4:05 P.M. Members present: Gene Borges, Martha Parsons, Tim Schlosser, Roberta Longmire, Addie Thacker and Gene Sharratt. Visitors present: Loretta Cross, Don Walker ill1d Dan Johnson (Administator, Valley College, Kent, Washington.) Addie Thacker, representing the Nisqually Pines, was introduced as the newly appointed Planning Committee member. The minutes of June 16, 1987 were approved as written on a rrotion by Roberta Longmire, second by Tim Schlosser. MJtion carried. Loretta Cross & fun Walker (Private consulting firm) and Dill1 Johnson (Administrator, Valley College) were present to give the Planning Committee information on Valley College, a vocational college that can be pack- aged and used as a learning center for needed job positions in the area and hard to place workers. De-tailed information will be sent to City Hall. Work on the "Parking Standards" was completed by the committee, corrections will be made so as final approval can be given. Work on the MJbile Home Subdivision/Park Standards was completed by the committee, corrections will be made so as final approval can be given. Gene explained that a sub-committee has been formed by the Nisqually Pines to research the Pines water system (its asetts ill1d deficiencies). The Town of Yelm is forming a sub-corrmi ttee to work on the above, with the Pines group. Arnold Drogseth will act as the Councilperson, Gene as the staff person and Tom Gorman to represent the Plill1nlng Committee. Jerry MJrrissette will also ~ttend the meetings as he has done engineering on the Nisqually Pines water system. Meeting was adjourned at 5:40 P.M. ATTEST: ~JLtf &rJy.,r Shelly dger ~-Cf Assist Clerk/Treasurer Town of Yelm AGENDA c 'lGVN OF YELM PLANNI~ CCM1ITrEE MEETIN:; Tuesday, August 18, 1987, 4: 00 P.M., Yelm City Hall Council Chambers 1. Call to Order 2 . Roll Call 3. Approval of minutes of June 16, 1987 Planning Committee Meeting 4. Introduction of new member 5. Review of Commercial Plans 6. Review of Thurston County Submittals 7. Proposed Parking Standards 8. Mobile Home Subdivision Ordinance c 9. Sewer Update 10. Water Update 11. Nisqually Pines 12. Other 13. Other 14. Adjourn (\ \J c MINUTES 'lGVN OF YELM PLANNING CXM1ITrEE MEETING Tuesday, June 16, 1987 - 4:00 P.M., Yelm City Hall Council Chambers The meeting was called to order at 4: 05 P.M. Members present: Martha Parsons, Jim Brown, Tom Gorman, Roberta Long- mire, Jim Keyes, Tim Schlosser, Tom Cundy, Kathy Wolf and Gene Borges. The minutes of May 19, 1987 were approved as written. Gordon KarrIpfer was present to discuss his variance request that was denied by City Council on June 10, 1987. He has agreed to rrove back the garage addition to conform with Yelm zoning setbacks from the street ar)d w::..ll also stay within 5 feet from the side property line. No variance wlll be necessary. Nisqually Plaza turn lane - The Planning Committee recommends to rrove the turn lane into Nisqually Plaza west of where it now stands in the plans to make it rrore central for the businesses involved. It will be approximately 160 feet west of Var1cil Road. Updates: c Myers Short Plat #8019 - Approved by City Council, June 10, 1987 Edwards Short Plat #8016 - Approved by City Council, June 10, 1987 Fisher Bow1dary Line Adjustment - Approved and cOIlIpleted Gene Borges informed the committee that the two commercial lots fronting Yelm Avenue and Sunrise Vista Mobile Home Park have been sold. Proposed development includes a 26-unit motel, apartments and gift shop. Mr. Palm, owner, has hired an engineer to draw a designed septic and drain- age system to submit to Thurston County Environmental Health. Gene explained the looping of the Yelm water system on Yelm Avenue. He alos updated progress on the Killion Court Apartments and dental clinic plans. Mr. Borges informed the corrmitee that Yelm has been contacted by the Nisqually Pines to discuss conerns of both the town and the homeowners regarding the water system, etc. and ways to work together. The meeting adjourned at 5:35 P.M. c AGENDA C 'lGVN OF yaM PLANNIN:; a:M1ITrEE MEETIN:; Tuesday, June 16, 1987, 4:00 P.M., Yelm City Hall Council Chambers 1. Call To Order 2. Roll Call 3. Approve minutes of May 19, 1987 Planning Committee Meeting ITEMS: A. Nisqually Plaza turn lane B. Mobile Home Ordinance INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: C. Meyers and Edwards Short Plats c D. Fisher Boundary Line Adjustment E. Gordon Kampfer Variance F. Other G. OtheL- H. Other Mjourn c / MINUTES c TOWN OF YELM PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, May 19, 1987 4:00 P.M., Yelm City Hall Council Chambers The meeting was called to order at 4:10 P.M. by Chairperson, Kathy Wolf. Members present were: Kathy Wolf Gene Sharratt Roberta Longmire Jim Keyes James Brown Tim Schlosser Martha Parsons Gene Borges Tom Cundy Jim Keyes moved to approve Tom Cundy, representing retail, as a new Planning Committee member, second by Tim Schlosser. Motion carried. The minutes of April 14, 1987 were approved as written. The Planning Committee was informed of the City Councll's approval on May 13, 1987 of short plat #'s 8017 & 8018. c 8017 - Yelm Plaza, Inc., subject to public and private streets being brought up to Yelm standards, by the developer, before any new develop- rrent begins. 8018 - Mahlon Manley short plat on the corner of Stevens and Edwards. The Planning Committee had previously reviewed the short plats and had no objections. Also, passed by City Council on May 13, 1987 were the two annexations previously reviewed by Planning Committee: 10.34 acres located on the north side of 103rd Avenue between West Road and Yelm Creek. 15.37 acres located on the southwesterly side of Hwy. 507 between Clark and Vancil Roads. Roberta Longmire expressed her concern that the Town of Yelm is not recelvlng any industrial land in the annexations and that the Tmvn boundaries are not being straightened. G Gene Borges informed the Planning Committee of the recent meeting with Thurston County Regional Planning, where they agreed to identify areas that should be incorporated into the Town limits and will zone those areas to be compatible to our current zonlng (emphasis on Industrial Park area due to the increased need for industrial acreage within the Town limits). Reglonal Plannlng has also ldentified Yelm as the industrial/ commercial grown area for South Thurston County. o Gene informed the committee that the Grove Road waterline extension had been approved by City Council on May 13, 1987. The two landowners will put up $10,000 to cover cost of all materials and the Town of Yelm will supply the labor and will.. be the owners of the waterline. The Planning Committee expressed positive feelings about the Town of Yelm's participation in the waterline extension down West Yelm Avenue, sharing costs with Emerald Development Company and a new dental clinic. The committee will await a cost breakdovll1 before giving their recommendation to Yelm City Council. Work was completed on the Parking Ordinance, it will be rewritten and brought back to the committee and Randall 1valker, Attorney, for their final review. The committee continued their work on the Mobile Home Subdivision Ordinance and will complete their review in June. Tim Schlosser moved to adjourn the meeting at 5: 39 P.M., second by Jim Keyes. The next meeting will be held on the third Tuesday ln June, June 16, 1987. Meeting adjourned. c ATTEST: ftif}hge~a~ Assist~~d~lerk/Treasurer Town of Yelm c .~ v AGENDA 'lGVN OF YELM PLANNIN:; CCMfl:TTEE MEETIN:; Tuesday, May 19, 1987 4:00 P.M., Yelm City Hall Council Chambers 1 . Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of minutes of April 14, 1987 Planning Committee Meeting 4. ITEMS: A. Introduction of New Planning Committee Member - Tom Cundy B. Short Plat #8017 - Yelm Plaza Inc. C. Short Plat #8018 - Mahlon Manley D. Annexation of 10.34 acres on the north side of 103rd Avenue E. Annexation of 15.37 acres located on southwesterly side of Hwy. 507 between Clark and Vancil Road. c F. Water line extens ions - Gene Borges G. Ordinances: 1. Parking Ordinance 2. Mobile Home Subdivision/park Section - Revised Draft H. Other I . Other J. Other 5. Adjourn c Tuesday, \ 1 1'~ i , <\\U \ , ~u 'I I' evIJ \~h~fjJr, ~[1I I' \t[~ C''-,~ v ~O '{!rJ ~\~\ '1~~ \ t\~-' \ 'V X ,l\(\Q\11/\ tl' .1\t~ I ~.-\)\ " '()" ~\f] 1'5 \ 'lGVN OF YELM PU\NNIl"I; <nMITI'EE MEETIf'I:; \ \\ \ r ~j '0\\ \- "" ~ \t.4{J ~ ~ ~ April 14, 1987, 4: 00 P.M., Yelm City Hall Council Chambers MINUTES q;'\ IV \~/\ r>\ h-{O" I c The meeting was called to order at 4:10 P.M. by Kathy Wolf. Roberta Longmire moved to approve the minutes of March 17, 1987, second by Jim Keyes. Motion carried. Members present included Gene Borges, Martha Parsons, Kathy Wolf, Tim Schlosser, Jim Keyes, Roberta Longmire, Jim Brown, Gene Sharratt & Tom Gorman. Gene Borges gave a progress update highlighting the following: 1. The Yelm Comprehensive Park Plan has been completed and acknowledged by the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation. A letter of intent has been sent to the LA.C. stating that the Town of Yelm, in cooperation with the Yelm School District and Thurston County, will be applying for grant-in-aid monies for the 1987 fall funding period to upgrade and improve Yelm' s two parks and surrounding school and county parks. c 2. Yelm is currently involved in the State of Washington "Circuit Rider Program" where we receive assistance in various needed areas. One of Yelm I s circuit riders is now drafting a new water ordinance, with a new rate structure. The circuit riders will also be working on a loan and grant application for Yelm's water system and a possible sewer system. 3. Yelm Creek Restoration - Time now to request submittals for pre- liminary engineering for revitalizing the section of Yelm Creek south of Hwy. #507 to Crystal Springs Street. 4. Yelml s Historic Preservation Ordinance has been initially approved by City Council, with final approval after Attorney review and revision. Yelm will immediately apply for C.L.G. (Certified Local Government) status and is currently seeking members for the Yelm Historic Commission (with many interested individuals). The remainder of the meeting was spent discussing and commenting on a draft of a "Parking Regulations" Ordinance. The Planning Committee members will look over the remainder of the draft and complete it at the next meeting. Next meeting date will be the 3rd Tuesday of May, May 19, 1987, at 4:00 P.M. Gene Sharratt moved to adjourn the meeting at 5: 40 P.M., second by Tom Gorman. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: (\ o s~ '&d(ff Shelly ger Assistant Clerk/Treasurer Town of Yelm AGENDA .. \0~ ) \/() ~ / \W (~ l~f/) J \00 (\\\f\ I[fV()~ . ~(\ \ ~ '\~rw \\, \} \ I\j " \L\ 0\ Yelm City Hall Council Chambers c 'lGVN OF YELM PLANNIN.; <XH<<TrEE MEETIN:; Tuesday, April P, 1987, 4:00 P.M., /4 ~ ~ikc{;r?5 cl -lo Call to Order 1. 2 . Roll Call 3. Approval of minutes of March 17, 1987 meeting 4 . Yelm Progress Update 5. Mobile Home Park and Subdivision Ordinance c 6 . other 7 . other 8. other 9. Adjourn c .\.; . . v" 1\ \ ~1fI' :\) q /.:J.(>, fJ.) ') ~ tJ C vJ 'rf ~~ \ ~ ~ \1 ~ The rreeting was called to order by Kathy Wolf. Chairperson. at 4 ,05 ~\ f\~t \ P.M. ~ Planning Committee members present were Tom Gorman, Jim Brown, Kathy Wolf, Martha Parsons, Roberta Longmire, Gene Borges, Jim Keyes and Gene Sharratt. The minutes of the February 17, 1987 meeting were approved. MINUTES 'lGVN OF YELM PLANNIN:; CXH1ITrEE MEETIN:; Tuesday, March 17, 1987 4:00 P.M., Yelm City Hall Council Chambers Visitors present included Jim Harding and R1Ch Harris. There was much discussion regarding theplaceIrent of an addition for Harding Greens. Due to the fact that the petroleum line runs along the east boundary of his property, the addition must be placed elsewhere for the present. Me. Harding and Gene Borges, Building Official will work together to come up with the best location and size of the addition/lean-to. All ordinances and zoning set-back requirements will be met. c Gene reported that the mobile home subdivision ordinance is coming along well and will be presented to the Planning Committee for their review soon. Gene encouraged all Planning Committee members to call our senators on SSB 5768, a bill which preempts local zoning control on the location of mobile homes. If passed, cities would no longer have the option to restrict mobile homes to mobile home parks and would require mobile homes to be regulated the same as conventional "stick built" residences on lots of 8,000 square feet or less. P.C. members will call with their opposition to the bill. The Planning Committee discussed several options for an addition on the corner of McKenzie Court and Longmire Street. Rich Harris would like to add a family room and garage to his existing single family res- idence. Gene and Mr. Harris will set up a workable solution to comply with all zoning set-back requirements. Gene informed the committee that Chauncey Lufkin is resigning from the Planning Committee, a new representative from the Industrial Area will be added. Also, Gary Vallandingham will be approached in regards to resigning, due to non-participation. The committee discussed possible replacements to represent retail. The members will report back with any interested citizens. The site plan for the new Puget Sound National Bank was discussed, ment- ioning that sidewalks, landscaping, etc. will be required in accordance wlth Yelm's DowntovVl1 Revltalization. c Also, a discussion on the old 7th Day Adventist Church building which is located on Yelm Ave. & 103rd. With the new Prairie Security Bank being built on the site, there is a chance that the building can be moved. An approximate moving cost/new foundation will be $18,000. 1be buildlng possibly may be moved to the site near the police station for use as a library/museum with help from outside funding sources. (State Office of Historic Preservatlon, etc.) Due to the lack of time (building must be gone in 90 days), Gene Sharratt moved to have the c Town actively pursue the moving of the building to the site near the Yelm Police Station (including outside funding), with a second by Jim Keyes. A generic ordinance on historic preservation making Yelm a "Certified Local Government" will be presented to the City Council in draft form to better educate all on becoming a C.L.G. (duties, powers, etc.). ****The m:mthly Planning Committee meetings will be changed to the 1st Tuesday of each month. Next meeting date - Tuesday, April 7, 1987. The meeting adjourned at 5:30 P.M. Attest: SW1*1 faC~'0/ Shelly Badge Assistant Clerk/Treasurer c c ~.~' -{Y":,.~.~. ,J.; c AGENDA "I'<::MN OF YELM PLANNI~ C'CMfiT!'EE MEE'!']N; 'fuesday, March 17, 1987 4: 00 P.M., Yelm City Hall Council Chambers 1. Call to order 2 . Roll Call 3. Approval of February 17 , 1987 Planning Conmittl?e Meeting ITEM): ,/Jr. ..cSlidc. .pr..eseat:at.,tol1-::;-on:r:6Wi1tOWf.}.:.ReV_if:ariza'1:':i:orr B. lvbbile home ordinance c C. Discussion of. non:-participatin~ Planning Corrmittee rrembers D. other ~.. i~O/1~ 6:r0Vh6 E. other - P.s N t3 c r KII ~h H-(')Gy- r'IS~. iAcJcYl/ f/(J1/) ~'- '!)-fJ1. IfJv~ir]1 Adjourn . MINUTES c 'lOON OF YELM PI.ANNlN3 <XJvII<<TI'EE MEE'l':IN:; Tuesday, February 17, 1987 4 :00 P.M., Yelm City Hall Council Chambers The rreeting was called to order at 4: 08 P.M. Mom1bers present were as follows: Gene Borges, Roberta Longmire, Jim Brown, Martha. Parsons, Tim Schlosser, Tom Gorman and Kathy Wolf. The minutes of the January 20, 1987 rreeting were approved. ITEM3: A. Kolilis Mobile Harre Subdivision request: After much discussion, the Plillming Corrmittee sees nothing wrong with Mr. Kolilis' s request, but he must wait W1til the new zoning ordinance is complete and will have to follow all provisions of the new nobile home subdivision section of the ordinance. o B. New Zoning Ordinance: Gene Borges rr.a.de a request to the Plillming Corrmittee that he and Randall Walker, Town Attorney, prepare a draft of the zoning ordinance and then submit it back to the Plillming Corrrnittee along with the supporting doc- urrents used to prepare it. The Planning Corrmittee would then review the draft, add cOITIrents and/or changes. No objection fran the rrembers. C. The Planning Corrrnittee discussed some of the items to be considered when drafting the nobile home subdivision section of the zoning ordinance: Le., size of lot, garages or carports, setbacks, square footage of mobile harre, pitched and/or canposition roofs, overhang, landscaping, drainage, fire-flow, pit set and/or ,permanent foundations. The feeling of the Planning Corrrnittee is to allow mobile home sul:xiivisions but with detailed s,pecifications so as to protect land value and surroW1ding land values. D. Discussed the possibility of the Town working together with private individuals/develo,pers to extend watennains with the Town owning the water line upon canpletion. The Plillming Corrrnittee supports the concept of using shared costs, but a set of guidelines will be needed to be used by all. E. Circuit Rider Pilot Program: Mr. Borges infonred the Planning Corrmittee that Yelm will be in support of the pilot; program. For $2,000, the Town can receive technical assist- ance to help prepare packets for a loan to upgrade our water system and a grant for a future sewer system. The rreeting adjourned at 5: 20 P.M. o ATI'EST: ("" (), s~i:~r ,bcuJy {/ Assistant Clerk/Treasurer c AGENDA ~ OF YELM PJ:J\NNIK; CCMITTTEE ME:E:TIN:; Tuesday, February 17, 1987 4:00 P.M., YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. Call to Order 2 . Roll call 3. Approval of minutes of January 20, 1987 meeting ITEMS: A. Rick Kolilis Mobile Home Subdivision request B. Request on new zoning ordinance - Kathy Wolf c C. Discuss mobile hones, manufactured housing, etc. as they relate to zoning code __ D. other E. Other Adjourn (\ o f\ I \ / ~ 11U( \l1CUV;{J lr1'0 rtf. 0 I' rS MINUTES ~ '!Om OF YELM SPEI:IAL pLANNIN:; CCM1ITTEE MEETIN:; Tuesday, February 3, 1987 4: 00 P.M., Yelm City Hall Council Chambers The ITeeting was called to order at 4: 10 P.M. by Kathy Wolf, Chairworran. Planning Corrmittee members present were Kathy Wolf, Roberta Longmire, Jim Keyes and Gene Borges. Bale Rlchardson was also present m: "(he meet- ing as a visitor. The meeting was called for the purpose of discussing a variance request. The variance would call for placing a mobile home for a relative on property within the Yelm city limits. Due to a lack of quorum at the Special Meeting, Gene Borges (Town staff) was asked to poll all Plill1l1ing Committee members to get their input and opinion on the variance request. Mr. Borges will report back to the City Council on February 11, 1987 with the opinion of the Planning Committee. Meeting adjourned at 4:25 P.M. c\ ~, ( (j L( / r1 J/ ~JrJ ( {/ ': J o ~ j --0:> "",1 ~(\ \\~ ~{4V' M I NUT E S \\ \ I \ 0- . (rJJ~ ~ I~' l k. \ .' I 'V- I \ D\ff~ TCMN OF YELM PLANNI~ aMfiTTEE MINUTES V1l \ UV / 'ruesday, January 20, 1987 ,\\(\,v ~ \ (J--/1 c.- l 4 :00 P.M., YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS \' VVft ~-\ u" The rreeting was called by Kathy Wolf. Cha:i.ruanan at 4,10 P.M. 1)5' Q (f' \ ~ U ~ ~ ~ The minutes of the December 16, 1986 ITeeting were approved on\a motion \ by Tom Gorman, second by Jim Keyes. Motion carried. Members present included: Jim Keyes, Gene Borges, Jim Brown, Martha Parsons, Roberta Longmire, Kathy Wolf, Tom Gorman & Tim Schlosser. DESIGN CXMrrTT:EE REPORl': TCM GORMAN Tom Gorman showed the Planning Committee a layout that the Design Corrm- ittee has been working on to achieve a rraster plan for pedestrian lights, benches and trees for Cbwntown Revitalization. The Design Corrrnittee is working towards a design that the community will be aware of and agrees with. Gene Borges will bring slides to the next Planning Corrm- ittee meeting of other downtown projects, so as the corrmittee can view what can be done as far as the placing of lights, benches and trees. c EMERALD DEVELOPMENl' CO.: GENE BORGES The corrmittee reviewed a parking variance request by Evergreen Develop- ment Co. (who will be developing the 20-unit elderly housing project on Killion Road). The Yelm Ordinance currently calls for 2 parking spaces per each dwelling unit for a multi-family complex, the variance request asks for 1 space per unit, plus 5 for visitors (25 total). PLANNING COMMITTEE'S RECOMMENDATION 'TO CITY COUNCIL: To give a parking variance for the Killion Court Apartments (20-unit elderly housing) of 32 parking spaces or the number of parking spaces at the Rainier Apartments (also 20-units), whichever is greater. Gene also informed the committee of the short-plat request of the Edwards property (for above Killion Court Apartments project). The short -plat divides the one parcel of land into two parcels, the srraller one will be approximately 2.4 acres facing Killion Road to be used for the 20-unit complex. The Planning Committee had no objection to the short-plat above. URBAN ARl'ERIAL BOARD FUNDllG: GENE BORGES rrhe Town of Yelm has been placed on the U .A.B. funding list to possibly receive funding for 2 different projects: 1. Rhoton & Railway Road ($320,000) 2. North 1st Street to Hwy. 510 ($200,000) Before July 1, 1987, the Town will apply for and request funding for the design of either project; if awarded the funds, construction money would be available July 1, 1988. The Planning Committee discussed the possibility or using a cooperative.. system in the installing of some waterline extensions, where the cost is shared by the property owner and the Town. c YELM CITY PARK: GENE BORGES Mr. Borges updated the Corrmittee on the work being done at the Yelm City Park. The two buildings will be replaced, with construction begin- ning very soon. Gene has been working with the Yelm High School F.F.A. class as they will be building the trusses for at least one of the build- ings. Yelm will be holding an annual 3-day Kiwanis National Horseshoe Pitchers Tournament and one of the new buildings will be designed so (-<\ .~ it will have a covered area for the tournament. Gene will be checking with Frill1k Kirkbride (Architect for the Yelm Comprehensive Park Plan) to make sure that the advisory corrmi ttee 's plan and the Towns' coincide. THURS'IDN CCXJNrY pro.JEX::TS AND PROPOSALS: JIM KEYES Mr. Keyes read three proposals from Thurston County Regional Plill1ning: 1. Goodward property 2. Old funeral home short-plat 3. A 21-unit rrobile hOITe park off Cemetary & Cook Roads The committee had no objections to the above projects. Jim Keyes informed the corrmittee that he has been hired to prepare a plat for the Swrrise Vista Mobile Home property, so as the parcels may be sold as lots. Since the Town has no ordinance on rrobile home sub- divisions, the request will have to go to the City Council as a variill1ce. Gene told all that effective February 1, 1987, Jeff Weir will be working with the building department, street and water departments to become certified in different areas. He will be working through State Depart- ITent of Labor and Industries where they pay his salary for one year. Martha Parsons rroved to adjourn the ITeeting at 5:40 P.M., second by Roberta Longmire. Meeting adjourned. ATI'EST: c' ~, lJ. Shelly Ba er Assistant Clerk/Treas ; AGENDA c TC.MN OF YELM PLANNIN:; CCHrrTl'EE :MEETIl'<<'i Tuesday, January 20, 1987 4 : 00 P. M., YELM CITY HAIJ.. COON:::IL CHAMBERS 1. Call to Order 2 . Roll Call 3. Appro".a1 minutes of Tuesday, December 16, 1986 rreeting ITEMS: ."Jl tf'rlS J\ i () \ \Y 1\0) ~ f ,\N ~l, It I () V '\ J /\l) / J~J I '~I \l;' . Jf)1l ) \ \( \f\!r\ ().\ ~~b t. ~ 1. Emerald Developrrent Co. parking variance request: Gene Borges 2. Streets (Urban Arterial Board): Gene Borges 3. Park: Gene Borges ~ \j 4. Design Committee Recormendations: Tom Gorman 5. Thurston County Sites: Jim Keyes 6. other Business: 7. Zoning Ordinance (if tine allows) 8. Adjourn (", ~